Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The End of Bullying Begins With Me…and You (by Guest Blogger Dawn Ward)

Today's Guest:  Dawn Ward

Breakout Session Leader for MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls,
February 28-March 1  (details below)

Proverbs 4:23 (New Living Translation)
 "Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." 

The End of Bullying Begins With Me…and You

“It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” 

Did you sing that song as a young girl? Are you a mother who has sung it with your own child?   

A single spark can ignite an inferno. 

How about the old African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child?” Multiple people.  Multiple influences.  And while it takes all of them collectively to raise the child, each one individually wields the power to shape the person that child becomes.

So, what does this mean for you and me and the fight against bullying? 

It means we both hold within us the potential to effect change, 
but it will take all of us working together for it to be lasting.

For Further Pondering:

12 The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. 
So it is with the body of Christ. 13 Some of us are Jews, some are Gentiles, some are slaves, and some are free. But we have all been baptized into one body by one Spirit, 
and we all share the same Spirit.
14 Yes, the body has many different parts, not just one part.
1If the foot says, “I am not a part of the body because I am not a hand,” that does not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear says, “I am not part of the body 
because I am not an eye,” would that make it any less a part of the body? 
17 If the whole body were an eye, how would you hear? 
Or if your whole body were an ear, how would you smell anything?
18 But our bodies have many parts, and God has put each part just where he wants it. 
19 How strange a body would be if it had only one part! 20 Yes, there are many parts, but only one body.   21 The eye can never say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” 
The head can’t say to the feet, “I don’t need you.”
22 In fact, some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary.  23 And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen, 24 while the more honorable parts do not require this special care. 
So God has put the body together such that extra honor and care are given to those parts that have less dignity. 25 This makes for harmony among the members, so that all the members care for each other. 26 If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all the parts are glad.
27 All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.
1 Corinthians 12:12-27  

At MAKING A DIFFERNECE, Dawn will be leading THREE Breakout Sessions: 

Parent Track: Bullying: God Works All Things Together For Good
Girls Track: (6th-8th grades): Modesty and Bullying: Do They Have Anything In Common?
Girls Track: (9th-12th grades): Dating and Bullying: He Loves You, But Is He a Bully?  

Think this would encourage someone else?  


Dawn Ward has been married to the love of her life, Richard, for 21 years. They have one daughter, Rachel, who is 12 (already a teenager if you ask her!). Dawn calls herself “a survivor by God’s grace and mercy” and knows her life is an example of God “working all things together for good...” She is passionate about tween/teen girls finding their identity in who Christ, not the world, says they are. In the past year and a half, God has called her to stand up and speak out against bullying. This fight is borne out of the experiences of her own family when her daughter entered middle school. Her efforts have resulted in the implementation of a brand new program at her daughter’s school. More recently, the formation of a Mayoral committee in the town in which she lives, seeks to spread the program into all the schools in that town and hopefully, to the state and country beyond.  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hurt and Betrayed (by Guest Blogger Rita Bragg)

Today's Guest Author:  Rita Bragg

Breakout Session Leader for MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls,
February 28-March 1  (details below)

"A person standing alone can be attacked & defeated, but two can stand back to back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT
  • Have you ever had the thought "my man is about to drive me crazy?" 
  • Or "If he turns the television to another ball game, I'm leaving and going to my Mother's.”  
  • Or have you ever called a girlfriend in complete frustration with your husband's lack of communication and respect.  
  • Or possibly, you've cried yourself to sleep because, once again, you've discovered your husband has been looking at pornography on his computer, or maybe even had an inappropriate relationship.

If you answered "yes" to any of the above, then I would love for you to join me in the breakout session "Marriage God's Way: A Strand of Three.” 

I walked through a very dark and difficult season with my husband.  I was that wife crying herself to sleep because of her husband’s addiction to pornography.  I felt hurt and betrayed and we lost much. 

But at the very bottom of that dark and difficult season, I found a relationship with the Lord that I never knew was possible. I had grown up in a Christian home and had a lifetime of head knowledge.  But, my husband's brokenness was the catalyst to a life altering time for our marriage and our family.  God has proved Himself so much more than faithful and continues to redeem so much of what was lost.

In this workshop will we talk about things like:

·      Choosing to walk in forgiveness instead of bitterness and resentment.
·      Learning to see our husband the way the Father sees him, instead of our own "filters" and limited views.
·      How we can choose love and connection in our relationships, even when feeling vulnerable and fearful.

And many other practical, real life tools and principles that we can apply, not only in our marriages, but all our relationships!

If there is one thing that the Father has so gently and lovingly taught me over the last ten years is that I'm not capable of doing this life or my relationships on my own. In fact, it's never been His plan for ME to work things out.  He designed me to need Him; to depend on Him in my daily life, and in my marriage. 

Come join me at as we explore doing marriage God's way.

At  MAKING A DIFFERNECE, Rita will be leading one Breakout Session entitled, "A Chord of Three Strands". 

Think this would encourage someone else?  


Monday, February 24, 2014

Choosing to Follow Jesus Every Day (by Guest Blogger Brigitte Harrison)

Facebook Winner for Conference Tickets:  Patti Prichett!

Today's Guest Author: Brigitte Harrison

Breakout Session Leader for 
MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls,
February 28-March 1  (details below)

Choosing to Follow Jesus Every Day

If you were to ask me at eight years old, “what will your life be like as an adult?” I would have said “a dance teacher, veterinarian or a flight attendant.” 

Well, here I am many years later and although my occupation isn’t one of these, my passions and gifting are still the same. I was a dance major in college and now I am a fitness instructor.  I still love animals and our first “child” was our golden retriever, Nala.   

I love to travel, so vacations and holidays are always spent on the road.

In Psalms, God tells us that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made.”  In Jeremiah, God tells us “He has a plan to give us hope and a future.”
As a child, I had no idea what God would do with a girl who loved people, loved hard work, had a big personality yet was vastly insecure. Thankfully, God had a plan. He took this ball of unfocused uniqueness and set her on a path that she would have never thought possible.
In 1 Samuel, we meet a shepherd boy named David. The youngest of eight boys and to those looking from the outside, he was the least likely to be used for mighty things. But God was at work. He put David in situations that would sharpen his skills, solidify his trust in the Lord and prepare him for God-size tasks.
Romans 9:17 says “For this very PURPOSE I raised you up, to demonstrate my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed through out the whole earth.”
If we allow Him, God will do the same with us! How exciting that our God has crafted each one of us with specific gifts, passions and abilities that can be used for His kingdom work.

Think this would encourage someone else?  


At Making a Difference, Brigitte will be leading TWO sessions:  

"When Real Living Begins" and"Choosing to Follow Jesus Everyday"


About Bridgitte:

Pastor's wife. Mom. Fitness instructor. Brigitte has a passion for living life to the fullest! 
As she connects with women, Brigitte desires to encourage each woman 
 boldly to surrender to the unique plan God has for them and 
to reflect authentically the love of Jesus Christ everyday.  

Although you might not hear a deep southern accent, Brigitte was born in Mississippi. 
She met her husband, John Mark, while in college at the University of Alabama. 
The excited couple stepped into full time ministry and married life eleven years ago. 
John Mark is currently the Lead Pastor at Apex Baptist Church. 
Their son, Cade, is five years old and completing his last year of preschool. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

When Your Heart Hurts Deeply

Proverbs 8:35
For whoever finds Me finds life and receives favor from the Lord. 
But whoever fails to find ME harms himself.

Today's post was hard to write.  It's dredges raw emotion.  Emotion I'm not ready to share.  Yet the Lord is leading to me to share.  And if there's ever a time I need His favor, it's now.  So obedience it is!

In the last 2 months,

  • I've gotten a speeding ticket -
  • I've crashed my car - 
Two separate instances.  The ticket was my fault, the accident was not.

And if that weren't enough - 
  • I've been confronted with an issue...  An issue that has so rocked my husband and I concerning our son... that it's hard to keep from bursting into tears at the mere mention.  Even now as I type these words, a knot has formed in the back of my throat.
And to top it all off -  we're in the midst of the largest event Knowing God Ministries has ever planned.  We have over 250 people registered to date; 27 breakout leaders; 2 nationally known speakers; countless women coming from out of town; even more from in town.   

I can't cry.  I can't do emotion right now.   (So I BEG YOU don't ask me about it we run into each other. Just hug me and I'll know.)   

Yesterday while fighting a pity party, it occurred to me.  Many of you may have similar heart hurt issues. Perhaps you -
  • Find yourself in a marriage that's crumbling - and you don't know what to do.
  • A teenager that's in rebellion -
  • An adult child who's decisions cause you to wonder, 'Who parented you?'
  • Job loss and there seems to be no hope...
  • A diagnosis with an uncertain future...

Like me - some of you need REAL ANSWERS... real solutions... real advice.  If your heart hurts,  I can personally tell you:   Though well meaning, no human being has your answer.  Only Jesus has your answer. 

To many of you - 'Jesus having your answer' - sounds like a religious cliche.    

But girlfriend... I KNOW my Redeemer lives.  He's speaking to me - daily.  He's wiping my tears as I pour out my heart to Him.  He's giving me strength so that I don't fall apart like I did at church last week when I just sat in the pew weeping uncontrollably.  He's directing and guiding me.  When I go to Him - I'm getting answers, ideas and direction.
This is where the Making a Difference Women's Conference comes in.  First of all, I can 100% guarantee you - no human being at this conference can give you THE answers you need...  

But between my team, the 38 breakout sessions to choose and the 2 national keynote speakers...  You will be taught how to go to the ONE Who is able to give you REAL ANSWERS to your very real problems that hurt your heart so deeply.  

Come hear the rest of the story  - 
I'm leading:  "Face Time with God" and "Finding & Living Your Purpose"

REGISTER Today and SAVE.  
You have until Sunday night before the rate changes.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sex: How Much Is Too Much? (by Guest Blogger Rey Cooke)

Watch this VIDEO from Tara!!!

February 28-March 1 
Register Today!  Special pricing ends Monday.
Do you want to win a free ticket?   (See below!)

Today's Guest Author:  Rey Cooke

Breakout Session Leader for MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls,

Sex:   How Much Is Too Much?

We have all heard the phrase, “enough is enough”, and that’s exactly how I feel about our “sex saturated” society:
I want to scream to the top of my lungs and wave my fist at Satan, 
saying “Leave God’s people alone!”  

We are being bombard by:
  • television, 
  • music, 
  • concerts, 
  • magazines, 
  • Hollywood, 
  • movie stars, 
  • books, 
  • graffiti, 
  • computers, 
  • you name it . . . it’s everywhere!  

Short of locking your children in your house with absolutely no electronics, and controlling their friends, at some point your children will see, hear, and be tempted sexually.  It grieves my heart to the point of wanting to fight back!  
The truth is none of us is immune to the temptation of making bad choices.  
PRAISE GOD we have a Father who is ready, willing, and waiting 
to save us and forgive us the moment we ask Him! 

What about our teenagers?  They are in the world everyday, facing issues unlike ANYTHING that you and I faced as teenagers! How do you help your son or daughter insulate themselves from the world, but not isolate themselves?  Having been a youth worker for 25 plus years, I have seen a shift in values concerning sexuality, including immoral behavior among “Christians” to such a degree that even I had to take a deep breath and ask God to give me the right response.

Our kids are burdened for their friends who have made poor choices; they don’t know how to help them.

  • Do they drop them and run, or share truth with love?  
  • What kind of message do they get from you at home?  
  • Would you know what to say to your children if they told you they were struggling with a certain sin?  

Folks, this is the reality that we live in today!
Let’s just recognize that this subject is intense and most people are afraid and uptight when confronted with someone seeking help in any sexual area.

If I feel this way as an adult, how does my teenager feel when they are put on the spot?  

As our teenagers are being faced with the most controversial issues of the day, how well are they responding?
What are your convictions?
More importantly, what does God’s word say?

Ask the Lord to speak to you through His word or through prayer as you bring this issue before Him today.

At MAKING A DIFFERENCE, Rey will be leading TWO Breakout Sessions: 
"Making a Difference…Praying for Your Children"  and 
"SEX - How Much is Too Much?"

Best story of how a post on the KGM blog helped you/spurred you on to take a leap of faith, Dig in deep, Do what Jesus says, Share JESUS with someone, etc.  

Rules include:  

2. Must share the story on the Knowing God Ministries facebook page (does not have to be personal, can be funny, etc.)
3. Must share why they want to attend.

Will announce winner MONDAY.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

'Come on Girlfriend' Video

Come on Girls! 
Final week of savings - Register Today

Tomorrow:  Win a free Ticket!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Priorities, Prayers, Passions (by Guest Suzi McDuffee)

Breakout Session Leader for MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls,
February 28-March 1  

II Timothy 1:5
I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

Ladies, have you ever wondered what your family will most remember about you when you are gone?  What will be your family legacy?

Will it be:
  • your great golf game
  • your beautiful clothes
  • your knack for decorating
  • your organizational skills, or 
  • your talents in music or art….
OR. . . .

Will it be:
  • your kindness and compassion
  • your love and generosity
  • your walk of faith, and 
  • your love for Jesus?
Our individual legacies will be determined by Our Priorities, Our Prayers and Our Passions! 

In II Timothy 1:5 Paul says to his protégé Timothy, “I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and I am persuaded, now lives in you also."   Paul is referencing a Godly grandmother and mother whose priorities, prayers and passions impacted a son who became one of the most influential leaders in the early church.

We each have a daily choice to place a high priority on Spiritual things with our families by our words of faith and encouragement and by the Godly example we set in our behavior and values.  Do we go our own way or live according to the Word of God?  Our children and grandchildren will follow our example - -  for good or not so good!

One of our greatest areas of influence for grandchildren  and for children is our prayer life.

Heb 4:16 says “we can approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”  Imagine presenting your children and grandchildren before the King of Kings each day and pouring out your heart on their behalf. . . 
Our prayers release God’s dynamite power into the lives of the ones we pray for.

Shouldn’t prayer become our passion?

Once you get an understanding of the power of prayer, you will see that your prayers will flow from one generation to the next bringing God’s goodness and grace into generations of family members. 
Don’t miss the opportunity for your Priorities, Prayers and Passions to have an eternal impact on your family for generations, and choose to be remembered as the mother or grandmother whose sincere faith  made her passionate in her love for  Jesus and for His Word.

The choice of a legacy is yours!

Think this would encourage someone else?  


Suzi will be leading a break out session entitled, "Grandparenting:  Passing the Legacy" 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Life's Burdens... "Come!"

Today's Guest:  Sarah Bush

Breakout Speaker for February 28-March 1  (details below)
MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls,
Conference savings ends Monday, February 24th.  Register this week!

Matthew 11:28
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." 

Having recently moved to the Triangle and feeling overwhelmed with the transition, I have appreciated the welcoming hospitality of new friends inviting me to join them for coffee or lunch. 

As my husband and I continue to encourage our high school daughters to get involved in a school club or youth group, their response has been repeatedly “I just want to be invited!” 

We all love feeling included, and we all know too well the wounds of being left out.

Jesus offers a glimpse of how the word “come” communicates love as He extends an invitation to his disciples:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls. 
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. 
Matthew 11:28-30.

We all feel weary “running” at mach speed, with work, errands, church or school activities, and on top of that, we’re burdened with the everyday issues of life, and some are extremely overwhelming. 

In the midst of life’s burdens where do we turn?

Jesus uses a physical example of a yoke, a wooden device that held two oxen together to plow a field to describe what it looks like to be “yoked” to our worries and fears of financial strain, health concerns, relationship conflicts, or demands acquiring success. 

Yet Jesus invites us to drop our heavy yoke of difficult and overwhelming circumstances and pick up his yoke and find rest. He invites us to talk to Him, to speak of your burdens to Him. 

Tell Him it’s hard! 
Cry for help! 
He is powerful to hold our heavy concerns. 
He does the lifting so we can rest. 
He wants us to be yoked with him, entrusting all things into his humble, gentle heart and hands.

Sometimes we just need to get away from our hurried lifestyles, lay all our burdens at Jesus’ feet to find true rest. What you have been waiting for is an invitation from a friend to a place where you can find rest. 

I want to extend that invitation to you. You are invited to attend Knowing God Ministries’ Women’s and Girl’s Conference on Feb. 28th – Mar. 1st.   Conference savings ends Monday, February 24th.  Register this week!


At MAKING A DIFFERNECE, Sarah will be leading a Breakout Session entitled, "Prayers that Shape Your World", offering practical teaching on how to exchange the weight of your burdens for His yoke (which is easy) and His burden (which is light), through the power of PRAYER!

Think this would encourage someone else?  


More from Sarah about "Prayers that Shape Your World":

If God already knows your future, why pray? What would we gain by praying to Him? 
Come learn how God has designed you to partner with Him 
in shaping your world through prayer. 
No matter your age, awaken your passion for Jesus! 
Learn how to use the most powerfully under-utilized resource we possess! 
From the cries of a mother’s heart for her children to a young girl’s desire to find her dream, 
you will gain confidence in how whispers to God can powerfully influence your world!  

Sarah graduated from Appalachian State University (ASU) with a K-6 degree.  She taught elementary education and served as the Secretary-Treasurer of Youth Ministry, Inc., a small, non-profit foundation established for seminary students.  She has been a member of the middle, high school, and college Moms in Touch International prayer meetings, along with a passion to teach at M.O.M.S – Mothers of Many Seasons, a women’s ministry group.  She is currently a speaker for Christian Women’s Clubs and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), and serves on the core team of Knowing God Ministries. Sarah welcomes events from all Christian denominations.  She lives in Apex, NC, with her husband, Eric and their three children, one of whom is continuing the family legacy by attending ASU.  She enjoys scrapbooking, knitting. reading in the sun, biking and boating with her family.
To Contact Sarah Bush:
The Invitation-Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace
Grace for the Journey