Thursday, December 16, 2010

When Our Plans are Interrupted

Christmas Tip #9 -

Don't complain about the weather - it's Christmas! It's supposed to be cold (even snowy!) God's been dealing with me about this all week. When we complain, we're really complaining about Him, because He's the Sovereign God of the Universe Who is in control of all things - even the weather!

Luke 1:30
"Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God."

Luke 1:38
"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said."

I can't begin to tell you the number of times I've read this account of Scripture. But today, I saw something totally new: it would seem that God is intentionally derailing Mary's life. Now before you start stoning me, please know that I know THIS IS NOT TRUE. God would never forsake us. However, there's something deeper here that God wants us to learn. I started thinking about the times in my life - when my plans or dreams have been interrupted... Or when my day or world turns upside down. Some interruptions require radical trust.

Mary was engaged to be married. She was in the midst of planning her wedding to the man of her dreams. We learn in Matthew's gospel that Joseph was a righteous man. So we can already see that Mary and Joseph were like-minded. So when I pondered the other day what Mary would have been doing or thinking about prior to Gabriel's visitation - I can only imagine:
  • Booking a caterer
  • Hiring an artist to draw pictures to post on the walls of their home
  • Determining the guest list
  • Ordering invitations
  • Keeping track of the bridesmaids and determining what they would wear
  • Dreaming of what her life would soon be with this wonderful man...

If you've ever planned a wedding, then you know I'm barely scratching the surface - not to mention the everyday work responsibilites she must have been accountable for. Life was busy and full, but good! However, all of this was about to change. God was interrupting.

Gabriel tells Mary that God had found favor with her. The New Living Translation says, "God has decided to bless you." Gabriel tells Mary that she will be with child and give birth to a son, that He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, that He will reign forever over the house of Jacob and that His kingdom would never end.

Let's think about what this would mean, practically and circumstantially. To be an unmarried girl in this culture could be disastrous. First of all, she would have to tell her mother and family that she was pregnant - no small thing. What would they say or do? If that didn't go well, and if her family rejected her (which was common in those days) - she would have been put out on the streets, forced to beg, and prostitute herself for money. She would probably lose Joseph and never have the opportunity to marry again. She would be a social outcast, not to mention, people would have thought she was insane. Yet we're told that God had decided to bless her!

To the natural ear this sounds crazy. "Mary, I've decided to bless you. You'll be the mother of My Son, yet you'll be rejected, you'll lose Joseph, you'll turn into a prostitute and be rejected by all of society. Yes Mary, I've decided to bless you."

All of these things were possiblities in Mary's culture. At first glance, it seems that God had thrown Mary under the bus, yet NOTHING could be farther from the truth. God interrupted Mary's plans for a BETTER plan. Mary had enough spiritual maturity to know that God would never lead her astray, despite the consequences that could occur from her obedience.

So, how do you view life's interruptions? Do you feel God has abandoned you when your circumstances have turned inside out? Even in the small interruptions, my feathers can be ruffled, such as:

  • When the weather report changes all of your plans...
  • When it snows on one of the last day's prior to your children's Christmas break and you were planning on starting your Christmas shopping...
  • When your whole family wants a dog and you don't
  • When God allows for a change in your career and it seems like retirement should be next
  • When God allows for a change in your career and you are unemployed
  • When you are waiting to become pregnant - and it has not happened.
  • _____________ You fill in the blank.

When your life turns upside down or your dreams and plans are interrupted, trust God and continue walking in obedience. Some circumstances will require radical trust. But know with great certainty that God will NEVER throw you under the bus. When we walk in humble obedience, as Mary did, we can trust Him with the consequences. Those consequences become His problems, not ours!

Sorry it took so long to post today - but my plans were interrupted. My children are at home!

Have a great day:)

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