Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Peace of Mind in Perilous Times

 Lord, in You, I take refuge. 
Psalm 11:1

A dear friend of mine’s daughter left for college in mid-August. Her husband asked if I would be able to sneak away with her as a surprise for two or three days.   He was anticipating the shock waves of the “empty nest” syndrome.

Last year, after sending my oldest son to college for the first time, I remember the waves of emotions that came randomly when I walked by his room or fixed his favorite food.

So, off we went:   we both were so thankful to get away together, reconnect and refresh our souls.

With a glorious view of the majestic mountains, every morning, we’d have a "cup of joe", and spend time praying and reading our Bibles together. Our prayers mostly centered on our children’s transition into college and high school, our marriages, families, and ministries, but we often ended up praying for the world’s unstable events.

While we were tucked up high like an eagle in its’ nest out of harm’s way on the mountain, the news reported ISIS threats.  Innocent women and children were being assaulted, and Christians beheaded for their profession of faith in Jesus on another mountain hundreds of miles away. 

We felt at a loss of how to pray with all the tragedy in the news. Like the disciples in Luke 11:1, my friend and I called out to God:

“Lord, teach us how to pray.”

I believe in praying God’s Word back to Him. Our Bibles are a great prayer guide! God says His word is like the water that nourishes the earth; it accomplishes His purposes. (Isaiah 55:11)

Praying God’s Word brings perspective and peace that God is on his throne. We can make a difference from our corner of the world through prayer.  

In such unstable times, fear can easily consume our thoughts, but as we pray by faith we find comfort that God is Sovereign, and will work mercifully in response to our prayers according to His will.

I’ve written out Psalm 11 below. Will you join me in praying for our troubled world?

Psalm 11

Lord, in You, I take refuge. How then can you say to me: “Flee like a bird to your mountain.

2For look, the wicked bend their bows; they set their arrows against the strings 
to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart.

3When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

4Lord, You are in Your holy temple; You, Lord are on Your heavenly throne.

You observe everyone on earth; Your eyes examine them. 

5Lord, You examine the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, 
You hate with a passion.

6On the wicked You say You will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; 
a scorching wind will be their lot.

7For You are righteous, You love justice; the upright, will see Your face.


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Erasing the Record of Wrongs

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.   
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.
I Corinthians 13:4-8 (NIV)

As a fourteen year old girl I cross stitched the scripture passage of 1 Cor. 13:4-8.  

The chapter is often referred to as the “Love” chapter.  Yes, I did love the Lord  . . . but at the time I was mainly just interested in cross stitching and creating something to put into my hope chest for marriage one day.  Little did I know how precious this piece of art would become throughout my life as an adult. 

As a new wife at the age of 21, I proudly hung all my cross stitch artwork pieces in the one bedroom apartment belonging to "us" - the "newly-weds!   

After two years of marriage, Steve and I moved into our first and only home.  Once again the cross stitch artwork made the move and once again I hung it on the wall in our bedroom.  

We were no longer newlyweds.   Life’s realities had started settling in:   
  • mortgage payments
  • utility bills
  • car payments
  • a miscarriage
  • and insecurities in many areas.  

At times we looked at the other person in our marriage and said, “Who are you?"  

Let’s be honest, married couples have disagreements more often than they really want to admit. Steve and I were having our fair share.  Feelings were getting hurt on both sides  - with no easy fix in sight.

At those times, my eyes would be drawn to the cross stitched scripture passage hanging on the wall.  I would read the words, “Love. . . is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."  

This seemed impossible, so I would cry out to the Lord and ask for His help.  At times, all I had was a small amount of belief as to how that Word - found in 1 Corinthians 13 would ever come true for me.   

I would sometimes justify my questioning of His Word by saying, "Lord, all my girlfriends keep a record of their husbands wrongs, why can’t I?"   

I would read the scripture passage all the way to the end, “Love never fails."

I had very little understanding of this powerful statement at the time but I spoke those three words over my broken heart and over our marriage.

My husband and I have been married now for 32 years.  Cross stitch artwork went out of style years ago.  Yet 1 Corinthians 13 was no longer a piece of art -  it had become the very lifeline I hung onto for three decades.   Through surrender to His Word, 1 Corinthians 13 was now written on my heart and seared into my conscience.  

I truly can’t explain how the Lord erased the pain and often the memory of the record of wrongs.  

But He has!

He'll do it for you as YOU surrender to His Word - living it out - despite how you feel like responding or how your girlfriends may be responding to their husbands.

God will be faithful to His Word!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Perfect Couples Live Only on Wedding Cakes

Genesis 2:18,
 "It is not good for man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him."

In case you missed the luncheon,


The subject was marriage - Perfect Couples only Live on Wedding Cakes.

Holly Ladner, our guest speaker was the bomb!  (CD's of her talk will be available at our NEXT Luncheon, October 17th.)

I learned so much from her.  One of the things I admired most about what she said - she went head to head with the most controversial marriage subject in America today: submission.  

I've got to be honest, when she told me ahead of time her direction, my heart fluttered.  But she didn't mention the  amazing definition and understanding she would give.  Because of her teaching and description of this subject, I'm willing to bet that every woman in the room went home excited to submit!

(Did you notice I said, excited?  I think it has something to do with the POWER...  did for me! ;)

Seriously, I've heard a lot of teaching on this subject, but her explanation was one of the more clear and best I've heard.

What a blessing to have had her!  One of the key sentences she used - which was later tweeted by one of our guests: "Submission is easier identified by its absence, than by its presence."  

So true!

Other practical suggestions she shared with us - in terms of  ways we can be our husband's helper:

  • Provide a warm & loving home; a place he can let his guard down.
  • Listen to him & offer feedback ONLY when requested.
  • Encourage him by telling him he does a great job.
  • Meet his physical needs.
  • Talk through decisions together.

Her closing crayon illustration was the icing on the cake, so to speak!   When we fail to use the tools God has given us in His Word as it relates to marriage - it's like a child coloring a picture with only 1 color.  It's drab, dull and monotonous.

But when we use all the tools God has given us in His Word, we allow God to use a whole set of crayons to create a beautiful masterpiece in our marriages and homes.

(Hope I explained that right!:)  It was a powerful way to close - reminding us of the relevance of God's Word TODAY!


Holly and Suzi McDuffee  served on the Panel following our General Session.  Great questions were asked - Practical, real, Biblical answers were given.   We really appreciated their willingness to share their stories and life experience with us.  It was a rich discussion that ended way too quickly.  (45 minutes flies when you're having fun!)

Melody and Fuller led the other workshop titled:  The Lies Divorced and Single Women Believe. Great things happened around that table of 7 on Friday.

So thankful for what the Lord is doing in the hearts and lives of these women.  (Me included!)

I believe we left differently than how we arrived.

Mission Accomplished!

Next Luncheon:  October 17th
Trusting God when Life Hurts, 
Guest Speaker:  Anne Winters

Oh, by the way - When I find out the LUNCH SPOT Holly mentioned in the General Session, I'll pass it on;)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bin Laden and ISIS - What they're Doing Right

Wednesday is the last day for early registration.
 Perfect couples and perfect marriages are a myth.  But there is a way to find happy harmony!  Don't miss this awesome message that will strengthen and help your marriage.

Then stay for "Group Therapy!"

Or you can choose, "Lies Divorced and Single Women Believe."

It's going to be a lot of fun!  Don't miss it:)

 Register HERE

Bin Laden and ISIS - What they're Doing Right...

The above LIFE cover from 1970 shows Muslim children being indoctrinated with hate for the Jews.  They now train a new generation of children to first hate the Jew, and then to hate the West, America. 

Want to
Click HERE to access the latest KGM Newsletter if you did not already receive it.

Monday, September 15, 2014

"Instead Of Rolling Over in the AM..."

Have you registered for September's luncheon?  Wednesday is the last day for Early Registration.

 Register HERE

 Elizabeth Black

…Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.  
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.  
For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross, scorning its shame, 
and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  
Hebrews 12:1-2

Lately, most mornings I wake up to the soft knocking of a tiny hand on my door.

I have had full intentions (I tell myself) to get up before the household and have my time with the Lord before the sweet chaos of the day begins.  

But my three-year-old beats me to it.  My child that used to sleep "late" is now my early riser, up even before the sun.  

As I hear his gentle knock, I have a choice:
  •  Do I roll over and pretend to not hear and see if he'll go play on his own and let me sleep 

  • Do I get up, rub the sleep from my eyes and embrace him with love and kindness for waking me in such a sweet manner?

This is the choice we so often have with the Lord.  Do we "throw off everything that hinders and entangles" and embrace the Lord, loving him with our hearts, minds and soul or do we turn away - choosing what we want instead of seeking the Lord's guidance?

Romans 8:12-13 states:
Therefore, bothers and sisters, we have an obligation - 
but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it.  
For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; 
but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.

When we choose to go our own way, that is a rebellion against God.  We are choosing to do something contrary to God's purpose for our life.

Acts 28:17 tells us "For in him we live and move and have our being."
To fully live and move with the Lord, we have to turn towards him, basking in his light and being obedient to his guidance.

In Ephesians 2:10 the author Paul gives me much comfort when he writes:
"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."

NOTHING happens out of God's plan.  He has a purpose for each of us.

And all we have to do is get up out of bed and embrace Him with love and obedience.

So when that soft knock comes before the sun has even risen, what will I choose?

I choose to seek the Lord, fixing my eyes on Jesus and embracing the day he has purposed for me.  

I get up with my sweet boy, fix his juice and my coffee.  Turn on a show he enjoys and open up my Bible.  

And when I am interrupted every five minutes to fix a toy, make breakfast or calm an argument between siblings, I will praise the Lord for His many blessings upon my family and for His Son Jesus, my Protector of faith and Source of true joy. . .

. . . Who on the cross chose to save me from my sin  - INSTEAD OF rolling over and saying "l think I'd rather sleep, God."

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Leaving a Godly Inheritance

"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of,
because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus."
2 Timothy 3:14-15

What kind of Godly Inheritance do you want to leave your children or grandchildren?

Several months ago I received a box in the mail from my mother.  She had recently cleaned out her basement and found a few things of mine she thought I'd like to have.  Upon opening the box I was surprised to discover my very first Bible:
It was a Christmas gift from my grandparents.  I was eleven.

I sat there staring at that small white leather bound bible with tears rolling down my cheeks. . .
  • thanking the Lord for my grandparents and all the memories we had made together.  
  • thanking Him for the legacy they left behind and how they shared the love of Jesus with me.
                        What an impact they made in my life!  I miss them so much!

My grandparents loved the Lord. My grandpa was a farmer and my grandma a school teacher.  They were members of The Church of the Brethren where my grandpa taught adult Sunday School and my grandma led the congregation in the hymn singing each Sunday morning. They enjoyed music, traveling, reading, playing cards, telling stories, and being with people!  My sister and I spent long summers with them on the farm. . .they poured their lives into us!  

What a treasure:  LOVE. . . something money can't buy and death can't take away!
That first Bible I received from my grandparents was a treasure.  There isn't any book in the world to match this one:
  • Through no other book will I find the way to eternal life.
  • Through no other book will I discover what real love is all about.  
  • Through no other book will I find out how to have peace and joy and contentment in life.  
  • Through no other book  will I  be able to have answers to life's questions other than God's word.
Today I have Bibles all over the place:  one in the kitchen, one in the living room, one in my purse, and one on my nightstand. . . .that's me!   I tell my children, "The Bible is the most important information given to mankind."

Challenge question for you:  
How long does the Bible in your house lay unopened before it get's dusty?

I used to believe, "I can live a Godly life without reading my Bible."  But I quickly realized I can't!  I should never have dust on my Bible because when I get dust on my Bible I don't get the Bible into my heart.  I cannot live a Godly life apart from the word of God!

My grandparents defended the Word, they read it with me, and explained it the best way they knew how.  I had questions and they would say , "Let's get into the Word of God and see what the Word of God says." 

My grandparents left a Godly inheritance in three ways:
  • By how they lived -
  • By what they believed -
  • By what they said -
 I have an awesome desire in my heart to help my children know Jesus! How? By teaching them to have a reverence for the word of God from a very young age just like my grandparents taught me!

Monday, September 8, 2014

GNO - Girl's Night Out!

Psalm 145:4
"Let each generation tell its children of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power."

Following the Charlotte, NC, 1 Girl Nation Event I was apart of in May,  3 moms - who meet to pray for their Mom's in Touch school group decided they wanted host something similar in the Raleigh Area!

Introducing the concept of GNO - Girls Night Out, a Mother/Daughter Event!

Out of fervent prayer (for 100 people, I might add) and a willingness to heed the small voice of God they sensed they were hearing in their hearts:
100 Mother/Daughters arrived Sunday evening, August 24th at Hope Community, Morrisville Campus -  prepared for fun and a heart willing to pass their faith to the next generation!

As a result, 13 received Christ as Savior (2 of which were Mom's!)!!! 

In addition, Mom and Daughter learned 
  • the practicalities of how to start a quiet time with Jesus.  
  • They learned how to take to Jesus all the silly to serious things that happen to us in life.
  • They learned the value of how to choose and identify good friends... and maybe not-so-good friends.

A gal who had attended a Middle School event I had previously done earlier in the week came again to this event.  Her mother shared how she immediately went home and put together her own quiet time space!!!

So I asked her if she would share with the group what her quiet time space looks like and what she does in her time with God.

This brave little girl gave testimony of starting a quiet time and looking forward to coming to her "special place."    It was so precious!!!  It was all I could do to hold back the tears of joy.  THIS is the NEXT GENERATION GETTING IT!

Learning how to walk with God is the most important habit we can teach our children.  (Please know as I mom, I STILL struggle with this issue with my own kids.  But I'm not quitting or giving up.)  Nor should you!

Because of the excitement, the fun and most importantly the fruit that God is bringing from these girls' events - Knowing God Ministries will be launching our own GNO Event Pack.   We are going to make hosting a GNO event in YOUR corner of the world super easy!   So stay tuned!

Side Note:

In the meantime, my family moved Labor Day weekend.  We still live in the same city - actually only a few miles from our last house.  (My husband and I both decided we ARE getting older.  We've been exhausted!)

But the funny thing is - I had the awesome opportunity to speak at a ladies event this past Saturday. The subject matter:  Overwhelmed; 3 Habits to NOT be Continually Overwhelmed!

Between the GNO event 2 weeks ago, a move, home schooling, solidifying the Fall schedule with topics/speakers for our Luncheon and Saturday's event in Fayetteville -  I've been teetering on being overwhelmed!!!

Apart from my time with Jesus and His grounding Presence - I would be completely and totally overwhelmed.  But I'm not.  

How do people do life without time with Jesus each day - especially in crazy seasons?

What a difference time with HIM makes - even when life is nuts!