(Two Exciting Announcements Below)
Romans 1:21-22
Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship Him as God or even give Him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.
Because God is good, kind, merciful, forgiving, loving and long-suffering, it becomes easy to think God is a God:
- who is tolerant towards whatever our hearts desire and excuses sin
- who says any world religion is fine as long as you are well-meaning
- who says love is all that matters - marry and have sex with whomever you like
- who says all things are permissible as long as you're a good person
Making Him the god we WANT Him to be... not the God Who reveals Himself on the pages of Scripture. As a result, Scripture tells us, minds become dark and confused. What a warning this is for those of us in the church AND outside the church.
The Creator God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God Who sent His Son as the ONLY way to His heaven, is the same God WHO IS loving, merciful, forgiving, long-suffering and kind.
But He is ALSO:
- the God of wrath; (Romans 2)
- the God who will judge sin; (Romans 2)
- the God who shows his anger from heaven by allowing judgments to fall. (Romans 2)
- The God who will expose and judge our secret lives and thoughts. (Romans 2)
- the God who disciplines those He loves - allowing them to have hard times; (James 1)
- the God allows persecution. Christians aren't promised freedom on this earth - they're promised persecution. (John 15:19)
- the God Who says, "My Spirit will not always strive with man." (Gen 6:1)
There's so much erroneous teaching. My new prayer has become, "Lord, protect me from formulating the god the world says you are. Help me to know YOU, with great clarity, the God of the Bible."
Make sure you have not formulated GOD into a god you want Him to be.
Coming Soon...
![7 Day Challenge cover](http://www.tarafurman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/7-Day-Challenge-cover-769x1024.jpg)
Preorders begin soon! Details to follow.
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Luncheons are Back!
Save the Date: August 21
Registration Open
It's a HOT topic this month: Intimacy in Marriage
IF you're married or one day want to be - you will not want to miss this!
Click HERE for details
Do you KNOW the God of Scripture?
- Ask yourself, "Who do I believe God is? Is this the God of Scripture or have I made him into what I WANT him to be?"
- Pray - "Help me to know WHO YOU truly are - not who i want you to be."
- Over the next week, watch these videos created by Anne Lotz. They're wonderful for your quiet time... And will help you to understand not only the God Who is... but what all the national and international disasters unfolding in the news have in common with the God WHO is.
Coming Soon...
![7 Day Challenge cover](http://www.tarafurman.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/7-Day-Challenge-cover-769x1024.jpg)
Preorders begin soon! Details to follow.
Make sure you're following us on Facebook!
Luncheons are Back!
Save the Date: August 21
Registration Open
It's a HOT topic this month: Intimacy in Marriage
IF you're married or one day want to be - you will not want to miss this!
Click HERE for details
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