Monday, December 9, 2013

Boot Camp Recap - 10 New Habits

1 Timothy 4:8
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things..."
(italics mine)
Two weeks ago, I concluded Boot Camp.  I really enjoyed the experience.  The trainer was challenging.  The women were great.  In fact, I miss them all!

Since Boot Camp, I've formed new habits.  In addition to walking/running my dog, I've incorporated new exercises that strengthen my core.  Exercises that help strengthen the back of my arms -  (so my kids don't call them "jello" anymore!)

This week, we'll conclude our Boot Camp.  Before we finish,let me ask:  Have you formed new habits?  Are you different than when you first started?

The following list is a review.  Check off the areas where you've formed new habits. 

Areas you can't check just yet - write them down on a post-it note.  You may even want to go back and read the post. 

"As a result of Boot Camp, I have a:
  1. Chair or special place I spend time with the Lord.
  2. Bible - I have a literal Bible in my lap in lieu of my computer; ipad etc...
  3. Gadgets - I have stopped receiving my main spiritual meal  from online devotions.  They are yummy vitamins. Not the meal.
  4. Interests or Challenges - My reading each day interests me and is helping me in my problem areas - ie: Marriage; parenting; patience; kindness; forgiveness, faith, etc... 
  5. My doctrine is solid.  I KNOW Jesus is NOT one of the boys.  He, alone, is the Way to God -
  6. My ears, little ol' my ears work!  I know I can HEAR personally from God.  
  7. Known sin hinders my ears from hearing  clearly from God -
  8. Refusing to be obedient to what I HEAR in my quiet time hinders break through -
  9. Thankfulness - I intentionally am choosing to count my everyday blessings as well as 2013's.
  10. A Jesus girlfriend - I intentionally have a her in my life.  If not, I'm praying for God to send a her."
How many new habits have you formed?  Remember - it's not about religion.  It's about a relationship with the God of the Universe who makes the quality of our everyday lives SO much sweeter!

More next post!
Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon - Friday, December 13th
Lt. Governor, Dan Forest

We have approximately 13 seats remaining.  Register HERE
The venue is maxed at 120.  We're close!  Sign up today if you intend to come.

Searching for 5!
In an effort to not experience the issues the Obama Care website is experiencing - we want to test our online registration for the Women's Conference!
If you would like to be the first to register and receive a $10 discount, contact me today. 
We'll take the first 5.

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