Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Limitless God!

Christmas Tip #4:
Throughout the Christmas season, give your family the gift of a sweet disposition!
Luke 1:8-18
At my high school reunion last summer, when asked what I do - the question that immediately followed was, "why are you doing that"? (Emphasis on 'that'.) My answer: "God told me to!" Many of my fellow classmates looked at me like I was nuts!
Do you believe God speaks? In our account today, God sent an angel to speak to Zechariah. Despite him and Elizabeth, his wife, being well passed the years of childbirth, he was told that they would have a son. And this wasn't just any child. This was a child that would be "great in the eyes of the Lord - that he'd be filled with the Holy Spirit from birth - that he'd persuade the people to turn to the Lord - that he'd be full of power and would prepare the people for the Messiah's arrival!" (v. 14-17)
Now that's a lot to take in for anybody. Especially a priest that's getting up there in age. Not to mention, being overwhelmed by the physical presence of the heavenly messenger! Yet this was an answer to years and years of prayer. To have a child was the secret desire of Zechariah and Elizabeth's hearts. Surely, they had all but given up on this dream ever coming to fruition. Instead of jumping with joy - or profusely thanking the angel, Zechariah wanted proof. He wanted assurance before he could believe. "How can I know this will happen? I'm an old man now and my wife is also well along in years" (v. 18). Big mistake!
What has God said to you about the desire of your heart? What is the desire of your heart? Your dream? Your hopes? Have you taken them to God and asked Him His thoughts? (He's waiting for you do so.) Or have you all but given up, because it seems impossible given the current circumstances you're in? I've taken my secret dreams to God. What He's told me blows my mind. (By the way, I'm careful to write down what God has told me - now I'm praying those very words back to Him - waiting and believing Him to make it reality.) Yet often, because of my circumstances, I begin to doubt and not believe, just like Zechariah.
God asks us to believe without seeing. Physical limitations do not limit God. He is a limitless God. His resources never run dry. We must take God at His Word. Never mind our intellect, our circumstances, or experiences, we must choose to trust God completely. So I challenge you today - if you have not already done so - take your dreams to Jesus. Ask Him for His perspective. As you are reading His Word, words will suddenly leap from the page into your heart - this is God - this is your heavenly Messenger. Choose to believe Him. Just as He did immeasureably more than Zechariah could have ever imagined - He can do it again today in your life.
If you have any questions about discerning the voice of God - contact me. I'd love to help you!
Be encouraged today!

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... that is exactly where I am right now! I want physical proof! But HE doesn't work that way. Thank you so much for sharing God's message with us today. I am going to go home tonight, curl up by the Christmas tree and read His Word to give me peace. I love you Tara!! And I thank God that he has called you to do THIS!!!
