Thursday, August 15, 2013

What Time is It? Part 1

“Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.”

Psalm 19:2

The clock said 4:34.
And, yes, that was “a.m.”

This, however, was not a typical “roll over, glance at the clock, go back to sleep"moment:  those numbers JUMPED off the clock and knocked me awake.

Backing up a bit . . .

Recently God has finally gotten through my thick skull this concept:
He wants to speak to me– AND (even harder to grasp) He’s speaking all the time . . . if only I have “ears to hear.” 

He first started using the digital clock to call me to pray for people by having the time displayed remind me of someone’s BIRTHDAY.
6:16?  The day of my daughter’s birth.  So of course when I see it, I think of her and pray. 

But one day I happened to glance at various clocks and saw 6:16 THREE TIMES (yes, one clock was way off).  God got my attention and I was praying intently for my daughter.  In fact I almost emailed; but I didn’t get to it before her husband called that evening:   they had just taken their one-month old daughter to the hospital for a serious respiratory infection!

Was I concerned?  YES. 

Was I fearful? NO! 

For the Lord had “gone before” to call me to prayer, and let me KNOW:  He is in control.  In that moment I experienced the “I will not be shaken” (Ps. 62:6) of walking with the Lord:  to be in a storm but not have it “rock my world”.

The best part of using a digital clock as a “prayer trigger” for people is that EVERY BIRTHDAY possible occurs!  Twelve hours?  All twelve months are represented! 

Next post: we’ll go a little deeper, but for today, allow God to bring people to mind through the clocks you see . . . and pray as the Spirit leads you to pray.

Sometimes you’ll be prompted to pick up the phone and call them to let them know. 
Sometimes you’ll feel led to send an email or a text (or even send a card).
Sometimes you’ll simply pray.

Regardless, TRUST:  the God of the universe is speaking TO you and working THROUGH you to deliver His love to the world.   

So, I ask you now: 

What time is it?

[Please share your experiences with the digital clock “prayer trigger” 
and encourage us all by commenting below any time.]

1 comment:

  1. Fuller received this comment via personal email from a KGM board member and wanted to share it here:
    "I'm going to do what you do, by the grace of God. The specific time I see daily, is 1:11, or 11:10. This speaks to me of the Trinity, and blesses and thrills me to see it - because I know He has me in His grip, loves me, helps me, gives me hope and great peace."
