Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Disappointments Can Become Sweet Memories-

After Christmas Tip:

Don't allow this Christmas season to go by without recording your special memories. Surely, there are many! Christmas Keepsake Journal provides 6 years of space for memories. There's space to record:
  • New traditions you made-
  • This year's Christmas picture-
  • How you spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
  • Who you spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with -

  • What you ate-
  • Much more!!!

I'll be giving some examples in the day's to come. To order, simply click on the Knowing God Ministries Page.

Christmas Disappointments...

In the mean time, allow me to share a Christmas memory that I'll be recording this year. At first glance you'll think it's heartbreaking, but I love how God worked it out.

On Christmas Eve, my husband and I were bracing for the ultimate disappointment we knew would surely come the next morning despite our efforts. And as predicted, it did.

My son, Will was dying for a PS3. It was all he wanted for Christmas. But early in December, Tim and I had made the decision that we wouldn't be buying another game system. So when Christmas morning arrived and Will realized there was no PS3 under the tree, he was devastated. (Truly a Ralphie - Red Rider BB Gun moment, from the movie The Christmas Story!)

Had he thrown a temper tantrum - it may have been easier. Had he not shown any interest in what he received - it definitely would have been easier. Instead, I watched a little boy trying to be excited about what was under the tree, yet was doing all he could to hold it together. His lower lip was quivering -tears were filling his eyes. It was pitiful. For a moment, part of me regretted the decision. But I knew in my heart we had done the right thing. In fact, I had prayed about it and there was no peace in my heart over buying a PS3.

After the initial shock, Will got excited about his new toys and began playing with them. Later however, he resolved to buy a PS3 with his own money.

At our Christmas celebrations later in the day with extended family, Will received gift cards and money for Christmas. (For him, there couldn't have been a better gift.) When we got home, he eagerly counted his money plus what he had in his piggy bank. He lacked $40 from having enough to meet his goal!

Talk about a boy on a mission - With a little creative maneuvering (I bought his $30 Walmart card he rec'd 6 mos ago.) and extra chores - he had enough money to buy a PS3! Will was beside himself with joy!

This afternoon, Tim drove Will and a friend to Target where he cashed in his gift cards and the remainder of cash in his piggy bank. He came home and proudly announced he had it! The little techie boy hooked it up himself. Truly, a memorable moment.

Now I know why God moved on our hearts not to get a PS3 - Another reminder, that if we'll stay in sync with God, following His lead, He'll do far more than we could have asked for. What if I would have bought the silly thing despite my lack of peace? I would have missed out on God showing Himself to this sweet little boy. And Will would have missed out on God transforming disappointment to one of the most memorable events of his life thus far.

Today was a red-letter day in the Furman house. This is a memory I don't want lost on the pages of everyday ordinary life. I think I'll record it now in my Keepsake Journal!

Make it a great day!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Luke 1:6-7

While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped Him in cloths and placed him in a manger because there was no room for Him in the inn.

Yesterday, during my family's Christmas Day celebration, I cornered my cousin, Emily's husband. I won't name him. I'm not sure if I should. But He is a soldier in the United States Army and just recently got home from deployment in Afghanistan. I've been so excited about talking to him since his return. My questions were endless. That sweet man patiently and graciously tolerated me. He answered each of my questions without going into too much detail. I so admired how he carefully choose his words. His stories were fascinating -I could have held him hostage all day!

But before we were interrupted, he told me that his platoon will deploy again next year. They will be placed in one of the most dangerous areas in the world. And he was having a hard time deciding about re-enlistment.

Personally, I didn't understand why it was even a question.
Why would you want to leave the posh living of being at home?
Why would you want to leave your beautiful wife again?
Why in the world would you ever want to leave to go to one of the most dangerous and most horrible places on the planet?

His response surprised me. I'll never forget it. "It's what every warrior dreams of doing," he replied.

Wow. I cannot imagine. Talk about the heroes among us. These soldiers quietly walk our streets. They blend in with the crowds at our shopping areas - yet they are far from common, ordinary people. They are our heroes. They sacrifice - so that we can live our "posh" lives. I don't want to even imagine what our lives would be like were it not for men like Emily's husband.

As hard as his response is for me to understand - I get it. He didn't have to say another thing. This soldier was created by God to be a warrior. I thankful I am for him.

So how does this relate to the Christmas story?

As I sat in my quiet time this morning, contemplating the sacrifice Jesus made by coming to earth, I thought of yesterday's conversation. There are many similarities - except Jesus' deployment was much more extreme. Jesus left the "plushness" of heaven. Everyone loved, adored, and worshiped Him there. Jesus lived in a place that was:
  • sin free
  • disease free
  • heartbreak free
  • tear free
  • bad economy free
  • disappointment free
  • bad weather free...

Talk about paradise; talk about riches; He had it all! Why would Jesus purposefully leave His "cushy" life in heaven to enter a world that is riddled with:

  • sin
  • disease and sickness
  • corruption
  • poverty
  • rejection
  • hopelessness and helplessness
  • homelessness and starvation?

Because just as Emily's husband is on rescue mission for our country- Jesus came on a rescue mission for you and for me.

God knew that we could never work our way to Him. No amount of good behavior, righteous or religious living; and no amount of earth loving conservation would ever be good enough for us to reach heaven. So He came to us! The King left His throne - and chose to sleep in a feeding trough in order to rescue you and me from our sins.

So it's not just a baby in a manger. It's God, Himself stepping out of heaven - into the body of a human -to become visible - to rescue us. His sacrifice opened heaven for any and all who places their faith in Him. How have you responded to Him?

It's a personal response - not one made by our religion or our parents or by the church we attend. It's a personal transaction between you and God.

And as far as it goes with those quiet heroes among us - let's treat them as such. They are worthy of our respect and admiration.

Happy Winter Wonderland!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

When God's Plans are Not Convenient

Christmas Tip #13:

Try settling any controversial family matters ahead of Christmas to avoid any misunderstandings or awkwardness.

Luke 2:1,3-5

In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. And everyone went to his own town to register. So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Bethlehem... He also went there to register with Mary.

I cannot imagine it coming at a worse time - the government issuing a decree requireing everyone to return to the home town to register. The King James translation says that "Mary was great with child" at this point. So she, along with Joseph would have to make a 75+ mile trek - through the mountains, hills and rocks - on a donkey, no doubt- in her third trimester of pregnancy. All to fulfill a difficulty imposed upon them by the government at the worst possible time.

We see no mention of whining and complaining. We see no mention of heartbreak on Mary's part that she would be away from her mother at the time the baby could and would possibly come. I don't think I've ever met a woman who didn't want her mother around when having a baby. Yet God allowed - even prompted this inconvenient hardship. God is sovereign over all the affairs of mankind - even governmental and political. Nothing is coincidental with God.

What difficulty has been imposed upon you? Something out of your control that has become a hardship?
  • Have you been asked to host Christmas at your house and this is a true hardship for you?

  • Have you been asked to do something that you don't want to do - but out of necessity - are having to do it?

I have a dear friend, Maggie, who is facing the loss of her precious husband. He has stage IV prostate cancer and has been recently told that there is nothing more that can be done. This active and vibrant woman is now confined to her home to take care of her husband each day. Yet, everytime I talk to her, SHE is the one who cheers me. Her countenance bubbles over with hope, peace and confidence. Never have I heard her complain. She is inspiring to all those around her. How? Because of her daily and moment by moment dependence on Jesus in her midst during this very difficult time.

God's plans are not always convenient. And we see that even when we are in the center of God's will as Mary and Joseph were, we are not promised an easy and comfortable life. Yet during the long, difficult, uncomfortable journey Mary and Joseph were required to make, we see God's:

  • provision,

  • protection and

  • Presence.
God's grace will be sufficient through our uncomfortable journeys. Trust that even our discomfort has meaning and purpose if we'll turn it back over to God each day.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What Will They Think?

Christmas Tip #12:

Make plans now to include the Guest of Honor, Jesus, in your Christmas festivities. Christmas celebrations are so void and empty when He is ignored. If you need fresh and practical ideas of ways to include Him in your celebrations - check out my new Christmas Keepsake Journal.

Matthew 1: 24

When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.

Do you believe that God loves you despite your disappointments and failures? Do you believe that God has your best interests in mind? And that He has good things planned for your life?

[I hope your answer is "Yes" to all of the above. Because it's all true!]

After God redirected Joseph's steps in his dream, Joseph may have been tempted to believe that God didn't have his best interests in mind. God gave him an out-of-the-box new direction: "take Mary home to be your wife..." But, what would his family think? What would his friends think? What would this mean for his family's reputation or his for that matter?

After studying for this devotion series, Mary and Joseph have become my new heroes. To them, it didn't matter what others thought. They didn't weigh obedience to God based upon the opinions of others, their circumstances or their feelings. They radically embraced all that God wanted to give them by responding "yes" to His every direction.

So how does this relate to us today?

Often what God tells us to do, will not make sense to other people - this includes family and friends. They may think we're radical! Can't you hear them now, "she's taken this whole religion thing too far..." I've experienced this. I've lost friends over the last few years. I've been shunned by others. And often, I'm misunderstood by those closest to me.

Yet, if we truly believe that God loves us; that He has our best interests at heart; that He has good planned for us - then we must wholeheartedly follow His directives in our life. This could mean:
  • Radically breaking from your normal family tradition at Christmas to include the Guest of honor, Jesus, in your festivities. One way would be having the true Christmas story read from Scripture during your gatherings.

  • Sharing what He's done in your life over the last year with others - (who cares what they think - do you realize how much this honors God?! He gets so excited about stuff like this! Football players do it was they're running into the end-zone, why can't we?)

  • Doing what He's placed on your heart to do - even if it requires getting out of your comfort zone and doing something you've never done before.

If we truly want to embrace all that God wants to give us, we have to overcome the fear of living a life that is very different from the people around us. We can't look to others for confidence and peace, we have to look to Him daily - trusting that He will never throw us under the bus!

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 20, 2010

When Making Big Decisions...

Christmas Tip #11:

Don't wait until Christmas Eve to wrap your gifts. Wrap them as you purchase them. This will prevent a possible stress-meltdown later in the week!

Matthew 1:20

"But after he had considered this (divorcing Mary), an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit."

Have you ever been faced with a big decision and didn't know what to do? Afraid of making the wrong decision because either way - the consequences would be huge?

In today's reading, Joseph was faced with with a big decision. Because Mary and Joseph were engaged, Mary's apparent unfaithfulness carried a severe social stigma. According to Jewish law, he could divorce her or turn her over to authorities to be stoned to death. Joseph, wanting desperately to do the right thing, did what seemed most logical - he decided to "break the engagement quietly so as not to disgrace her publicly." (v19 NLT)

What happens next is a truth that I carry in my heart almost every time I have a decision to make. Joseph was doing the best he could do. He did what seemed most logical. Yet we see that most logical - isn't always God's path. So in His amazing mercy, God intervened and redirected his steps.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

I used to think that God would sit in heaven and shake His head in disappointment every time I made a bad decision. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth. He loves you and I so much - that if we will just acknowledge Him in every decision - He'll make sure we get on the right path.
How do you acknowledge Him?
  • I look up and say, "Lord, what do I do?"
  • I'm on the lookout in my quiet time for a Word from Scripture directing either way;
  • I'm looking at common sense logistics (yet not relying completely on what's logical - )
  • I'm also looking for peace in my heart.
  • Once a decision is made - I'm on the lookout for God's confirmation or evidence of red flags.
The next time you have a decision to make, remember Joseph and be encouraged. God loves us so much - that He'll redirect our path if we've made the wrong decision. Isn't that comforting?!!! God is so awesome. His mercies are new everyday. We just have to be pliable to that new direction...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Born for a Purpose

Christmas Tip #10:
Curl up in front of your fireplace and Christmas Tree with a hot beverage in hand and read your Bible. It is the Comfort of all comforts!

Luke 1:45
"Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!"

Yesterday, while on the way to get blonder and less gray, I was listening to Glenn Beck on the radio. He was talking about something very near to my heart and the subject of today's devotion. He was saying that "every human being was born with a purpose, but that it's up to us to find that purpose." I agree with Glenn wholeheartedly - we are all born with a purpose. Yet he's missing a very important ingredient to finding that purpose: We will never find our God ordained purpose for living apart from God and His Word. This brings us to today's Mary and Elizabeth -

Mary had just been told her reason for living. She would be the mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus! What a task! What an assignment! I love what happens next: she treks the the 60+ miles to visit her cousin, Elizabeth. In addition to the obvious, we also see the tenderness and kindness of our God in these passages. (Read Luke 1:35-56 when you get a chance.)

1st: God provided someone to share Mary's joy and her belief in the impossible. How precious for God to provide someone nearby who could relate. The two women - one too old - the other too young - both had one thing in common: questionable pregnancies, sure to stir up some town gossip!

2nd: God used Elizabeth to confirm what He had told Mary. Without Mary even saying anything other than a greeting to her long-lost cousin, Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, exclaims, "blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?" (v42-43)

So how does this relate to us today? Just as Mary and Elizabeth were both born for a divine purpose, YOU and I WERE TOO!

I have a good friend named Amy Carroll. She's on the Proverbs 31 Ministries speaking team. We met in Bible study years ago and have been friends ever since. I can remember when she first began speaking. She told me, "Tara, I feel like I'm going to be sick every time, but I was born to do this." I've never forgotten that statement.

Even in my own life, my dream was to be a stay-at-home mother. I didn't want anything else out of life. God graciously blessed me with this. Yet, something was missing. After finally getting what I wanted, how could I be so discontent? One dreary day in February 2004, when I was up to my eye-balls in dirty diapers and whiny children, I asked God, "is this it? Is this what I'm here for? There's got to be more in life." The very next day in my quiet time, my Scripture reading was 1 Timothy 4:12-14:

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity... Devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. Do not neglect your gift."

I had a secret desire to teach yet, I had not told anyone about this desire, not even my husband. Yet God was nailing me. Soon after getting this Scripture, God used other women to confirm what He had told me - just as He did for Mary. Without me uttering a word, they randomly told me that one day I'd be teaching God's Word. (By the way, that would freak me out a little bit. I was still relatively young in my faith.) Three years later, God opened a door and started this ministry.

I am no one special. Just an ordinary woman, who loves an extraordinary God who's in the business of giving us the desires of our heart. You too were born for a purpose. Do you realize this? Do you even believe this? Listen to some of these Scriptures:

"Who, then, is the man that fears the Lord? He [God] will instruct him in the way chosen for him" Psalm 25:12 (bold mine)

"We ask God to give you complete understanding of what He wants to do in your lives, and we ask Him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom" Colossians 1:9 NLT

You were born for a purpose. If you are unaware of your God-ordained purpose, start spending time with Him on a regular basis. He'll make your purpose known. What are your dreams? What are you naturally good at?

Our purpose will always include sharing with others what we know about Jesus in our spheres of influence. Our purpose may take us out of our comfort zones. However, when we live out our God ordained purpose, we will live life like no other!

In a horrible economy, in a time of unprecedented unemployment and political unrest, God is shaking things up. Could He be drawing you to Himself so that you can start living life like no other? I'd love to hear your comments today. You can post anonymously.

Can't wait to hear!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

When Our Plans are Interrupted

Christmas Tip #9 -

Don't complain about the weather - it's Christmas! It's supposed to be cold (even snowy!) God's been dealing with me about this all week. When we complain, we're really complaining about Him, because He's the Sovereign God of the Universe Who is in control of all things - even the weather!

Luke 1:30
"Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God."

Luke 1:38
"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said."

I can't begin to tell you the number of times I've read this account of Scripture. But today, I saw something totally new: it would seem that God is intentionally derailing Mary's life. Now before you start stoning me, please know that I know THIS IS NOT TRUE. God would never forsake us. However, there's something deeper here that God wants us to learn. I started thinking about the times in my life - when my plans or dreams have been interrupted... Or when my day or world turns upside down. Some interruptions require radical trust.

Mary was engaged to be married. She was in the midst of planning her wedding to the man of her dreams. We learn in Matthew's gospel that Joseph was a righteous man. So we can already see that Mary and Joseph were like-minded. So when I pondered the other day what Mary would have been doing or thinking about prior to Gabriel's visitation - I can only imagine:
  • Booking a caterer
  • Hiring an artist to draw pictures to post on the walls of their home
  • Determining the guest list
  • Ordering invitations
  • Keeping track of the bridesmaids and determining what they would wear
  • Dreaming of what her life would soon be with this wonderful man...

If you've ever planned a wedding, then you know I'm barely scratching the surface - not to mention the everyday work responsibilites she must have been accountable for. Life was busy and full, but good! However, all of this was about to change. God was interrupting.

Gabriel tells Mary that God had found favor with her. The New Living Translation says, "God has decided to bless you." Gabriel tells Mary that she will be with child and give birth to a son, that He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, that He will reign forever over the house of Jacob and that His kingdom would never end.

Let's think about what this would mean, practically and circumstantially. To be an unmarried girl in this culture could be disastrous. First of all, she would have to tell her mother and family that she was pregnant - no small thing. What would they say or do? If that didn't go well, and if her family rejected her (which was common in those days) - she would have been put out on the streets, forced to beg, and prostitute herself for money. She would probably lose Joseph and never have the opportunity to marry again. She would be a social outcast, not to mention, people would have thought she was insane. Yet we're told that God had decided to bless her!

To the natural ear this sounds crazy. "Mary, I've decided to bless you. You'll be the mother of My Son, yet you'll be rejected, you'll lose Joseph, you'll turn into a prostitute and be rejected by all of society. Yes Mary, I've decided to bless you."

All of these things were possiblities in Mary's culture. At first glance, it seems that God had thrown Mary under the bus, yet NOTHING could be farther from the truth. God interrupted Mary's plans for a BETTER plan. Mary had enough spiritual maturity to know that God would never lead her astray, despite the consequences that could occur from her obedience.

So, how do you view life's interruptions? Do you feel God has abandoned you when your circumstances have turned inside out? Even in the small interruptions, my feathers can be ruffled, such as:

  • When the weather report changes all of your plans...
  • When it snows on one of the last day's prior to your children's Christmas break and you were planning on starting your Christmas shopping...
  • When your whole family wants a dog and you don't
  • When God allows for a change in your career and it seems like retirement should be next
  • When God allows for a change in your career and you are unemployed
  • When you are waiting to become pregnant - and it has not happened.
  • _____________ You fill in the blank.

When your life turns upside down or your dreams and plans are interrupted, trust God and continue walking in obedience. Some circumstances will require radical trust. But know with great certainty that God will NEVER throw you under the bus. When we walk in humble obedience, as Mary did, we can trust Him with the consequences. Those consequences become His problems, not ours!

Sorry it took so long to post today - but my plans were interrupted. My children are at home!

Have a great day:)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Christmas Tip #8 -

At your upcoming gatherings, consider asking your guests to share how God has worked in their lives over the last year. Go around the room - allow those who desire the opportunity to share.

I had a party specifically for this purpose on Monday @ lunch. Despite my lack of hospitality skills (I do not have that gift!), the party was a blessing to all who came. One particular guest emailed me the next day to say that she "was still soaring!" When Jesus is the center of your party - it'll always be a hit!

Luke 1:27

"...God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a village in Galilee, to a virgin named Mary."

If you've read this blog over the last 2 days, you must be thinking, "this Scripture again? Move on..." Oh friend, this is the power of God's Word - it says so much with so few words. I've loved learning more and more about Mary. I've been able to relate to her - I hope you have too!
Another aspect of Mary's life that I love is that she was young, poor and female. In that culture, a female was not highly regarded. But we see that God is not swayed by cultural norms. He uses women to do the profound. To the human eye, Mary seems an unlikely candidate for such an important assignment. But God saw what others did not see. He saw her heart. And God used her to do the profound.

Do you feel like your ability, experience, education (or lack of education), or background makes you an unlikely candidate for God's service? I have. I live in an area surrounded by lots of scientists, universities, educators and thriving business people. My own husband, in my opinion, is brilliant. Sometimes his mind intimidates me. I'm a very common, average, ordinary woman. I had to bust my rear-end in school just to maintain a "B" average. It did not come easy to me. And at times, I feel like I'm blonder than I pay to be! Often when someone tells a joke, I have to get further clarity to understand the punch line! So I LOVE the fact that God uses the simple and the ordinary to do His work. Listen to the further insight we receive from 1 Corinthians 1:26-27.

"Brothers, [sisters!], think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise. God chose the weak to shame the strong..."

God doesn't just use the pretty people, the smart people, or the wealthy people. He will use the ordinary! Perhaps, like Mary, you're wondering, "how in the world can God use a woman like me?" The answer is given to us in verse 35: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the most High will overshadow you." When God gives us an assignment, it's not by our might, nor will it be done by our power, but it will be done by His Spirit. All we have to do is be the willing vessel.

If you belong to God - you were born with a divine purpose. "Me?" you may ask. Yes, you! But you must cultivate a quiet time in your day and listen for His voice. (John 15:5 - with Him we can bear much fruit. Apart from Him, we can do nothing.) He'll use you to do the profound in your family, in your sphere's of influence, and in your corner of the world. HE WANTS TO! He just needs your cooperation. Mary was willing, even if it meant a life interrupted. (That's what we'll look at tomorrow!)

Be blessed!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Value of Alone Time

Christmas Tip #7
If you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews, host a birthday party for Jesus! Make a cake or cupcakes - don't forget the candles! You can even buy helium filled balloons and have the children release their balloons to Jesus at the end of the party.

Luke 1:26-28
"...God sent the angel Gabriel, to a virgin named Mary... The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you."

I must confess, I am having the hardest time cultivating quiet blocks of time into my day lately. I've been getting up for my quiet time - but the rest of my day has been a free-for-all. For instance: carpool. I used to arrive early to take advantage of those few precious quiet moments. Lately they've been filled with phone calls. Even while scooting around town, I'm distracted bypolitical radio, music, or I'm returning calls that I often ignore while in my office - trying to get them in before my children get home from school. (Once they get home from school + a new puppy named Jake - it's game on!) Late in the evenings it's political TV.

As I was studying today's lesson, I realized that if this is not for anybody else - it's for me. God showed me something very profound tucked into the these 3 little Scriptures: When Gabriel came to visit Mary, she was alone. She wasn't with her Mama chit-chatting about the latest family gossip, she wasn't in the local Starbucks, she wasn't on her crackberry, I mean blackberry. She was alone. I wonder what she was doing when she was interrupted by Gabriel? I wonder where her thoughts were. Don't forget - she was in the midst of planning a wedding. Weddings were huge deals back then. Quite often, the whole town would be invited. (Can you imagine?!) Yet we see that Mary valued quiet, alone moments in her day despite the hectic-ness her circumstances mandated.

Not only did Mary value quiet, but God was about to tell her something profound. How often do I miss what God wants to share with me because the radio's blaring? Or because I won't get off the phone long enough for Him to share a profound thought? A direction He has for me? An encouragement He has for me? I'm not trying to be crude - but God often interrupts my thoughts in the shower. (Can't talk on a cell phone in the shower!) He's given me great ideas for future projects while rinsing the shampoo out of my hair. One time, He comforted me when I thought the deterioration of my daughter's disease was my fault. In the shower that morning, He brought to mind the Sunday school lesson I had taught to my little 1st graders that past Sunday. (As I share these intimate details of my life, I hope you see the practicality and kindness of our loving God! He's an everyday God, not a once a week God. And by the way, my daughter is better.)

I don't know about you, but today, I'm drawing a line in the sand. Please know, I'm not talking about riding around in silence or never talking on your cell phone, but I'm talking about balance. I personally am out of balance. Instead of filling every quiet, alone moment with a phone call, email, TV, or radio, I'm looking at "quiet" differently today. Mary's example is one to follow. Take time to enjoy this amazing season. Cultivate quietness. There is no telling what the Lord may share with you...

Food for thought: I wonder if God would have moved on to someone else if He couldn't have gotten Mary's attention???

Have a great day!

Monday, December 13, 2010

He Speaks to Me...

Christmas Tip #6:
Wish people, vendors, and stangers "Merry Christmas!," not "Happy Holidays!"

Today's subject is mind-blowing. It's profound! Yet we'll see that the God of Universe - the same God that spoke all things into existence - Who named the stars, Who spoke to Mary, speaks to us too! God speaks to the simple - to the common people - not just to the Billy Grahams, and Beth Moore's, and to the preachers of the world. He speaks to you and to me! As we look at Mary's story - this is the aspect we'll study.

Luke 1:26-27
"In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph... The virgin's name was Mary."

Do you realize that Christianity is the ONLY religion where God comes to man? All other religions are man's attempt to get to God (they may use other names). But God, in His amazing love - came to us even though we are all morally evil, dead in sin and deserving of His wrath. The Bible says that all of our good deeds in His sight are like "filthy rags" (Isa. 64:6). Yet there is hope! Scripture says that when we believe in our hearts and receive Jesus as Savior, we become children of God! (John 1:12) Could He have made it any more simple? This is what we are celebrating this month - God coming to us! [Do you know if you are a child of God? If you want to be sure - will you contact me? I'd love to hear from you.]

God sent Gabriel to deliver His message to Mary, a very common, ordinary, teenage girl from a backward town named Nazareth. (Don't you love this?!) I don't know about you, but I'm as common as they come - very ordinary. I'll NEVER forget the first time God spoke to me. (Now keep in mind, I had been a Christian for a long time - a regular church goer - even had an established quiet time, yet God was not REAL to me. He was the building I went to for church and Bible study.)

The day I connected the dots, the day that I heard His glorious voice speaking into the recesses of my heart, was not a happy day for me. I was at home in tears and devestated after having learned that I had miscarried our first child. Looking for solice, I reached for my devotion book. The Scripture reference for that day - Philippians 4:5-7:
"The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."
The God of the Universe, the same one that spoke to Mary, was speaking to me and comforting me in the most wounded area of my life. Peace washed over me and my tears quickly dried up. He wants to do the same for you. The Bible says to pour out your hearts to Him because He is your Refuge (Psalm 62:8). Do you know what a refuge is? A refuge is a safe place, a place that offers protection. He is your safe place; you can trust Him; He will be your protector. Therefore:
  • Block out some time with Him in your day and read your Bible or devotion book.
  • Tell Him your issues
  • Share with Him your scars and your wounds.
  • Read expectantly - You will find Him if you are truly looking for Him.
Be blessed dear sister,

Friday, December 10, 2010

Our Life Story: God Put's a Comma - NOT a Period!

Christmas Tip #5:

Today, ask Jesus what He wants for His birthday? Quietly wait for His answer - He'll put it in your heart. Perhaps it's a sin habit or something He wants you to do. The first gift I ever gave to Jesus for His birthday was a potty mouth. (Very embarassing to admit!) For more ideas - check out my new Christmas Journal!

Luke 1:25

"The Lord has done this for me," she said. "In these days He has shown His favor and taken away my disgrace among the people."

As we close our week with Elizabeth and Zechariah, I have more questions today than I have answers. If you have better insight, share it. As detailed as Dr. Luke has been - today he frustrates me. When Zechariah got home, how did he tell Elizabeth? What was her response? Did she believe -or did she doubt? Was she worried about the health of her baby since she was past the age of child-bearing? What about the details of her to-be son's character? What was her response? What went through her mind? (My husband tells me that I should have been a reporter because I always ask lots of questions. He never asks enough!) Lastly, why did Elizabeth stay in seclusion for 5 months? Does anyone have any answers?!!

This I do know - our God is faithful. At the beginning of the story, you would have thought that this family was all but forgotten by God. Yet they continued to honor Him in their everyday decisions. As a result - the end of the story - God blessed them beyond what they ever could have asked or thought of asking for. Perhaps, in their own minds, they had put a "period" at what they thought was the end of their story: a priest and his disgraced wife living in Judea childless for the rest of their lives. YET this wasn't the end of the story. God had not put a period - only a comma!

Let this encourage you today if you are facing trials, hardships or discouragement. Perhaps your hardship is financial, or something with your marriage, or other relationships. Perhaps it's job or career related or perhaps it's a huge disappointment that can never be erased. If you're still breathing, it's just a comma in God's eyes, not a period. Another day is coming: Joel 2:25 says, "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten." Psalm 37:28 says, "For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake His faithful ones." God is faithful to the faithful.

What must you do while waiting for God to continue writing the story as He did for Zechariah and Elizabeth? Psalm 37: 3-7 has an answer for us:

"Trust in the Lord and do good....

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this:

He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,

the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."

Our sweet couple did good in the Lord's eyes. (By the way, the only way we can know what is good in God's eyes is to be in the Word everyday.) They delighted themselves in Him and committed their ways to Him. And look at what He did for them:

  • Repaid them for the shame they had experienced for years!

  • Blessed them with a miracle!

  • Used them amongst their friends/family to reveal the reality of Himself in their midst!

  • Made them displays of HIS splendor!

  • Assured them of not only their son's physical health, but of his character as well!

Trust in the Lord and do good my friend ... God's only placed a comma on your life's story!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Limitless God!

Christmas Tip #4:
Throughout the Christmas season, give your family the gift of a sweet disposition!
Luke 1:8-18
At my high school reunion last summer, when asked what I do - the question that immediately followed was, "why are you doing that"? (Emphasis on 'that'.) My answer: "God told me to!" Many of my fellow classmates looked at me like I was nuts!
Do you believe God speaks? In our account today, God sent an angel to speak to Zechariah. Despite him and Elizabeth, his wife, being well passed the years of childbirth, he was told that they would have a son. And this wasn't just any child. This was a child that would be "great in the eyes of the Lord - that he'd be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth - that he'd persuade the people to turn to the Lord - that he'd be full of power and would prepare the people for the Messiah's arrival!" (v. 14-17)
Now that's a lot to take in for anybody. Especially a priest that's getting up there in age. Not to mention, being overwhelmed by the physical presence of the heavenly messenger! Yet this was an answer to years and years of prayer. To have a child was the secret desire of Zechariah and Elizabeth's hearts. Surely, they had all but given up on this dream ever coming to fruition. Instead of jumping with joy - or profusely thanking the angel, Zechariah wanted proof. He wanted assurance before he could believe. "How can I know this will happen? I'm an old man now and my wife is also well along in years" (v. 18). Big mistake!
What has God said to you about the desire of your heart? What is the desire of your heart? Your dream? Your hopes? Have you taken them to God and asked Him His thoughts? (He's waiting for you do so.) Or have you all but given up, because it seems impossible given the current circumstances you're in? I've taken my secret dreams to God. What He's told me blows my mind. (By the way, I'm careful to write down what God has told me - now I'm praying those very words back to Him - waiting and believing Him to make it reality.) Yet often, because of my circumstances, I begin to doubt and not believe, just like Zechariah.
God asks us to believe without seeing. Physical limitations do not limit God. He is a limitless God. His resources never run dry. We must take God at His Word. Never mind our intellect, our circumstances, or experiences, we must choose to trust God completely. So I challenge you today - if you have not already done so - take your dreams to Jesus. Ask Him for His perspective. As you are reading His Word, words will suddenly leap from the page into your heart - this is God - this is your heavenly Messenger. Choose to believe Him. Just as He did immeasureably more than Zechariah could have ever imagined - He can do it again today in your life.
If you have any questions about discerning the voice of God - contact me. I'd love to help you!
Be encouraged today!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hope in Utter Despair

Christmas Tip #3:
Prepare a Mission Heart Hug shoe box for the wives of military spouses. Sponsored by Encourage Her Ministries, you can prepare a shoebox and drop them off at any local Chick-fil-A. (My preference - Cary Towne Center Chick-fil-A. This is my brother-in-law's store!)
Luke 1:7
But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren; and they were both well along in years.
Last Christmas season, I was in unbearable despair and hopelessness. A tidal wave of fear, deep uncertainty and unrelenting insecurity had been crashing upon me for 3 1/2 solid years and I was at a breaking point. It seemed my prayers were merely hitting the ceiling. I ran out of ways to pray - I even lost all desire to pray. Many days, I felt hopeless.
To make matters worse, the devil was merciless - constantly kicking me when I was down. Tempting me to turn my back on deeply held convictions:
  • "Why not have that glass of wine? God doesn't care about you," I'd hear in my ear at Christmas parties and gatherings.
  • "Why not watch that rated 'R' movie? God's abandoned you, plus it's only a little profanity and nudity," I'd hear.
  • "Why are you still getting up for your quiet time when God's not even listening?" was another lie I'd hear.

This is just the tip of the iceberg! HOWEVER, with all the might and strength I could muster up, I'd reply with a script that I'd memorized, a script that was helping me to hold onto Jesus despite His apparent silence - a reminder that: "God loves me. He will be faithful to me."

Over and over again, I'd pray it, think it and say it out loud. I was truly holding onto my faith by a strand. I wonder if this is how Elizabeth felt...

She was barren. Jewish homes were meant for children, lots of them. They represented security and social status. We read in Luke 1:25 that she faced "disgrace among the people." Month after disappointing month, year after year - no child - and then menopause! Hope was all but gone. Surely Elizabeth felt like her prayers were hitting the ceiling - where was God? Didn't He see her everyday obedience? Didn't He see her always doing the right thing, even when no one else was watching?

I'm challenged by Elizabeth because she NEVER gave up on God. She was never bitter towards God nor felt God owed her for her faithfulness. The quality of her character was never compromised by the degree of her painful circumstances.

It's easy to think that God has abandoned us in our seasons of despair and is with us only in abundance. However, God is never closer to us than when we've been kicked down by life. Often God does not answer our prayers the way we want Him to. But we have to persevere and trust Him, just as Elizabeth did. We have to trust that God truly has our best interests at heart. WE have to believe that God can and will do abundantly more than we could ask or imagine.

By the way, God did abundantly more than I could have imagined following this very low period. Even though my faith was a small as a mustard seed - He showed up in a miraculous way. Hang on dear friend. KNOW that God loves you. KNOW that as you are faithful, you can count on Him to be faithful!

Be Encouraged! Love,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

God's Commendation - Luke 1:5-6

Keeping Jesus the center of your holiday - Christmas Tip #2:
As a good friend reminded me just this weekend, pull out a hymnal and read/sing/hum the words to the old Christmas hymns. Sing them to the Lord in your quiet time, with your children, or when you ride down the road. The words are deep and meaningful.

God's Commendation:
One of the things I love about Luke's gospel: he gives the most detail. Luke was a doctor and wanted to give an "orderly account." As I woman, I love that! The more detail, the better! In sharing the story of Christ's birth, Luke takes us all the way back to the conception of John the Baptist.

"It all begins with a Jewish priest, Zechariah," writes Luke (Luke 1:5 NLT). Zechariah's wife was Elizabeth. Luke tells us that John the Baptist's parents "were righteous in God's eyes, careful to obey all of the Lord's commandments and regulations. Yet they had no children because Elizabeth was barren, and now they were both very old" (v. 6-7).

The words "righteous in God's eyes" jumped off the page at me. It's so easy to compare ourselves with others--for example, Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks--and think, "compared to that dude - I'm pretty good!" We can even compare ourselves with our friends or family members and think we're righteous compared to their lifestyles or decisions. But that's the world's standards. What about God's standards? Think about it for a minute - according to God's standards, are you righteous in His eyes? What makes us "righteous in His eyes?" I thought of a few things:

  1. First and foremost: ONLY if we are a child of God are we righteous in His eyes (See John 1:12). This is when we accept Christ as Savior of our lives.

But what about those of us who are God's children? Zechariah was a priest. I would imagine his friends and family would have thought he was righteous - after all, he was one of God's servants. (Just because someone has a title - does not automatically mean he or she is right before God.) Yet God make's a point in making sure we know that HE was pleased with them. What were Elizabeth and Zechariah doing to receive God's commendation? I thought of a few things:

2. Obedience - "they were careful to obey all the Lord's commandments." Are you obedient? Am I? Do you come to Him each day to receive your marching orders - to find out what's on His heart and His mind before the day begins? And then are you faithful to do it?

3. Being careful of drawing near to Him in a quiet time or Bible study, or by going to church, yet having hearts that are far from Him. We can easily go through the motions with minimal effort or almost no thought. (The Lord quickened my heart a few Sundays ago on this very issue.) How do you approach your quiet time? How do you approach going to church? Are you mechanical or do you come in expectant - expectant for the LIVING GOD to meet with you, to speak to you?

4. Private blamelessness. In other words, doing the right thing behind closed doors when no one else is watching. Psalm 101 is one of my life Psalms. Read it!

More than anything, I want God's commendation. I want Him to say of me, "she is righteous in my eyes." Do you want the same commendation? Share your thoughts or you can comment on one of mine - don't forget I'm giving away Christmas Journals through Thursday!

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Celebrating Christmas - Journal Giveaway!!!

Christmas Tip #1: If you want to resist the urge of racing a senior citizen to the only table at Panera Bread (sadly, I've done it): start each day before shopping, decorating and entertaining by spending some time in prayer and Bible reading. Start with Matthew 1-2 or Luke 1. It'll make the biggest difference in your attitude and day!

Welcome to the launch of my new blog!!! I hope you like it. My other one was so drab that I could hardly stand to look at it. However, a good friend suggested Carol @ Lucy Designs - Carol is awesome! If you are in need of a blog makeover - she's your girl. (She's so good that she has a 2 month waiting list. Contact her now if you need her!)

I love Christmas! It's my favorite time of year! It's a perfect time to launch this new blog as well as my new Christmas Journal titled:

Christmas Keepsake Journal,
Celebrating the True Meaning of Christmas and
Treasuring the Memories of Each Passing Christmas

In this 70 page Journal, you'll find:
  • 6 years worth of pages for recording all your special Christmas memories

  • Practical Tips for keeping Jesus the center of your Christmas activities and festivities

  • Practical birthday ideas for Jesus

  • And much more!

As a way celebrate this very special time of year - as well as my new blog and Journal - I plan to:

  1. Blog a Christmas devotion each day AND
  2. Give away a free Journal Tuesday through Thursday.
    All you need to do is give me your feedback and thoughts to the daily devotion. This will register you for a daily drawing!

If you love Christmas or if you are hungry for meaning to this special season, join me each day as we deliberately keep Jesus front and center of our Christmas season. The Christmas devotions begin Tuesday morning!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Life that Counts

Ezra 1:3 tells us that King Cyrus proclaimed freedom for the captives of Judah. Ezra 2:64 tells us only 42,360 people took him up on the offer and left their captivity to return to their homeland of freedom.

Why is this significant? I was pondering my morning reading on the way to my kids' school this morning. Then it dawned on me: how easy and comfortable it is to stay in our captivities than it is to expend the effort to get out. Yet Jesus, our KING, has proclaimed FREEDOM for us. (Isaiah 61)

What are our captivities? The captivity of depression, oppression, bad habits, lifestyles that contradict our public persona, bitterness, religiosity... The list could go on and on.

I pondered what it took in order for those 42K+ to be free and the same is required for our freedom. God has a good plan for our lives. He has a life purpose for each of us. But we must be freed from our captivities. What does it take?

  • Willingness to leave our comfortable surroundings - the familiar habits

  • Mediocre pew-warming

  • Often leaving our families - psychologically, emotionally, and culturally.

  • Lives possibly seeming unworthy in the eyes of pop culture.

  • Leaving paralyzing fear in order to follow God to freedom!

Those exiles who sacrificed eventually arrived in their homeland - the place God wanted them to be. Their lives have been recorded for all eternity. Their lives counted before God.

I want my life to count for God too. Do you? God has a promised land for all of us this side of heaven. I'm still traveling to mine. The road is often uncomfortable and lonely. Sometimes I find myself complaining (Lord, forgive me). Yet I want all that God wants to give me - I want my life to count for all eternity. I hope you'll join me on this journey-

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Season Change! "He changes times and seasons..." Daniel 2:21

I know - it's the beginning of August. It's hot and sticky outside. Where I live in the south the humidity makes everyday a bad hair day unless you have exceptionally good hair. (Which I don't. I wear mine in a pony tail most every day!) We're about two months before the arrival of fall, but this week, my family had a season change.

My children went back to school yesterday. Though my heart was a bit sad as I said good-bye to them yesterday morning, there was a twinge of excitement. It only grew this morning! It feels like the first of the year again--that time of year when we make resolutions to improve in certain areas, to add things to our lives, to delete things from our lives.

One of the things that I want to add to my life as I face this new season is to blog on a regular basis. This is so hard for me. (As you can probably tell!)
I'm a vulnerable and private woman. Who cares that I just got a new puppy that's rocking my world? Who cares that my feelings can be hurt at the drop of a hat? Who cares that yesterday when I picked my children up from school, I almost turned back around and returned one of them to their teachers! No one. Yet when the Creator of the universe enters into the mundane of everyday life - which He does - and teaches profound life lessons that affects my parenting, my attitude, my behavior, and my relationship with my husband and others - it's worth sharing. He's worth throwing yourself out there. He's worth feeling like a fool before others if it helps only one.

Your season may not be changing yet, but it will. Will you look at the change of your next season as a way to impact others for Jesus? Will you ask the Lord to show you something you can add to your everyday that will add spiritual health to your soul? Perhaps it's having a more consistent quiet time or prayer time. Will you ask Him if there's possibly something HE wants you to give up?

He's asking me to put aside my fears, my insecurities and my vulnerablities to share my life on this very ordinary blog. Will you pray for me? Will you pray that I'll be consistent out of obedience to Him?

Let me know how to pray for you when your season changes. Proverbs 27:17 says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one woman sharpens another." Let's resolve to sharpen each other!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Creator God"

This week my Bible study group in the Raleigh area studied the first unit of Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time. We looked at Job 38 in detail and our eyes were opened afresh to His greatness. I personally walked away in awe of His absolute authority over EVERYTHING.

God is the One Who placed the stars, the moon, and the sun in place. Rain, snow, hail, thunder and lightening all answer to Him. Scripture even says "the lightening bolts report to Him saying, 'Here we are'" (Job 38:35). God is Elohim - the mighty Creator. He took what was empty, dark, and formless and made something out of nothing.

Do you need Him to create new love in a dead marriage? Ask the Creator!

Do you need Him to create love in your child's heart for Him? Do you need love in YOUR heart created for Him? Ask the Creator!

In the midst of a DIFFICULT economy - do you or someone you love need a job? Ask Elohim, the Creator, the One Who created something out of nothing, to create a job!

Do you have a relative or friend who is far from the Lord? Just as He hovered over the formless, empty, dark earth in the beginning - ask the same Creator, who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow to hover over that person's life and heart, creating life and beauty in Christ!

What in your life do you need for Elohim to create? ASK HIM.

I personally need for Him to create an understanding of Facebook and blogging! Help me Lord:)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Update on Will - Saturday, May 15th.

I'm overwhelmed to the point of tears as I read the facebook entries made by my sister, your comments, notes, emails, and messages sent through my family members. I've been totally disconnected this week. THANK YOU for your prayers and support.

When I think back to how far the Lord has brought us over the past week, it's almost more than I can bear. Part of me just can't "go there" emotionally. Will has been a sick little boy. The doctors reminded us throughout the week how major his surgery was, that this would be a slow recovery. Yet I still couldn't comprehend what they were trying to convey. Instead we had to live it in order to understand. He's pale, thin, with dark circles around his eyes. He hasn't been able to deal with many visitors. He's been too sick.

As rough as it's been, God's mercy and Presence has been almost tangible. Jesus arranged for us to have a room with a view of Kenan Stadium! He would send just the right family member at just the right time. He arranged for meals that ministered to my soul. If we had a bad night, He allowed the next night to be good or not so bad. (He knows how important sleep is to me!) Yet even on those bad nights, His grace was sufficient. I know it sounds cliche, but it was. Caroline has been so well cared for by my sister, that she thinks it's spring break! I've hardly seen her and she doesn't seem to mind! This is God's provision. I've only begun to scratch the surface as I recount His great faithfulness.
God has also taught me MAJOR life lessons this week. I'll share them later. In the mean time, KNOW that your prayers, well wishes, phone calls, emails, texts, Facebook entries, cards, meals etc... have ministered to my soul through this valley. The tears have flowed this week. Not only because of Will, but because of your outpouring of love and support. For the first time in my life, I have truly experienced (first hand) the power of the Body of Christ!

Love you-

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Using the 'Gift Card'

Every spring and fall, I clean out my closet. Last fall, I was bold in my approach. If it didn't fit, if I wasn't wearing it, if it was too worn, or if I just plain didn't like it, out it went! In disgust of the clutter, I may have gone a bit overboard because now that I re-evaluate, I have one pair of shorts and two spring shirts left...

Since I'm a stay-at-home mom on a budget, I don't have the luxury of shopping very much. My birthday was April 1st (I'm now officially knocking on 40's door step), and each year my wonderful family showers me with gift cards to my favorite shopping spots. This year was no different.

Well, it's the end of April now, and I've yet to go shopping. Day after day, I stand in my closet in utter bewilderment of what to wear. This is crazy - why have I not used what I have in my pocket (free money!) to buy myself some clothes. I tell myself that my schedule is too hectic, that my home responsibilities are ramping up. Yet I believe its just plain laziness.

The Lord revealed to me today that prayer is the same way. We have at our disposal THE Power of the universe, THE Wisest Mind in the universe, and THE Source of all knowledge. Our God is a prayer-hearing and prayer-answering God. He is a personal God as well. Yet just like those gift cards, what good is He to us if we fail to go to Him in prayer? Do you--like me--sometimes stand in the closet of your fears, insecurities, and difficult issues in utter bewilderment? Let's start using the 'Gift Card' of prayer that God has given to us as our first response. Prayer gives us access to the Throne Room of God 24/7. Prayer is powerful. Prayer moves the hand of God in amazing ways. When we pray, we invite the Power of the universe into our circumstances and His power is unleashed into the lives of those we love. Things change when we turn to God in prayer. WE change when we turn to God in prayer...

This morning on my the way to my children's school, my daughter was worrying that she wasn't prepared enough for her spelling test. Instead of drilling her on the words - we turned to God in prayer. I can't wait to see this afternoon how my personal God will answer this seemingly small request so that He can become personal to my daughter... Is He personal to you? Let's resolve to start using our 'gift cards'.

In the meantime, I think I'll go shopping!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Does God Really Talk to Us?

The Furman clan!
I recently attended my 20th high school reunion! The question of the night was, "what are you doing now?" Most everyone responded by sharing their profession or information about their families... The answer I would give threw most for a loop. Sadly, due to my ambitious social climbing in high school, I was the least likely to answer, "I'm a Christian writer and speaker!"

I can still see the look on their faces - total bewilderment. Many them looked at me as if I had suddenly grown three heads! Two classmates in particular were bold enough to inquire further, "how did you start doing THAT?" with the emphasis on "that"! I wish you could have seen their speechless gaze when I answered, "God told me to!"

I believe the astonishment came from hearing that God speaks. You could tell that this was a totally new thought to my old friends. Unfortunately, many believers look at me this very same way when I share something that I believe God has spoken into my heart.

Do you believe God speaks? Or does God just speak to the super spiritual people like pastors and preachers and teachers and evangelists? Well let this simple southern girl tell you - without any hesitation - God Speaks!

The God of the Universe, the One who hangs the stars in place and calls them each by name, speaks! The One who spoke all things into existence; the One who was with Adam in the Garden; the One who walked with Noah; the One who talked to Abraham; the One who has always existed and will continue to exist - speaks!

I've never heard the audible voice of God, but I hear Him speaking in depths of my heart everytime I open my Bible. Personally, I can't get over it! I meet with Him most every morning. I grab my coffee and my Bible, I go to my comfy chair, and in the solitude -------- the Wisest Mind in the Universe meets with me. He directs my steps; He encourages me; He comforts me when I'm facing insecurities and fears that threaten to unravel my day. He speaks! He doesn't just speak to the spiritually super people. He wants to speak to you and to me!

Join me on this exciting journey!