Thursday, April 14, 2011

Receiving a Word

Jeremiah 33:3

"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."

Over the last week, I've been writing about the importance of going to God with our problems and our concerns and our issues. When our hearts are broken and our circumstances are bleak - what or who do we have??? Scripture says that, "He sends forth His Word and it brings healing." (Psalm 107:20) Sadly, I often find, and am sometimes guilty, of God being last Person I go to. Trying everything else - and when all else fails - pressing the God button.

God should be our first line of defense. He'll speak His Words into our lives - bringing healing, comfort and peace despite the circumstances we can find ourselves. Scripture even says "that the Holy Spirit will tell us the things to come." (John 16:13) It goes on to say that "He'll take from what is Mine [Jesus] and make it known to you." (v14)

How do we "receive a Word" from Him? By going to our Bibles - by asking Him to speak into the depths of our heart - by reading/studying with purpose and our issues in mind. The Bible promises that when we seek Him with all our hearts - we'll be found by Him. (Jer. 29:13)

Quite often it's a word; a phrase; or a sentence that jumps off the page at us and into our hearts. We'll often think - "well that's a coincidence." But it's not! It's the voice of your God - speaking to you. Begin to learn and identify that this is the voice of your God!

Isn't it amazing? Almost mind-blowing that the God of the Universe will speak to us. He'll not only speak to us, but He'll speak to us personally and intimately about the details of our life. He'll tell us great and unsearchable things we do not know.

So what great pondering is going on in your heart today? Whatever it is, know with great confidence, that God is interested in the smallest details, as well as the large details of your life. Go to Him and allow Him to shed His wisdom into your circumstances. His Word - changes everything...

Tomorrow: When He spoke to me concerning the desire of my heart:

breast implants...

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