Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Religion or Relationship?

Isaiah 50:4
"The Sovereign LORD wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught."

Tip #11:
When we spend quality time with Jesus each day, we begin to form an ever-growing relationship with Him - not a religious requirement.
Do you look at your time with God each day as something you have to do? Do you find it refreshing to get it "checked off" your list of things to do for the day?

For years, my time with God was a religious duty. It was viewed as something I checked off my list of things to do. I would:
  • Read the devotion;
  • Read the Scripture reference;
  • Pray the list of what I needed God to do for me that day-

And I was off. I gave no thought to how it related to my present circumstances, issues or troubles. I didn't sit and contemplate what I had read. I didn't think of how it could relate to people in my sphere of influence who possibly needed the encouragement of what I had read. I was merely going through the motions. Talk about legalistic...

I love sitting down with a girlfriend and having coffee or lunch. Typically, anyone I spend time with is a relationship that I want to invest in. When I sit with her, I don't mindlessly listen or robotically talk to her. I try to really listen to her heart and what she's saying. I enjoy her company and am always sad when it's time to go.

We should look at our time with God in the same light. It should not be something we "have to do." But something we want to do - something we look forward to doing. He is the All-Wise God of the universe. He is the wisest mind in the universe. I can't wait to hear what He has to say.

He has something to say to you too. He's not interested in how many chapters of the Bible you will read; or the fact that you 'punched your time card' for spending time with Him. It's not about credit points! He just wants you - the way you are. He loves you. He wants to form a relationship with you.

If you, like me for so many years, view your time with God as your religious duty, will you pray and ask God to breathe fresh life into your time with Him? Ask Him to speak personally in a way that you know it's Him.

Then be on the look out - because He'll do it!

Love you friend,

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