Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Panera Man

Two of the things that I just love about God:

  1. He never shows me everything that's wrong with me all at once.
  2. He never reveals sin to condemn me - but to set me free and for me to be closer to Him.
As we begin to move through the week - I want you to keep these things in mind.

John 13:10
"A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean."

The moment we invite Jesus into our lives, acknowledging that we are sinners, in need of His forgiveness - our whole body is clean!  All of our sin:  past, present, future, small, medium, large, extra large is washed away by the blood of Jesus.  We are completely and permanently forgiven!  Go God!!!  Thank you Jesus!

But we still sin...  We still get our feet dirty.  So in order to maintain a clear conscience with God and others - we must confess our sin and be cleansed.  This is what Jesus is referring to when He says, "a person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet..."

In my prayer time each day, I ask, "Lord, show me where I've fallen short.  Show me where I've grieved your Spirit."

AND THEN BE QUIET and listen to what the Lord brings into your mind.  

One day I was pulling into the parking lot at Panera Bread.  An older gentleman (at least 10 years older than me) cut me off in the parking lot.  The man was in a brand new convertible corvette. 

And wouldn't you know that I got stuck behind him in line as well?!

As we stood in line, waiting to place our orders, his phone rang.  He answered and began talking.  (Sorry people, if you talk in public like that - people are listening!)  As he stood there talking on the phone while waiting in line, I stood behind him and "sized him up" mentally:
  • Mid-life crisis -
  • Probably his bimbo on the phone -
  • Probably left his wife for whoever this is -
  • Probably has no money, b/c he spent it on that car.  And if his wife is smart - she's taking him to the cleaners -
  • Probably lives in an apartment down the street -
I continued to go on and on until it was my turn to order.

The next morning in my quiet time - when I asked the Lord to reveal how I'd grieved Him.  (Such self righteousness!)  The Lord brought the Panera man to mind.

"Lord, what?  Why am I thinking about him?"

All of sudden, I was washed with the reality of my judgemental and critical spirit. My self-righteous attitude.  I knew nothing about that man.  Yet, in my mind - I thought I had him all figured out.

I praise God for the Panera man.  Every time my natural sin nature begins to "size people up"... I think about the Panera man.  God loves that man.  Who was I to judge him?

Do you see what I mean by having our feet washed?

Wash your feet, girlfriend.  Take time each day to ask the Lord how you've grieved Him.  He's so sweet to show us.

Short Accounts (I know I promised it today, but this is what the Lord had me write instead.) 
Also, Iron Sharpens Iron is next week!  Details tomorrow!

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Clear Conscience

Confession: This is an area of my prayer time that in all honesty, I'd rather skip.   But as we move into the next section of our Prayer Journals - there's much we can discuss...

Acts 24:16
"So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man."

It always grieves me to think I've disappointed my heavenly Daddy.  But the fact is, I do.  I fall short of His standards and expectations every single day.  Sadly, to sin comes far more easily than to do what is right.  Sin disrupts the sweetness of our fellowship with the Lord.  It's a barrier that stands in the way.

I hope you don't mind...  But I want to spend this entire week and maybe some of next - on the subject of confession of sin and repentance.  I also want to spend time shining a light on the areas of sin that we may not even be aware, yet are part of the fabric of our beings.   I also want to discuss the subject of "guilt."

Oh, "to live life with a clear conscience before God and man," is a verse that's always before me.  This is not only how we sleep well at night, but maintaining a clear conscience helps keep us out of bondage's and captivities.

What are bondage's and captivities?  Any thing that hinders the abundant Spirit filled life that God has planned for us.  A captivity could be:
  • A bondage to lust -
  • Sexual sin -
  • Habitual dishonesty -
  • Bitterness -
  • Unforgiveness -
  • Approval addiction -
  • Doubt -
  • Discouragement -
  • Addiction - to alcohol, drugs, prescription drugs, exercise
  • Fear/unbelief
  • Insecurities -
  • Greed -
The list could go on and on and on...  Do any of these areas strike a cord with you?

Every area of captivity has a starting point.  We can't allow sin to fester or be unidentified or be in denial.  Sin hinders the quality of our life and the life God has planned for us.

I'm scratching the surface, but do you see the importance of confessing known sin?

Next Post:  Short accounts -

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Prayer Time Dry?

Have you ever come into your prayer time dry?  Not really knowing what to say?  Perhaps all you can think about are your fears and insecurities.  Or your prayer list of what you need God to do that day... 

This can describe me - on any given day.   So what do you do?

Psalm 100:4
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise."

So far, we've talked about:
  • Recording in your Praise Section or your A-Z list attributes of God.  Or perhaps new things you learn about Him in your Bible reading time.

  • Intentionally being thankful!  Taking time each day to look back at the day before and trace the fingerprints of God and record them on whatever day it is in the body of the Journal.  I recommended bullet points.

  • Recording the "biggies" in the front of your Journal in the Thanksgiving Section
Personally, I allocate one page per month.  I write the month at the top - and then intentionally record God's blessings in my life, my husband's, children, ministry etc... 

Last post I talked about how encouraging it is to go back and see the faithfulness of God 6 + months ago.  Especially when times are tough.

When I am intentional about recording everything mentioned above - this helps jump starts those day's when I'm dry with nothing to say.

This also helps me to get my mind on the bigness of our God and the smallness of my circumstances.  Listen to this passage I read the other day - I wrote it in my "Praise Section."  It helps reiterate this point.

"Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him.   With him is only the arm of the flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles." 
2 Chronicles 32:7-8

What vast army is attacking you?  What are your fears and insecurities?  Praise God and thank Him that there is  a greater power with you than with your enemy of _____________.

With your enemy is only the arm of the flesh, but with you is the Lord your God to help you and to fight your battles.

ALWAYS, ALWAYS enter your prayer time with praise and with thanksgiving!

Let me know if you have any questions -

Next Week:  Confessing Sin and dealing with guilt

If you don't have one, order yours today.

Click here to order!   www.tarafurman.com/resources/

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Not Forgetting God's Faithfulness, Part 2

Today:  Prayer Journal Training, Part 2

Exodus 17:14
Then the Lord said to Moses, "Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered..." (italics and bold mine)

The Benefit of the Thanksgiving Section:

During the months of July and December (starting Thanksgiving week), I enjoy looking back at what has gone on in my life during that year.  What we've done; where we've gone and most importantly: the fingerprints of God in my everyday life.  (This is also a great family activity as well.)

I can't tell you how encouraging this has been during seasons of hardship.  Just as the Israelites forgot God's faithfulness, I tend to as well.   

This is where we find the benefit of the Thanksgiving Section at the front of your Journal.

Yesterday, we talked about taking time each day during your time with God to record how you saw God work in your life the previous day.  Today, let's go one step further...

Record it in the Thanksgiving Section:
If what you write in your daily log is a biggie... (Daily log = find the day of the week in the center pages of the Journal.  Write the date... Bullet your blessings from the previous day. See yesterday's post.)  
In other words, something you want to remember - WRITE IT DOWN in the "Thanksgiving section" at the front of your Journal as well. 
An Example
My son, Will, has been given awesome athletic ability.  Two weeks ago at his basketball game, he threw the ball into the basket from an awkward backwards position!  It was an amazing shot!!!   The crowd went wild.  It was all I could do not to stand and shout, "that's MY son!" 

Last week one day after school, Will was out front shooting hoops.  When I came outside to talk to him, he said, "Mom, I've been practicing that shot from Saturday.  I can't do it.  I did it 10 times and missed 10 times.  Only God could have helped me make that shot.  That was God - not me."

As a Mom, who does her best to teach her kids the ways of the Lord, yet often feels like a failure, I can't tell you how my heart soared when I heard those words.  I feel like I constantly remind Will that any ability we have - is a gift from God - not of ourselves.  For him to have connected the dots - of that supernatural shot - to God giving him the ability to do it - was such a sweet gift to me.  IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN IN MY PRAYER JOURNAL!  Along with the brief snow from yesterday!

(I realize that some of these entries may seem so shallow to many of you.  Please know there are so many deeper, bigger matter's that I simply cannot share with you.  Those are in my  Journal as well.  In fact, those personal, deep matters that concern the heart and God supernaturally invading - are a must for recording.)

When you take the time to look back at the handiwork of God, recorded in the "Thanksgiving Section" of the Journal - it will encourage you and motivate you to keep keeping on - especially when your circumstances seem dismal.

This past weekend!

Andrea (Planner), me, Scheryl (our hostess with the mostess!), Beverly (Women's ministry leader) and Autumn
This past weekend, Autumn and I were in Statesville, NC @ Diamond Hill Baptist Church!

We enjoyed a great Italian meal Friday night with Andrea and Beverly.  And spent the night at a woman's home - whose gift of hospitality - was unlike any I've ever seen!  Scheryl, unto the Lord - you gave up your bed and served Autumn and I with such humility and kindness.  We will never forget you and Ron.

Thank you as well to Andrea and Beverly.  We enjoyed coming to Statesville!   I spoke there a few years ago, so thank you for having me again.  What a gift to be invited back!  (Recorded in my Prayer Journal!)  Thank you for your kind words.  Your friendship is unique and special.  Wish we could see you more often.  Love you!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Don't Forget God's Faithfulness

Today:  Prayer Journal Training
We'll be picking up where we left off a week and a half ago:  "Thanksgiving"

Exodus 17:14
Then the Lord said to Moses, "Write this on a scroll as something to be remembered and make sure that Joshua hears it..."

All winter I've been asking God to "shake the storehouses of snow" that are mentioned in Job 38.  FINALLY, on Sunday night - snow began to fall!

In my neck of the woods, this is the first snow we've had all winter. I love snow. My inner child resurfaces when it begins to fall!   Though this is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things and may not be important to you, it is to me.  So I wrote it in my Prayer Journal.

In today's passage, God was ordering Moses to record a victory God gave to Israel over the Amalekites.  God knew that Joshua would need to remember this incident as a reminder of His faithfulness in response to obedience.   Bigger battles were to come.  And just as God had seen Joshua through this battle, He would be faithful to do it again.

The same is true for us.  Each of us have a crippling tendency to forget what God has done for us. 
  • Has money come in to pay a bill that you had no idea how it would be paid?  Write it down.
  • Has God sold your house in the midst of one of the worst housing markets in history?  Write it down?
  • Have you recently received a break-through in response to prayer?  Write it down.
  • Did God open a door only He could have opened in your personal life?  Your professional life?  Write it down.
  • Did God do something in your life that ONLY HE could have done?
When God does something ONLY HE COULD HAVE DONE - write it down.  Otherwise, you and I will forget. 

And when the next hurdle in life comes - and it will - we will less likely to cave into our fears - instead we will remember the BIGNESS and AWESOMENESS and FAITHFULNESS of our God.

Where do you write it in the Prayer Journal? 
  • Find the day of the week.  For example:  Today is Monday. 
  • Write the date at the top - Example:  February 20, 2012
  • Underneath, start bulleting (just as I am now) how you saw God's hand at work the prior day.  Just as snow is not big in the grand scheme of things - it was an answer to mine and my kids' prayers!  Big or small - write it down...
So that we do not forget God's faithfulness in our lives.  This also grows our faith.

What do we do with the "Thanksgiving Section" in the front of the Journal if we are recording God's faithfulness in the body of the Journal?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Men want Respect" - Workshop Tidbits

Thanks to Rebecca, our team I.T. guru, Love and Respect is now on the KGM website.  Quantities limited.  Order yours today! 

Ephesians 5:33
"...and the wife must respect her husband."
Just in case you missed the workshop and wanted a recap… HERE are some bullet points from what was taught!
  • Men do shoulder to shoulder - not face to face
Men like shoulder to shoulder silence with their wives.  They don't necessarily want to talk, they just want you to be there.  This is relationship building to them.  (As a woman, I don't get it.  Just think "blue.") 

We were challenged "sit" with our husbands when they are watching TV or working in the yard - and to not speak!    By doing this, you are making yourself available for him to talk to you shoulder to shoulder (if he so chooses!).   Eventually, as he understands that you are "safe place" for him - in other words you are not going to shame him or ridicule him, he'll start to share his heart with you.    

  • In a marriage, we have to be careful about losing our friendship with our husband due to being too tired, job stress, household stress financial stress and conversations only about the children.  We were warned to be careful.

  • We were encouraged not to turn our sons into girls - by demanding they only speak "pink language."

  • Listen intently to his stories - let him talk without interrupting him or finishing his sentences.

  • Never use sex as a weapon -

  • Never put down his job or share how much money he makes.

  • Praise him and thank him for his work and that he's not just a meal ticket.

  • Budgets are emotional for men - they were created to protect and provide.  Therefore, they fear judgement.  We must be a safe place of support and encouragement for them.

  • Do you see yourself better at parenting and spiritual things?  If so, back down.  Let him lead.  Never undermine him in front of the kids or ANYONE else. 

  • Often their advice and counsel is wanted in the workplace - but they get home and are ignored, disrespected and not valued.  It's our jobs to value them and their counsel. 

  • Men want respect.  If you want love - obey God's command of giving your husband respect.  If you do, you will begin to feel the love!
These are just a few of the many practical nuggets we gleaned at the workshop last week. 

Thank you to all who came.  Many more stayed than I ever realized.  This tells me we're hitting a nerve - that we're on the right track.  I and many other women are hungry for counsel like this.  If you were there - our prayer is that you were greatly encouraged!

If you are disappointed about the break from Prayer Journal training this week - sorry!  That's where we will pick up on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Iron Sharpens Iron Lunch Recap

If you were at the luncheon and wanted the book Love and Respect, by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, we have them!   We are working on getting them on our website.  Hope to have them available by the end of the week.  
We only have a limited amount.  Let us know if you want to reserve one.  $20/hardback (lower price than bookstores.)  

Personal Note:
Someone bought my personal copy of Love and Respect on Friday at the luncheon!   I brought it as a demo and for anyone to look through for ordering.  (We thought the ones we ordered would have been in by Friday.)  
Sorry.  Totally our fault as we were short handed on Friday.  Please let me know if you have it.  I’ll gladly give you a brand new copy that's not marked  and highlighted!

 Ephesians 5:33
"...and the wife must respect her husband."
Just in case you missed the lunch on Friday OR were there and wanted a recap…  HERE GOES!

We learned foundational truth's of a man’s language – Respect!    We are all on a different journey with the Lord, but this was a foundational teaching that you can use in dealing with men in general. 
Autumn, describing the roller coaster ride we often find ourselves on by the way we communicate.

Autumn Weikert, marriage counselor and speaker, helped us to understand the way a man thinks, lives and breathes.  SO FAR DIFFERENT than us girls.   Not wrong…  Just different.

From the book, Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, states that

·        Women see through pink sunglasses and hear through pink headphones.  Men see through blue sunglasses and through blue headphones.  So many times we are speaking a foreign language to each other.

Autumn described conflict/fighting/disagreeing as riding a roller coaster .  We were challenged to get off.   Here are some bullet points for how Eph. 5:33, “wives must respect their husbands,” is lived out.

·        Respect is not an optional – it is a command from the Lord.  If we want love, we must first offer respect.

·        During fights – don’t bring up things from the past.  Deal with the issue at hand.  1 Cor. 13:5 “love does not keep a record of wrongs.”

·        During conflict – men often get angry and women often cry.  Men separate themselves in order to calm down, doing the “respect” thing.   They need distance.   Where as women want to confront to resolve – doing the "loving thing."

Realize that they need space to cool off and to calm down.  We need space to get our emotions under control.

·        In areas of deep despair,  the point is “not who needs to change, but who is willing to change.”

·        We were reminded that we are not alone.  We were challenged, not to quit.  God is faithful.

·        We were challgened to give our husband’s a gift they may not necessarily deserve – the gift of respect.

These were some of the highlights! 

A podcast and CD will be available in the coming days. 
More Pictures will be available as well!

Tomorrow:  Tidbits from the workshop

Monday, February 13, 2012

The History of Valentines Day

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate Valentines Day?  Thanks to Macon Newby, a friend of mine, I've just learned the reason behind Valentines Day.  Valentines Day now has new meaning new meaning:

In 269A.D, Valentine was young, wealthy and in love.  He also was a Christian.  Young Valentine intended to consummate his great love by taking his girlfriend as his bride.  Soon he would be wed! 

But his pleasurable, orderly world came crashing down around him when the Roman emperor declared all that Christians were illegal citizens and guilty of treason.   In order to escape persecution, all they had to do was say, "Caesar is Lord."  

Valentine refused. 

All Valentine would say was, "No, Jesus is Lord!"  Rather than deny Christ, young Valentine was arrested in the crackdown.

In jail, awaiting execution in the arena, he wrote love letters to his girlfriend.  Beautiful, passionate letters assuring her of his great love.  But theirs would be a love not lived out.  Arms never entwined in the embrace of husband and wife. 

On February 14, 269 A.D., young Valentine was put to death, martyred for Jesus Christ.

Gives new meaning to Valentines Day, huh?   Would I be as brave?  Would be as diligent?  What a blessing to still live in a country where we can love and worship Jesus Christ openly.  A gift I probably all too often take for granted.

Happy Valentines Day!

A Recap of Friday's lunch - Speaking a Man's Language with Respect

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thanking God for the Little Things!

Psalm 118:28
You are my God and I will give you thanks...

Do you take time to thank God for the small things?   I firmly believe it delights Him when we do. 


Note:  This was videoed at a friend's house last Monday.  We did 4 videos in one sitting - that is why you hear me reference Monday.  Sorry for any confusion. 
  • Double click on blog title to open the video if you are having trouble.

All I'm explaining is the top of the page. 

Notice, I'm starting in the body of the journal.  Turn to whatever day it is.
  • Notice "Monday" on the side -
  • Notice the bullets I spoke of in the video.  This is where I thank God for the ways I see His hand at work in everyday life.  The blessings from the day before.  The sweet moments that could have only been gifted by Him.
I really believe that it matters to God when we are thankful in the small things!  God is at work in our everyday lives.   Pray for eyes to see His invisible fingerprints!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Help me to wake up Lord!

1.  Iron Sharpens Iron - THIS Friday 2/10/12!
Register Early and save!

2.  Christ Baptist Raleigh NC - this Thursday 2/9/12!
If you are in the Raleigh area: I will be at Christ Baptist, Newton Rd, this Thursday evening from 7:00-8:00pm.   I'll be speaking on marriage. Would love to meet you! Let me know if you can come!
Mark 1:35
"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed."

Someone emailed a great question that many of you may deal with.

"I am a night owl.  I'm 37 and have been this way since I was a teenager.  How do I go about switching to having morning devotions?  I currently have evening devotions, but would really like to switch to the morning. 

On the rare occasions that I've actually been able to spend time with God in the morning, it's really been refreshing & the day seems to go much better."

First of all, MANY Godly women read this blog.  So if you have suggestions in addition to mine, I welcome them.

PRAYER  is where I believe you must start.  "Lord, help me to rise early so that I can spend time with you."

Let's go to Scripture to see what the Bible says about morning quiet time:

Mark 1:35, See above

Psalm 119:147, "I rise before dawn and cry for help..."

Isaiah 50:4, "He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen as one being taught."

I don't want to be legalistic because I believe God can speak to us anytime He wants.  Yet, Scripture seems to give precedence to a morning quiet time.  And you nailed it, there IS something refreshing about starting your day this way. 

For me personally, there are so many voices that clamor for my attention - the voices/emails of iPhone; my to do list; my work load and my responsibilities - all good voices.   Yet in the morning before I start entertaining these voices, I've learned that I can more clearly discern God's voice than any other time of day.  Not to mention, I feel like I'm at my best when I start with God in the morning.

So just as Jesus asked, I echo, "Are you willing?" 

Are you willing
to be intentional about going to be earlier so that you can wake up earlier?  Are you willing to start slowing down earlier in the evening? 

I'm not trying to get you to be like me, but these practical things God has shown me so that I can wake up earlier.
  1. No email in the evening -  no planning the next day -  this keeps my mind buzzing.  Not to mention, my family needs my attention during those hours. 
  2. I start slowing down by 8:00 at the latest.  In the winter, I have my PJ's on my 7:30 - teeth brushed so that I don't eat anything else.  (This also helps the waist line.)  Be careful with sugar/caffeine in the evening as well.
  3. I have school age kids - so homework, packing lunches, etc... are time managed so that they too are slowing down and getting ready for bed.
  4. I am in bed by 9 or 9:30.
This takes diligence and discipline.  And now, it's habit.

So I ask, "are you willing?"  

If so, start with prayer.  And when you pray, understand: 

God wants you in His Presence more than you can ever imagine!  He will delight to answer the prayer of helping you to get up in the morning...  But you must be willing.

I'll be praying for you.  Would love to hear how God answers.

Tomorrow:  We'll pick up with the Thanksgiving section of the Prayer Journal

Monday, February 6, 2012

Learn to Speak a Man's Language - Respect

Iron Sharpens Iron - THIS Friday!

Register Early and save!

Ephesians 5:33
"husbands must love their wives, and the wife must RESPECT her husband."  (caps mine)

The four pillars of Knowing God Ministries are:
1.  Knowing God in a personal relationship through Jesus Christ.
2.  Knowing God in marriage -
3.  Knowing God in parenting -
4.  Knowing God in ministry -

As we've started the new year at Iron Sharpens Iron, knowing God in MARRIAGE is our focus.

From Ephesians 5:33, isn't it interesting how men are commanded to love their wives and that wives are commanded to RESPECT their husbands. 

Men talk in blue and women talk in pink.  Yet for our marriages to be solid and for the marriages of children to be solid, we as women must learn to speak a man's language.  The foreign language of: respect.

Listen to this quote from Dr. Emerson Eggerich's book, Love and Respect: "Scientific research confirms that love and respect are the foundation of a successful marriage."  

Oh, the ways we disrespect our husband's... and do not even know it!   Without our knowledge, we can disrespect him with our tone of voice; the look on our face, our non verbals, and the many other ways we communicate.  And then we wonder why we aren't feeling the love!

Single or married, you will not want to miss this month's meeting and workshop!   You will learn to speak a man's language - not only in marriage, but in the workplace, with your sons, with your brothers, with your father, and with your co-workers.

Friday, February 10, 2012  
MacGregor Downs Country Club - Cary NC
General Session: "Are you Ready to Get off the Roller Coaster?"11:30-1:00pm
$20prepay/$22 door

Workshop:       "Practical Tips for STOPPING the Roller Coaster"1:20-2:15pm
$5 with lunch / $10 workshop only

RSVP by Wednesday @ 3:00pm
Registration now open! 

The workshops are intended to be interactive with Q&A as well as instructional. 
  • Handouts will be provided
  • Bring your Bible and a pen!
  • Arrive between 11:15-11:30. 
Grab a few friends and join us on Friday!  Make sure you register early to get the discount!

The roller coaster stops when we truly understand "Respect" and live it!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Glimpse into my Praise Section

1. Prayer Training - going on now! Make sure you have your Prayer Journal.

If you do not have the Prayer Journal, Intimacy with God, Your Daily Guide to Prayer, order yours today! ($13)

2. Registration is open!
Iron Sharpens Iron! See details below.

Psalm 100:4
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise."

So does the praise section make sense?  

All week, I've done my best to explain the importance and the power of praise.  Truly, the Praise section of my Journal is the tool that God used in helping me to KNOW Him more personally. 

To conclude the week, I've decided to share my Praise section with you.  Now keep in mind, I start a new Journal every January 1st - that's why it's bare.  I'm starting a new list. 

Every time I learn something new about God - I write it down.  Perhaps an attribute that describes Him... 

Below is the page following my A-Z list.  Notice I do not record something everyday.  The Journal is not meant to be a legalistic exercise. It's meant to be a tool that grows you spiritually. 

So when something jumps off the page at me ABOUT GOD in my quiet time, I write it down.   Below, is what I've written during the month of January.

Notice I put the month and year at the top of the page.  Notice I've referenced the passage I've gleaned the information from -

Recording what I'm learning is such a blessing to my prayer time.  Why?  Because when I'm not "feeling it," and that could be on any given morning,  I open my praise section and allow it to springboard my prayer time.  Soon... I'm "feeling it."

Do not bypass praising God because you think your needs are too great and you need to quickly tell Him.  OR, if you're short on time, don't bypass praising God.  In fact, when I'm short on time, I'll spend that time praising and thanking God Him instead.  Why?  Because He is God.  And He already knows...   It benefits me more - to focus on His BIGNESS, instead of the what I perceive are the bigness of my circumstances.

I'll leave you with this to ponder...  "Don't tell God how big your mountains are - tell your mountains how BIG YOUR GOD IS!

Have a great weekend!

Iron Sharpens Iron
Registration is open!
February is:
Theme: Marriage, Marriage, more Marriage
February 10, 2012
"Are you Ready to get off the Roller Coaster?"
Cost of lunch: Pre-register, $20
Late Registration at the door: $22

"Practical Tips for STOPPING the Roller Coaster"
Cost: $5/with lunch - $10 if coming to Workshop only

To register: https://www.easyreg.org/cgi-bin/easyreg/registrationdbase/EVYDCJTNIM/signup.pl

Speaker: Autumn Weikert
Autumn is a gifted Bible teacher. Married for 30 years; home school mom for 20+ years (2 more years to go!) and marriage counselor for 15 years along with her engaged and loving husband, Steve.

Autumn has been traveling with me for over a year now. I cannot begin to tell you how blessed I have been by her wisdom. It's sort of funny - when we go to events - people will sometimes call her "my assistant." HAH! Far from that. She's more like my coach. I'm HER assistant in ministry. You will be so blessed by her teaching. I know that I know that God has placed her in my life for such a time as this. Her wisdom has been such a blessing in my own marriage.
YOU WILL LOVE HER! Bring a friend! (But make sure you register! Let us know you are coming:)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Doing What is Not Natural

Iron Sharpens Iron
Registration Open - see below!

2 Chronicles 20:3
Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the Lord...

When the storms of life come rolling in, how do you respond? 

In yesterday's post, I challenged you to do something that is NOT natural to do when you receive bad news...

Fall on your knees and begin telling God how great He is!  Give Him Praise!

Praise Him for the storm -
Praise Him as being the God Who gives and takes away -
Praise Him for being your Healer -
Praise Him for being your Helper -
Praise Him for being your Provider -
Praise Him for being your Rock -
  • When you need a job - Praise Him for being El Elohim, (Mighty Creator), and tell Him that you are trusting Him to create a job for you or your husband.
  • When you receive a bad diagnosis - Praise Him for being Jehovah Rapha, the God Who heals.  Tell Him, that you are trusting Him for healing.
  • When you need wisdom for a decision you must make - Praise Him for being Jehovah Raah, the Lord your Shepherd.  The God Who will guide you in all area.

My daughter, Caroline (9) was diagnosed with Juvenile Dermatomyositis when she was 2 years old.  Dermatomyositis is a chronic disease - affecting the auto immune system.  Yesterday, we spent the morning at Duke with her specialist.

I was hoping for a break-through at this appointment.  She's on a very strong medication.  I was hoping that at this appointment, they would begin reducing this medication.  We've had 2 years of good appointments - its TIME TO WEAN - in my opinion.  She seems to be doing so well.

Well, the exact opposite occurred.  The doctor was panicky.  NEVER a good thing.
The doctor's concerned that Caroline may be vulnerable for the disease to come out of remission as some of her symptoms were "flaring."

This was not the news I wanted.   But this morning, I chose NOT to do what comes natural. 

What comes natural?  To ask God why He didn't answer my heartfelt, faith filled prayers.  To question His love for me or for Caroline.  To blame Him.  To doubt Him.  To begin wondering if He's a prayer hearing God after all.  To tell Him, "I'm serving my heart out over here - I deserve for You to help me."

No, no, no... 

Instead, I followed Jehoshaphat's example from (2 Chronicles 20) and  went to my knees... And did what was not natural this morning. 

I spent over an hour in praise to my God.  I turned on my music.  And I worshiped God as best as I knew.  I told Him how honored I am that He would choose our family to reveal His glory.  I praised Him as my God Who is in control.   I cried and wept tears of joy as well.

When I arose, I arose stronger, refreshed, and content with where God has me.

When the storms of life come flooding in - do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is natural. 
Go to your knees in praise!

Iron Sharpens Iron
Registration is open!
February is:
Theme: Marriage, Marriage, more Marriage
February 10, 2012
"Are you Ready to get off the Roller Coaster?"
Cost of lunch: Pre-register, $20
Late Registration at the door: $22

"Practical Tips for STOPPING the Roller Coaster"
Cost: $5/with lunch - $10 if coming to Workshop only

To register: https://www.easyreg.org/cgi-bin/easyreg/registrationdbase/EVYDCJTNIM/signup.pl

Speaker: Autumn Weikert
Autumn is a gifted Bible teacher. Married for 30 years; homeschool mom for 20+ years (2 more years to go!) and marriage counselor for 15 years along with her engaged and loving husband, Steve.

Autumn has been traveling with me for over a year now. I cannot begin to tell you how blessed I have been by her wisdom. It's sort of funny - when we go to events - people will sometimes call her "my assistant." HAH! Far from that. She's more like my coach. I'm HER assistant in ministry. You will be so blessed by her teaching. I know that I know that God has placed her in my life for such a time as this. Her wisdom has been such a blessing in my own marriage.
YOU WILL LOVE HER! Bring a friend! (But make sure you register! Let us know you are coming:)