Friday, July 1, 2011

Do Your Kids Know You are Praying?

Proverbs 1:3

"...for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right
and just and fair;"

Today we'll wrap up this week's segment of ways to pray for our children. I hope you have been as challenged as I have been.

Ways to pray for them academically:
  • That they would work hard at everything they do (Col 3:23)

  • That they would be self-disciplined in every area of their lives (Proverbs 1:3)

  • That they would have a servant's heart (John 13)

Ways to pray physically:

  • For sexual purity until marriage (1 Cor. 6:18-20)

  • That they would be protected from drugs, alcohol and tobacco (Proverbs 20:1,23)

  • That they will befriend the lonely, the discouraged, and the lost (Matt. 25:40)

  • That they would have a clear knowledge of right and wrong and choose what is right (Proverbs 1:3)

  • That they would stand firm in their convictions - and be able to withstand peer pressure. (Eph. 4:14)

I received the most interesting email yesterday from a reader in Charlotte, NC. It goes perfectly with what we've talked about this week and needs to be shared.

She asked her middle school Sunday school students if they thought their parents prayed for them. (She says she knows their parents personally. Many of them are close friends.) All but one said they did not know if their parents prayed for them or not. She was shocked!

How can we as mothers fix that perception?

She goes on to say that there is something about middle school that leaves children doubting everything in life - much of this is attributed to the hormonal and physical changes that are happening to their bodies.

A challenge for the parent of the middle schooler...we need to make sure our kids KNOW we are praying for them.

Well said! I wonder if my kids know that I'm praying for them? I would think so. With that note, I'll make sure I tell them and tell them often!

See you next Wednesday - we'll be talking about our kids' future spouses and what we need to be doing right now in childhood.

Have a great 4th of July weekend! (My son did this!!!)

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