Tuesday, July 23, 2013

5 Behaviors of a Calloused Heart

Ecclesiastes 8:1
Wisdom brightens a man's face and changes its hard appearance.

It's summertime!   During the summertime, our routines and schedules change.  Sometimes, we're out of town more.  We enjoy more outdoor activity; possibly more social activity than normal.

Before we know it, our time with the Lord (or even going to church) becomes a thing of the past.  We sleep in.  We go to bed late.  Days become weeks.  Weeks become months.  

When this happens, we must be careful. 


Unbeknownst to us, the Bible says our hearts become increasingly calloused.  Calloused meaning, "slow, sluggish, dull of hearing." (Strong's Dictionary)

Listen to Jesus' words in Matthew 13: 14-15
"You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
For the people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.

Behaviors of a spiritually dull heart:

1.  We begin leading God - 
Soon, we're following our ideas, thoughts and plans...  Then we ask God to bless them. Never mind that it wasn't God's idea to begin with. Oooh, this is dangerous thing.

Have you ever done this? I have. The consequences have taught me to ask first - then follow.

God will allow us to walk like this for a while. But your God is a jealous God. He adores you and loves you. Often He'll allow things to come into your life to get your attention...

Wake up as I had to! Repent if this you.

2.  Worry begins to penetrate -
What's on your mind?  Worries of life?  Irritations of other people? Perplexing ideas that lead to no answer?  If not we're not careful, worry can monopolize our thinking and behavior.  When things continually do not work out- depression can result.  (Matthew 13:22)

Wake up as I had to! Repent if this you.

3.  Difficulty understanding the message or lesson
When you do go to church or Bible study or have your morning devotions - it'll feel like you're going through the motions.  Nothing is really penetrating.  They just sound like empty words.  

In Jesus' words,  You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.  Matthew 13:14

Wake up as I had to! Repent if this you.

4.  Compromise becomes easier and easier.
Bottom line - with each passing sin, our hearts become harder and harder.  Sin becomes easier and easier. 

Red flags to watch for: 
- Lying to your husband when you really don't want him to know what you bought - instead of honoring his wishes.  (After all, we want them to honor us!)
- Patience level becomes shorter and shorter instead of being empowered by self-control.
- Our mouths are filled with complaints instead of gratitude. 
- We have "self" on our minds instead of "others."
- Constant Worry
- Holding grudges against others - 
- We begin justifying how our 'sin' really isn't sin. We'll tell ourselves it's not that big a deal - after all everyone does this...

Wake up as I had to! Repent if this you.

5.  Mediocrity becomes Standard  -
Instead of living lives of excellence - (not perfection) - we become mediocre.  Our standards shift downward.  Often our standards reflect who we are spending time with.

With each passing day, apart from God's Word, we become hardened toward God and the things of God.   Spiritually our hearts become calloused.

Make time with God.  "Wisdom (God is the Source of all wisdom) will brighten your face."   He heals from all the harshness the world throws at us.  And He'll empowers us to resist sin and to live lives of excellence!

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