Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Meaning of Life -

John 1:4
"In Him was life."

Where have you been looking for purpose, meaning and satisfaction to life?  In:
  • reaching your professional goals?
  • raising the most well-rounded, obedient, mannerly, educated children?
  • wearing the trendiest fashion?
  • joining the most coveted club?
  • being the envy of your friends?
  • your bank account?  your home?  your toys?
  • in a night club?
  • _________________  (You fill in the blank)
The world tells us the pursuit of the above list, will bring satisfaction, joy, meaning and purpose. 

At one point or another in my life,  I attained much of the above list.  Allow me to share phrases that described the feeling once accomplished:  "Is this it?"  Emptiness;  it wasn't enough - I needed more because the God sized hole in my being was trying to be filled with something other than what was originally intended.  The above list is not a bad thing - but if it's your chief thing - your only thing...You've strayed off course.

At our funerals and beyond, will the above list matter?  

Let's look to Scripture...

"But man,despite his riches, does not endure;
he is like the beasts that perish.
Do not be overawed when a man grows rich, when the splendor of his house increases;
for he will take nothing with him when he dies, his splendor will not descend with him. 
Though while he lived he counted himself blessed - and men praise you when you prosper - (Isn't that the truth.  People want to be your friend when you've got money.)
he will join the generation of his fathers, who will never see the light of life. 
A man who has riches without understanding  (Understanding:  Jesus)
is like the beasts that perish."
Psalm 49:12,16-20 NIV

What are you chasing after?   The Bible says life has meaning and purpose in Jesus.  In Him, you and I will find life.  (Abundant, meaningful and purposeful.)    Apart from Him - everything is dead.   The Message translation says,

"It wasn't long ago that you were mired in that old stagnant life of sin. 
You let the world, which doesn't know the first thing about living, tell you how to live.  You filled your lungs with polluted unbelief, and then exhaled disobedience.  We all did it, all of us. 
Instead immense in mercy and with an incredible love, He embraced us.  He took our sin-dead lives and made us alive in Christ!" 
Ephesians 2:1-5 italics mine

Oh girl, come alive!  If you've lost your focus, repent - turn the other way - and run back to Jesus - spending time developing a meaningful relationship with Him. 

THIS IS WHY HE'S SHAKING THE PLANET with storms, tsunami's, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, fires, foreclosures, bankruptcies.  THIS IS NOT A COSMIC ACCIDENT!   Don't resist Him.

Allow what may be a horrible period of time for you and your family, to become the most meaningful period of time in your life time - because you've resolved to find the meaning of life:  Jesus.  Because in Him, is life.

Related Resource:
(If you do not have the Bible Study, Intimacy with God, get it.  It will help you to start, restart, and maintain a meaningful relationship wtih Jesus, the Source of Life.)  

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

NOT one of the Boys -

John 14:6
"Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.  No one gets to the Father but through Him."

Hindu, Muslim, Mormon, Jewish, Jehovah's Witness, Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Baha'i, Baptist, Anglican, and atheist...    Our world says: "It's all the same.  To think any different, you'd be totally intolerant, narrow minded and self-righteous."

How do your actions reveal what you believe?
Have you ever felt intimidated by other religious beliefs or even felt guilty about sharing your faith, as though you were presumptuous in thinking yours is the truth? 

Have you ever been seduced to believe that all religions are the same?  (I have)  

That as long as a person is sincere in their religion- they will get to their God?  (I've had people related to me say this.)

Our culture, the media, politicians, and many others will tell you that "if you are truly loving, you will tolerate the false and compromise the truth so as not to be offensive."   After all, we would hate to offend anyone.    

Girls, I've got some news for you - JESUS, is not one of the boys.  JESUS is God's ONLY provision for getting into His heaven.

Who is Jesus?  (here's a short list)
  • Jesus is God Himself Who made Himself visible to all.  He is the image of the invisible God. (Col 1:15)
  • Through Jesus, all things were made and created - John 1:3
  • Jesus is the Source of all life - John 1:4
  • Jesus is the One Who stepped out of paradise; out of eternity.  He voluntarily came into time and space and into a diseased and evil filled world.  He came on a rescue mission - to rescue ALL WHO would believe and receive Him.  (Sadly, His own people did not recognize Him and rejected Him.) (John 1:10,12)
  • Jesus is the ONLY NAME under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.  (Acts 4:12)
We must come to God through JESUS or we don't come at all. 

Do you see?  Jesus is not one of the boys.   Therefore, be bold girls and stand firm!  Don't be seduced into second guessing the God of the Bible.    Jesus is the truth for every man or woman who has ever been born into the human race.

Could God be shaking our world; our economies; our landscapes; our homes; our finances; our marriages; our families - so that we will turn to His Word - to find out how to be right with Him?

Without a shadow of a doubt - I believe He is.

When we open our Bibles, we find a contradiction to what we are told by our world:  Jesus is not one of the boys -

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ideologies: Abortion and Homosexualtity; What do you believe?

1 Chronicles 12:32
"...the men of Issachar, understood the times and knew how to respond."

Quick Review:
In case this is the first day you are joining me, I encourage you to peruse the last few posts - I'm looking at the frequency of natural disasters; economic calamities; and the growing moral depravity coupled with the Bible prophecy, I believe we are living in the last days. 

So why is God shaking us so?   Joel Rosenberg, NY Times Best Selling Author, evangelical believer and prophet of God (foresaw kamikaze pilots attacking American cities 9 months before the 9/11 attacks and wrote a book describing in detail the events, plus many other events that have happened in the world before they took place), says:

1.    "God is shaking the world because He is trying to get us to let go of any and everything we are holding on to that is not of Him."

He directly pinpoints that we, (believers in Christ) are holding onto false: 
  • ideologies
  • philosophies
  • religious beliefs
  • political beliefs
  • material possessions
What I want to do today is dig deeper into ideologies that are BIG  in our news and culture today.
  1. "Abortion is OK.  A woman should be able to do what she wants with her body." 
Is this what Scripture says?  NO!

Proverbs 6:16-17, "There are 6 things the LORD hates... hands that shed innocent blood."

"But in the womb, it isn't really a baby yet.  At least until it's many weeks past conception."

Jeremiah 1:5, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart."
Psalm 139:15-16, "My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.  When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body."   We are talking about an embryo here!

I remember the day that it dawned on me that abortion was wrong.  I was a leader in Bible Study Fellowship.  I was sitting in leader's meeting and it came up. I remember being convicted to the core. 

I GREW UP GOING TO CHURCH and never knew that it was wrong.  Many churches today advocate a "women's right."   I'll see press conferences with a "Reverend" advocating that it's the moral thing to do and the right of a woman. 

We must not be deceived by what we are believing.  Scripture is clear.  God views it as murder.

2.  Homosexuality
"Homosexuality is OK.  We were born this way.  We should have the same rights as any married couple."  

Today there are churches who are not only condoning what the Bible clearly condemns but are ordaining men and women who are openly gay.  Scripture says this about homosexuality:

Leviticus 20:13, "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable."   
Would God create people to be gay only to call them detestable?  NO! (See Genesis 1:27-31)

Romans 1:27, "In the same way, men  also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.  Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion."

I recently heard on the news from a man on the street, "that God would never call gay people detestable."  And he's right.  God loves the person.  BUT HATES the act.  It is sin. 

Isn't it interesting how the world will take partial truth from Scripture and spin it to fit their ideology?

Romans 1:28 goes on to say HOW GOD RESPONDED TO HOMOSEXUALITY.  "Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not be done."
  •  What other world ideologies and philosophies have you ascribed to?  Do you know what the Bible says about each one?  Share your thoughts.  (If you are a subscriber - double click on the title and scroll down to the bottom to leave a comment.)
If you are a believer and have been believing the ideologies of our culture - allow these "shakings" to turn you back to God and repent. 

How to Respond:
Confess that you have believed the lie.  And in the face of Scripture, tell Him that you fear Him more than man and what others may think.  Tell Him you want to be right with Him.  To please forgive you.  That you want to repent and no longer believe and possibly advocate a lie.

If you have done this, do you know what God is doing?  He's wrapping His loving arms around you and saying, "FORGIVEN, My daughter.  Forgiven."

Share this post with others in your circle of influence -

Next Few Posts:  Philosophies and Religious Beliefs
Buddism, Hinduism, Muslim, Christianity - they're all the same - right?
All religions - as long  as they are well meaning - will take you to God - right?
Baptism - sacrements, joining the church, or other religious rituals - will make you right with God - right?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Big Girl Pants Required -

1 Chronicles 12:32
"...the men of Issachar, understood the times and knew how to respond."

In the midst of intensifying and greater frequency of natural disasters, economic and social calamity and moral depravity around the world, what makes this time in history different from any other?

The answer is Israel - the rebirth of Israel as a nation which occurred in 1948. Jesus stated in Matthew 24:32-34 that in addition to the disasters I've posted, the generation that saw the rebirth of Israel would see Christ's Second Coming. (See Friday's post for more.)

Whoa! Are you hearing this? Are you giving your heart permission to grasp the times we are living in? Or are you continuing through the motions of each day with your head buried in your own little world?

You will not want to miss a day of this week's posts.  I'll be expanding on Joel Rosenberg's remarks during   his shared 9/11 simulcast with Anne Graham Lotz.

I'll also be discussing ideologies/philosophies and beliefs such as abortion, the homosexual agenda, baptism etc... and relating them back to the Bible.

Now why am I going there?  Because I told you last week, I'm not cheese cake girl.  We need to understand the times we are living in so that we will know how to respond!

NEXT QUESTION:     Why am I spring boarding material from some guy named Joel Rosenberg? 

Other than the fact that I believe him to be a modern day prophet, let me tell you a little about him.  Rosenberg is an evangelical Christian and has written five NY Times best-selling novels about terrorism and how it relates to Bible Prophecy.  The chilling thing about these novels are:
  • Nine months prior to the September 11 attacks, Rosenberg wrote a novel with a kamikaze plane attack on an American city.  
  • Five months before the 2003 invasion of Iraq, he wrote a novel about war with Saddam Hussein and the death of Yasser Arafat eight months before it occurred.
  • Another book with Iran vowing to have Israel "wiped off the face of the map forever" five months before Iranian President Ahmadinejad used similar language.
Rosenberg has been referred to as a "Modern Nostradamus."   Although Rosenberg tries to play down those proclamations, he gives the credit for his accurate predictions to studying Biblical prophecy and applying them to the modern world.
Also, I've been talking about God "shaking us" since the middle of August.  Rosenberg is talking about it too.
That's oneness with a brother in the Body. Do you see why I'll be spring boarding from his material?   (Wonder if he'd be interested in springboarding from my coming material?!)

Next Post:
God is shaking our ideologies/philosophies/religious beliefs and political beliefs. He wants us to return to Him and repent.   
(You'll need your big girl pants for this post!)
See you tomorrow!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Keep Your Eyes on Israel - the 'Fig Tree'

Do we have any clue as to the importance of Israel amidst all the calamities happening in the world?  
(The last two posts precede this one.)

Matthew 24:34
I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened."  (Italics mine)

Israel has been the epicenter of God's attention since antiquity.  The nation of Israel was birthed from one man, Abraham.  (See Genesis 12)  Through the generations, Israel has been preserved as a nation despite exile, Roman occupation, and being scattered throughout the world.   
Can you name a nation that has been around since antiquity and is still here today?   I can't.  The only reason why, is because the God of the Universe, Who also happened to be the God of Abraham, has preserved Israel and will continue to preserve Israel.  (Despite the threats of Iran and her many enemies.)

Bible prophecy makes clear that in the last days before Jesus' Second Coming, the world will witness the prophetic rebirth of the State of Israel. 

Did you know...

In 1948, (May 14th to be exact), Israel became a nation again.  (Thanks to Harry Truman, then president of the United States.)  And in June 1967, Jerusalem came under Jewish control. 

Israel has always been referred to in the Old Testament as the "fig tree."  Jesus gave us the parable about the fig tree in Matthew 24 - the same chapter that He described the signs of the end of the times. 
Listen to Jesus' Words: 
:32  "Now learn from the fig tree.  
{In other words, WATCH ISRAEL!}

 As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out you know that summer is near. 
{Keep your eyes on Israel when you begin experiencing disaster after disaster - in unprecedented intensity and frequency. 
Summer = season of Christ's return is near when you start seeing these signs}

:33  Even so, when you see all these things, you will know that it is near, right at the door. 
{Right at the door= the return of Christ} 

:34  I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened."
{The generation alive at the prophetic rebirth of the nation.  (Which occurred in 1948)}.

My mom was born in 1948.  According to Jesus' Words in Scripture, her generation will be alive at His return.

If He would return today, would you be ready?  Would you be ashamed of your lifestyle?  
When He appears in the eastern sky - will you run to Him???  Unashamed... Ready?

Next week:  Now that we understand the times - How should we respond?  (Don't miss it!  These posts are so important.  Share them with your friends.)

Have a great weekend:)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Understanding the Times, Part 2

1 Chronicles 12:32 (NLT)
They understood the times they were living in and knew how to respond.

If you are like me, you hear about the disaster while watching the news or reading the paper.  Yet because it's so far away, you feel helpless to help.  You may utter up a prayer or two, but soon, you're on to the next thing. 

And then the next night or the next week or the next month, it's yet another disaster.  But because there's such chaos in the world anyway, you begin to feel numb to the reports that keep coming in.  Before long, you're hardly listening.  Perhaps your heart (like mine) has grown cold.

Yet in the last 2 years alone, the world has seen an unprecidented number of natural disasters.  This is NOT a cosmic accident.  God loves the world.  (Remember John 3:16?)  He's trying to get our attention.

Take a look at what's happened in the last 2 years alone.  (Remember, as I said yesterday, most of this list below comes from Joel Rosenberg's notes from the 9/11 simulcast.  The research is his.)

  • 2011 Japan:  Suffered what the Prime Minister calls the worst disaster since World War II: a devastating earthquake, tsunami, and multiple nuclear meltdowns all at once.
  • 2011 Austrailia:  Devastating floods this year.  One headline read: "Austrailia Faces Biblical Floods"
  • 2011 Arab World:  Revolutions and uprisings - we have seen rulers and regimes overthrown and destroyed in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya.
  • 2011 Russia:  Suffering it's worst drought in 100 years.
  • 2011 China:  Suffering it's worst drought in 200 years. 
  • 2011 Norway:  Terrorist attack (using the name of Christianity)
  • 2011 London:  Lawlessness on the streets
  • 2010 New Zealand:  The earthquake in Christchurch last year was the worst in the history of New Zealand.  1 in 3 buildings had to be demolished.
  • 2010  Haiti:  Experienced the second deadliest earthquake in all of human history.  1150 in China was the worst.
What a different perspective when you look at it as a whole instead of as individual disasters.  When combined with what we see happening in America (yesterday's post), even the unbeliever must wonder, what's going on in the world?   According to the Bible, these shakings will continue to happen.  (See Hebrews 12:25-26)

After reading these posts, begin making mental notes of what you see playing out in the world.  Remember, the Bible encourages us to understand the times we are living in,so that we'll know how to respond.

Don't let your head get stuck in the sand of the everyday grind.  God is trying to get our attention - we need to understand the times.  Are we listening?

Share this with a friend today.

Next Post:  Israel's significance in the world -
Next Post:  How God wants us to respond - Part 1Next Post:  How God wants us to respond - Part 2

See you next time-

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Understanding the Times

1 Chronicles 12:32 (NLT)
They understood the times they were living in and knew how to respond.

Did you watch the Joel Rosenberg/Anne Lotz simulcast the evening of September 11th?   I did.   And the message will be forever embedded in my mind.  Truly, Joel and Anne understand the times we are living in and gave great advice as to how we should respond. 

As I evaluate what I see taking place in the world, I believe these 2 forerunners have keen insight into what is going on.  So in case you missed it, I requested a manuscript of Joel's message.  The statistics he shared are appalling.  However, we need to understand the times we are living in - so that we may know how to respond. 

Culturally, did you know:
  • 85% of Americans identify themselves as Christians, but only 56% believe that the Bible is accurate without error -  Where do you fall?
  • 33% of non-Christians and 32% of Christians get divorced -  (No statistical difference.)
  • Since 1973, 53 million abortions have occurred?  That's 53 million babies that are sacrificed -
  • Pornography revenues today EXCEED the revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC combined -
  • The pornography industry is larger than the revenues of Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay, Yahoo!, Apple, Netflix and EarthLink - combined-
  • 42,000 American factories have shut down since 9/11
  • 14 million Americans have lost their jobs in the past few years -
  • Millions of families have lost their homes -
  • Washington is running up the national credit card to jump start our economy - but it's not working!
  • The US is in debt over $14 trillion dollars.
  • 9 of the 10 costliest - most expensive hurricanes in American history have happened since 9/11.  The worst was Katrina - which nearly wiped out an American city.
  • Hurricane Irene will likely rank in the top 5 and has made 2011 the worst year in American history for natural disasters, with 10 separate catastrophes costing $1 billion or more.
  • 2011 - the worst outbreak of tornadoes in nearly a half a century -
  • The worst fires in the history of Texas - amidst the worst drought in the history of the state.
None of this is a cosmic accident.  I believe we are at a critical moment in American history and in the history of the world.  I'm sorry if you'd rather read blog posts that serve up cheese cake - but I'm determined not to be the cheese cake girl.   God is leading me to be meat and spinach here.  (Spinach is sometimes yuck - but it's really good for you.)

So if you are serious about spiritual growth...  If you are serious about understanding the times - and want to know how you and your family should respond - hang with me.  Share these posts with the people in your circle.  Subscribe so that you can receive these in your inbox each day.  Comment by clicking on the title 2x's and scrolling down.  (This way, you should be able to comment.)  Don't miss a day.

Does anybody out there know how to add the "share" button to a blog?  If you do - please contact this limited techie, meat and spinach girl.

On a personal note:  I'm sorry I have not posted this last week.  This past weekend, I had a fairly large conference in Charlotte that took lots of preparation.  I've resolved that if I cannot give God my best in these posts- I will wait until I can.  

I have another conference this weekend at Bay Leaf Baptist in RaleighIF you have any interest in attending, Thursday is the cut-off.  I'd love to see you there!  Contact me immediately so that I can give your RSVP:)

Make it a great day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Are you Prepared?

Revelation 21:27
"...only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life."

Nearly 3000 people entered eternity on September 11th, 2001. 

It was just another day.  An average, beautiful, sunny, September day.  As they brushed their teeth or had their morning coffee or kissed their loved ones goodbye, did they have any idea it would be the last? 

I doubt it.

But before they could barely have eaten breakfast, all of them came face to face with their Creator.  Was their name in the Book? 

"What book?" you may ask. 

The Book of Life. 

At the end of the time - and there will be an end to human history.   And at that time, God's Word says that each and every one of us will have to stand before God. (Romans 14:12)

Did we accept His way of being made right with Him?  Jesus.  (The Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No one gets to the Father, but by Jesus."  John 14:6)

If we did, then the Bible says our name is placed in the Lambs book of life.  The Bible says in Revelation 21:27, "Nothing impure will ever enter heaven, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life."

If we have not accepted God's way of being made right with Him - (by asking Jesus to come into our life) the Bible says that our name is not written in this book.  "If any one's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."  (Rev. 20:15)

As I watched the images of 9/11 again over the weekend, my prevailing thoughts were, "Lord, were they prepared to meet you?"

Are you prepared to meet Him if today was your last?  Would you have any regrets?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Withdrawn Hand of Protection-

2 Chronicles 36:15-21
The LORD, the God of their ancestors, repeatedly sent His prophets to warn them for He had compassion on His people and His Temple.
But the people mocked these messengers of God and despised their words.  They scoffed at he prophets until the Lords anger could no longer be restrained and nothing could be done. 
So the Lord brought the king of Babylon against them.  (italics mine)

Have you ever wondered how in the world a loving God could allow the horror of September 11th?  That if God were good or loving, He wouldn't have allowed that to happen?

Dear friend, God is a Gentleman.  And America at large, has asked Him to leave.  Actually, that's not correct.  We've shoved Him out  -
    • Out of the public school systems where the next generation could come to know the ONE TRUE GOD
    • Out of the court houses in America.
    • Out of government and municipal meetings. 
    • Out of many places of business - as it is far too politically incorrect to involve Him there.
So being a Gentleman, He has left. 

Yet He has also removed His hand of protection.   "The Lord has withdrawn His protection as the enemy attacks."  Lamentations 2:3

This morning, I was reading Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Lamentations.  After years and years of almost begging the people of Israel, His own people to return to Him and to repent of their sins - To get rid of the idols they were so obsessed with and to return to Him.  Yet they refused.   As a result, harsh judgement came upon His people.  It came through the Babylonians.   By the way:  (Who are His people today?  Born -again believers.)  

Could God be doing the same thing in our day through a rouge group called Al-Qaida? 

Without a shadow of a doubt, I absolutely think so.  He's shaking us girlfriend. 

Don't forget the images that played throughout the weekend on TV.  Don't forget that 9/11 was a "shaking."

Almost 3000 people entered eternity that day.   Were they prepared to meet their Creator?  Are you?

More tomorrow...

In the meantime, join me in praying Psalm 10:12 for the victims families of the 9/11 attacks:  "For He Who avenges murder cares for the helpless.  He does not ignore the cries of those who suffer."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Fruitful in the Land of Suffering

Fruitful in the Land of Suffering
Genesis 41:52
It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.

Have you ever looked at suffering as a good thing?   I haven't.  In fact, I avoid it if at all possible.  Who wouldn't?

But for me, with each giant wave that came crashing onto the shores of my life - I drew closer to Jesus.  I began to spend more time reading my Bible and in prayer.  I began paying closer attention to what His Word says, so that I could live it out on the anvil of everyday life.

The Prayer Journal and the Bible study (above) would NEVER exist - were it not for the intense suffering of the last few years.  (This blog nor this ministry would exist as well.)  As a result of these tools, I am told that lives and homes and marriages are being affected for all eternity.  People are learning how to pray.  People are learning how to spend meaningful time with Jesus.  People are learning how to make God a part of the everyday - not just a Sunday morning add-on.  People are learning how to walk with Jesus.  People are realizing that God speaks and how to discern His voice in the midst of so many screaming for their attention.  These books were written on the anvil of suffering. 

I once shared with one of my dear friends, that these tools and this ministry are my Ephraim portion. 

What is an Ephraim portion? 

Genesis 37-50 shares Jacob's son, Joseph's story.  He was a man who suffered greatly.  In short, his brothers were extremely jealous to the point that they wanted to kill him.  In lieu of killing him, they sold him into slavery to some Egyptians.  In Egypt he was falsely accused of rape, placed in prison, and all but forgotten for 13 long years.  However, God had not forgotten him.  Eventually, Joseph would became second in command of all Egypt. 

Joseph named his second son, Ephraim.  He named him Ephraim because, "God had made him fruitful in the land of his suffering."  (Gen. 41:52)

In the midst of my suffering, I had no one to turn to who could truly help me - so I turned to Jesus.  He was the only One Who could fix my mess. 

As a result of turning to Jesus, He taught me things that not only helped me to get out of bed everyday, but He allowed me to prosper spiritually.  It's all chronicled in the Journal and the Study.  And I assure you, there's NOTHING like them at LifeWay or Family Christian or any other book store for that matter.  I searched high and low for a book or a study that would teach me in practical terms how to walk with Jesus in a closer friendship during my hell years - but could not find them.  Little did I know that Jesus would provide the answers that many would need through this weak, little servant girl in Cary, NC. 

You may think this sounds far-fetched, but it's been forever engraved on my heart.  The day the market plunged in 2008, I was in the midst of writing the study.  Reading the newspaper that day, I can remember Jesus whispering into my heart, "this study you are laboring over, will be the answer many will need as a result of what's to come."

Why?  Because people need Jesus.  They need more than a religion; more than a sermon - they need a practical love walk with the One Who understands them and loves them unconditionally.  They need security when nothing else these days are promising security.  He is our security.  Not our bank accounts or portfolios.  He alone is All Powerful.  He alone owns the cattle on a thousand hills.

Who do you go to when you are in the depths of despair?   When you have no one to help you; no one who understands; no one strong enough to lift you out of the pit?   

If we will wholeheartedly turn to Jesus and to His Word...  And start spending regular time with Him - listening and obeying what we learn -  and living it out in everyday life... God will make you fruitful in the land of your suffering.  He wastes NOTHING. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Menstrual Cloths-

THE SCRIPTURE is long today - but read it. 
This is an important message-

Isaiah 30:20-22
Although the Lord give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more... 
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it." 
Then you will defile your idols overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them, "Away with you!"  (Italics mine)

The times we are living in are just plain HARD!

But don't think for a minute that these times have not been sifted through the loving fingers of our Sovereign God.  He's allowing these hard times.   He ALLOWS the bread of adversity and the water of affliction.  For many, the adversity and the affliction are of epic proportion and have bombarded us to almost helplessness. 

Little did I know at the time, but the tsunami that swept into my life in June 2006 (see last Friday's post) was the bread of adversity and the water of affliction.  Suffering and sorrow became my teachers.  And trust me, there was not a moment for years to come that they were not present.

In July of 2006, the Lord allowed me to read the above Scripture.  Did you catch the last part?  "You will defile your idols over laid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them, "Away with you!" 

(Can you believe that's in Scripture?  Menstrual cloths?  Gasp!)   Girlfriend, it's there!  I marvel at the word pictures God gives us - sometimes just to gross us out.  But you see that's what God wants to do with the idols in our lives.  They are like menstrual cloths to Him.  He wants them gone!  (Hence the list from yesterday's post.)

I was sister super Christian in 2006, at least I thought I was.  I can remember reading this and thinking, "Well, this doesn't refer to me because I don't have any idols in my life." 


It would take years of walking with the teachers of suffering and sorrow before my eyes and ears were opened - to idols that were such a part of the fabric of my being - that I was totally impotent of seeing them for what they were.   These gods were my lifestyle. 

You see, in short, I was a snotty social lite!  Everything had to be just so.  I had to be friends with just the right people.  From what I wore, to how my house looked; to where I lived; to where other's lived; to where I shopped - even grocery shopped!  Everything had to be perfect.  Ashamedly, and I am ashamed to tell you this, I inadvertently looked down on people who were not like me.

Yet before healing could come - and it did - I would have to wake up to these idols that God wanted GONE!  Not only would I have to wake up to them - I'd have to acknowledge them for what they were - gods - sin - the idols of the fabric of my being.

NOW, I refuse to get my nails done.  I almost refuse to grocery shop at Harris Teeter.  (I know it sounds silly.)  But it was part of that perfect/snotty image I wanted to portray.  Heaven forbid shopping at Food Lion with the people from Mexico and the retirement center.  But now, that's where you'll find me.

Whenever I entertain in my home or have my team over etc, my sweet husband most always offers to blow the driveway and deck for me.  Now, I almost won't let him.  (Sometimes I do.)  But I've been delivered from "image and lifestyle."   It is no longer important to me anymore.  I almost want to use small things like blowing the driveway to show God - "See!  I have not forgotten Lord." 

The slightest invitation to join the life I once knew - makes me sick.  Why?  Because after walking for years with suffering and sorrow, I finally heard the voice behind me saying, "This is the way I want you to walk Tara.  Throw away that thinking; the pretense; all of it!  Throw it away like you would a menstrual cloth.

If God has allowed the the bread of adversity or the water of affliction to come into your life - would you be willing to ask Him if there are any idols that are part of the fabric of your being that He wants to reveal?

Then pray:
"Lord, give me the courage to face them and turn from them."

Next Post:  Good things that come from the teachers of suffering and sorrow -

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Smashing the Idols of the Heart

Isaiah 2:8-9 (NLT)
The land is filled with idols.  The people bow down and worship these things they have made.  So now everyone will be humbled and brought low.  The Lord cannot simply ignore their sins!

Remember a few weeks ago, I told you, it would take courage to read a few of these posts?  Today is one of those days.

As discusseed since mid-August, the Lord is shaking not only our nation, but the world as well. 
  • 2001  attack on America-
  • 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and earthquake
  • 2005 Cat 5 Hurricane that took out an entire American city and much of the landscape
  • 2008 Housing and real estate market crash - that affected the entire global economy and continues to affect the global economy
  • 2010 Haiti earthquake 
  • 2011 Japan earthquake/tsunami
  • 2011 Tornado season - one of the worst on record. Taking out entire cities and towns
  • 2011 Winter season - record setting year for blizzards
  • 2011 Record setting famine for many generational farmers across the US
  • 2011 Earthquake/hurricane affecting much of the East Coast
Often these "shakings" affect not only the landscape, but has a drastic affect on us and our families.   Sometimes ushering in storms and tsunami's of unprecedented proportion.
So why is God allowing the shaking?  I believe ONE of the reasons is found in our Scripture for the day.  (Read it if you have not already.)
The land is filled with idols.  I believe that God is smashing the idols of our heart.

Now what are idols?  Are they the little carved figurines made of wood or marble or gold or silver?  Yes possibly - but idols extend much further.  An idol is anything given sacred value and power in our lives.  It is anything we put before God.  An idol does not have to be a physcial object - it can be thoughts or desires.  Let me give you a few modern day examples:
  • Money; our bank accounts; our portfolios - it's what we ultimately trust. 
  • Our homes; our housing values; our credit ratings
  • Our stuff!  Cars, boats, TV, iphones, our furniture; our antiques; our collections; obsession with decorating and staging.
  • Newspaper and computers  (How much time do you spend reading the paper or on Facebook; Twitter etc... vs the time you spend reading your Bible?)  Ouch!
  • People - sports figures; celebrity; experts in any given field
  • Religious icons - (I got to meet Beth Moore last November at the LifeWay Women's forum.  Our collision course was totally accidental.   This was Women's Leadership forum - Christian leadership.  Yet you would have thought that God had come down in human form by the way she was received.  She would never want this kind of notariety.  She lives to point that notariety to One deserving of it - Jesus.  Yet women were fawning over her unlike I've ever seen.  I was quite shocked.
  • Our desire for acceptance and approval from others.
  • Our wardrobe and shoes
  • Our calendar and daily list of things to do- (Sometimes my list of things to do becomes my god.  I can't see straight until every thing is checked off.)
  • Self!  What we want; what we need; our time
  • Self sufficiency - "I can do it myself.  I don't need anyone."
  • Trinkets - such as cross necklaces or angel lapels that we describe as our protection or as good luck.
  • Prestige; social position or prominence.
  • Greed; lust for more; never enough
  • Food; alcohol; drugs; sexual addiction; porn
  • Our education or perhaps the "experts!"  (I live in an area of 3 major universities.  Oh, the experts!)
  • Environmentalism - I've started calling it the 'green god.'   It's the new altar at which many are worshipping - Mother Earth.    There's nothing wrong with recycling - NOTHING - we should recycle.  But if you are counting on earth loving conservation to make you righteous and clean before God- it's an idol.
  • Politics - This one is near and dear to my heart.  But if we aren't careful, we'll begin looking to a political figure or political party to fix all of our issues - never seeing Jesus as the ONE with the answer.
This is a hard message.  If it makes you feel any better, the reason I could list these off with such ease is because at one time or another - many of the above has unintentionally been the object of my affection or passion.  A.K.A.: my idol.
Scripture says, "people bow down and worship these things they have made.   So now everyone will be humbled and brought low.  (How drastically has your world changed in the last 5 years?  Have your circumstances humbled you?)  The LORD cannot simply ignore their sins."
God is smashing the idols of our heart.  All that we once held dear and built our lives upon - for many have come to ruin and to nothing. 
More tomorrow-
Can you name idols I've not mentioned? 
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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tsunami's of Life

If you are dry spiritually, come and be refreshed and renewed.
First Baptist Charlotte, September 16-17
I'll be there teaching, Quiet Time 101
For more information:

Tsunami's of Life

Psalm 27:13
I am confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Did you ever see Google earth pictures following the 2004 Southeast Asia tsunami?   The topography of the earth was totally different following the tsunami.  The images are stunning.

So it is with the landscape of our heart and lives following the storms of life.  However, some storms that come our way are tsunami's.  They ravage us emotionally, spiritually and sometimes physically.  As a result, the topography of our lives are stunningly different following a storm of this magnitude.  And isn't it amazing how with some tsunami's, the ripple effect lasts for years - perhaps even a lifetime.

The third storm I mentioned yesterday, was actually not a storm but was a tsunami.   If you are regular reader, than you know that I'm a big believer in transparency and authenticity.  That's why I share so much of my life with you - my failings and my successes.  But in this case, I will not be able to share the details. 

However, let me say, the tidal wave that hit my life in June of 2006 following the resurgence of my daughter's health, ushered in such gloom, hardship, uncertainty and insecurity - that by the time December 2009 came around - I despaired of life.  It was rock bottom.  I was worn out and worn down.  And after 4 years, things continued to get worse, not better.  I found myself asking Jesus just "to take me home to be with Him."  That way, the pain wouldn't be so despairing.

I look at pictures of Christmas that year.  I'm smiling and having fun.  But behind the smile, was a broken woman.  I never tried to explain the pain to anyone else.   There are some things in life that NO ONE besides Jesus can fix.

In my prayer time each day, all I could muster was, "I choose to trust You Lord.  I don't feel like trusting You, but I choose to.  I feel like You keep throwing me under the bus.  But I know that's not Your mojo.  That's not how You operate.  I know that somehow, some way, You will be faithful.  Help me to hang on to You, Lord.  I'm slipping."

I know that many of you perhaps feel the same way.  You are living through  not just a storm, or even a hurricane, but a tsunami of epic proportion.  Tidal waves of such intensity that you wonder, "how in the world am I going to get out of bed today?"

Over the next few posts, I want to share what I learned and am continuing to learn through the tidal wave of 2006.  Life's tsunami's:
  • Draw us closer to Jesus as He reveals our idols.  (Oh no, here we go.)
  • Allow us to experience His faithfulness in the everyday -
  • Bring fruit - (if we'll allow it )
  • Strengthens the bonds of our relationship with Him.
  • Works good -
Psalm 27  became my song during this period.  (Read it!)  But my favorite verse is 13, "I am still confident of this:  I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."  I often felt like the living dead.  But God was promising me, that I would once again join those in the "the land of the living."

God is faithful.  And if you are in a storm of any kind - even a tsunami - press into Jesus unlike ever before.  And you too, can boldly proclaim,  "I am CONFIDENT of this, I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."

Have a good weekend.  See you Monday-