Genesis 2:18,
"It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
In case you missed the luncheon,
The subject was marriage - Perfect Couples only Live on Wedding Cakes.
Holly Ladner, our guest speaker was the bomb! (CD's of her talk will be available at our NEXT Luncheon, October 17th.)
I learned so much from her. One of the things I admired most about what she said - she went head to head with the most controversial marriage subject in America today: submission.
I've got to be honest, when she told me ahead of time her direction, my heart fluttered. But she didn't mention the amazing definition and understanding she would give. Because of her teaching and description of this subject, I'm willing to bet that every woman in the room went home excited to submit!
(Did you notice I said, excited? I think it has something to do with the POWER... did for me! ;)
Seriously, I've heard a lot of teaching on this subject, but her explanation was one of the more clear and best I've heard.
What a blessing to have had her! One of the key sentences she used - which was later tweeted by one of our guests: "Submission is easier identified by its absence, than by its presence."
So true!
Other practical suggestions she shared with us - in terms of ways we can be our husband's helper:
- Provide a warm & loving home; a place he can let his guard down.
- Listen to him & offer feedback ONLY when requested.
- Encourage him by telling him he does a great job.
- Meet his physical needs.
- Talk through decisions together.
Her closing crayon illustration was the icing on the cake, so to speak! When we fail to use the tools God has given us in His Word as it relates to marriage - it's like a child coloring a picture with only 1 color. It's drab, dull and monotonous.
But when we use all the tools God has given us in His Word, we allow God to use a whole set of crayons to create a beautiful masterpiece in our marriages and homes.
(Hope I explained that right!:) It was a powerful way to close - reminding us of the relevance of God's Word TODAY!
Holly and Suzi McDuffee served on the Panel following our General Session. Great questions were asked - Practical, real, Biblical answers were given. We really appreciated their willingness to share their stories and life experience with us. It was a rich discussion that ended way too quickly. (45 minutes flies when you're having fun!)
Melody and Fuller led the other workshop titled: The Lies Divorced and Single Women Believe. Great things happened around that table of 7 on Friday.
So thankful for what the Lord is doing in the hearts and lives of these women. (Me included!)
I believe we left differently than how we arrived.
Mission Accomplished!
Next Luncheon: October 17th
Trusting God when Life Hurts,
Guest Speaker: Anne Winters
Oh, by the way - When I find out the LUNCH SPOT Holly mentioned in the General Session, I'll pass it on;)
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