Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Thank you for your Bible study, Intimacy with God. I can see God growing me in my quiet time and prayer time! I also thank you for your recommendation of The Politically Incorrect Wife. This book and your reference to John 12:24 in your study concerning your own marriage has made the biggest difference in my marriage! This ministry is making a difference in my life!
-Jill P.

"Intimacy with God has changed my life. My husband and I just lost our business. Because of I've started to have a quiet time, I'm more rooted in my relationship with Jesus. If I had not learned how to have a quiet time and to hear Jesus speak to me, I'd be falling apart right now. But I'm not. I'm hopeful instead of feeling hopeless. Each morning, He tells me to "trust Him." I know He will provide. Thank you for the impact you've made in my life through this study.

-Debbie C.

These are just a few of the letters I've received. To God be all the credit. It's His material.

August 31st is almost here!

We will give you one of these books, plus a Prayer Journal when you gather 5 of your closest friends - for life and habit changes in everyday life!

Don't forget, there's a Leader's Guide available to spoon you in facilitating your group.

Click here to order:

Several of you who live in my area have responded and want to pick them up in order to save on shipping. That's no problem!

Hurricane Irene

Haggai 2:6

"This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.'"

In one week, the folks on the East Coast have experienced an earthquake and a hurricane.


The Lord is shaking the earth [earthquake], the sea [hurricane], and the dry land [massive flooding].

Does He have your attention yet?

I was watching the news last night, and they were interviewing a student at East Carolina University. Her comment: "We've had an earthquake and a hurricane, all in one week. What in the world is going on?"

Astute girl. Are you as astute?

Or are your eyes still focused on:

  • The Kardashians? The Housewives of Beverly Hills? People Magazine or US Weekly?

  • Your Iphone and your email? Your daily list of things to do?

  • Celebrities and athletes?

  • Decorating your house so that it looks just so...

  • Your upcoming Labor Day weekend plans and are irritated by the fallout from the storm?

  • Your bank account? Your retirement plans? Your social calendar?

The God of the Universe loves you! The ONE Who created you wants a relationship with you. If He can't get your attention any other way, He'll speak through nature. Listen with your heart to these riveting verses:

Romans 1:18-20 NLT

"But God shows His anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people [that can be us girls! Not just people who live outwardly wicked. I'll share some of my wickedness tomorrow.] who push the truth away from themselves.

[Under the guise of political correctness. Jesus is the truth. WE can't even say His name hardly. We call Him God in order to appease and not offend. I see this in church circles! Do you do this?

We've pushed God out of our schools, out of our courthouses; out of public assemblies; out of our family gatherings. Did you know that the NYC city council voted to prohibit any sort of religious remembrances for 9/11 this year? We've totally pushed Him out! Would never want to offend!]

For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. [People know God instinctively, without having to be told - even the man in the jungle has instinctive knowledge that he has a Creator. God created us with a capacity to know Him personally.]

God has put this knowledge in their hearts.

From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see His invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature.

[All you had to do was get in the car or look out a window on Saturday - you experienced a glimpse of His divine power.]

So they are without excuse whatsoever for not knowing God." [Scathing words.]

Do you know God? Or do you just know about Him? He loves you - does He have your attention yet?

Hurricane Irene Girls!
This past Saturday, I had the privilege of going to Zebulon, NC to speak to a group of women, who persevered through a hurricane to attend a ladies tea. Thought I'd share some of the highlights!

Arliss, Jill, (Event planners) and myself.

I had just unpacked my car in the midst of 40-50 mph blowing winds and torrential sideways rain. The entire time I was thinking about Forest Gump when he was writing to Jenny and telling her all the ways it was raining!

After setting up, the gal that travels with me and prays for me, Autumn, says, "Do we have a brush? You need it!"

Didn't have a brush! Oh well:)

Margaret, Judy and Bailey
This was a grandmother, mother, and daughter - 3 generations. Many women came with their moms or their daughters. It was a sweet event. (Despite lights flickering on and off and the wind howing outside!

The grandmother pictured here, Margaret, survived Germany during WWII. Her stories were fascinating. I'll never forget them. She loves Jesus. She credits Him for the ability to have lived through such horror.

This was a group of ALL AGES - from High School to an 88 year old that was there. I've never seen this done - I thought it was genius. Prior to me speaking - the planners played a short game of Bingo. Something so simple, yet spoke the language of many of the women there. I firmly believe when you tap into someone's love language, their heart is open to receive.

I must be honest. Whenever I accept a speaking invitation, I always ask what the primary age group is. I have found that I tend to bore older women. I'm not sure what it is, but they normally have a "deer-in-a-headlight" kinda look while I'm speaking or worse yet - they nod off. They're always cordial - but I think I scare 'em!

I had asked my prayer team to pray very specifically, that God would draw the women who were spiritually hungry. Who cares how old they are - just bring the ones that want more of Jesus.

God answered!

This group - all ages - EVERY SINGLE woman - young to old - were totally engaged and listening. (The speaker can tell. So don't yawn when your preacher is preaching - he can see! And it's discouraging!) And they responded by signing up for the Bible Study this fall in their fellowship.

I tried to attach a video clip. I'll attempt another day this week:)

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