Tuesday, January 31, 2012

When the Storms of Life Roll in...

1.  Prayer Training - going on now!  Make sure you have your Prayer Journal.

If you do not have the Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer, order yours today!  ($13)

2.  Registration is open! 
Iron Sharpens Iron!  See details below.

2 Chronicles 20:3
Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord...

When the storms of life come rolling in, how do you respond? 
(Double click on blog title if having trouble opening.

Iron Sharpens Iron
Registration is open!
February is:
Theme:  Marriage, Marriage, more Marriage
February 10, 2012
"Are you Ready to get off the Roller Coaster?"
Cost of lunch:  Pre-register, $20
Late Registration at the door:  $22

"Practical Tips for STOPPING the Roller Coaster"
Cost: $5/with lunch - $10 if coming to Workshop only

To register:  https://www.easyreg.org/cgi-bin/easyreg/registrationdbase/EVYDCJTNIM/signup.pl

Speaker:  Autumn Weikert
Autumn is a gifted Bible teacher.  Married for 30 years; homeschool mom for 20+ years (2 more years to go!) and marriage counselor for 15 years along with her engaged and loving husband, Steve. 

Autumn has been traveling with me for over a year now.  I cannot begin to tell you how blessed I have been by her wisdom.    It's sort of funny - when we go to events - people will sometimes call her "my assistant."  HAH!  Far from that.  She's more like my coach.  I'm HER assistant in ministry.  You will be so blessed by her teaching.  I know that I know that God has placed her in my life for such a time as this.  Her wisdom has been such a blessing in my own marriage.
YOU WILL LOVE HER!    Bring a friend!  (But make sure you register!  Let us know you are coming:)

Monday, January 30, 2012

How to Praise God in Prayer

Psalm 100:4
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name."

(Double click on title of blog if having difficulty opening.)

Praise Him for Who He is!
He is strong -
He is sincere -
He is powerful -
He is merciful -
He is patient -
He is kind -

As you read your Bible, your devotional or as you do your Bible study - record what you learn about God in the Praise section of your Journal!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Prayer Journal, Praise Section - Part 2

Psalm 100:4
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

Part 2 to the Praise Section of Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer!  Double click on the title of the Blog if you are having a hard time opening the video.

This was my first original A-Z list.  I still have it as it is very dear to me.  Everytime I've learned something new about God - I write it down.

We'll continue to tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Prayer Journal, Praise Section - Part 1

Psalm 100:4
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

Today, is Part 1 to the Praise section in the Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer!  Tomorrow is Part 2.

As you have questions - please send them to me.  If you have the Journal, pull it out and let's get started!

As you learn new things about God, WRITE THEM DOWN!   This helps God to become more and more real in your everyday life.

If you do not have a Journal and want one, order here:  www.knowinggodministries.net

Have a great day!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Teach me to Pray

Prayer Journal Training Starts this week!  Get yours today. 

Exodus 24:4
Moses then wrote down everything the Lord had said.

I LOVE my Prayer Journal.  It's not because it's something I devised on a rainy day - I love it because the Lord inspired it and used the format to teach me to pray. 

When I didn't know how to pray - when all I knew to pray was "God is great, God is good."   When all I knew to pray was my list of things I needed in order to be happy - GOD divinely intervened to my simple prayer, "Lord, teach me to pray."

The Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer, is a little prayer tool, when used as intended, will be one of your most cherished possessions. 


Because it will hold the words of the Lord spoken personally to you!  If the God of the Universe is willing to speak to us - shouldn't we write it down???   Moses did!

Make sure you have yours today. 

(If you are having difficulty opening the clip, double click on the title of the blog post.  Then press play!)

Tomorrow's Post:  The Praise Section, Part 1

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jump Into the Word

Deuteronomy 32:46-47
"These are not just idle words for you - [the Bible]
they are your life."
So after you've prayed and asked God to speak; to invade your time with Him.  And with your whole heart - you are EXPECTING Him to speak into the recesses of your heart...
What next?
Jump into the Word!

(Quick - press play and get this goofy look off of my face!)

Please know that I'm not trying give you a set of rules to follow and I'm not trying to give you a legalistic formula - I hope you see that these last few posts are merely trying to help you "press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you...!"

The Bible is a great place to start - not a devotional and not a book.  Knowing God Ministries will begin carrying NLT Chronological Bibles.  I LOVE my Chronological Bible!  I'm in it most every morning. 

Save yourself a trip to LifeWay.  Reserve yours today!  We can send it straight to your door.

Have a great weekend:) 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Duty? Delight? Expectation is Everything

Hebrews 11:6
Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

Today's To Do List
  • Quiet time
  • Exercise
  • Grocery Store
  • Cleaners
For many years, this was how I viewed my quiet time.   It was just one more thing that I checked off my list of things to do.    My quiet time was a religious duty.

If this describes you, I'd would love to share what finally broke this mentality.  My quiet time went from being a duty to becoming the delight of my day.

I cannot emphasize enough - EXPECTATION.  Look back at today's Scripture.  We must believe that God is real and that He will reward those who earnestly seek Him. 

Reward?   Girl, there' no greater a reward than the sound of His voice spoken into the depths of your circumstances... 

Tomorrow:    What next?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Spending Time with Jesus/Video

In case you are just joining us, here's a quick recap...

Isaiah 9:1
"Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress."

If the above verse describes you, than KNOW that life does not have to be that way. 
Isaiah 9:4
Jesus came to "shatter the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor." 
If you, like me, are craving peace, joy and contentment deep within the recesses of your heart, despite your past, your circumstances and the world around us, there are things we must do in order for this to become a living reality...

Step #1: Jesus has to come out of the "religion" box.  (Last week's post.)

Step #2
Spend Quality Time with Jesus each Day 

All I can say, is that my team and I must really love you in order to do this.  This is out of the boat for me - big time!  No scripts - straight from the heart. 
As you watch, "grace, grace, grace and content!"

Hurry!  Press play to get this crazed look off of my face!

Have a great day!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Iron Sharpens Iron - January

Iron Sharpens Iron - January 

Proverbs 27:17
"As iron sharpens iron, so one woman sharpens another."

Thank you to everyone who came to our monthly lunch last Friday.  We had a great time and it was our highest attendance yet!  Hope you will be back!

Quick Highlights:

Amy Carroll, one of the KGM Board members welcomed everyone and said the blessing.

After going through a yummy buffet, we had focused conversations around each of the tables.  Following our lunch, Autumn Weikert led us in corporate prayer. 
(We always have such great feedback from this segment!  It's a very special time.  Plus it prepares our heart for the message to come.)

I had the honor of speaking this month.  I must admit, coming to this lunch is alot more fun when you are NOT the one speaking!   The name of my talk, "When God Invades a Marriage." 

Any of you who were there, would you be willing to share how you were most challenged?  Would love to hear your feedback.
As soon as I consult with Rebecca, my technology savy team member, I'll let you know how to get it if you want to hear it.  We will be recording the messages to come.

To see our facebook album:

February 10, 2012 is workshop month!
Theme:  Marriage, Marriage and more Marriage
General Session:  "Are you Ready to Get off the Roller Coaster?"
Cost:  $20

Workshop:  "Practical Tips for Stopping the Roller Coaster"
Cost:  $5/with lunch;  $10 if coming for workshop only

Speaker:  Autumn Weikert
Autumn is a mother of 4 and has been married for 30 years.  She has home schooled each of her children with only 2 more years to go before the youngest graduates.  Her and husband, Steve, have counseled couples for over 15 years. 

Autumn is an anointed Bible teacher.  Her stories and practical real-life application of Biblical principles will inspire you to make life and communication changes that will truly be effective! 

You don't want to miss! 
As soon as registration is set up - I'll let you know!

Side note:  Today, myself and a team member spent 3 hours recording blog video for the coming week.  (OK, we laughed alot too!)  But now I can't upload them!  Could cry.   Please pray as I try the You Tube connection tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Religion Box, Part 3

Upcoming Events:

1.  Iron Sharpens Iron - this week - January 13th
"What Happens When Jesus invades our Marriages"

2.  Facebook Thursday!

Join me on Facebook, Thursday, January 12th 
Knowing God Ministries fan page!
**Had to push it back 30 minutes due to a conference call

Isaiah 9:1
"Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress."
Isaiah 9:4
"You [Messiah] have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor." 
The world we live in feeds gloom and distress:  the economic climate; jobless rate; diseases soaring; the political system; injustices, and much more - you name it.

Yet we too feed the gloom and distress monster as we inadvertently allow ourselves to carry:
  • Shame
  • Disappointment
  • Fear/Anxiety
  • Misery from consequences of bad decisions
Personally, these stresses are affecting my life, attitude, outlook, parenting and even marriage.  Yet, according to Scripture -  IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! 

Jesus, whom the verses above are describing - CAME to deliver THOSE WHO BELONG TO HIM, from the yoke of these oppressive enemies that torture our heart and mind.   

If you, like me are craving deep down peace, joy and contentment despite your past, your circumstances and the world around us, there is something we must do in order for this to become a living reality...

Step #1
Jesus has to come out of the "religion" box. 

If you belong to Jesus and want to peace deep in the recesses of your heart, than you must - MUST - take Jesus out of the religion box. 

Jesus did not come to earth to be placed in a Sunday morning religion box.  Or a one day a week Bible study box.  He came to be our everything. 

He came to be our God.  He came to give us victory over sin and the yokes that burden us.  He came to invade our marriages.  He came to direct our parenting.  He came to invade our finances.  He came to invade the way we do business.  He came to invade the way we vote. He came to direct our paths.  He came to be REAL to us in our EVERYDAY LIFE.

Yet sadly, all too often, we put God in a Sunday morning box... or compartmentalize Him to being just a religion thing.   Our quiet time is an add-on to an already busy schedule.  He's not our passion or the One to Whom we turn to in everyday life. 

If this describes us, we'll NEVER find lasting, deep down joy, peace and contentment.
This is what the Word says in Acts 17:26-27:

"God determines the times set for us [You are not a cosmic accident.  God has determined the exact period of time in history you were to be born] 
the exact places where we should live.  [Where you live is not an accident.]
God did this so that men would seek Him and
perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, 
though He is not far from each one of us. 
For in Him we live and move and have our being."

We were created to live and move and have our being in Him.  The Message Translation says, "we can't get away from Him."

If we want the victory that Jesus came to give us by shattering the yokes that burden us - STEP ONE is intentionally choosing to take God out of the religion box - and take Him into Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday...

Step 2 tomorrow...

Today's follow up steps:

1.  Is God in a religion or a Sunday morning box?  If so, confess this to Him.  Be specific.
2.  Ask Him to help you to take Him out of the religion box. 
3.  Ask Him for His guidance in the specific areas that are on your heart today.

Prayer Journal watchers:  These devotions are leading into our Prayer Journal training.  Why would you even want to do something new, if you don't think it will be bring meaningful change...  The Prayer Journal was my first step to meaningful change.

3.  As we start the New Year,
Resolve to grow closer in your walk with Jesus!

Join me this week for Prayer Journal Training -
Here on the blog:)
If you do not have one, order one today!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Gloom and Distress, Part 2

Upcoming Events:

1.  Iron Sharpens Iron - REGISTER TODAY!  Deadline: Wednesday @ 5pm
Topic:  Marriage, marriage and more marriage -
"What Happens When Jesus invades our Marriages"
Register Now for January 13th  Lunch!

Gloom and Distress, Part 2
Isaiah 9:1
"Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress."

I want you to memorize this Scripture.  It's for YOU and for me...  For me personally, it's my 2012 theme.

Yesterday, I asked what you were carrying in the pretty little tote of your heart?  Deep down... in the hidden pockets...
  • Shame?
  • Disappointment
  • Fear?
  • Anxiety?
  • Misery from consequences of bad decisions?
  • Fear of tomorrow?

There are several of the above things that hide out in the deep pockets of my life, yet as I begin 2012, I'm resolving - NO  MORE.  They are no longer welcome.  The squatters of gloom and distress must go! 

Why do I not have to put up with them anymore???

Because I belong to Jesus.  And  Jesus, the Messiah, whom this verse is describing - CAME not only to deliver us from eternal hell, but He came to deliver us from the yoke of my oppressive enemies that torture my heart and mind.  Listen to this:

"For as in the day of Midian's defeat, You [Messiah] have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor." 
Isaiah 9:4

In other words, the yoke that burdens us - be it anxiety, fear, shame, disappointment - whatever it is that burdens you OR continually tortures your heart and mind - JESUS CAME TO SHATTER THAT YOKE!

Now pause and think about this for a minute.  Let's make this personal to you... 

What is the yoke(s) that continually burdens your heart and mind?  Those torturous thoughts?  The nagging anxiety...  The hidden shame...

If you've identified it, give it a name.  You may have several.  

Now, go back to the two verses...  If you belong to Christ, then you and I do not have to live in gloom and in distress because:


But we have a part in this...  And like I said yesterday:  doing the same old thing - the same old way, will not yield different results.  WE must go on offense.  In some cases, we must get radical in our pursuit to be free from these heavy yokes in the New Year.   

Step #1
Jesus has to come out of the "religion" box. 

More tomorrow...

Prayer Journal watchers:  These devotions are leading into our Prayer Journal training.  Why would you even want to do something new, if you don't think it will be bring meaningful change...  The Prayer Journal was my first step to meaningful change.

2.  Facebook Thursday!

Jump onto Facebook, Thursday, January 12th 
Anytime: 9:00am-10:00am
Knowing God Ministries fan page!
Last Thursday was great!  Enjoyed talking to you:)

3.  As we start the New Year,
Resolve to grow closer in your walk with Jesus!

Join me this week for Prayer Journal Training -
Here on the blog:)
If you do not have one, order one today!


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 Focus: Marriage, Marriage, and more Marriage

1.  Facebook Thursday!

Jump onto Facebook, Thursday, January 5th 
Anytime: 9:30am-11:00am
Knowing God Ministries fan page!
You'll have an opportunity to win a free Prayer Journal!

2.  As we start the New Year,
Resolve to grow closer in your walk with Jesus!

Join me next week for Prayer Journal Training -
Here on the blog:)

3.  Iron Sharpens Iron - New Online Registration!  Register Now!

2 Peter 1:3
By His divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.  We have received all of this by coming to know Him...

Over Christmas, while reading my Chronological Bible, the above verse jumped out at me.   It was sort of a revelation:  How do you know how to live a life that is pleasing to God?   
Answer:  By knowing Him... Better and better...

The goal of Knowing God Ministries is to help people know God personally.  And to help them to live out the Bible on the anvil of everyday life. 

God loves us and wants us to enjoy excellent, abundant, and godly lives - yet He also expects us to learn how to behave. I can think of no greater place where we need help learning to behave than in our homes.  What a training ground our homes are for godly living.    Therefore...

Moving forward,  KGM's focus with the:  Blog, Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheons, and upcoming Newsletters will fall under one of these 4 categories:

1.  Knowing God Personally in everyday life -
2.  Marriage-
   3.  Parenting- 
4.  Ministry-

Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon
Marriage, Marriage, More Marriage, 
January 13, 2012 -
See above to register: 

This month at Iron Sharpens Iron, we will kick off the New Year focusing on Marriage.  I will be the speaker for our January 13th luncheon.  I will be sharing my story of how God became real to me through a very difficult time in my marriage.  At the time I was a Sunday morning/Monday night Bible study Christian!  I had dual personalities - one for my church friends and one for my other friends.  Yet little by little, I began applying God's principles to my marriage, and God showed up big time!!!  I have not been the same since. 

Now let me go ahead and warn you - the upcoming lunches are not for the weak or faint hearted.  Be warned!

February's main session and workshop - will be focused on marriage.
March - the focus will be marriage.  We will prayerfully evaluate if we proceed in April with more marriage or if we move on.

Each month, we'll have different speakers speak on a different aspect of marriage.  You will not want to miss a single luncheon.  We meet the 2nd Friday of every month - go ahead and mark your calendars now!

Marriage can be hard.  OK, let me say that again - SUPER HARD.   It's an area where my behavior can be tested to the extreme.  (I'm quite sure my husband feels the same.)   Yet did you know that Christian divorce statistics are not much different than non Christian divorce statistics.  More than ever, we need HELP!!!  I know that I need it. 

If you are divorced, separated, widowed, or single - don't think this excludes you!  These lunches are for you too.  Do you have children?  Nieces?  Nephews?  Married friends?  Other women who look up to you?   Come learn - so that you will know how to direct your children/grandchildren and others in living godly lives!

Dont' forget - grab a cup of coffee and join me on Facebook - 9:30am - Thursday, 1/5/12:)
Knowing God Ministries fan page -

Have a great day!

Monday, January 2, 2012

3 Important Announcements- You Don't want to miss!

Three Important Announcements... 
And a chance to win a free Prayer Journal!

2 Thessalonians 2:11
"May our God count you worthy of His calling, and by his power, may He fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith."   (Italics mine)

Over the break, I enjoyed some really sweet moments with Jesus.  I can't wait to share what I've learned in the coming days and weeks.

Some of the things He impressed upon my heart will take me WAY out of my comfort zone and even as late as yesterday, I was starting to doubt these acts that were being prompted by my faith.

And then this morning in my Chronological Bible, I was reading about Noah.  And God ever so gently confirmed to me through Noah, that the very act of getting onto the ark was an act prompted by his faith.

How?  Think about it for a minute...

Do you realize that when God told Noah and his family to board the ark - it was sunny?  (It had never rained.)    The Bible says that they sat there for 7 days.  I bet Mrs. Noah, would have said, "7 LONG DAYS!"  Can you imagine how Noah must have been starting to feel by day 4?  Day 6?  Was Mrs. Noah starting to give him "the look?"  Were his daughter-in-laws gossiping behind his back about what a nut their father-in-law was?

Regardless of the interpersonal "stuff" going on in the ark, Noah was obedient.  And boy, did God EVER bless that act of obedience.  You and I are here today because of Noah's obedience.

What is God prompting YOU TO DO???

Just as God impressed upon Noah that it was time to get on the boat, He's been prompting me in a few areas too.  Here they are!

1.  Facebook Thursday!

I want to interact with you.  I want to make myself available to you - for questions, for conversation or for prayer.  More than anything, I'd love to go to Starbucks with you, but that's not possible!  So grab a cup of coffee or tea and when you get a chance, jump onto the KGM facebook
page - starting tomorrow Thursday, January 5th. 
from 9:30-11:00.   I'll be there.  Let's start an on-line community! 

2.  Prayer Journal Training

To order:  www.knowinggodministries.net  $13
Many of you have the Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God.  (Or perhaps you have the old pink version!)  My stomach aches at the thought of it sitting on a shelf because you have no clue how to use it.  This little tool is a treasure!  Other than the Bible itself, THIS was the tool God used to grow me spiritually, more than any thing else.  Next week, I'm going to show you how!

So either in video, written form or both - I'm going to train you on how to use it.  It has made the BIGGEST DIFFERENCE in my walk with the Lord.   It will grow you and strengthen your faith - especially in the hard places of life.

I started this new formatted Journal last June.  Over the break, I spent time reviewing the Thanksgiving section and the Listening section.   Words cannot articulate the blessing it has been.  It has strengthened my resolve for 2012 and has given me greater clarity of God's will for my life. I WANT THIS FOR YOU TOO!

So, pull out your Journal or purchase one from KGM;  OR PLUG INTO FACEBOOK THURSDAYS for your opportunity to win a FREE PRAYER JOURNAL!
3.  Iron Sharpens Iron Lunches

The lunches have been a total success!  God has exceeded our expectations and given us great vision for moving forward.  We have thought about changing the venue, but until the Lord moves us, we will stay.  With the current venue, the ministry does not have to worry about food prep or food service.  The location is great - as it's just off a major thoroughfare, making it convenient for many.

However, as we look at ISI for the long term, we have to at least cover our cost. The $16/pp rate is not doing so.  After we pay the room fee, gratuity, taxes, handouts and a modest honorarium for our speaker - some months we barely break even.  One month, 10 people did not show and KGM had to pay for their lunch anyway.

Moving forward into 2012, we will have online registration where you pre-pay.  Also, in order to cover our costs, we will slightly increase the cost to $20 for prepaid registrations and $22 for those paying at the door.

Now think about it, if you eat somewhere like:
  • Red Robin - you will pay ~$15-$17 for lunch, drink, tax and gratuity.
  • Panera will cost you $10-$11 with a drink.
  • Chick-fil-A will cost you between $7-$9 for lunch.   
At NONE  of these places, do you get to:
  • Meet and fellowship with like-minded women -
  • Grow spiritually -
  • Eat a great meal in a 1st class venue  -
  • Learn to pray corporately and become strengthened personally through our corporate prayer time -
  • Hear a speaker that will speak into the practicalities of everyday life - such as marriage and parenting.
Our goal is to bring real-world value to your life by helping you apply the Bible into every area of your life.  You are investing into your marriage, your parenting, your ministry, your relationship with God when you attend these lunches.  We trust that you understand.  FEEL FREE to contact me if you have questions.

These are the acts prompted by my faith - trusting Him to fulfill every good purpose!

Next Posts: 
2012's Focus and How it Affects You
2011 in Review - Make Room in the Inn in 2012
Are you Haunted By your Past?
Lastly, Funny Jake Stories!  (More on this later!)