Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year Challenge

Genesis 6:9
Noah was a righteous man...and he walked in close fellowship with God.

I love the start of a new year.  Something about the year flipping feels like a clean start; a new slate; a do-over; a mulligan (for you golfers.)

There have been some years, I desperately needed a fresh start. 

During those tough years, (and since) I've asked the Lord to give me a fresh word for the new year. A word of hope.  A word of encouragement. 

He has graciously answers when we ask with simple faith.  Let me share some example:
  • "But one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  Phil 3:13-14
Another year it was:
  • "Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress."  Isa. 9:1
My verse this year: 
  • "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here."  Exodus 33:15

You will not know what these verses mean.  But I do.  It is God Almighty Himself, speaking personally to me in a way that only HE and no one else can as I choose to walk with Him each day.  Spending time listening to His quiet, reassuring, loving voice.  

I received a note yesterday from a KGM Team Member.  Let me share her words:

"On New Years Day, I was reading Psalm 90.  This verse struck my vision like a laser!  Psalm 90:12  'Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.'  This MUST be  my verse for 2014.  365 days.  God was speaking loud and clear to me." 
As we start the New Year - I challenge you: 
  1. Ask the Lord for a personal Word for the upcoming year. Do you need hope?  Wisdom?  Direction?  A Purpose?   He'll do it!  It's the fruit of walking in close fellowship.
  2. Then write your verse in a prominent place in your JOURNAL as a reminder.

His Word is a new years resolution that will not fade away nor be forgotten.

Save the Date:  FRIDAY, January 17, 2013
Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon

I must admit, it's much more fun attending than being responsible for the message.  However, it's a topic I'm very passionate about.  Hope you can come! More details later in the week.

General Session: 
One Woman; One Family; One Generation
Making a Difference in YOUR Corner of the World


Shout out to the girls of Elizabeth Baptist.  It was a joy being with you Saturday.  What a great way to start the new year.  Thank you for your welcome and your receptive hearts.
ALSO - SHOUT out to the ladies of White Lake Baptist - April Johnson's group.  (This group has completed both Intimacy with God and Created for Purpose.   They traveled 45 minutes+ on Saturday to attend this conference.)  THANK YOU for your presence.  Thank you for your support and kind words.  All to Jesus!  You were an encouragement to my heart.  Keep keepin' on!

I resolved to keep my stress level low and did not send out Christmas Cards.  I loved each card I received.  I will be praying for your families.  Happy New Year!

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