Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Boot Camp Day 3: Gadgets & Quiet Time

Iron Sharpens Iron

 Date: October 11th

Guest Speaker: Debbie Wilson, Lighthouse Ministries

General Session: Trusting God when Life Stinks
Workshop: Beware of the ANT's - (Automatic Negative Thinking)

Register NOW HERE!

Isaiah 8:11,
"The Lord spoke to me..."

One of the reasons I spend time with God each day is to get connected to His voice... directing and guiding my decisions; encouraging me or comforting me.   

Make no mistake, we are created to know and hear from God.  The Bible promises in John 8:47, "He who belongs to God hears what God says."

You CAN hear from God.  But to hear Him, we must get the fuzz out of the way.  Gadgets and quality time with God do not mix very well. 

Whenever I check my email or texts prior to my time with God, I’ve just opened Pandora’s Box to the world.   My ears are now in tune with the world.   And now my mind may begin to gnaw on a frustrating or troubling email, or I may start trying to figure out how to answer a certain email. As hard as I try, I personally have a very difficult time transitioning to being fully in tune with what the Lord may be trying to tell me. 

When we use the apps on our gadgets in lieu of our actual Bible, we must exercise great self-control not to check our email or texts.  It will impact your "hearing."  Don't be in denial.

Do you live and die by your iPhone?  Sleep next to it?  Carry it everywhere you go?  Check it every moment it dings?  (I'm not here to change that habit.)

But I am here to shine light on the reality that gadgets WILL interfere in your hearing.

For boot camp:  Don't grab your gadget - grab your Bible.

Next Post:  "But I get my Devotions On-Line!"


  1. Keep it comin', girlfriend! :)

  2. Boy, oh boy have I missed your blog! I am so glad to have it again and get caught up... It's like a dear friend I haven't seen in a while and can't wait to sit with a cup of coffee with.

    I have been covering you, your ministry and your team in prayer. We moved and it has been a crazy few months... But God has surely been working mightily through you all, so I am excited to see the fruit!

  3. Sorry... Forgot about the post, just too happy to be back. :) Oh boy, have I found myself right there... Online before in His word and yet, the days that I don't start out with God I notice that even though I set out to accomplish more... I actually accomplish less and do it with impatience, guilt and am generally quick tempered.

    By starting my day with God and allowing Him to direct me, I can tell a difference in me.
