Wednesday, September 28, 2011

NOT one of the Boys -

John 14:6
"Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.  No one gets to the Father but through Him."

Hindu, Muslim, Mormon, Jewish, Jehovah's Witness, Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Baha'i, Baptist, Anglican, and atheist...    Our world says: "It's all the same.  To think any different, you'd be totally intolerant, narrow minded and self-righteous."

How do your actions reveal what you believe?
Have you ever felt intimidated by other religious beliefs or even felt guilty about sharing your faith, as though you were presumptuous in thinking yours is the truth? 

Have you ever been seduced to believe that all religions are the same?  (I have)  

That as long as a person is sincere in their religion- they will get to their God?  (I've had people related to me say this.)

Our culture, the media, politicians, and many others will tell you that "if you are truly loving, you will tolerate the false and compromise the truth so as not to be offensive."   After all, we would hate to offend anyone.    

Girls, I've got some news for you - JESUS, is not one of the boys.  JESUS is God's ONLY provision for getting into His heaven.

Who is Jesus?  (here's a short list)
  • Jesus is God Himself Who made Himself visible to all.  He is the image of the invisible God. (Col 1:15)
  • Through Jesus, all things were made and created - John 1:3
  • Jesus is the Source of all life - John 1:4
  • Jesus is the One Who stepped out of paradise; out of eternity.  He voluntarily came into time and space and into a diseased and evil filled world.  He came on a rescue mission - to rescue ALL WHO would believe and receive Him.  (Sadly, His own people did not recognize Him and rejected Him.) (John 1:10,12)
  • Jesus is the ONLY NAME under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.  (Acts 4:12)
We must come to God through JESUS or we don't come at all. 

Do you see?  Jesus is not one of the boys.   Therefore, be bold girls and stand firm!  Don't be seduced into second guessing the God of the Bible.    Jesus is the truth for every man or woman who has ever been born into the human race.

Could God be shaking our world; our economies; our landscapes; our homes; our finances; our marriages; our families - so that we will turn to His Word - to find out how to be right with Him?

Without a shadow of a doubt - I believe He is.

When we open our Bibles, we find a contradiction to what we are told by our world:  Jesus is not one of the boys -

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