Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's a Command!

What does God say about the subject of sex? Where does steamy passion fit into the marriage relationship? And how do we even have time for it?

Let's go to our Manual for Living - our Bibles - to see what God has to say about a subject we cannot escape.

Genesis 1:27-28
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number..." (italics mine)
(v31) God saw all that He had made and it was very good.

God's first command to men and women was to be fruitful and multiply. In other words, God was saying, "have sex, enjoy each other! Out of that pleasure, bring children."

God have never viewed sex as something dirty or taboo. (Our culture has made it that way.) It was to be a pure act with a holy purpose: that purpose sometimes brings children. But more importantly it was a way to demonstrate love and bonding, a deep relationship of friendship and companionship.

Sex was God's idea. He invented it and and gave it to us as a gift. Sex is meant to be a sacred gift to a husband and wife in the bonds of marriage. Notice the timing of where "sex" is in Scripture. It originated BEFORE Satan and sin entered the world. (Genesis 3) It's the culture that we live in that has taken a sacred gift and made it vile and dirty.

Secondly: (is that a word?)

I believe God is telling us through Scripture that sex needs to be a priority in our marriages. God knew how He had wired Adam (man), we discussed this yesterday. He knew how He had wired Eve (women).

I think God is trying to teach us something big here. Since it's the first thing He COMMANDS a married couple to do - perhaps its the antidote to many of the problems we see in marriages today. Think about it...

Is it a priority in your marriage? Or is it an after thought?
Maybe if he's 'working' it', you'll consider it.
Do you only engage when you "feel like it?"
If you have small children, you may NEVER feel like it. If you get up early in the morning - you may never FEEL like it.

Have you ever thought of making it a matter of prayer? "Sex, a matter of prayer?" you ask. Yes!!! Pray for the desire; pray for the energy to instigate; pray God will help you to make it a priority. God has COMMANDED US to make it a priority... Don't forget Jesus' words:

John 16:23
"I tell you the truth, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name."
When we pray according to God's will - the answer's YES! He'll give us these things!

More tomorrow...

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