Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Cozy and Inviting Place...

Let's recap our tips/benefits thus far:

  1. Day 1: Take an inventory of your normal day - where can you carve 15-30 minutes for prayer and Bible reading?
  2. Day 2: His voice will satisfy your soul in your innermost being - no matter what your circumstances.
  3. Day 3: Make spending time with Jesus a priority. Seek Him as a vital necessity.
Day 4's Tip: Cultivate a certain place where you spend time with Jesus.

Luke 11:1
"One day Jesus was praying in a certain place."
Mark 1:35
"Very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed."

Do you have a certain place where you spend time with Jesus? If you don't, I encourage you to cultivate one. It can be in your bedroom, your office, your kitchen table, your spare bedroom - wherever - just find a spot.

My friend, Amy's 'certain place' - is in her car. It used to be in her husband's office, but she was having problems with consistency. So now, after she drops her kids off at school, she comes home and sits in her garage. For her personally, she knows that once she steps inside her house - she'll be caught in the current of her day. And in lieu of a basket or tote bag for her supplies, she uses her center console. This is her new 'certain place'. Talk about being creative!

Jesus had a certain place where He prayed. It was a solitary place, off the beaten track. Spending time with God was a priority to Jesus. He sought fellowship with God as a vital necessity in His life. If He, the very essence of God needed fellowship with His Father, don't we as well?

My first 'certain place' off the beaten track was my laundry room! It was a pretty drab place, but I managed to make it very cozy and inviting. Even now, in my new spot, there's a comfy chair and a basket full of the supplies I need. (As soon as I can find my camera cord, I'll take a picture and post it!) Last month, it was on my sofa by the fireplace near the Christmas tree.

There's something special about having a 'certain place.' It becomes a little haven - a refuge of sorts where you can escape the chaos of the world and sit with the Source of peace. It'll become addicting. So in case you don't have a 'certain place', be creative. Create a cozy haven for yourself.

If you have a 'certain place', will you share where it is? I'd love to hear! If this is a totally new concept to you, share you thoughts.

Don't miss tomorrow - "Knowing what to do - when you don't know what to do..."

Have a great day:)

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