1 Thessalonians 5:11
Encourage one another and build each other up just as in fact you are doing.
I want to give a shout-out today to all the people, business and churches who willfully chose to align with Knowing God Ministries. I pray this is an encouragement to them as they were a HUGE encouragement to us.
THEREFORE: if it's within your means or IF its a service you need - use these business' and ENCOURAGE them!
1. Chick-fil-A, Beaver Creek
2. Our Tee Sponsors!
Looking for a church in the Cary/Apex/Raleigh area?
Are you considering a remodel or are you building a home?
Call Richard Tilley @ - I can attest to the quality of his work and the integrity of his character. He is a strong believer as well - you will be blessed if you choose to work with him.
Are you in need of a dentist? I am. I've already scheduled an appointment with Dr. Coker in August. They also provided toothbrushes for all the golfers - thank you Parkway Dental!
Do you need a Realtor?
Do you need a Commercial Realtor? Contact Paul @ Higher Properties.
Are you looking for childcare? Creative Schools are located in RTP, Fayetteville, and North Raleigh!
Do you need a quote on car insurance, home, or life?
- Farm Bureau Insurance - Charles Early or Blaine Holmes or
- Schwartz Brothers Insurance, Chapel Hill, NC
Do you need help with wealth management?
- Hunter Grove, Merrill Lynch
- Mark Brackett, Merrill Lynch
- Joe Wambach, Prudential
Thank you to our Tee Sponsors
3. Our Goody Bags
Thanks to so many of you - either through your financial donations or in-kind donations - we were able to provide our golfers with AWESOME goody bags. Prizes are seen on the table below during our raffle.
Thanks to so many of you - either through your financial donations or in-kind donations - we were able to provide our golfers with AWESOME goody bags. Prizes are seen on the table below during our raffle.
My kids helped stuff goody bags a few days prior to the tournament. We had such fun doing it!
We loaded them with:
Sleeve of good golf balls
Taco Bell coupons
Chick-fil-A pencils
Golf tees
chips, granolla bars, oranges, chips, nabs, peanuts
Smithfield Outlet Mall Coupons
31 Coupons
How to be Right with God card
KGM Flyer
Sherry Harris, a regular ISI attendee, responded to our plea for help at May's ISI. She is the Founder of Reach Out Johnston County - a nonprofit who helps other nonprofits. KGM is starting to use Sherry's services. She is really good and knowledgeable at what she does.
Sherry offered her gifts to KGM by helping us procure goodies and great prizes. A BIG thank you to Sherry!
Do you see all you did??? Now a BIG shout out to ALL who helped provide us with these goodies:
Charles and Gayle Early
Connie O'Neil
Judy Baran
Dick Berry
Sonia Pierce
Maggie Chapman
Sonia Pierce
Maggie Chapman
Susan Alexander
Tammy McNeil
Heather Rumley
Thomas Franks
Robin Clow
Fay Luihn
Marci Robertson
Kristi Ford
Kristi Ford
Kelly Lingerfelt
Debbie Mizell
Four Oaks Bank

I learned a great deal working with men. I'll share some of those lessons. They are sort of funny:)
Have a great weekend!
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