Do you want to grow spiritually?
- In Prayer?
- In learning how to discern God's voice?
- In growing in understanding of Worship?
- In spiritual warfare?
- In Choosing to Forgive?
- Fighting your messy emotions?
- Overcoming the loneliness of singleness?
Our RELATIONSHIP Track at the Making a Difference Conference is just what you need! See Pictures of Breakout Leaders below!
5 Ways to Praise God
Psalm 100:4
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise..."
Praise and thanksgiving are the languages of heaven. So as I intentionally focus less on my circumstances and on GOD and Who He is - I seem to grow stronger in my areas of weakness and insecurity.
Today, I'm sharing 5 ways to turn your eyes to God and to praise Him in YOUR circumstances. I could share many more, but these are beautiful verses to sit and mediate on, Allow them to penetrate to the deepest part of your mind and soul.
If you have a Prayer Journal, copy off this list and place it in your 'Praise' section.
The Almighty God
"O Lord, God Almighty, Who is like you? You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you."
Psalm 89;8
The Delivering God
"This poor man called, and the Lord heard Him; He saved Him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them."
Psalm 34:6-7
A Personal God
"I praise You, God, because You are a personal God, Who gives me the honor of knowing you personally, even inviting me to feast at Your kingdom's table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." Matthew 8:11
The God Who Heals
"Father, I praise You because YOU are the Lord Who heals me."
The Burden Bearer
"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, Who daily bears our burdens."
Breakout Speakers for the Relationship Track!
Debbie Wilson
Hearing God’s Voice…Honey for the Soul
From Messy Emotions to Mighty Faith
Sarah Bush
Prayer, From Pauper to Princess
Fuller Harvey
Perspective Matters…Getting Your Worship On
Cindy Finley
How to Choose Forgiveness When Your Heart is Wounded
Janice Lawrence
Travelling Solo
Kim Powell
Spiritual Warfare
Registration NOW Open
Women/Girls' Conference
MARCH 7TH, 2015
Open to women and girls 6th grade and older -
Apex Baptist Church
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