Thursday, January 29, 2015

Become Part of the Story!

Last Year
at our 1st Annual Women's Conference:


  • God drew 350+ women/girls  
  • 21 women/girls committed their lives to Christ for the first time!!!
  • Multitudes fell on their knees before the Lord in repentance and surrender.  

This YEAR, 
we are asking God for 

Become part of the story...

Help us Make a Difference

Presenting Sponsor - $500
  • Acknowledgment on the KGM web page with YOUR logo and link to YOUR home page!
  • Acknowledgment in the Program and on-site signage from the stage.
  • Tickets for 4 to attend.
  • Opportunities to place brochure in attendee conference bags

Supporting Sponsor - $300
  • Acknowledgment in the Program 
  • Tickets for 2 to attend.
  • Opportunities to place brochure in attendee conference bags

Nonprofit Sponsor - $100

  • Acknowledgment in Program
  • 1 Ticket to attend
  • Opportunity to set up a table to display YOUR Organization

To become part of the story -
Contact Melody HERE


Keynote Speaker:
Tara Furman,
President and Founder of Knowing God Ministries

Amy Carroll,
Speaker and Author for Proverbs 31 Ministries


Ryan Wingo

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

5 Ways to Praise God

Do you want to grow spiritually?

  • In Prayer?
  • In learning how to discern God's voice?
  • In growing in understanding of Worship?
  • In spiritual warfare?
Do you need help...
  • In Choosing to Forgive?
  • Fighting your messy emotions?
  • Overcoming the loneliness of singleness?

Our RELATIONSHIP Track at the Making a Difference Conference is just what you need!  See Pictures of Breakout Leaders below!

5 Ways to Praise God

Psalm 100:4
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise..."

Praise and thanksgiving are the languages of heaven.  So as I intentionally focus less on my circumstances and on GOD and Who He is - I seem to grow stronger in my areas of weakness and insecurity.

Today, I'm sharing 5 ways to turn your eyes to God and to praise Him in YOUR circumstances. I could share many more, but these are beautiful verses to sit and mediate on,  Allow them to penetrate to the deepest part of your mind and soul.

If you have a Prayer Journal, copy off this list and place it in your 'Praise' section.

The Almighty God
"O Lord, God Almighty, Who is like you?  You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you."
Psalm 89;8

The Delivering God
"This poor man called, and the Lord heard Him; He saved Him out of all his troubles.  The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them."
Psalm 34:6-7

A Personal God
"I praise You, God, because You are a personal God, Who gives me the honor of knowing you personally, even inviting me to feast at Your kingdom's table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob."  Matthew 8:11

The God Who Heals
"Father, I praise You because YOU are the Lord Who heals me."

The Burden Bearer
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, Who daily bears our burdens."

Breakout Speakers for the Relationship Track!

Debbie Wilson
Hearing God’s Voice…Honey for the Soul  
           From Messy Emotions to Mighty Faith               

Sarah Bush
Prayer, From Pauper to Princess     

Fuller Harvey
Perspective Matters…Getting Your Worship On        

Cindy Finley
How to Choose Forgiveness When Your Heart is Wounded 

Janice Lawrence
Travelling Solo 

Kim Powell
Spiritual Warfare       

For MORE on their breakouts and the others, Click HERE

Registration NOW Open

Women/Girls' Conference
MARCH 7TH, 2015

Open to women and girls 6th grade and older -

Apex Baptist Church

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Inviting God's Power into our Problems

Psalm 100:4
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise."

There is no situation, problem, circumstance, or illness that is bigger than our God.  He is more than enough for EVERY NEED we have.

The way we tap into His power is through prayer - specifically through praise.  Praise USHERS the authority of God into our circumstances.

Yet, I often find that people confuse the concept of praising God in prayer and thanking Him. Praise is different yielding different results.  

Let me share 3 easy to remember distinct differences.

1.  When we praise God, we draw as close to His heart as we humanly can.  Look at today's passage. (Psalm 100:4).   Thanking God brings us into His gates, (which is close), but PRAISE brings us into His courts.  (even closer.)

The Bible says in Psalm 22:3 KJV,  "He inhabits the praises of His people."  That's close!

2.  Praise sounds different than when we are thanking Him.

Example 1:  "God, You are bigger than anything I am facing.  You are God Almighty." 

Example 2:  "I praise You, Lord, as Creator God..."

When we thank God, it sounds like:  "Thank you for ..."

Both important - yet PRAISE is where the POWER is.  Practice it!

3.  When we praise God, we start by telling Him - WHO HE is and how great He is!

Think about it - praise ushers in the unlimited resources of our Almighty God!  When we focus on WHO God is instead of staying focused on ourselves or our problems, it will drastically change the way we pray and the results that follow.

An old country church's sign once read:

"Don't tell God how big your mountain is, 
tell your mountain how big your God is."

Next Post:  5 Ways to Praise God

Early Bird Registration CLOSES February 8th @ midnight

Women/Girls' Conference

MARCH 7TH, 2015

Open to women and girls 6th grade and older -

Apex Baptist Church


Tara Furman,
President and Founder of Knowing God Ministries

Amy Carroll,
Speaker and Author for Proverbs 31 Ministries


Ryan Wingo


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Luncheon and Quiet Time Panel ROCKED!

Hebrews 12:1
"...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..."

Last week, in answer to prayer, MY God did immeasurably more than I imagined when the Luncheon Invitation, sent only 2 days ahead of time, drew 78 women to hear life changing messages from Sarah Bush and our Quiet Time Panel workshop segment!!!

It's always so fun to see familiar faces and meet new friends.  We had 25 new people Friday!  Very cool!

To see more pics from Friday, click HERE.   Thanks to Fuller, we have awesome pictures to tell the story!

Sarah did an amazing job!  The verse Sarah used that I loved the most was Hebrews 12:1, "...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us..."

Sarah encouraged us to:
  1. Make spending time with God a priority.  
Renew your mind with WHO you are in Christ!

We had hoped to provide everyone in attendance with the above, but ran into copy/print issues.  If you'd like to download and print off - this is a keeper!  Click HERE to download.

2.  Persevere  with THANKSGIVING even in the pain.  Thessalonians 5:18, "give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you."

3.  Focus on the finish line.

She used a backpack full of heavy books to illustrate the things that hinder us and the sins that so easily entangles - such as: fear, people approval and worries...

and to THROW IT OFF so we can run the race God has for each of us.

Our Quiet Time Panel... ROCKED Friday’s workshop!!!

It was FABULOUS!!!!!!!    

We had women who represented DIFFERENT seasons of life, share what their quiet time looks like. They shared personally and authentically.  

The neat thing to see:  Not two women did the same thing in her time with the Lord.  It made me think of our fingerprints.  Just as each of our fingerprints are unique, so our time with our God is unique to each of us!

I think this needs to be a General Session next fall sometime.  Too rich not to be.

THANK YOU Panel Members:  Brigitte Harrison, Lisa Grimes, Sarah Bush, Autumn Weikert, Kelly Hollis.

Knowing God Ministries turns 7 this year.  THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the $7 a month for a year campaign!  Thank you for every amount given!

We are grateful.  This campaign specifically will help sustain us (especially during slow summer months) so we can continue to do ministry year round.  

These were the center-pieces to celebrate.  Kelly and Amy are so amazingly creative!  Truly, their God given gift.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Your Greatest Need

Psalm 9:10

Those who know your name trust in You, for You, O Lord, do not abandon those who search for You.

What an amazing promise from the above Scripture!

As we enter 2015, what is your greatest need?   I guarantee God has a Name to meet that need...

Is it a job?  
Then praise God as Elohim.  He is Creator God.  He Who created something out of nothing, is certainly ABLE to create a job for you.

Are you or someone you love sick?
Then praise God as Jehovah-rapha - the Lord that  heals.  He is ABLE to heal emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Do you desire life in a prodigal child or a marriage that's on the brink of death?   
Praise Jesus as the Resurrection and Life.  He specializes in bringing dead thing to life.  (You will need to cooperate with Him...)

Is it a bill or multiple bills that need to be paid?
Praise Him as Jehovah-jireh, the Lord will provide.  He owns the cattle on a thousand hills!  (Psalm 50:10)

Do you need hope?  Do you need for your 2014 to be vastly different from 2015?
Praise Him as the God of Hope!  Hope always points to the future.  God assures us in Him our futures can be dramatically different from our past.  (See Romans 15:13)

Are you overwhelmed with work issues or life issues?
Praise God as El Shaddai, the All -Sufficient One.  He is Sovereign and is able to work out all the details of your life if you're willing to invite Him into your circumstances and follow in obedient faith.

Our God is El Elyon, Most High God.  He is above all others.  None can rival Him.  He is Creator of heaven and earth.  He is God for all people.  Jump into the Word... Praise Him for Who He is... and lay your requests before Him.

Did you hear about Conference Registration???  It's open!
Click HERE to learn more!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Choosing Him All Over Again by Juana Mikels

In light of the marriage event I participated in on Tuesday night, I wanted to make you aware of a great deal on a brand new book by a local author!  (See below if you're reading this on Thursday.  The Kindle edition is $.99!  Plus a free downloadable study guide!)

If you live in the Raleigh area, local gal, Juana Mikels has  published a very candid account of  the struggles in marriage.

Welcome! "Christ in you, the hope of glory." Colossians 1:27 ~Juana

In her book, Choosing Him All Over Again, she writes about:
My Choosing Him Book available NOW on Amazon or bookstore near you
A handsome husband, a dream job, and plenty of money- so why wasn't she happy?    In a desperate attempt to find the peace and happiness she craved Juana left it all behind.  In Choosing Him All Over Again: AStory of Romance & Redemption,  Juana offers an intimate account of her search for Mr. Right, a journey that ended up leading her into the arms of Jesus, and ultimately back home to her husband. 

Juana not only includes a candid recount of her own marriage struggles in Choosing Him All Over Again, but she interviewed more than 40 people, all of whom had been separated or divorced at one time. "It is my prayer that you will be encouraged and able to love your husband and to choose him again," writes Mikels. "It is my delight to share my history with you because my story is a story of God's grace." 

Thursday, January 15, Choosing Him All Over Again, will be only 99¢ on Kindle! 
Click >>HERE<< to go right to the Kindle version on Amazon!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Truth vs the Lies

Note from Tara:
About a year ago, Sarah Bush joined the KGM Team.  Getting to know her, I've found her to be one of the most humble people I know.  She came to the team with a ministry of her own - yet NOT ONCE as she ever sought to promote herself.  

That's one of the reasons it's why it's my delight to promote her!  She'll be the speaker at Friday's luncheon!  

Before Christmas at one of our Team meetings, she prayed the verse you'll read below.  I was struck by this old verse in a fresh way!   I've pondered it ever since.  May it do the same for you!

It is my pleasure to introduce my friend and colleague:  
Sarah Bush

Every year we put a scripture verse on our greeting cards. Yet this year it wasn’t the typical verse you might associate with Christmas. The verse came from a conversation Jesus had with Pilate right before His death.

Pilate retorted, “You are a king, then!” (Notice this is not a question but a cynical statement)

Jesus answered, “You say that I am a King. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth.” (my bold and italics)   John 18:37
For many, truth is relative.  It becomes whatever the majority of people agree with or whatever helps advance their own personal power or political goals with blatant disregard for morality.  In Jesus we have a standard for truth in our moral behavior.

Yet, the enemy fills us with the lie that the world has what we need to be satisfied.  

I’ve fallen for the lies and have tried to find satisfaction in… food, exercise, romance novels, shopping, more food, people pleasing, reputation, money, and the list could go on and on.

The enemy tempts us in little ways to think, “No one will ever know.”  Or we’re given a little success and we're made to believe it was our own efforts that brought the success.  

But then when our life falls apart, we’re devastated.

The enemy also wants us to believe we have no purpose and to give up hope.  

But Scriptures encourage us to think about what is true, to know the truth that will set us free.

This King wants you to know the truth!  The truth is…
God loves you and sent His Son Jesus as a humble baby. Jesus lived His life on earth so we could know what God is like. God’s perfect plan to deliver us from the enemy was carried out when Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Jesus paid the price for you so by faith in His forgiveness you could come to Him just as if you never sinned.

God never promised life would be easy or without suffering, but He has promised to be Emmanuel, God with us!

Are you struggling to discern the truth from the lies?
Are you weary of the struggles in life and losing hope?

At the Luncheon Jan. 16th, I'll share:

  • my temptations to give up, but you'll be encouraged to hear God’s faithfulness.
  • How to renew our minds with TRUTH.
  • Ways to persevere so we can receive all God has in store for 2015!

Hope to see you there!

January Luncheon - Friday, January 16th

Next week:  What is Your Greatest Need as we start 2015? Is it a job?  Is it life in a prodigal child or a dead marriage?   I guarantee you God has a Name to meet that need...

Also:  Pictures from Energize your Marriage night.  

Before arriving last night: I thought maybe 40 would attend due to the weather.  130 braved the icky forecast! 

We had a total blast learning, laughing and being irritated at the Biblical Job Description (yes they approached me at the book table very irritated). But in the end - TRUTH prevailed and ladies left with hope.  Thanks to Fuller, we have pictures to remember the evening!   More next week.

Shallow thought:   Had I have known how big this event was going to be - I would have scheduled my cut/color appointment a few days earlier;)  I'm in desperate need!

Cary Heise,the planner for this event - is a rock star in my eyes.  She'll be leading a workshop at our Women's Conference this year.  More on her next week as well!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Our God is ABLE

Luncheon is FRIDAY!!!  (See below)

In light of the craziness last week, I've intentionally turned my eyes to the One Who is ABLE.

The following verses have been in my Prayer Journal since 2007.  I STILL refer back to this list.  And OH the comfort I receive from the truth of Who God is.

I encourage you to print of today's Scriptures.   Store them in a place like your Prayer Journal. (Praise Section)   Trust me, you'll want to refer back to them in the days, months and years to come.

You may also want to choose one passage for the day and ponder it; meditate on it; say it as you drive down the road.  YES, I was quoting Ephesians 3:20 while driving down the road the other day.  It was therapeutic.   It will be for you as well!

God is ABLE

Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is ABLE to do immeasurably more than all I ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us...

2 Corinthians 9:8
God is ABLE to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all you need, you will abound in every good work.

2 Timothy 1:12
Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed; and am persuaded that He is ABLE to guard what i have entrusted to Him for that day.

Hebrews 2:18
God is ABLE to aid those who are tempted.

Hebrews 7:25
Jesus is ABLE, once and forever, to save those who come to God through Him.  He lives forever to intercede on their behalf.

Jude 24
To Him who is ABLE to keep you from falling ad to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy...

Nothing is too big for our God.  He's never caught off guard.  Nothing you or I could ever do will change God's love for us.  Be encouraged sweet friend, whatever may trouble our heart today, our God is ABLE! 

January Luncheon - Friday, January 16th

With one of our servers STILL down, we are unable to send out the January Luncheon invitation or Reminders - so HERE IT IS!

Speaker: Sarah Bush

New Year, New You

January brings a fresh start, the promise of new beginnings.  Through her own personal story of running the marathon of life, Sarah will share how to:
  • renew priorities and goals;
  • find freedom from our past;
  • focus on the finish line.
God rescued her from addictive habits, and gave her hope through all kinds of trials: rejection by publishers, a season of unemployment, to an unexpected move with teenagers.

Sarah will share how to overcome the temptation to give up, and to persevere through life with renewed priorities for 2015.                    

Panel Discussion -
What Does a Quiet Time Look Like in Your Season Life?

There is not greater way to impact your corner of the world than by first spending time with God each day.  (John 15:5)

Yet have you ever sat down to spend time with Him, but were not sure where to start or what to do?    Perhaps your time with God has grown stale and you need a jump start as we enter the new year.  

This workshop will equip you to GROW spiritually as you hear from a panel of women representing different seasons of life.   Leaving the workshop:
  • You will have gleaned fresh ideas for your own time with God. 
  • You will lose the condemnation when you miss a day or two or three:)
  • You'll be eager to open the Bible and start hearing from God personally about the details of your own life! 

Hope to see you there!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Totally Overwhelmed

The Luncheon is this FRIDAY, Januray 16th!  See details below.

Jude 24
To Him Who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy...

Last Monday, instead of easing into the 2015, I felt like a big-fat bully pushed me into the deep end of a pool.

It was surprise after surprise - (don't you just love surprises!)  Deadline after deadline.  Missing deadline after deadline...  Clients waiting. Staff frustrated.

I'm a home school mom this year.  In addition to surprises and the missed deadlines - I also realized, I had dropped the ball on TWO really BIG assignments for my son's co-op:  a science fair project and ordering his books for the second semester.  (How did I forget something as basic as ordering books?  I totally forgot over Christmas.  He went to class Monday without books and without the science project.

NOT one of my finer moments.  Feeling like at any time someone was going to rush out and award me with "Worst Mom of the Year," feelings of failure and doubt began to creep in.  I was on the verge of being overwhelmed.

On Wednesday, I learned that I'd need four, no, let me say it again, FOUR major dental surgeries in the coming year.  The first of which is in February.   By God's grace, my husband didn't freak when he heard the cost.

On Thursday morning, when it was 8 degrees outside, I woke up cold - very cold.  Needless to say, when I went to turn up the heat, I realized the upstairs heating unit decided it was overwhelmed and quit!

This made me want to quit.   But I couldn't.  I was already too far behind.  The Luncheon invitation had not even gone out - it was 2 days late.

So when I went to send the invitation, it WOULD NOT send.   I spent over an hour on the phone trying to get it remedied only to learn it would be back up "in the next week."  The server was down.

PERFECT!  (Still hasn't gone out - see below!)

Finally, over the weekend, my frustration peaked when a bad word came out of my mouth aimed directly at both of my teenage children!  (If you're appalled at this confession, you're reading the wrong woman's blog - you'll have to find Ms. Perfect elsewhere.)

Immediately, I felt like that mom.  You know, the worst version of yourself and the mom you swore you would never be.  I felt horrible.  In the midst of this, the enemy reminded me that "I am the leader of a Women's MINISTRY!  You're not able to do ANYTHING well."  I heard in my ear.

I was totally overwhelmed.  Tears began to quietly fall.   I don't think my husband knew what to do with me.  I was at a loss for words when he sweetly asked.

Despite these totally overwhelming feelings, I knew the remedy.  And it wasn't the chocolate I've all but given up to lose the added "warmth" I acquired during the holidays.


I share all of this to say, you TOO may feel overwhelmed as we start the New Year.  

If you are, then you're not going to want to miss this week's posts.  (Maybe even next.)  We're going to fix our eyes on the ONE Who is ABLE to make all grace abound to us.  

As I've sat with the Lord, re-studying His promises, I'm already different.   My heart has lifted; I'm not sinking in condemnation.   I know God's grace is sufficient.   I know HE will provide the wisdom, the energy and focus I need ONE DAY at a time.  He'll do it for you too.

Tomorrow:  God is Able

If you're feeling overwhelmed today, download this song - listen throughout the day!
Madisa, Overcomer
It's fun, it's filled with great truth and you'll love the beat!

January Luncheon - Friday, January 16th

With one of our servers STILL down, we are unable to send out the January Luncheon invitation or Reminders - so HERE IT IS!

Speaker: Sarah Bush

New Year, New You

January brings a fresh start, the promise of new beginnings.  Through her own personal story of running the marathon of life, Sarah will share how to:
  • renew priorities and goals;
  • find freedom from our past;
  • focus on the finish line.
God rescued her from addictive habits, and gave her hope through all kinds of trials: rejection by publishers, a season of unemployment, to an unexpected move with teenagers.

Sarah will share how to overcome the temptation to give up, and to persevere through life with renewed priorities for 2015.                    

Panel Discussion -
What Does a Quiet Time Look Like in Your Season Life?

There is not greater way to impact your corner of the world than by first spending time with God each day.  (John 15:5)

Yet have you ever sat down to spend time with Him, but were not sure where to start or what to do?    Perhaps your time with God has grown stale and you need a jump start as we enter the new year.  

This workshop will equip you to GROW spiritually as you hear from a panel of women representing different seasons of life.   Leaving the workshop:
  • You will have gleaned fresh ideas for your own time with God. 
  • You will lose the condemnation when you miss a day or two or three:)
  • You'll be eager to open the Bible and start hearing from God personally about the details of your own life! 

Hope to see you there!

ALSO this week:

Energize your Marriage in a Week... 
Living your Biblical Job Description

January 13, 2015;  
Hope Community Church, Cary, NC

I'm SUPER excited about this event.  I do this talk in many places (except HERE - until now!)  It's an eye-opening evening as we talk about the REAL of marriage.  I've found if a woman is willing to really hear what the Bible says about her job description - God will work wonders in her marriage and family.  It's exciting!

This is event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  Don't miss this opportunity taking place in our back yard.  (BTW:  It's casual - jeans are fine.)  Grab a girlfriend and some coffee.  We'll have you gone by 8:30 at the latest.

Please note:  You have to have a ticket.  Click HERE for more information.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

January Luncheon - REGISTER NOW

With one of our servers STILL down, we are unable to send out the January Luncheon invitation or Reminders - so HERE IT IS!

January Luncheon - Friday, January 16th

Speaker: Sarah Bush

New Year, New You

January brings a fresh start, the promise of new beginnings.  Through her own personal story of running the marathon of life, Sarah will share how to:
  • renew priorities and goals;
  • find freedom from our past;
  • focus on the finish line.
God rescued her from addictive habits, and gave her hope through all kinds of trials: rejection by publishers, a season of unemployment, to an unexpected move with teenagers.

Sarah will share how to overcome the temptation to give up, and to persevere through life with renewed priorities for 2015.                    

Panel Discussion -
What Does a Quiet Time Look Like in Your Season Life?

There is not greater way to impact your corner of the world than by first spending time with God each day.  (John 15:5)

Yet have you ever sat down to spend time with Him, but were not sure where to start or what to do?    Perhaps your time with God has grown stale and you need a jump start as we enter the new year.  

This workshop will equip you to GROW spiritually as you hear from a panel of women representing different seasons of life.   Leaving the workshop:
  • You will have gleaned fresh ideas for your own time with God. 
  • You will lose the condemnation when you miss a day or two or three:)
  • You'll be eager to open the Bible and start hearing from God personally about the details of your own life! 

Hope to see you there!

ALSO this week:

Energize your Marriage in a Week... 
Living your Biblical Job Description
January 13, 2015;  
Hope Community Church, Cary, NC

I'm SUPER excited about this event.  I do this talk in many places (except HERE - until now!)  It's an eye-opening evening as we talk about the REAL of marriage.  I've found if a woman is willing to really hear what the Bible says about her job description - God will work wonders in her marriage and family.  It's exciting!

This is event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!  Don't miss this opportunity taking place in our back yard.  (BTW:  It's casual - jeans are fine.)  Grab a girlfriend and some coffee.  We'll have you gone by 8:30 at the latest.

Please note:  You have to have a ticket.  Click HERE for more information.