Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rejecting Indifference and Making Jesus Your Everything

Have you gotten your girlfriends together yet?

Don't forget, if you gather 5 girls for a group study by August 31st, KGM will give you a Book/Workbook of your choice + a Prayer Journal!

Life-changing studies - order yours today.

Rejecting Indifference and Making Jesus your Everything

Matthew 24:38-39

"...people were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."

As we've discussed this week, there's nothing wrong with eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage - nothing. It's the indifference to God and the godlessness that grieves God's heart. Especially when those who are indifferent - ARE HIS OWN PEOPLE!

What if you resolved to be different? To make Jesus your everything - instead of an add-on to an already schedule? Who in your life would be impacted by your willingness to start living your life according to what the Bible says?

  • Would your spouse impacted? Would his eternal destiny be impacted? I believe it would. (The Politically Incorrect Wife, teaches you how to be the difference in your marriage.)

  • Would your children's lives and decisions be impacted? What if you began NOW (especially if they are young) telling them, "We're only going to date Christians. Why are we only dating Christians? Because in all likelihood, you'll choose who you will marry from who you are dating. The Bible says, "Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers."

  • What about the people around you such as extended family members, coworkers, neighbors? How would their lives be impacted if you chose to be different by refusing to gossip; stretch the truth (lying); refusing to allow your cleavage to show? Why? Because you want to honor God in everything you do, say and even wear.

Most everyone in my sphere knows where I stand concerning Jesus. I don't go around preaching and teaching. (Unless asked for my opinion). I allow my life, lifestyle and behavior to do it for me.

Earlier in the week, I got a call from the most unlikely person in the world. This person has NEVER shown an interest in what I'm doing; for what I think; or even my God for that matter. But this person's world has turned upside down/inside out. And she's beside herself.

The morning I got the call, it was the worst possible time. (Yet this is making Jesus your everything. You learn what's important to the Father and it supersedes what I perceive to be important.)

As she shared the circumstances in tears and utter brokenness - I gently said, "If you are calling me, you know what you're going to hear. I'm going to give you Jesus. No one or nothing can fill this void you are feeling - except God Almighty Himself. And He has allowed these horrible circumstances to come into your life - so that you would finally look to Him for the answers."

Her exact words: "That is why I've called you. I need Him."

We talked for 20 minutes about the things of God. Before getting off the phone, she asked if I would pray.

If you would be willing to reject indifference to God in your everyday life and make Him your everything, when people around you are hurting - they'll come to you. Why? Because they'll instinctively know you may be the only one in their sphere who has thirst quenching Living Water to give them. My prayer for this person is that this godly sorrow would bring salvation.

Before you can make Jesus your everything - you've got to get into the Bible on a regular basis. (The Intimacy with God Study, teaches you how to spend time with God on a regular basis. Spending time with God without just going through the motions) - but connecting the dots of what you are reading in the Bible to your everyday life and circumstances and then living it out despite fear of being different from those around you.

A quick shout-out:

to a dear group of women who as of this morning live in the direct path of Hurricane Irene.

I've been honored to be their speaker the last 2 years at the "Keeping the Festival" retreat.

I love these women.

Please pray for God's mercy on these dear sisters in Christ who live on and near the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
We'll be praying and thinking about you.

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