Wednesday, August 31, 2011

More than the Building we Attend...

Join me in Charlotte!

Friday and Saturday, Sept 16-17, 2011

First Baptist Charlotte,

My class? Quiet Time 101

Great speakers!

Great music!

Great food!

Open to ALL Women

More than the Building we Attend

Joel 2:12

"Even now," declares the Lord, "return to Me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning."

Ok, so you've taken the first step in knowing God! But let me ask you a question... Is God real to you? Or is He far away and distant?

The God of the Universe, the ONE who created you, wants to have a vibrant relationship with you. Yet sadly, it often takes storms of epic proportions in order for us to make Him more than the building we attend once a week.

Thus far, God has allowed 3 major storms in my life. They all rattled my chains - some, so violently, I've never been the same since. (I'll briefly discuss the first 2 today, the 3rd I'll go into tomorrow.)

1. Storm #1: January 2003

My husband was married to the meanest; angriest, most bitter, self-consumed woman on the planet who had total princess mentality. I thought he was the one who needed to change - but in reality - it was me.

Shortly after New Years, when I was desperate for change, I slowly began to apply what I was learning in Bible study to my marriage. I very quickly began to see that the "Jesus stuff" works! (You'll have to get my study, Intimacy with God to read the rest of the story.) But let me just say, a miracle happened in my home.

That's another reason why I'm such a big fan of The Politically Incorrect Wife.

2. Storm #2: June 2005

My daughter was diagnosed with a very rare, serious auto-immune disease. In fact, on June 15, 2005, her health was so precarious, the doctors would not even promise me she would survive.

My next door neighbor, Suzi, a prayer warrior, put together a prayer group to bang on heaven's door on Caroline's behalf. God moved mightily in response to prayer that year. Tears flood my eyes even thinking about it. I saw first hand the atomic bomb leashing power released by going to your knees in fervant prayer.

A few weeks after this June 15th horrid day, the Lord gave me the promise during a quiet time. Job 1:16.

"You will surely forget your trouble, recalling it only as waters gone by." In other words, Caroline's disease will go into remission - and it will not come back. You will remember this as a period of time as waters gone by.

Six months later when we saw physical evidence of Caroline's improvement, the doctor said to me, "You know Mrs. Furman, Caroline is doing great. One day you will look at this period of time as water's gone by."

I almost passed out in the exam room at Duke. This unbelieving doctor had used the EXACT SAME words God had when He spoke to me out of Scripture. (And you wonder why I'm passionate about spending regular time with God... Oh, how we miss out when we miss our time with Him. What are you missing out on hearing because you're determined to get 20 more minutes of sleep?

This morning, we were at Duke again. Although it's been over 6 years, Caroline is much better, but we are still seen quarterly. Caroline is thriving and her disease is in remission with no sign of a recurance, nor do I expect there to be.


Because the Living God has spoken to me personally about this and He keeps His promises. God is real! He's alive, He's personal and He will speak into the depths of your heart if you will let Him.

Has your life been affected by a storm of epic proportion?

  • Are you a victim of the economy?

  • The storm of a broken home; a broken relationship; the death of someone close to you?

  • A diagnosis?

  • A past shame - such as adultery, divorce, an addiction?

If so, "return to Him with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning." He's trying to get your attention. Allow Him to be more than just the building you attend each week -

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Do you Know God?

Last Day for Give-Away!

Gather a group of 5+ girlfriends and receive a

Workbook or Book + Prayer Journal for free!

Life Changing studies:

One will show you how to KNOW God personally and practically - not just knowing about Him.

It will revolutionize the way you approach Bible study and church.

(Leader's Guide available)

The other is "fresh wind and fresh fire" to any marriage! It's shares real-life suggestions for meaningful change.

I'm so excited for all who have responded!!!

Do you KNOW GOD?

John 14:6

"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

I've heard it said, "that there are many ways to God. That if God were at the top of the mountain and all religions are making their way to Him. The Buddhist may go about it one way. The Muslim another. The Protestant yet another way. The Catholic another. That all roads lead to God. As long as you are well meaning, you will get to God."

Is that what the Bible says? (Read today's scripture. It's quite the opposite.)

The first step in knowing God is understanding there is only ONE WAY to God and His heaven. He loves us so much, He's made sure that we know the prescribed way of getting to Him.

Guess what? There's no getting to Him. He's too holy. He's too righteous. He's too perfect. There truly is no amount of earth-loving conservation or an amount of money you can donate or good works you can perform that is good enough to make it up the mountain to God. We (as human beings) have ALL fallen short of God's standards.

Yet in His amazing love for us - HE CAME DOWN THE MOUNTAIN TO US by sending Jesus. Jesus is the ONLY way to God. He is not one of many ways.

The first step in knowing God is:

  1. Understanding that the Bible is true. Jesus is the only way to God.

  2. Agree with God that you are sinner.

  3. Believe that Jesus died on the cross (an actual event in history - not a made up fable) for you personally.

  4. Invite Jesus to come and live in your life.

The Bible says in John 1:12, Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God."

Perhaps you just can't remember when you made the deliberate decision to believe and receive Him. Perhaps you think:

  • "I've been a Christian all my life."-

  • "I was raised going to church."

  • "I was baptized when I was 8."

  • "I joined the church when I was 11."

  • "I was christened as a baby."

  • "I went through confirmation or a new Christian class."

If you can't remember - but one of the above (or something similar) is your only story - let's make sure today! Pray with me if you can't remember: (Don't roll your eyes. Yes - let's pray together virtually.)

Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I'm guilty! I believe You are the only way to God and that you came to die for my sins. Forgive me. Right now, I turn from my sins and open the door of my heart and life. I want You in my life. Thank you for saving me Lord."

If you just prayed with me (believing, in faith what you prayed) - today is your spiritual birthday! Today your eternal destiny has changed. You can be assured that when you close your eyes to this life - you will open your eyes to Jesus in heaven.

God has made it so simple for us. If you have never prayed a prayer similar to the above with believing faith - do it today.

I can remember when I prayed that prayer for the first time. I was in the third grade coming home from school one day with a neighbor's mom. Though I was a young girl, I had such an awareness of God in my life from that moment on. I wanted to go to church. I had a desire to read and understand my Bible.

However, it would be many years before that faith became vibrantly alive! I have not been the same since. It's changed my entire family. It came in the most unassuming way - through the ground beneath me... shaking. (Not an earthquake.) But circumstances that were more than I could bear...

If God hasn't gotten your attention in the last week with an actual earthquake and hurricane (all in the same week), then with the way the world is now, you too may have circumstances that are shaking you to your core -

Look up!

More tomorrow...

(Will you contact me if you prayed this prayer today. I want to encourage you. We can talk via email or we can talk live.)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Thank you for your Bible study, Intimacy with God. I can see God growing me in my quiet time and prayer time! I also thank you for your recommendation of The Politically Incorrect Wife. This book and your reference to John 12:24 in your study concerning your own marriage has made the biggest difference in my marriage! This ministry is making a difference in my life!
-Jill P.

"Intimacy with God has changed my life. My husband and I just lost our business. Because of I've started to have a quiet time, I'm more rooted in my relationship with Jesus. If I had not learned how to have a quiet time and to hear Jesus speak to me, I'd be falling apart right now. But I'm not. I'm hopeful instead of feeling hopeless. Each morning, He tells me to "trust Him." I know He will provide. Thank you for the impact you've made in my life through this study.

-Debbie C.

These are just a few of the letters I've received. To God be all the credit. It's His material.

August 31st is almost here!

We will give you one of these books, plus a Prayer Journal when you gather 5 of your closest friends - for life and habit changes in everyday life!

Don't forget, there's a Leader's Guide available to spoon you in facilitating your group.

Click here to order:

Several of you who live in my area have responded and want to pick them up in order to save on shipping. That's no problem!

Hurricane Irene

Haggai 2:6

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.'"

In one week, the folks on the East Coast have experienced an earthquake and a hurricane.


The Lord is shaking the earth [earthquake], the sea [hurricane], and the dry land [massive flooding].

Does He have your attention yet?

I was watching the news last night, and they were interviewing a student at East Carolina University. Her comment: "We've had an earthquake and a hurricane, all in one week. What in the world is going on?"

Astute girl. Are you as astute?

Or are your eyes still focused on:

  • The Kardashians? The Housewives of Beverly Hills? People Magazine or US Weekly?

  • Your Iphone and your email? Your daily list of things to do?

  • Celebrities and athletes?

  • Decorating your house so that it looks just so...

  • Your upcoming Labor Day weekend plans and are irritated by the fallout from the storm?

  • Your bank account? Your retirement plans? Your social calendar?

The God of the Universe loves you! The ONE Who created you wants a relationship with you. If He can't get your attention any other way, He'll speak through nature. Listen with your heart to these riveting verses:

Romans 1:18-20 NLT

"But God shows His anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people [that can be us girls! Not just people who live outwardly wicked. I'll share some of my wickedness tomorrow.] who push the truth away from themselves.

[Under the guise of political correctness. Jesus is the truth. WE can't even say His name hardly. We call Him God in order to appease and not offend. I see this in church circles! Do you do this?

We've pushed God out of our schools, out of our courthouses; out of public assemblies; out of our family gatherings. Did you know that the NYC city council voted to prohibit any sort of religious remembrances for 9/11 this year? We've totally pushed Him out! Would never want to offend!]

For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. [People know God instinctively, without having to be told - even the man in the jungle has instinctive knowledge that he has a Creator. God created us with a capacity to know Him personally.]

God has put this knowledge in their hearts.

From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see His invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature.

[All you had to do was get in the car or look out a window on Saturday - you experienced a glimpse of His divine power.]

So they are without excuse whatsoever for not knowing God." [Scathing words.]

Do you know God? Or do you just know about Him? He loves you - does He have your attention yet?

Hurricane Irene Girls!
This past Saturday, I had the privilege of going to Zebulon, NC to speak to a group of women, who persevered through a hurricane to attend a ladies tea. Thought I'd share some of the highlights!

Arliss, Jill, (Event planners) and myself.

I had just unpacked my car in the midst of 40-50 mph blowing winds and torrential sideways rain. The entire time I was thinking about Forest Gump when he was writing to Jenny and telling her all the ways it was raining!

After setting up, the gal that travels with me and prays for me, Autumn, says, "Do we have a brush? You need it!"

Didn't have a brush! Oh well:)

Margaret, Judy and Bailey
This was a grandmother, mother, and daughter - 3 generations. Many women came with their moms or their daughters. It was a sweet event. (Despite lights flickering on and off and the wind howing outside!

The grandmother pictured here, Margaret, survived Germany during WWII. Her stories were fascinating. I'll never forget them. She loves Jesus. She credits Him for the ability to have lived through such horror.

This was a group of ALL AGES - from High School to an 88 year old that was there. I've never seen this done - I thought it was genius. Prior to me speaking - the planners played a short game of Bingo. Something so simple, yet spoke the language of many of the women there. I firmly believe when you tap into someone's love language, their heart is open to receive.

I must be honest. Whenever I accept a speaking invitation, I always ask what the primary age group is. I have found that I tend to bore older women. I'm not sure what it is, but they normally have a "deer-in-a-headlight" kinda look while I'm speaking or worse yet - they nod off. They're always cordial - but I think I scare 'em!

I had asked my prayer team to pray very specifically, that God would draw the women who were spiritually hungry. Who cares how old they are - just bring the ones that want more of Jesus.

God answered!

This group - all ages - EVERY SINGLE woman - young to old - were totally engaged and listening. (The speaker can tell. So don't yawn when your preacher is preaching - he can see! And it's discouraging!) And they responded by signing up for the Bible Study this fall in their fellowship.

I tried to attach a video clip. I'll attempt another day this week:)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rejecting Indifference and Making Jesus Your Everything

Have you gotten your girlfriends together yet?

Don't forget, if you gather 5 girls for a group study by August 31st, KGM will give you a Book/Workbook of your choice + a Prayer Journal!

Life-changing studies - order yours today.

Rejecting Indifference and Making Jesus your Everything

Matthew 24:38-39

"...people were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."

As we've discussed this week, there's nothing wrong with eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage - nothing. It's the indifference to God and the godlessness that grieves God's heart. Especially when those who are indifferent - ARE HIS OWN PEOPLE!

What if you resolved to be different? To make Jesus your everything - instead of an add-on to an already schedule? Who in your life would be impacted by your willingness to start living your life according to what the Bible says?

  • Would your spouse impacted? Would his eternal destiny be impacted? I believe it would. (The Politically Incorrect Wife, teaches you how to be the difference in your marriage.)

  • Would your children's lives and decisions be impacted? What if you began NOW (especially if they are young) telling them, "We're only going to date Christians. Why are we only dating Christians? Because in all likelihood, you'll choose who you will marry from who you are dating. The Bible says, "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers."

  • What about the people around you such as extended family members, coworkers, neighbors? How would their lives be impacted if you chose to be different by refusing to gossip; stretch the truth (lying); refusing to allow your cleavage to show? Why? Because you want to honor God in everything you do, say and even wear.

Most everyone in my sphere knows where I stand concerning Jesus. I don't go around preaching and teaching. (Unless asked for my opinion). I allow my life, lifestyle and behavior to do it for me.

Earlier in the week, I got a call from the most unlikely person in the world. This person has NEVER shown an interest in what I'm doing; for what I think; or even my God for that matter. But this person's world has turned upside down/inside out. And she's beside herself.

The morning I got the call, it was the worst possible time. (Yet this is making Jesus your everything. You learn what's important to the Father and it supersedes what I perceive to be important.)

As she shared the circumstances in tears and utter brokenness - I gently said, "If you are calling me, you know what you're going to hear. I'm going to give you Jesus. No one or nothing can fill this void you are feeling - except God Almighty Himself. And He has allowed these horrible circumstances to come into your life - so that you would finally look to Him for the answers."

Her exact words: "That is why I've called you. I need Him."

We talked for 20 minutes about the things of God. Before getting off the phone, she asked if I would pray.

If you would be willing to reject indifference to God in your everyday life and make Him your everything, when people around you are hurting - they'll come to you. Why? Because they'll instinctively know you may be the only one in their sphere who has thirst quenching Living Water to give them. My prayer for this person is that this godly sorrow would bring salvation.

Before you can make Jesus your everything - you've got to get into the Bible on a regular basis. (The Intimacy with God Study, teaches you how to spend time with God on a regular basis. Spending time with God without just going through the motions) - but connecting the dots of what you are reading in the Bible to your everyday life and circumstances and then living it out despite fear of being different from those around you.

A quick shout-out:

to a dear group of women who as of this morning live in the direct path of Hurricane Irene.

I've been honored to be their speaker the last 2 years at the "Keeping the Festival" retreat.

I love these women.

Please pray for God's mercy on these dear sisters in Christ who live on and near the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
We'll be praying and thinking about you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Feather

Fall Bible Studies from

Knowing God Ministries:

1. Intimacy with God

Do you need practical help with prayer? Do you need help learning how to spend quality life changing time with God?

Come on girls! Gather 5 of your friends for coffee and dessert at your house for 7 weeks. This Leader's Guide spoon feeds you in leading them to the ONE WHO has their answers.

2. The Politically Incorrect Wife

Do you need your husband to change? Is your marriage stuck in a rut? Get unstuck by becoming politically incorrect! Bring peace and warmth back into your homes again.

Study questions are in the back.

Gather a small group by August 31st and receive a Book/workbook of your choice plus a Prayer Journal for free! Give it to a friend as a gift or use it for yourself.

To order:
Your purchase made through KGM touches eternity, because your purchase supports hope-giving ministry to people in hard places at no cost. It also enables us to train up leader's to be impactful in their corner of the world at no cost. Thank you for your support.

A Feather

Matthew 24:7

"There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains." (italics mine)

If you live on the east coast, these words must have new meaning this morning!

Yesterday, I taught on the same passage of Scripture. I posted 2 hours short of the 1:55pm tremors. Yet I bet today, these words take on new meaning.

Where were you? What were you doing? Did you feel it?

My car's battery had died! (Don't you just love it when your car doesn't work?) My kids had dental appointments so I was getting them early from school. Except now, it was my dear Mom and I getting my kids early from school!

As we sat at stop light close to my neighborhood, it felt like big semi trucks were passing us on both sides - yet nothing was driving passed us. I had just posted yesterday's blog, so I jokingly said, "Maybe it's an earthquake!"

Five minutes later, after gathering my children from their classrooms and rushing back to her car, (we were officially late for the appointments now) my Dad had emailed my mom saying, "we just had an earthquake!"

So amazing. It's been over 60 years since the east coast has had an earthquake. Yet taken in context of EVERYTHING else going on in the world, it's another contraction. A contraction in a place that NORMALLY does not have earthquakes.

Is God getting your attention?

When I saw the headlines in the paper this morning, my first thought was the mercy of our God. It could have been SO much worse. God is so merciful. He doesn't want to have to hit us with a hammer if it only takes a feather. Yesterday, was a feather.

Allow the feather of the earthquake from yesterday to wake us up from indifference and godlessness in everyday life. To no longer live under the slave master of political correctness, but to start seeing life through God's eyes. And to start speaking it to others! But this will require SPENDING QUALITY TIME with Him each day.

  • Not just going on your morning jog and listening to Christian music or podcast and calling it your quiet time each day.

  • Not just praying on your way to work - as the only time you think about the things of God during the day and calling it your prayer time each day.

  • Not just posting your favorite Scriptures around your kitchen or car - meditating on them and calling it your time with God.

  • Not just serving tirelessly at church or at Bible study or at a Women's conference and allowing it to substitute for time spent with God.

These are all GREAT things. Things that we should weave into our everyday lives. BUT NOTHING SUBSTITUTES time spent alone with God in His Word. Mark 1:35 says that Jesus, Himself got up very early in the morning and went off to a solitary place where He spent time with the Father.

(Can you see that I'm passion about this?)

Time alone each day with God has RADICALLY changed my life. No, I'm not perfect (far from it), but I'm not where I used to be either. It's also changed the way I view the news, interruptions to my schedule and the way I live, talk, behave and drive.

LOOK UP! Let's stop playing church. God wants to talk to you. Let that feather of a tremor in a most unlikely side of a continent get your attention... So that He doesn't have to use the hammer of harder circumstances to get it.

(Side note: Did anyone besides me think it's ironic that it hit Washington DC? Just an observation...)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Indifference to God

Suggestions for Fall Bible Study

1. Intimacy with God:
In the midst of the havoc so many are facing, God seems to be showing us what is of utmost importance. It's not our homes; our nonexistent property values; our volatile portfolios or our life savings. It's knowing God personally. Leader's Guide available!

2. The Politically Incorrect Wife:
Life-changing, practical how-to manual for the woman who
desperately needs fresh-life breathed into her marriage.
Study questions are in the back.

For every group over 5+, KGM will provide a complementary book and journal of your choice! Let us know by August 31st -

Indifference to God

Matthew 24:38

For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage...

In case you are just joining us, we're observing what's happening in the world around us - with what the Bible says will happen prior to the 2ND coming of Christ.

Jesus describes the events prior to His return as birth pains in Matthew 24:7-8. "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains."

Think about it: the closer a woman comes to giving birth, the closer together the contractions are. Let's review what's happening in the world around us:

  • Financial famine in America: High unemployment; skyrocketing bankruptcy; financial markets seem to have little stability-

  • Complete economic uncertainty in global markets

  • Lawlessness in London's streets and other major cities - Libya, Syria, Egypt, Yeman

  • Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and Yeman have been shaken this year by dramatic and unexpected revolutions -

  • Israel - Iran is rapidly closing in on building nuclear weapons and the world is not doing nearly enough to stop them -

  • A new global mentality.

  • Moving ever so slowly to one currency - Europe has already consolidated it's currency. Leaders have expressed desire to be one economically.

  • 2011 Earthquake / Tsunami in Japan

  • 2010 Earthquake in Haiti

  • 2005 Category 5 Hurricane Katrina

  • 2004 Earthquake/Tsunami in Southeast Asia

Jesus likened the second coming to the days of Noah. "For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."

So, what's wrong with eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage?

NOTHING! Except God was left out of ALL of of it. It's not that the people were doing anything wicked as in criminal. It was wicked in that it was godless. People were completely indifferent to God.

Can't you see indifference to God all around us in today's world? And I'm not talking about unbelievers. I'm talking about the people who call themselves by His name: Christians. Born-again believers - who are totally indifferent to God!

Leaving Him out of our decisions; our businesses; our marriages; our parenting; our sporting events; our vacations; our plans; how we spend our money; our relationships...

Sadly today, Jesus has become an add-on to an already busy schedule. We have a Sunday morning mentality, yet honestly, are no different Monday morning.

Am I describing you? Am I describing your family? Am I describing your lifestyle?

This is not to bring condemnation! This is not to make you feel bad. But it's intended to wake us up! It's intended to bring awareness of possible indifference to God in our own life and to repent. Today, can be the day of change for you.

If this describes you, take time now to tell God how sorry you are. Tell Him you want to repent. That you don't want to be indifferent to Him any longer. Ask Him for practical ways to help you today.

And then determine and resolve - that God is real. Be willing to wake up to an intimate love relationship with Him in your own life.

Tomorrow: Who will wake up because you've woken up?

Next: When I woke up-

Thursday, August 18, 2011

An Actual Calendar Date

Matthew 24:26

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

When I was a child, I accepted Christ as my Savior. I was in the 3rd grade.

Several years later, I became totally preoccupied with His second coming. I was more fearful of it than anything else. (We can discuss this. There's no need to be fearful of His 2ND coming if you belong to Him.)

But I remember being at a pep-rally in the 7Th grade and noticed a line that stretched across the width of the gym wall. What I'm getting ready to share is profound - profound for a 7Th grader to have such a thought. Now that I'm an adult, I know that it was a God thought - not a Tara thought. And for such a time as this, He's allowed me to remember in order to share with you.

On that day, in the West Cary Jr. High gym at a pep rally, I saw the line as God's calendar for mankind. The line had a beginning point and an ending point. Out of no where, I began to ponder where we were (on God's calendar) in that line. As I was standing on the bleachers completely dazed from my current reality of a loud gym filled with cheerleaders and football players, I felt quite sure we were passed the half-way point of His calendar. But how close were we to reaching the end point? I was not sure, but I just had a knowing that we were closer to the end point than to the beginning point. From that day on, I no longer felt fear of His second coming.

The Bible says, no one knows the day, the hour, or the year Jesus will return.

But the Bible does say, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage... they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away." (Matthew 24:37-39 italics mine)

The flood came as a total surprise to the people surrounding Noah. Yet God had provided for them a man who was preaching repentance and building an enormous boat - surely the object of ridicule since it had never rained. (Makes me think of people today who live out their faith - the media, celebrity, politicians, etc. ridicule them and shame them mercilessly.)

Yet don't miss what it says in Genesis regarding the great flood. It fell on an actual calendar date. "In the 600th year of Noah's life, on the 17th day of the 2nd month - on that day, all the springs of the great deep burst forth and the floodgates of the heavens were opened." (Gen. 7:11)

Take note of the specifics concerning this day. It was an actual day on the calendar. Just as there was an actual calendar date for the judgement of the flood, there is an actual calendar date for Jesus' next coming.

On Monday, we'll talk about what the people were doing prior to the flood and how it is relevant to what people are doing today. Is there anything wrong with what they were doing? You'll have to wait until Monday!

But in the meantime, there's no need to fear His second coming IF YOU KNOW HIM. Do you know Jesus personally? He wants you to know Him!

Consider this short 7 week study, Intimacy with God as we enter into this new season. Pull together some friends to do it with you. I have a free download of the first week on my website. It's a small taste of what the study is like. Go to: . Not to mention, we've got a new website! Take a look at it! We also have beautiful redesigned materials geared to helping you grow spiritually and in knowing God better.

I wholeheartedly believe in these tools. Not only because it's the path He led me on in getting to KNOW Him personally and practically, but because of the difference they've made in the lives of those who have used them. When we KNOW God, we don't have to fear His second coming or the shaking of the world around us.

Last note: In light of yesterday's post, did anyone notice what the leaders of France and Germany proposed on Wednesday? For Europe to come under ONE economic government. It was rejected. But all the same, interesting...

Have a great weekend:)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Jesus is Coming Back

Do you live in the reality of Jesus' return? Or is it a bunch of religious mumbo, jumbo to you?

Let me share sound doctrine with you. (By the way, take time to read these Scriptures. If now is not a good time - come back - when you can absorb what they say.)

  • Following Jesus' assention to heaven in Acts 1:9, verse 10 says, "As they were looking intently into the sky as He was going , when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. "Men of Galilee," they said, "why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven."
  • (italics mine)

  • Matthew 24:27, "For as lightening that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man."

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:15, "We who are still living when the Lord returns will not rise to meet Him ahead of those who are in their graves. For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the call of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God.

  • The closing words of the Bible, Jesus says, "Yes, I am coming soon." Rev. 22:20

There are many more...

So how does this tie in with all the unrest and shaking we see in the world? Remember last week, we talked about contractions - similar to when a woman gives birth? Jesus describes what the earth will be like at the end of the age. He says, "All these are the beginning of birth pains." (Matthew 24:8) Birth pains - prior to His second return.

Let me ask you something. When in history can you recall not only the events I outlined last week, but almost each year something MAJOR happening around the world.

  • 2004 Tsunami in Southeast Asia

  • 2005 Category 5 Hurricane Katrina - southern part of the United States

  • 2008 Housing and real estate market crash that has affected the entire world

  • 2010 Earthquake in Haiti

  • 2011 Tsunami in Japan

I feel quite sure I've missed something. So we have these major events plus ALL the other big things happening as well. In addition to this - Europe has moved to ONE currency. And our president often speaks about the "Global Community" and being united globally. We even see how a lone leader was received in 2008 by the world community . Obama was running for President and traveled abroad. You would have thought the Messiah had arrived at the welcome he received from foreign nations.

The Bible talks about there being a one world leader at the end of the age. (Rev. 13:3) (I do not believe President Obama to be the man the Bible calls anti-Christ.) My point is - we see the reception the world gave to one man. And the willingness to be served by one leader.

One thing to keep your eye on is Israel. Also, keep your eyes open to any leader or charismatic figure promising peace to Israel... (We can talk about this another time. But Israel is key at the end of the age.)

I encourage you to ask the Lord to help you see the happenings of the world through His eyes. Jesus is coming back...

Friday: What day or year will it be?

Burying our Head in the Sand?

Matthew 24:11

"Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people."

Let's quickly recap last week. The God of the Universe is not only shaking America, but He's shaking the world at large. (For details of these "shaking's" see Thursday and Friday's post.) On Friday, I shared that we have 2 choices:

  1. We can bury our head in the sand and hope that through a political leader or through economic change, our plights will get better... OR

  2. We can acknowledge the shaking going on around us - and look up to God's personal message to us individually.

I'm a typical first-born ~ a pleaser. I love sharing messages that will encourage you and that will strengthen you spiritually. Honestly, I want you to like me. I want you to look forward to reading my blog 4 times a week.

So I must confess, that the next few posts will go against my very nature. They will not be easy for the one who wants to keep her head buried in the sand to digest. They may require a change of heart or a change of behavior or change of theology on your part. (Theology? You may ask?) YES, a change of theology. I'm all about the God of the Bible - not a religion. And though I attend a denominational church, it's a Bible teaching fellowship. (I'm not against denomination - hear my heart.)

God revealed two things to my heart this morning as I shared my fear in sharing end times theology; sin; idols of the heart, etc. - all subjects He's pressing me to share.

  1. Prior to 2ND return of Jesus Christ, there will be a rise of false prophets. Matthew 24:11 says, "many false prophets will appear and deceive many people." My mind was drawn to "false prophet's" this morning. So I asked the Lord, "Who? Who are they Lord?" I began going through a litany of possibilities. Immediately I sensed a quickening in my heart. "They're in the churches. Churches you've been in; denominational churches. Open your eyes, Tara." The other message I sensed...

  2. "These messages ARE NOT for those who want to bury their head in the sand... Praying for relief through a political system or an economic system or for calmer weather patterns. These messages are for those who are truly seeking My face." (Can I confess, that as a political junkie, this feels like a slap in the face. Sorry if it hurts you too:)

This natural born pleaser has resolved to please her God rather than offend Him with messages that will "tickle your ears." But let me share a warning to those (like me) who would really like to bury her head in the sand - 2 Timothy 2:2-4

"Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage - with great patience and careful instruction.

For a time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.

Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from truth and turn aside to myths." (italics mine)

Sound doctrine of truth is that Jesus Christ is returning to earth one day. And I believe that day is sooner than later.

I'll see you tomorrow - if you can get your head out of the sand. I'm pulling mine out too!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fall Kick-off: Women's Leadership League

Ephesians 4:12

"...prepare God's people for works of service, so that the Body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."

Last Friday, Knowing God Ministries hosted the fall kick-off of Women's Leadership League! The time was edifying and the speaker, Suzi McDuffee was fabulous.

The theme this month was "The Fragrance of Christ." Suzi challenged the Christian leaders gathered to be the fragrance of Christ in their spheres of influence. The only way to be the fragrance of Christ in our corners of the world is to nurture an:

  • an abiding life,

  • a prayerful life, and

  • a surrendered life.

It was wonderful! We should probably start having these messages recorded and begin making them available. Below are pictures of our time together. For more - see the Knowing God Ministries Fan page on Facebook-


Fellowship amongst the Body of believers in this corner of the world.

After eating a fabulous lunch, our speaker sharpened us to have the fragrance of Christ - not the fragrance of a nasty trash-can!

We pray corporately aloud, around our tables with each other. Autumn Weikert, one of our team members directed our prayer time. So sweet! So unifying... So powerful!

One of the wonderful things about Women's Leadership League, is the sharpening at our tables. Women in leadership get to meet other women who do what they do and share what's working and what's not working in their ministries.

Preparing to leave!

In light of all that's going on in the world, women need Jesus more than ever. They need to know that He's real. That He longs to know them personally and intimately. That He's not just a remote building or a study we go to once a week.

The women you see in the pictures above are under-shepherds of a sheep fold in their corner of the world. Knowing God Ministries wants to come along beside them and sharpen them to be more effective in their sphere of influence.

In the near future, we hope to begin hosting an outreach event geared to all women. There's so much that goes into something like this - first starting in prayer. God has given us the vision. Please join us in prayer.

For an album of more pictures, go to the Knowing God Ministries fan page on Facebook:)

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

We have:

The Politically Incorrect Wife!!!

If you enjoyed the marriage and parenting series
this summer, then you will LOVE this book.

Nancy gives you practical, real-life suggestions to make your marriage and family life - sweeter and richer.

This book was a game-changer in my own marriage - that's why I'm now making it available to you.

Order your own AUTOGRAPHED COPY today!

(While supplies last)

The World is Shaking

Haggai 2:6-7

This is what the Lord Almighty says: "In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations...

Not only is America shaking, but the world at large seems to be shaking:

  • London is being shaken by the lawlessness on it's streets.

  • Complete economic uncertainty in the global markets. (Read the paper!)

  • Countries on the verge of financial chaos: Greece, Italy, Spain, France.

  • Somali militiamen are attacking refugees fleeing famine into Kenya.

  • Norway has been shaken by sheer evil unleashed against innocent children.

  • Japan has been shaken by the enormous earthquake, the resulting tsunami, and the horrific nuclear meltdown.

  • The people of Egypt, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen have been shaken this year by dramatic and unexpected revolutions throughout the Arab world.

  • Iran has been shaken by the enormous pro-democracy movements that took the streets but was then nearly crushed by the tyrannical government in Tehran.

  • Israel have been shaken by fears that Iran is rapidly closing in on building nuclear weapons and the world is not doing nearly enough to stop them in time.

Who can forget,

  • The horrors of 9/11?

  • Hurricane Katrina - a Cat 5 storm that took out an entire US city? And then there was Rita and 5 that hit Florida in a 2 mos time span?

  • The 9.0 Indian Ocean earthquake in 2004 that brought TOTAL disaster and devastation in 11 surrounding countries. The energy of this earthquake is said to have had the energy of 23,000 atomic bombs.

  • The Haiti earthquake in January of 2010.

What if these events are not random at all? What if God is allowing these things to shake us, to wake us, to get our attention? That we might turn to Him and ask Him to have mercy on us and help us?

Birth Pains... If you've ever given birth to a child, who can forget the pain involved in giving birth to a child? The contractions of giving birth start far apart. As the time gets closer for the baby to be born, contractions get closer together.

Jesus is coming back to the earth one day. Just as there was a beginning of time - there will be an end of time as well. (Told you it would take courage to read these posts.)

I firmly believe what we are seeing in the world are birth pains. Jesus says in Matthew 24:7, "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.

Is all of this new to you? Does this sound maddening? We have 2 choices...

  1. We can ascribe madness to someone like me and keep our heads buried in the sand - hoping and praying for political, social or economic change to solve all of our problems so that things can be the way they used to be.


2. We can open our eyes. Start connecting dots to what the Bible says to what is happening in our world/country today. We can look up to heaven and say, "What God? You have my attention." (We'll go here next week.)

When you give birth - there's a lull between the contractions. During this lull - you feel fine for the most part. And then the contraction comes on again. Sometimes stronger than before. Don't be lulled to sleep (spiritually) between contractions.

Next week: These contractions are making life hard - sometimes unbearable - to many, many people. How are we to respond? How as we as women to respond? What is the importance of our role?

Have a great weekend-

(Note: Bullets 5-9 from Joel Rosenberg: 7/27/11)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

America is Shaking

Haggai 2:6-7

This is what the Lord Almighty says: "In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations..."

I'm currently reading a Chronological Bible in my quiet time. And though I'm about 6 days behind the current date - I'm taking my time and soaking in every word. And what the Holy Spirit is impressing on my heart is that God is repeating what I believe is happening in current day.

I'm deep in Old Testament. This morning I was reading Jeremiah. God had told Jeremiah to "give them My entire message; include every word. Perhaps they will listen and turn from their evil ways. Then I will change my mind about the disaster I am ready to pour out on them because of their sins." (Jer.26:2-3)

Over the last few weeks, God has been giving me a message and I am to share every word with you. This may take a week or more - as my husband always reminds me if my posts are too long!

Major things are happening in the world and in our country. Let's start with America:

  • The volatility of the financial markets -

  • America is in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression-

  • Unemployment is over 9%. Under-employment is said to be hovering around 20%. (Under-employment is the number of people who are out of work and for whatever reason are not looking for employment any longer. Perhaps they've given up.)

  • People have lost enormous sums of money due to depressed housing prices and values.

  • Retirements, pensions, college funds are swindling now due to market fluctuations.

  • American debt is skyrocketing - both personal and nationally.

  • Housing foreclosures are sky high -

  • People with otherwise stellar credit are faced with bankruptcy or have already claimed bankruptcy.

  • A loss of hope. Yesterday in the news, the fed is setting interest rates for a predetermined time because there is NO HOPE in a recovery any time soon. (The Fed's actions are unprecedented.)

Before you think I'm going to dive into a political diatribe -

Let's talk about the weather. Just this year:

  • Did anyone notice the record setting blizzards this past winter - all across the U.S.?

  • I don't know how anyone could miss the record breaking heat - the consecutive days of 100 degrees+ - that most everyone in the country is experiencing.

  • Famine unlike any in past years or decades. Farmers - who have farmed for generations throughout the country - are selling off cattle because they can't feed them. Crops that are a total loss because of a lack of rain and the many farmers who can't afford to keep watering. People who have farmed for decades and know famine - have said this famine is unlike any before.

I feel quite certain I'm missing some things - but are you getting the picture? Are you seeing a pattern? Or do you dismiss all of this to mere weather patterns? Totally coincidental?

Based on Romans 15:4 - The Bible was written to teach us how God handled people and situations in the past so that we would know the direction to take for today. What He did yesterday - He can do today.

I firmly believe that God is shaking America! He's trying to get our attention. In the Bible, when His people had fallen far from Him - He sent disasters, calamity, or invading enemies to get their attention.

His people have fallen so far from Him... We'll pick up here tomorrow.

I pray you'll have the courage to come back. The next few posts are not for the doubters or for the faint at heart. It will take courage... because it will require you to be willing to open your eyes...

But look around dear sister. Read the newspaper. Look at the news. The God of the Universe is shaking us.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hard Life Circumstances

Isaiah 43:10

"I have chosen you to know Me and believe Me and understand that I am He."

Yesterday I told you that I had spent hours while I was in the mountains, reading my Bible. I used to think people that spent hours reading their Bibles were total geeks! I would have laughed and mocked them.

But you see, I've learned through hard, life experiences that the Bible is relevant. God is relevant. He's not just a building I visit once a week. He is relevant for everyday life.

Over the last 10 years, God has become my BFF. I tell Him everything. I don't talk in a bunch of "thee's and thou's." I talk to Him in today's language. There are times I look up to heaven and cry out when I get angry or think things are unfair! And then there are times that I just cry to Him. The Bible says that He's so interested in the details of our life, that there's a jar in heaven that holds every single one of our tears. And the mind blowing, universe altering amazing thing is: He speaks to me too.

Before you think I'm a lunatic that's hearing voices - please KNOW, I've never heard an audible voice speaking out of heaven. Yet I hear His voice every time I open my Bible.

This is what Knowing God Ministries is about. Helping you to KNOW God - not just knowing about Him or a religion, but to know Him personally. Helping you to identify His voice speaking to you. For Him to be your BFF. When we know Him personally - we as women are stronger; our families are stronger and we know how to respond to the difficulties that many of us may be facing - because we can know the One Who holds our circumstances.

Do you know God personally? Or is He far-away and distant to you? He is your Sunday morning routine? If He is, He does not have to be. He wants you to know Him.

God is shaking our nation. I firmly believe what's happening in American politics; American economics, in nature and on the world stage at large is not coincidental. (This is where I'm going in the day's ahead - so I don't want to get too ahead of myself.)

I desperately want you to know God like I've grown to know Him. I did not get to know Him by going to church once a week. He did not become my BFF by going to Bible study once a week either. This relationship began with very hard life issues - when I had no one to turn to - no one who truly understood me - no one who truly could fill the God-sized insecurity but Him. It was then that I decided to try the "Jesus stuff." (It worked!)

With all that's going on in our nation today- are any of you experiencing hard life circumstances? In your marriages? In your finances? In your situations?

More tomorrow...

Thursday: America is Shaking

Friday: The World is Shaking

Monday, August 8, 2011

Refreshed and Renewed

John 7:38

"Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."

So much has happened since I last posted - and it's only been 2 short weeks.

The day after our Chick-fil-A fellowship, my son celebrated his 11th birthday. On that day, he played golf with my husband and Dad. On the 6th tee, of a course known for it's difficulty - HE SHOT A HOLE IN ONE! He was so excited! I told him that was a gift straight from Jesus personally to him!

Will on the green - so excited!

Three days later, we traveled far, far, far away to the mountains of West Virginia. The views were spectacular! Below is a view from a tram you can take from the top of the mountain to the bottom.

I detest heights. My daughter, who was with me when this was taken, was the one telling me that everything would be alright!

The rushing water - seen below - was at the bottom of the mountain. It was beautiful to watch the rapids, ever moving, never stopping. The water was clear and was in constant motion. It brought John 7:38 to mind (today's scripture.) More on this in a bit!

Leading into the rapids were these beautiful white stones. I know you can't tell much from the picture, but they were picturesque in person.
I saved a pebble from the stones leading into the rapids. They were ever so smooth. They made me think of the 5 smooth stones from the stream that David put in his shepherd's bag from 1 Samuel 17. With a simple stone and the power of the Lord God Almighty, Goliath was taken out with one small stone. Oh, friend, how the POWER of God's Word will take out our Goliath's if we will just use His Word - memorize it; speak it; pray it; spend time in it...

And though it's 100 degree's outside, the Furman house has nearly mentally transitioned into fall as my children started school last week. I feel almost lost without them, but I'm quickly getting used to their absence. Last week I attended to the many loose ends that were dropped over the summer break.

I'm so glad to be back with you. I've missed you. And even though this is through electronic mail, many of you write to me. Your stories pierce my heart or make me laugh or make me tear up. I can almost picture you as I write this. Most of you I've never met or have maybe only met once. Some of you are college friends or family. Yet I love hearing from you, and I'm thankful that you take time out of your day to read what God is sharing with me.

In West Virginia, we stayed in small, dark cabins. Each night (after eating smores) we dropped the thermostat to 60 degrees, so my family slept late each day. My body clock is trained to go off early in the morning - no matter where we are - so I was up early (coffee in tow!). During these hours alone with my God, I sat by the streams of Living Water (Jesus describes Himself as the Living Water in John 7). The Living Water spoke to me about many things, some of which are far too personal to share here. Other things I CAN HARDLY WAIT to share! It's rare that I get hours to spend reading my Bible, but I got HOURS while in the mountains. I also now have a new fire in my belly. Hang with me - it involves the times we're living in...

Anybody freaking out about the stock market plunge?
The High Unemployment?
And how all this affects us as women and moms and wives?
This is where we are going.

So glad to be back!
Love you,