Monday, September 12, 2011

Withdrawn Hand of Protection-

2 Chronicles 36:15-21
The LORD, the God of their ancestors, repeatedly sent His prophets to warn them for He had compassion on His people and His Temple.
But the people mocked these messengers of God and despised their words.  They scoffed at he prophets until the Lords anger could no longer be restrained and nothing could be done. 
So the Lord brought the king of Babylon against them.  (italics mine)

Have you ever wondered how in the world a loving God could allow the horror of September 11th?  That if God were good or loving, He wouldn't have allowed that to happen?

Dear friend, God is a Gentleman.  And America at large, has asked Him to leave.  Actually, that's not correct.  We've shoved Him out  -
    • Out of the public school systems where the next generation could come to know the ONE TRUE GOD
    • Out of the court houses in America.
    • Out of government and municipal meetings. 
    • Out of many places of business - as it is far too politically incorrect to involve Him there.
So being a Gentleman, He has left. 

Yet He has also removed His hand of protection.   "The Lord has withdrawn His protection as the enemy attacks."  Lamentations 2:3

This morning, I was reading Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Lamentations.  After years and years of almost begging the people of Israel, His own people to return to Him and to repent of their sins - To get rid of the idols they were so obsessed with and to return to Him.  Yet they refused.   As a result, harsh judgement came upon His people.  It came through the Babylonians.   By the way:  (Who are His people today?  Born -again believers.)  

Could God be doing the same thing in our day through a rouge group called Al-Qaida? 

Without a shadow of a doubt, I absolutely think so.  He's shaking us girlfriend. 

Don't forget the images that played throughout the weekend on TV.  Don't forget that 9/11 was a "shaking."

Almost 3000 people entered eternity that day.   Were they prepared to meet their Creator?  Are you?

More tomorrow...

In the meantime, join me in praying Psalm 10:12 for the victims families of the 9/11 attacks:  "For He Who avenges murder cares for the helpless.  He does not ignore the cries of those who suffer."

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