Tuesday, March 8, 2011

External Beauty

As we continue to be wise 'home builders', today's subject isn't what we always want to hear. But it's important.

Song of Songs 4:7
All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.

Wouldn't you love to hear that day in and day out?!

As I scan the Song of Songs, over and over and over again - Solomon is captivated by the beauty of his beloved. "How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful," says 4:1. Phrases like these are repeated throughout the 8 short chapters.

That said, our physical beauty is important to our husbands. I'm not talking about inner beauty (which we all know if VERY important as well), but I'm talking about external beauty today. Men are visual. God designed them to be this way. God also designed them to be turned on by the female body. (Read Genesis 2:22-25. It's all there.) Initially, your husband was attracted to your unique beauty. It's important to pay attention to this physical attraction.

If you:
  • carry a lot of extra weight or
  • wear old baggy clothes or
  • ignore your hair and make-up

your husband is going to notice. He may not complain, but he'll notice.

It's so easy to become lazy where our looks are concerned. However, this can greatly affect the romance in our marriages. So before he returns home at night, make sure to check your clothes, hair and make-up. This is a 2 minute check. I even have a friend whose husband puts gum in his mouth before he walks in the door. These details are important. This is wise home building.

On that note, what are you wearing on a daily basis? This morning, my daughter asked me if I have any jeans. (My 8 year old tends to be very stylish.) I told her, "yes." She went on to ask why I wear sweat pants so much... Well, because they're convenient; comfortable; and when your office is in your home, there's not a lot of motivation to get dressed up.

But I think she may be on to something. I'm possibly a little out of balance here. Not to mention, I wash my hair every 3-4 days. (shower daily) However, today, I'm pushing day 4 with my hair. As my Dad says, "it's time to change the oil."

Why am I sharing these details? Because these little insignificant details add up. These details may be such a part of our life style, that we may not even notice how unattractive they can make us. External beauty is important to your husband. That's the way God wired him. He was designed to enjoy and appreciate your beauty.

Make sure he has something beautiful to look at!

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