Monday, January 31, 2011

Loving Your Man!

Psalm 40:1-3

I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

A few weeks ago, I was talking to an event coordinator on the phone and asked how she got my name.

She told me that she had seen me speak at another event a year ago. She continued by telling me that when she first saw me, she thought I was perfect. That quite frankly, she was turned off. "Then you opened your mouth and I could quickly tell that you weren't perfect. I knew I had to have you come to my church." (There's a compliment in there somewhere!)

As we launch into February, God has placed on my heart to write devotions on "loving your man" as God would have us love our husbands. This subject brings great anxiety to me. I am not perfect and I do not have a perfect marriage. However, as of today, and I pray it never ends, I have a healthy marriage. Yet I would never want to put on the charade that I've got it all figured out - because I don't.

There was a period of time earlier in my marriage when my husband had a very emotionally unstable wife. I was a woman who was in the mud and mire. However, as I committed my marriage and my husband to the Lord, He put a new song in my mouth! I pray that "many see and fear and put their trust in Him."

So as we continue over the next few weeks, I will only be teaching what I have been taught. Please know that in God's economy, anything I'm teaching you, He'll require me to live it out first. Some of the subject matter will be pills that are bitter in taste - yet hold on dear sister - take assurance that if you live out the "pill" of His Word - it will eventually yield deliverance. And He will put a new song in your heart and mouth as well!

Deliverance in Christ is contagious. I pray you'll catch the bug each day as you read and apply what the Lord wants to teach us.

Get ready for pill #1 tomorrow - it doesn't taste good - but the after effects are powerful!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Practical Help

Hebrews 13:6
The Lord is my Helper; I will not be afraid...

Tip #12:
God will help you in practical ways - IF you'll make time for Him.

I always marvel at how practical God is.

My week has been full. When I have weeks like this, sometimes I feel like my head is spinning. One of the many things that had my head swirling this week was a quarterly meeting that I have with my board of directors. These women, along with my husband, are my "Moses'". They are wise in the ways of the Lord. I don't dare waste their time and I want to be fully prepared for any question they may have. I only get their ear quarterly - so I want to make the time count.

So as I sat in my quiet time on Wednesday morning, prior to the Thursday meeting, I was amazed at the things flooding my mind. I was reading one thing - yet my thoughts was elsewhere. The thoughts were Jesus - being that practical Helper. He was showing me how to refine and define various projects I wanted to bring before them. They were small, simple things that would enable them to have greater understanding of what I wanted to communicate. In fact, they were GREAT ideas that I never would have thought of on my own. And indeed, they allowed for greater simplicity and flow during the meeting.

Do you see how practical He is? He doesn't just want to help you with the big things in your life. He wants to help you with the little things too. He is a God detail. However, He's waiting on you to ask for His help.

Are you short on time? Is your head spinning with all the things you have going on? Get out of bed in the morning. Or PURPOSEFULLY pull aside to a quiet place during the day - go into His Presence. Ask Him to direct your thoughts. Invite Him to invade your thinking and schedule.

He'll arrange your day. And He'll assimilate your thoughts in such practical ways that you'll be more efficient for the day ahead.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Religion or Relationship?

Isaiah 50:4
"The Sovereign LORD wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught."

Tip #11:
When we spend quality time with Jesus each day, we begin to form an ever-growing relationship with Him - not a religious requirement.
Do you look at your time with God each day as something you have to do? Do you find it refreshing to get it "checked off" your list of things to do for the day?

For years, my time with God was a religious duty. It was viewed as something I checked off my list of things to do. I would:
  • Read the devotion;
  • Read the Scripture reference;
  • Pray the list of what I needed God to do for me that day-

And I was off. I gave no thought to how it related to my present circumstances, issues or troubles. I didn't sit and contemplate what I had read. I didn't think of how it could relate to people in my sphere of influence who possibly needed the encouragement of what I had read. I was merely going through the motions. Talk about legalistic...

I love sitting down with a girlfriend and having coffee or lunch. Typically, anyone I spend time with is a relationship that I want to invest in. When I sit with her, I don't mindlessly listen or robotically talk to her. I try to really listen to her heart and what she's saying. I enjoy her company and am always sad when it's time to go.

We should look at our time with God in the same light. It should not be something we "have to do." But something we want to do - something we look forward to doing. He is the All-Wise God of the universe. He is the wisest mind in the universe. I can't wait to hear what He has to say.

He has something to say to you too. He's not interested in how many chapters of the Bible you will read; or the fact that you 'punched your time card' for spending time with Him. It's not about credit points! He just wants you - the way you are. He loves you. He wants to form a relationship with you.

If you, like me for so many years, view your time with God as your religious duty, will you pray and ask God to breathe fresh life into your time with Him? Ask Him to speak personally in a way that you know it's Him.

Then be on the look out - because He'll do it!

Love you friend,

Monday, January 24, 2011


Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Tip #10:
When we spend time with God each day, we will have the courage to not conform to the pattern of the world.

Last Saturday afternoon, I was in a funk. I couldn't explain it. And I really couldn't pinpoint the exact cause. All day I had been in a great mood. What had happened?

As I emptied the dishwasher, I finally looked up and said, "What? What is this? Why am I feeling like this?"

Immediately, my mind went to a phone call I had taken earlier. A friend had had a 40th birthday party celebration and I had not been invited. I had known about and was not at all bothered by it. The friend and I are not as close as we once were, so it wasn't a big deal. However, for some unknown reason, today was different. (Probably a female thing.) I had been left out and it made my heart hurt.

As I sulked and felt sorry for myself for a few minutes, the Lord brought my mind to the Proverbs 31 woman. You see, the Bible was not idle words to her - they were her life. She was rare - she was not like every woman. However, in her uniqueness, I wonder if she ever felt left-out or lonely because of her lifestyle?

When we choose to sincerely follow Christ, we need to expect to be different from other people around us. Our mind-sets will be different. The way we think; the way we behave; the way we talk; the way we dress - all of it - will be different. In fact, sometimes, we won't even fit in with our church friends!!! (Scandalous! more on this another time!) The Bible tells us to "not conform to the pattern of this world..." (Romans 12:2) Jesus even tells us that "the world will hate us for we are not of the world any more." (John 17:14)

It hurts to be left out; it stings to be shunned by close friends at social events; it's awkward when you really don't "fit in" anymore at social gatherings. My list could go on...

As I continued to sulk, the Lord immediately brought my to mind, what I do have:
  • As of today, I have a husband who loves me and accepts me the way I am. He does not shun me at social events.
  • I have a new set of girl friends - I like to call them Jesus friends. Though I don't see them very much - just knowing they are there comforts my heart.
  • I have peace in my heart that God is pleased with me - I'm not perfect, but I'm accepted by Him.
  • I have found my God given life purpose - and He's allowing me to live it and share it with others!

When I began thinking about my role model, the Proverbs 31 woman and all that I have - So what if I wasn't included. I probably should have been more concerned if I had been included!

Have a great day!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Woman of Noble Character

Proverbs 31:10
"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies."
Tip #9:
When we spend time with God each day, we become women of noble character.

What does a woman of "noble character" mean in everyday life? As I sat and pondered the meaning, I began to see this passage in a whole new light.

I believe this woman of 'noble character', is a woman who's belief and value system is firm. It is not:
  • swayed by the tides of public opinion
  • or the cultural norms of the day
  • or by a particular political party.

Her definition of wife and mom are not defined by Desperate Housewives or the Housewives of Orange County. And her values are not determined by Oprah, her girlfriends, or even necessarily how she was raised.

Her character, her values, and her behavior are defined by the compass of her life - the Bible.

You see, to this woman - the words in the Bible are not idle words to her - they are her life. It's her manual for living. It's her plumb line for making decisions. Her Bible is opened OFTEN. It doesn't collect dust. It's pages are tatered and possibly torn. It's how her morals are shaped. It's how her world view is formed. She is a great role model for you and for me.

Is the Bible your life? Is it the plumb line of how your decisions are made? This will not happen by accident. We have to be intentional. And when we do, we become women of noble character - worth far more than rubies!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Are you Biblically Literate?

Acts 17:11
Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

Tip #9 :
When we spend time reading our Bibles each day, we become Biblically literate. We get to know the God of the Bible.

Who is God to you? Is He the God of the Bible? How did you come to know Him?
  • Through a Sunday School teacher?
  • Sermons?
  • Through friends?
  • Modern culture or TV?

If your knowledge of God is second-hand, has it come through reliable student teachers? Are these student teachers teaching you the God of the Bible? Or are they teaching a denomination's rules or modern philosophy?

Currently, I'm a member of a Bible teaching church. However, this has not always been the case. I've sat in churches where the Bible was NOT taught. Oh the Bible was there - but merely as an ornament or decoration. The ONLY REASON I knew the difference, is because I've made it a point to become biblically literate. I do not know it all! I have not read the whole Bible. Yet even after attending a few in-depth Bible studies - I was quickly able to discern if what I was hearing from others was biblical or not. I like the Bereans, examined the Scriptures to see if what I was hearing was true.

I challenge you today to take an inventory of how you developed your perception of God. Are your perceptions biblical? If we want to get to know the God of the Bible:

  • Spend time with Him each day- (my Bible study: Establishing a Vibrant Quiet Time can help you get started.
  • Join a Bible study. I'm leading one on Tuesday mornings in the Apex/Cary, NC area. (Contact me for the specifics.)
  • If you are getting your info second-hand, examine what you are hearing to see if it's biblical.

Our God is a big God. Yet our faith will never be stronger than the God we perceive. Let's grow in our biblical literacy. This way we'll know if what we are hearing is true - or a bunch a junk.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Refreshment of Forgiveness

Acts 3:19
"Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord."
Tip #8:
When we spend time with Jesus - and confess and repent of our sins. We can enjoy the refreshment that comes from repentance.

The other night around 5:45, just as it had begun to snow and sleet, my 9month old lab puppy escaped during a brief moment that the front door was open. "Come!" Is clearly not a command this dog has mastered, hence 30 long minutes of disaster.
Since my husband wasn't home yet, I chased Jake for 30 minutes. During the chase, he went swimming in the lake behind my house; he enjoyed watching me chase him; and he loved playing cat and mouse at every turn. I on the other hand was LIVID. It was dark. It was snowing and sleeting. All I had on was a hoodie sweatshirt. I was freezing - yet boiling with anger. I cannot even mention the words or phrases or sentences that I was uttering during this chase. They were horrific. Without giving you the embarrassing details, they were very uncharacteristic.

The next morning as I approached my time with Jesus, I didn't even want to spend time with Jesus. I didn't want to post anything on this blog. And I truly just wanted to quit - over a dog! I knew my actions and my words the night before had been atrocious. "You call yourself a Christian," I'd hear in my ear. "God doesn't want to talk to you," is what I'd hear in the other ear.

Despite these words of condemnation, I slithered into my time with God and humbly confessed my behavior the night before. I told God that "if He didn't want to talk to me, I'd understand." That, "I should know better," but that "I was so very sorry. Please forgive me."
My devotional reading led me to Luke 17. I read above and below the day's assigned reading. This is when I heard the sweetest words spoken into my heart: "If he sins against you 7 times in a day, and 7 times comes back to you and says, 'I repent', forgive him." (v4)

This was a hug of forgiveness from heaven. The hug that my soul craved. Just the right words that I needed to hear. If I had skipped my time with Him, I would have missed out on the refreshment the Lord wanted to give to me.

He wants to give it to you too. Spend time with Him. Confess your sins and be willing to repent - turn from them. You too, will get the most genuine hug from heaven. Refreshment, that can only come from Him.

It's taken me 3 days to want to hug Jake again. I've been irritated about the sleet-run all week. Boy, I'm glad Jesus doesn't feel the same towards me!

Have a good day!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Caught in the Trap of Yo-Yo Christianity?

Philippians 4:11-13
"...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want."

Tip #7:
Spending quality, regular time with Jesus each day prevents yo-yo Christianity.

Are you a yo-yo Christian? Up when your circumstances are up - down when your circumstances are down. Or are you filled with deep down joy and contentedness despite the pendulum of everyday life?

I wish I could say that I'm never a yo-yo Christian. However, quite often what I find is:
  • When everything seems to be going my way...
  • Or when I have something fun planned...
  • Or when everyone is doing what I want them to do - (what a perfect world it would be!)

it's easy to ride the high of happiness. But this is yo-yo Christianity. What about the Monday's, Tuesday's, and Wednesdays? What about the days when no one is doing what I want them to do? (happens quite often) What about the seasons when there are no plans for "fun" on the calendar? What about those nights that I eat left-overs after left-overs? (Yuck!)

I desperately want what Paul describes as "being content in any and every situation." And though I have not fully attained - this I know: The days that make spending quality time with Jesus a priority, I find that I do not waiver despite other people's moods; I'm content with my circumstances, my menu, and even in the monotony of every day life.

When David penned the words of Psalm 62:1-2, I think he had learned the same secret Paul had: "My soul finds rest in God alone... He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."

Did you hear that? He said, "soul rest." A.k.a.= content deep within our beings in any and every situation. Hmm, now that's good stuff!!!

Only then, will we escape the trap of yo-yo Christianity.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Do you need Power for the Day?

My office is upstairs in something similar to a indoor tree house. (It's really cool!) But from time to time, my Internet decides it doesn't want to connect to it's power source - the router. This happened yesterday! Also yesterday, I got to speak to a really neat group of girls @ Salem Baptist MOPS. Then my children had early release due to the weather. Often, it I don't post in the morning, it doesn't happen that day. Praise God it decided to come back on today! Sorry there was no post yesterday:)

Tip #6: (I'll recap last week's tips at the bottom of the page.)
Spending time with Jesus each day connects us to our Power Source. He'll give us power for the day.

Matthew 5:16
Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (italics mine.)

Just as my Internet needs a router to power a connection; Just as a lamp needs to be plugged in to the wall in order to work, we need to plug into our Power Source each day so that we can have power for the day.

When we make spending time with Jesus a priority, He'll empower us to:

  • To love the unlovable- (Who has God placed in your corner of the world that is unlovable to you?)

  • To be more patient. (Who pushes your buttons to the max? Are you waiting for a house or a property to sell?)

  • Forgiveness when someone hurts or offends us - (They may not even ask for it, but He'll give us the supernatural power to overlook it the offense.)

  • To do that difficult, overwhelming task facing you at work - (Like reading legal-ees and you have A.D.D!)
  • To do that task or project you keep putting off or procrastinating away-
  • To make that phone call you've been dreading or putting off.

Do you need a fresh burst of power in your day? Make spending time with Jesus - your Power Source - a priority. Go ahead and tackle the difficult things in the morning or as soon as you can. (It's Biblical.) When you do - He'll empower your light to shine brightly for all to see!

Warm, cozy wishes to your day!

Tip #1: Carve out 15-30 minutes each day for Bible reading and prayer.

Tip #2: His voice will satisfy your soul in your innermost being - no matter waht your circumstances.

Tip #3: Make spending time with Jesus a priority. Seek Him as a vital necessity.

Tip #4: Cultivate a certain place where you spend time with Jesus.

Tip #5: Spending time with Jesus enables you to know His will for every area of your life.

Tip #6: Spending time with Jesus gives us POWER for the day's tasks.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Knowing what to Do...

Mark 1:35-38
Very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for Him, and when they found Him, they exclaimed: "Everyone is looking for you!"

Jesus replied, "Let us go someone where else - to the nearby village - so I can preach there also."

Tip #5: You will know what God wants you to do in every area of your life.
(For a recap of this week's tips - see yesterday's posting.)

Do you loose sleep trying to make decisions? Is there a relationship in your life that leads you utterly frustrated? Even now, are you making decisions as it relates to your children's school? A job? A possible move? A possible vacation destination? A new diet?

One of the byproducts of spending time with God EACH DAY, is shown in today's Scripture. Jesus knew the will of God for every area of His life BECAUSE He made spending time with God a priority. If you read verses prior to today's passage, you would see that it would have made sense for Jesus to stay in the same town and pick-up where He left off the night before. This is what all His buddies wanted Him to do. This was the logical thing to do. Jesus had been on a roll the night before! Yet, because Jesus spent time with God first thing that morning, He knew God didn't want Him to stay - but to move on.

When you and I carve out time in our day to spend with Jesus, we too will know what the Father's will is for every area of our lives. We will know His will for the big things as well as the small things.

Beware of the world's philosophy concerning knowing the will of God. The world will tell you, that you can't possibly know God's will for your life. However, the Bible strongly contradicts this argument. The Bible reiterates this in today's Scripture as well as Romans 12:2:

Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do.

So what are the decisions facing you today? Spend time with Jesus - let Him renew your mind - He'll show you what to do!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Cozy and Inviting Place...

Let's recap our tips/benefits thus far:

  1. Day 1: Take an inventory of your normal day - where can you carve 15-30 minutes for prayer and Bible reading?
  2. Day 2: His voice will satisfy your soul in your innermost being - no matter what your circumstances.
  3. Day 3: Make spending time with Jesus a priority. Seek Him as a vital necessity.
Day 4's Tip: Cultivate a certain place where you spend time with Jesus.

Luke 11:1
"One day Jesus was praying in a certain place."
Mark 1:35
"Very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed."

Do you have a certain place where you spend time with Jesus? If you don't, I encourage you to cultivate one. It can be in your bedroom, your office, your kitchen table, your spare bedroom - wherever - just find a spot.

My friend, Amy's 'certain place' - is in her car. It used to be in her husband's office, but she was having problems with consistency. So now, after she drops her kids off at school, she comes home and sits in her garage. For her personally, she knows that once she steps inside her house - she'll be caught in the current of her day. And in lieu of a basket or tote bag for her supplies, she uses her center console. This is her new 'certain place'. Talk about being creative!

Jesus had a certain place where He prayed. It was a solitary place, off the beaten track. Spending time with God was a priority to Jesus. He sought fellowship with God as a vital necessity in His life. If He, the very essence of God needed fellowship with His Father, don't we as well?

My first 'certain place' off the beaten track was my laundry room! It was a pretty drab place, but I managed to make it very cozy and inviting. Even now, in my new spot, there's a comfy chair and a basket full of the supplies I need. (As soon as I can find my camera cord, I'll take a picture and post it!) Last month, it was on my sofa by the fireplace near the Christmas tree.

There's something special about having a 'certain place.' It becomes a little haven - a refuge of sorts where you can escape the chaos of the world and sit with the Source of peace. It'll become addicting. So in case you don't have a 'certain place', be creative. Create a cozy haven for yourself.

If you have a 'certain place', will you share where it is? I'd love to hear! If this is a totally new concept to you, share you thoughts.

Don't miss tomorrow - "Knowing what to do - when you don't know what to do..."

Have a great day:)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Making Each Day Count

Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Quiet Time Tip #3:
Make spending time with Jesus a priority in your life. Not an add-on or something you squeeze into your schedule. Seek Him as a vital necessity.
When you do - you'll grow in wisdom and will make each day count.
I woke up the other day thinking about Elizabeth Edwards. Don't get me wrong, I was not a fan of her politics. Quite the contrary, but my heart has grieved for this woman (for many reasons).
What if we were told that we had terminal cancer? How would we live our lives today? I personally would want every day to count and I would want my life to count in God's eyes as well. So as we start the New Year, I've resolved, (to the best of my ability) to make the most of everyday.
What small steps can we take to the make the most of everyday?
  • Are you a mom? Enjoy the chaos that often comes with it. They will be out of your house before you know it.
  • How much TV are we watching? Are we becoming smarter and wiser as a result?
  • Are you taking care of an ailing parent or spouse? Enjoy every moment you have with them. Ask God to give you meaningful conversation and days together. Record them!
  • Is it working in an office? Be grateful that you have job. Work at it with all your heart as working for God not man. God has you there for a purpose.
  • Is the weather getting you down? Praise God that you can breath today - that you can walk and talk. Count your blessings! Enjoy the cold!

The Bible tells us that all of our days are numbered. That God knows the end from the beginning. When my final day comes, I don't want to look back with any regrets. It starts with spending daily time with Jesus - making Him a vital necessity in our lives. When we do, He'll give us the wisdom to make the most of everyday!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tip #2: His Voice Satisfies my Soul!

Psalm 63:1,5
O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.
My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods...

My quiet time is the best part of my day, because when I seek to hear Jesus' voice every morning, His words fall like rain on parched land. He soothes my soul; He satisfies me deep in my inmost being; He always says just the right thing.

This morning I'm traveling somewhere to do something that I'm really nervous about. It's totally out of my comfort zone and I've never done anything like this before. I came into my quiet time with this particular situation in mind. My reading this morning was from Ephesians One. Tucked away in verse 19 reads, "and His incomparably great power for us who believe."

In other words, "Tara, just trust me - believe that I have this whole situation in my hands. I'll give you all the power you need - not just any power - but incomparably great power to complete this task."

What a comfort to my soul! I'm really not nervous anymore. I can now go with God confidence.

What is on your heart today? What is troubling you? What is on your agenda today? Take it to Him! His words will satisfy your soul more than the best cake, pie, cookie, friend, drug or drink around. There's nothing like hearing His voice.

Tip #2:
His voice will satisfy your soul in your innermost being - no matter what your circumstances.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Kickoff - Daily Quiet Time Tips!

It's that time of year again! Many of us are making resolutions to improve the quality of our lives such as: losing weight; eating better; quitting a bad habit; establishing new habits.

As a way to kickoff our New Year, I'll blog daily tips and/or benefits to help you know God in a personal way. (See our Tip #1 below!) All too often, I think we tend to think that He is a distant God that only wants to help us with the big decisions of life. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. He wants to be in the nitty-gritty details of everyday life with you.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Message Translation
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume you know it all. Run to God!

This past weekend, I got to see God up close and personal. However, my up-close and personal were not fun, happy-go-lucky moments. It was bitter-sweet. Actually, to be honest, the bitter part was heart-wrenching. Without going into detail, my family got to experience what Job called, "the Lord give and the Lord take away" kind of deals. (Job 1:21). These are not fun deals by the way. However, just as Job praised the Lord anyway, we chose to too.

As we did, God did some of the coolest things in our midst. He showed Himself real and tangible and allowed us to see small signs of His visible nearness. We could even see Him speaking to us and comforting us through the weather.

I realize this may sound crazy to some people. But if we'll open our eyes of faith, we'll be able to see God in the everyday. If we'll draw near to Him, He'll draw near to us.
If you know you should spend time with God...
If you feel spiritually dry...
If you just need some help in studying your Bible...

Then join me each weekday this month (Lord willing!) for 20 practical tips/benefits in having a vibrant quiet time. I pray they'll be helpful in your everyday life.

Tip #1:
If you are like me, you don't have an extra minute to spare. However, in order to grow in our love relationship with Jesus, we have to make time.
Take a mental inventory of your normal day. Where can you carve out 15-30 minutes? For me, it's before my children wake up - typically around 5:30am. Hold your groan! Before you start protesting - hear me out. It's the BEST part of my day. I can't wait -I'll tell you why tomorrow...

Happy New Year!