Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sponsor Appreciation

1 Thessalonians 5:11
Encourage one another and build each other up just as in fact you are doing.

I want to give a shout-out today to all the people, business and churches who willfully chose to align with Knowing God Ministries.  I pray this is an encouragement to them as they were a HUGE encouragement to us.

THEREFORE:  if it's within your means or IF its a service you need - use these business' and ENCOURAGE them!

1. Chick-fil-A, Beaver Creek  

A HUGE THANK YOU to the Apex, Chick-fil-A @ Beaver Creek who helped us tremendously. Go out of your way - as I travel miles out of my way - to support this business. The owner-operators are Tony and Shelly Holmes. They are strong believers and willing to help support what God is doing in this corner of the world.
Tony and Shelly, WE ARE GRATEFUL for you!  Thank you.  May the Lord pour back into your lives in great abundance.

2.  Our Tee Sponsors!
Looking for a church in the Cary/Apex/Raleigh area?

Are you considering a remodel or are you building a home?
Call Richard Tilley @  - I can attest to the quality of his work and the integrity of his character.  He is a strong believer as well - you will be blessed if you choose to work with him.

Are you in need of a dentist?  I am.  I've already scheduled an appointment with Dr. Coker in August.  They also provided toothbrushes for all the golfers - thank you Parkway Dental!
Do you need a Realtor?
Call Gayle Early OR Judy or Jeff Baran                           Contact Paul @ Higher Properties



Do you need a Commercial Realtor?  Contact Paul @ Higher Properties.
Are you looking for childcare?  Creative Schools are located in RTP, Fayetteville, and North Raleigh!

Do you need a quote on car insurance, home, or life?
  • Farm Bureau Insurance - Charles Early or Blaine Holmes or
  • Schwartz Brothers Insurance, Chapel Hill, NC
Do you need help with wealth management? 
  • Hunter Grove, Merrill Lynch
  • Mark Brackett, Merrill Lynch
  • Joe Wambach, Prudential
 Thank you to our Tee Sponsors
3.  Our Goody Bags

Thanks to so many of you - either through your financial donations or in-kind donations - we were able to provide our golfers with AWESOME goody bags.  Prizes are seen on the table below during our raffle.
My kids helped stuff goody bags a few days prior to the tournament.   We had such fun doing it!

We loaded them with:
Sleeve of good golf balls
Taco Bell coupons
Chick-fil-A pencils
Golf tees
chips, granolla bars, oranges, chips, nabs, peanuts
Smithfield Outlet Mall Coupons
31 Coupons
How to be Right with God card
KGM Flyer

Sherry Harris, a regular ISI attendee, responded to our plea for help at May's ISI.  She is the Founder of Reach Out Johnston County - a nonprofit who helps other nonprofits.  KGM is starting to use Sherry's services.  She is really good and knowledgeable at what she does.

Sherry offered her gifts to KGM by helping us procure goodies and great prizes.  A BIG thank you to Sherry!

Do you see all you did???  Now a BIG shout out to ALL who helped provide us with these goodies:
Charles and Gayle Early
Connie O'Neil
Judy Baran
Dick Berry
Sonia Pierce
Maggie Chapman
Susan Alexander
Tammy McNeil
Heather Rumley
Thomas Franks
Robin Clow 
Fay Luihn
Marci Robertson
Kristi Ford
Kelly Lingerfelt
Debbie Mizell
Four Oaks Bank

Click HERE to see more pictures.

I learned a great deal working with men.  I'll share some of those lessons.  They are sort of funny:)
Have a great weekend!




Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Golf Tournament 2013 - Thank you!

Psalm 145:4, 5
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise...
One generation will commend your works to another...

I am over the top filled with gratitude in to EVERYONE who supported the 2013 KGM Golf Tournament.  God answered so many of our prayers above and beyond what we expected.  He is such an amazing God. 

Jesus brought 78 players - roughly 20 teams to play in our outreach/fundraising event.

I start by praising Him as El Elohim - Mighty Creator.  We've been praying since April for the weather of June 24th.  Listen to what Adam, the golf pro told me Monday afternoon as all the golfers were starting to come in for lunch:  "There are storms (lightening and rain) 12 miles to the north, 7 miles to the south and east of us.  It's as if we are in a bubble."

This gave me opportunity to speak of our prayer hearing, prayer answering God.

Prayer - prior to Shot-gun start

Next I praise God as Jehovah-raah - The Lord my Shepherd.  My sweet Shepherd has provided for me such an amazing family.  Tim, Will and Caroline to this Missions Project  - and it's been a team project!  Truly, all consuming for about 2 weeks, yet planning for ~2 mths.  You guys are wonderful.  Thank you for allowing me space to be mentally distracted.

My Shepherd has brought my Dad - who's donated time, wisdom, advice, golf balls, players, attention to my every email for help; and prizes in making this such a big success.  As a result, this little missions project has brought my sweet Daddy and I closer together.  I love him so much and I can never begin to repay him for his kindness and goodness.  "Shout out to you, Dad.  You are awesome."                
My Dad - far left in the green

I also praise God for providing my sweet mother.  Who's had to listen to hours of planning and preparation. She's offered solutions to sudden problems and attacks.  She too is so amazing.  I'm grateful for her.

To my sister, Heather - in Myrtle Beach - who donated financially since she could not be here with us, but wanted to be a part of what we're doing in our little corner of the world.  THANK YOU.  (My Mom)

To my in-laws, whom I adore:  Dick AND Peg Berry who played and brought teams with them.  AND  To my sister-in-law - who donated an exhorbitant amount of beverages for the entire field of golfers.  She saved us so much money. Thank you!  (In-laws to the left)

To my BOTH SETS of Aunts and Uncles:  Connie and Dwight O'Neil; Judy and Jeff Baran.  All four brought teams plus they helped procure awesome prizes that ended up being our first place winner awards!  Thank you for believing in what God is doing through KGM - enough to donate your time and support.

Below is Judy, my aunt                                                             Connie, my aunt

But mine wasn't the only family God brought.  The God of the Universe, Who's first institution was marriage and family brought:  7 husband/wife teams; 8 father/son teams; sister teams; 3 grandfather/grandchild teams.  One gal who played - her son and daughter paid her way!
Below are a few of the pictures of the generations!


To the KGM Team -

Who prayed fervently and faithfully. Who gave of their time, attention and energy.  Several of them brought a golf team of their own.  Paid for babysitters; took off work from their full-time jobs - how can I ever begin to thank you enough?  I can't.  But I'm praying.  And our God who is El Elyon - the Most High God, can.  May He repay you for generosity. 

And to sweet Fuller -
WE have these awesome pictures because of YOU!  Thank you for sharing the gift of your giftings.  Look at how you are impacting this small corner of the world - just by doing one of the things you were created to do!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Why read the Old Testament when you have the New?

II Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting
and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped
for every good work.

As a little girl, I thought the Old Testament (OT) portion of the Bible was, well, OLD! It was all trials and tribulations and battles and slimy pits.  UGH! Who wants to “live” there? 

Conversely, I thought the New Testament (NT) portion was the fresh, rockin’ NEW place to be, for it was filled with miracles and Jesus-stories and HOPE!  After all, Jesus came to make all things new, so didn’t that mean that the OT was outdated, even obsolete?  No one in my life would probably admit to thinking such thoughts, but it certainly was implied.  Or maybe, it was just assumed by me - young, righteous whipper-snapper that I was!

Then life happened.
Bad life. 

Suddenly my life was ALL “trials and tribulations and battles and slimy pits.”  Suddenly, the OT was screaming to me as valid, alive and very applicable to my life. The people in the OT “got me.” 

The life-line I want to throw your way today is this:  do not neglect the reading of the Old Testament, for
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting
and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped
for every good work.
II Timothy 3:16-17

ALL of scripture! In the OT I have found solace and, truly – ironically – all I sought in the New:   “miracles and Jesus-stories and HOPE!”  (Yep, before-He-became-a-man Jesus is in the Old Testament!)  The OT shines hope into the bleakest of circumstances: crumbled cities, valleys of dry bones, years-upon-years of destruction by locusts, rejected and sin-filled lives and hearts. 

Some samples of stories that have sustained me:
·      The Story of Joseph (Genesis 37 and following), with its beautiful, echoing refrain:  “And the Lord was with Joseph.”
·      Psalm, after psalm  . . . Notably: 32-34, 51, 62.
·      The writings of the prophets, notably Isaiah 61 and Jeremiah 29.
·      Even Job – the hardest story of all in the OT has become my friend and brought me hope.

In the Old Testament I have encountered very REAL people with very REAL agonies; I have learned that my very REAL God not only wants me to be real, but He can HANDLE IT.   Embracing the “ugh” of the Old Testament has helped me wrestle with the “ugh” of my own life . . . and led me to a deeper, more intimate walk with the Lord.

Perhaps you are longing for a way to new life, too? 
May I suggest that you might just find the pathway to the New winding through the OLD? 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Rest for Your Soul

I am overwhelmed by those of you who read our blog for "help" with our golf tournament - and responded!
I'll give more details of  how you've helped next week.  And I'll be naming names (if you don't mind.)  But I'm blown away by your willingness to help - each in your own unique way!  (It's not too late to help should the Lord prompt you.)

From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU! 

KGM Team Members:  Cindy and Dina. 
We retreated at the beach together this past weekend.

Psalm 62:1
My soul finds rest in God alone...

This past Thursday, I drove my daughter to Myrtle Beach for "Heather camp" for the week.  Heather is my sister and my children adore their family. 

So I spent one night with my sister and then drove to Holden Beach to meet the KGM team.  We had a great time.  All 8 of us spent a restful, bonding, sweet weekend together.

But for 4 days straight, I either missed my quiet time or it was way too brief.  One morning I woke up with a migraine. Another morning, I was too busy snuggling with my nephew in front of the TV as he woke up.  The other 2 mornings,  I was too busy visiting with the girls in my posse - probably distracting them- rather than reading my own Bible during that time. 

4 straight days of interrupted quiet time.

But here's the victory...  There was NO guilt or condemnation.  I used to go into such condemnation when I missed my quiet time.  Looking back - I really believe it was because my quiet time was more duty or religion based... rather than relationship based.

This is growth for me.  And today I'm rejoicing!

So this morning - after having slept in my own bed last night (thank you Jesus!) - I got up... Made my coffee... and had the sweetest time with the Lord.  It was so good to be back.  So good to have my Bible back in my lap; my coffee in tow; in my comfy chair with my dog sleeping beside me.  And most importantly, listening to the Voice of the only ONE Who brings rest to my soul...

As much fun as I had with my dear sister, whom I adore and miss greatly.  And for the precious time I had with some of the most important women in my life...

NOTHING compares to time with Jesus each day. 

Truly, He and He alone provides rest for our weary souls.

One of the pictures in my office - it reminds me of the ONLY place to find rest for my soul.  It's not in the fun places of the world  - but it's in my quiet time spot.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Priming the Pump

Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart 
and with all your soul 
and with all your mind.  
This is the first and greatest commandment. 
-Matthew 22:37-38

I remember hearing a story about a man who was lost, out of water and very thirsty.  He came upon a well with a pump, a cup filled with water, and a note with clear instructions:  DO NOT DRINK the cup of water;  POUR the cup of water into the well, THEN pump.  

The man was so thirsty that he just wanted to drink the cup of water immediately.  He didn’t know that if he poured the cup of water into the pump, it would prime the pump and he would be able to get as much water as he wanted.  He had a decision to make:  drink the water or pour it into the well?

What about us?  

We have the Word of God and we can talk to Him at any time.  But do we run out into our day without priming the pump?  We live in a busy, fast paced, chaotic world.  It is easy for us to feel lost, perplexed and overwhelmed.  To find peace in the hurried clutter of life, we have to look to the only one who gives peace, Jesus Christ.

We need to prime the pump each day, not just one time or even once a week on Sunday, but every day.  

How do we prime the pump of our lives?  

#1 Make our relationship with Jesus the TOP PRIORITY each day. 

#2 Spend FOCUSED time with Jesus. 

#3 NURTURE the relationship by spending time reading His Word.

#4 PRAY throughout the day, communicating with Jesus by asking and listening.

We need to POUR IN before we attempt to POUR OUT.

More encouragement: 
“Remain in Me, and I will remain in you.”  -John 15:4

“For in Him I live and move and have my being.”  -Acts 17:28

“Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul 
and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.”  -Matthew 22:37-38

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Will you Help?

Ezra 2:69
According to their ability they gave to the treasury for the work...
Golfer of NOT... 5 ways you can make a BIG impact today!

We are hosting our largest fundraiser of the year on:

When:   Monday, June 24th
What:    2nd Annual Golf Tournament
Where:  MacGregor Downs in Cary

The money raised helps pay for the life changing resources we've added to our repertoire this year and the speaker costs of our monthly luncheon.   In the future, we want to not only continue our Iron Sharpens Iron luncheons, but begin hosting an Annual Women's Conference and an Annual Mother& Daughter conference.

To make our event a success, WE NEED YOUR HELP!  Below are 5 ways to make a BIG impact for the Kingdom.

1.  Chick-fil-A breakfast:  A hot lunch is already provided in the cost of playing - but a yummy breakfast is appreciated and remembered for future events.

Approximate total cost:  $140.  Would you be willing to donate ANY amount: $10, $15, $20  to help us with the cost?   Click HERE to help. 

2. Tee Sponsorship - Are you the owner of a business or nonprofit?   This is a great way to advertise. We are anticipating 72 players - men and women!   Advertise for $100, plus you can include marketing material to advertise your business in our goodie bags.

3.  Food and Drinks/Water Cases - We will provide each golfer with snacks, drinks, etc... 

We've had gracious donors supply us with 72 snack bags and crackers. 
It may seem small, but it adds up!  If you'd be willing to donate a few cases of water or soft drinks - it would help tremendously!  You can either donate an approximate amount HERE - or contact me HERE so that I can arrange for a pick-up.

4. Prizes/Coupons - Take a look at our prizes from last year.   What do you have in your hand?  Do you have anything you could donate from your business or what you've been given stewardship over.  Even COUPONS are appreciated!
Remember, this tournament is for men and WOMEN.  So WHATEVER you have in your hand is awesome!  Contact me HERE 
5.  Goody Bag Contents -  Each golfer will receive a goody bag at registration!  In the bags, we'll put snacks, drinks, coupons, advertisements of your business etc... But this year we'd like to add 2 things: 
          a.  A small sleeve of golf balls -
          b.  A small sharpie marker - (golfers use this in marking their ball.  We want them to remember us all year long!)
Both will cost approximately $100.  Your donation of ANY amount will help!  Click HERE
I need the Body of Christ's help.  The girls of KGM can't do this by ourselves.  Will you help us?
Last and most importantly:  Will you pray? 
  • Pray for good weather? 
  • Pray that those who play will be eternally impacted from their participation -
  • Pray that the Lord will supply our needs through this tournament and that we may impact His Kingdom in our corner of the world or wherever He calls us to go with the message He's given us.
No amount is too small!  THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!