Monday, October 14, 2013

Boot Camp Day 6: Quiz to Test your Core

Ephesians 6:10
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power."

During boot camp, one of my areas of weakness has been revealed:  my core.


Each Monday morning, the trainer has us doing multiple exercises to strengthen this area of our bodies.  Oh mercy, you cannot imagine how hard these exercises are for me!  However, I must admit, though still weak, I'm stronger than when I first started. 

So this led me to consider my spiritual strength. 

I'm going to be honest with you.  I hope this inspires you to be honest with yourself:  As of last Monday, I had just completed three weekend conferences in a 4 week period.  I was exhausted.  In addition, I was sick with a cold that lingered, which in turn disrupted my normal quiet time.  Often my chair time was cut short.

By last Monday, I was on edge.  I was short with my family and not responding well to things that have happened personally.  These were signs that I desperately needed to strengthen my spiritual core.

Your answer to following questions will give you an indication of your spiritual core ...

1.  How do you respond when you do not get your way?

     a.  Do you pout or get angry?
     b.  Do you manipulate till you get your way? 
     c.  Do you get frustrated, but resolve to trust Jesus knowing His plan for you is good?

2.  When someone offends you, how do you respond?

     a.  Do you entertain negative thoughts toward this person? 
     b.  Do you gossip to others, but share it in the form of a prayer request???
     c.  Do you intentionally choose to love them and give them the benefit of the doubt?

3.  When you are pushed to the limit by your children, your spouse or the pressures of everyday life...

      a.  Do you lose your temper?
      b.  Do you run away by turning to a drink, a drug or other coping mechanisms?
      c.  Do you turn to Jesus - pouring out your feelings, frustrations and thoughts till the peace comes?

4.  When bad news comes, where do you turn first?

     a.  To another person?
     b.  To a dependency
     c.  To Jesus - by coming to your "chair;" Bible in lap?

If the majority of your answers are a or b, most likely, your spiritual core is weak.   (As mine has been.)  Lastly,

5.  How much time are you spending in your chair?

     a.  None
     b.  5-10 minutes in the computer chair - reading online devotions (allowing them to "count" as your quiet time?)
     c.  As long as it takes to be at peace; to "hear" from God; to "hear" direction for your situation?

We want to be strong in the Lord - so that when the day of evil comes - (oh and it will come) - we are able to stand firm!

We'll pick up here next post -


  1. POWER-PACKED, Sister! BRING IT - we ALL need it! Challenged, I say: AMEN!

  2. Wow! This hit Hard... A much needed awakening. I need my core strengthened. Please keep it coming

  3. Love this! Praying for more God centered reactions to whatever circumstances come along. Thanks so much for this inventory. Taking the results to Jesus :)
