Ezra 7:28
Because the hand of the Lord my God was on me, I took courage and gathered leading [women] from Israel to go up with me.
Our mission at Knowing God Ministries is to help women KNOW God personally... To NOT just merely know ABOUT Him - but to KNOW the Living God of the Universe personally.
The 4 pillars of KGM are: helping women know God in:
1. Relationship
2. Marriage
3. Parenting
4. Ministry
I'll never forget when God became real to me. I was a church and Bible study girl. But when I began connecting the dots of God speaking to me through His Word... Into my very hard circumstances... and then obeying what I was learning... I realized: JESUS WORKS! My life was forever changed. It was then that I became a Jesus girl.
It has been my passion ever since to share the reality of Jesus in everyday life with whomever is willing to listen.
So in 2006, God told me to publish my Prayer Journal.
In 2008, God told me to write an accompanying Bible study.
In 2010, God told me to begin a nonprofit Women's ministry and to call it Knowing God Ministries.
First of all, you must understand that I am not a natural leader - in fact, I'd rather follow. To me, life is easier as a follower. So God told me I could be a follower - but I was to follow Him and His leading in every detail, and in turn, to lead others.
I took comfort from the verses in Genesis 6 where God gave Noah every DETAIL he needed for building the ark. And as of today, He is still faithful to give me the blueprints for building an effective women's ministry as I spend time with Him.
One of the specific things He told me in 2010 when I was putting together my Board of Directors was to, "take courage and gather the leading women from Israel to go up with me." Ezra 7:28
So I mustered the courage to ask the leading women of the Christian faith in my corner of the globe, regardless of denomination, to help me build Knowing God Ministries. (We call it KGM.) Every one of them said, "Yes!"
Until now, you've only heard from me when you open these posts. It would only be natural to think that I am the only face of KGM. The truth is, I have an army of women who consist of my Board of Directors or volunteer staff, who serve the Lord fulfilling His vision. They are the "leading women" in this corner of the world.
So it is my great privilege to introduce you this week to these women!
They have agreed to begin writing posts to help you KNOW God... not only in your relationship with Jesus,
but also in your marriage, in your parenting, and in your areas of ministry!
So here they are! Half of the 'leading women and men of Israel,' in my area!
In alphabetical order
Amy Carroll,
Proverbs 31 Ministries Speaker and
Next Step Speaker Services Director
Mother of 2
Autumn Weikert
Lay Marriage Counselor and Bible Teacher
Married 31 years/Mother of 4
Travels with me!
Travels with me!
Cindy Finley
Pastor's Wife - Mother of 7, Retreat Speaker
Ellen Stevens
She and her husband, Bob are missionaries for Peace Catalyst
Mother of 4
Ellen aka - 'Jesus Girl' is currently on mission at Wake Med as a nurse.
Fuller Harvey
Photographer - (She took all of these pictures! Call her! She's awesome!)
Author/Artist: Just
As . . .I AM
(A worship-based Bible
study celebrating
the names, attributes and metaphors of God)
Mother of 2 (former stepmother of 3)
Melody Merritt
Women's Ministry Director, Apex Baptist Church
Lay Counselor
Mother of 2
My hot, awesome, wonderful man, Tim! I could not do this without his blessing.
He serves on my Board of Directors. Hopefully, he'll write a post one day!
He is the Chief Operating Officer of Physicians Own Pharmacy

Wendy Anderson Schulz
Mother of 2
The Celebrated Family - encouraging and equipping
parents to pass on their faith.
This was barely 1/2 of the KGM women.
There's still more to share!
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