Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hard Life Circumstances

Isaiah 43:10

"I have chosen you to know Me and believe Me and understand that I am He."

Yesterday I told you that I had spent hours while I was in the mountains, reading my Bible. I used to think people that spent hours reading their Bibles were total geeks! I would have laughed and mocked them.

But you see, I've learned through hard, life experiences that the Bible is relevant. God is relevant. He's not just a building I visit once a week. He is relevant for everyday life.

Over the last 10 years, God has become my BFF. I tell Him everything. I don't talk in a bunch of "thee's and thou's." I talk to Him in today's language. There are times I look up to heaven and cry out when I get angry or think things are unfair! And then there are times that I just cry to Him. The Bible says that He's so interested in the details of our life, that there's a jar in heaven that holds every single one of our tears. And the mind blowing, universe altering amazing thing is: He speaks to me too.

Before you think I'm a lunatic that's hearing voices - please KNOW, I've never heard an audible voice speaking out of heaven. Yet I hear His voice every time I open my Bible.

This is what Knowing God Ministries is about. Helping you to KNOW God - not just knowing about Him or a religion, but to know Him personally. Helping you to identify His voice speaking to you. For Him to be your BFF. When we know Him personally - we as women are stronger; our families are stronger and we know how to respond to the difficulties that many of us may be facing - because we can know the One Who holds our circumstances.

Do you know God personally? Or is He far-away and distant to you? He is your Sunday morning routine? If He is, He does not have to be. He wants you to know Him.

God is shaking our nation. I firmly believe what's happening in American politics; American economics, in nature and on the world stage at large is not coincidental. (This is where I'm going in the day's ahead - so I don't want to get too ahead of myself.)

I desperately want you to know God like I've grown to know Him. I did not get to know Him by going to church once a week. He did not become my BFF by going to Bible study once a week either. This relationship began with very hard life issues - when I had no one to turn to - no one who truly understood me - no one who truly could fill the God-sized insecurity but Him. It was then that I decided to try the "Jesus stuff." (It worked!)

With all that's going on in our nation today- are any of you experiencing hard life circumstances? In your marriages? In your finances? In your situations?

More tomorrow...

Thursday: America is Shaking

Friday: The World is Shaking

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this post really hit home to me. I admit, I am one who tends to turn to friends first with issues and not to my Lord and Savior. I desire to draw closer to Him and go to him first.

    Can't wait to read the other posts...
