Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Feather

Fall Bible Studies from

Knowing God Ministries:

1. Intimacy with God

Do you need practical help with prayer? Do you need help learning how to spend quality life changing time with God?

Come on girls! Gather 5 of your friends for coffee and dessert at your house for 7 weeks. This Leader's Guide spoon feeds you in leading them to the ONE WHO has their answers.

2. The Politically Incorrect Wife

Do you need your husband to change? Is your marriage stuck in a rut? Get unstuck by becoming politically incorrect! Bring peace and warmth back into your homes again.

Study questions are in the back.

Gather a small group by August 31st and receive a Book/workbook of your choice plus a Prayer Journal for free! Give it to a friend as a gift or use it for yourself.

To order:
Your purchase made through KGM touches eternity, because your purchase supports hope-giving ministry to people in hard places at no cost. It also enables us to train up leader's to be impactful in their corner of the world at no cost. Thank you for your support.

A Feather

Matthew 24:7

"There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains." (italics mine)

If you live on the east coast, these words must have new meaning this morning!

Yesterday, I taught on the same passage of Scripture. I posted 2 hours short of the 1:55pm tremors. Yet I bet today, these words take on new meaning.

Where were you? What were you doing? Did you feel it?

My car's battery had died! (Don't you just love it when your car doesn't work?) My kids had dental appointments so I was getting them early from school. Except now, it was my dear Mom and I getting my kids early from school!

As we sat at stop light close to my neighborhood, it felt like big semi trucks were passing us on both sides - yet nothing was driving passed us. I had just posted yesterday's blog, so I jokingly said, "Maybe it's an earthquake!"

Five minutes later, after gathering my children from their classrooms and rushing back to her car, (we were officially late for the appointments now) my Dad had emailed my mom saying, "we just had an earthquake!"

So amazing. It's been over 60 years since the east coast has had an earthquake. Yet taken in context of EVERYTHING else going on in the world, it's another contraction. A contraction in a place that NORMALLY does not have earthquakes.

Is God getting your attention?

When I saw the headlines in the paper this morning, my first thought was the mercy of our God. It could have been SO much worse. God is so merciful. He doesn't want to have to hit us with a hammer if it only takes a feather. Yesterday, was a feather.

Allow the feather of the earthquake from yesterday to wake us up from indifference and godlessness in everyday life. To no longer live under the slave master of political correctness, but to start seeing life through God's eyes. And to start speaking it to others! But this will require SPENDING QUALITY TIME with Him each day.

  • Not just going on your morning jog and listening to Christian music or podcast and calling it your quiet time each day.

  • Not just praying on your way to work - as the only time you think about the things of God during the day and calling it your prayer time each day.

  • Not just posting your favorite Scriptures around your kitchen or car - meditating on them and calling it your time with God.

  • Not just serving tirelessly at church or at Bible study or at a Women's conference and allowing it to substitute for time spent with God.

These are all GREAT things. Things that we should weave into our everyday lives. BUT NOTHING SUBSTITUTES time spent alone with God in His Word. Mark 1:35 says that Jesus, Himself got up very early in the morning and went off to a solitary place where He spent time with the Father.

(Can you see that I'm passion about this?)

Time alone each day with God has RADICALLY changed my life. No, I'm not perfect (far from it), but I'm not where I used to be either. It's also changed the way I view the news, interruptions to my schedule and the way I live, talk, behave and drive.

LOOK UP! Let's stop playing church. God wants to talk to you. Let that feather of a tremor in a most unlikely side of a continent get your attention... So that He doesn't have to use the hammer of harder circumstances to get it.

(Side note: Did anyone besides me think it's ironic that it hit Washington DC? Just an observation...)

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