Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Boot Camp Day 5: Where do we Start?

Iron Sharpens Iron

Wednesday - Last Day to Pre-Register
Friday, October 11th
Guest Speaker: Debbie Wilson, Lighthouse Ministries

General Session:
Trusting God when Life Stinks

How do we make sense out of situations that seem senseless? Pain tends to color our view of God and reality. Your trial is one piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle. Gain a panoramic view and restore your hope.

Beware of the ANT's - (Automatic Negative Thinking)

Trials usher in ANTs—automatic negative thinking.
“What did I do to deserve this?”
“Things will never get better.”
“God’s uninvolved with my problems.”
Learn how to identify and stop the ANTs!

Register NOW HERE
John 8:47
"He who belongs to God hears what God says."

So if we're not reading online devotions for our daily time with God - what will we be reading?

Here’s the question you must ask yourself:  Is the material I’m reading or studying “sparking?” 
When a passage is sparking, it should leap off the page and into our hearts addressing our everyday life issues.  It should be capturing our hearts and drawing us closer to Jesus.   If not, it’s time to change it up! 

So where do we start???

  • You may want to start with a book in the Bible.  Ask God to show you.
  • Perhaps you are dealing with bitterness.  If so, get a concordance and study all the verses that deal with forgiveness. 
  • Perhaps you deal with feeling unloved and insecure.  Study verses that deal with love. 
Go to your nearest Christian bookstore and find a book that deals with your issue.   I would encourage you to pray before choosing a book, if this is the route you are taking, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you while in the store. 

When reading a book in your quiet time, make sure it is Biblically based with Scripture throughout.  During your quiet time, take notes and look up the passages of Scripture.  You may even want to read around the Scriptures if doing that is “sparking” for you.

As much as I love certain devotionals and books and Bible studies, nothing takes the place of the Word of God.   

And this is boot camp - where we work harder and go deeper!


1 comment:

  1. Yes, very true! I agree, especially with making sure the books you are reading are biblically sound. With so much out there, we need to take the time to make sure what we are reading is grounded in truth
