Monday, March 24, 2014

A Woman's God Ordained Priorities

1 Timothy 3:5
"For if a man can not manage his own household, how can he take care of God's church?"

It is SO good to be back!   I've missed you these last few weeks.  Thank you to those of you who have written me to say, 'Where are you?'   Oh, how your notes bless my heart.

I wear lots of work hats - just as many of you do.  The last few weeks have been a 'perfect storm' of sorts for me.

  • The Making a Difference Women's Conference (TITANIC EFFORT) by all involved.  More on this tomorrow.)
  • A Women's weekend retreat in the mountains of Tennessee -
  • A Teenage Girl weekend retreat in Chester, Va -
These events occurred back to back to back weekends and required a total of 9 Holy Spirit inspired messages.  (Which by the way, IS A LOT!)  All the while, until today, my children have been on a 2 week spring break from school.  

Did you hear me?  I said, a 2 WEEK SPRING BREAK.  Needless to say, balance is hard!

We are all in different seasons, but balancing home and our jobs/ministries are paramount.  When perfect storms occur in our lives, I truly believe we find balance and God's favor when we live our God-ordained priorities.  

What is a woman's God-ordained priorities?
1.  Our relationship with Jesus.  (First and paramount.)
2.  (If married), our spouse.  (First ministry and job according to Scripture)
3.  (If children are in the home), our children.
4.  Our homes.  Our homes are to be mini sanctuaries for our families.  This does not happen by accident.
5.  Our extended families.
6.  Our jobs.
7.  Our ministries.
8.  Our girlfriends.

(Want more detail?  Created for Purpose goes into greater explanation.   Or on Amazon)  

My temptation was to fit in blog posts - after all - I don't want to disappoint my audience whom I've grown to love and appreciate.  But the time and effort it takes to post blogs in addition to the retreat prep required - would have taken me far out of balance.

So though I hated to disappoint you, pleasing God is first.  My wife and mom hat are primary.  In this season of life - my children are still young.   According to Scripture, how can I effectively manage KGM, if I neglect my primary job at home?  I can't.  Hence - no posts for 3 long weeks.

Some of the things I took my children to do:
We visited Krispy Kreme in downtown Raleigh for hot donuts.  It's a tradition every break!

This was that moment when my daughter got frustrated because I told her 3 donuts were the limit.  (Ugh!  I can only eat 1 or I feel sick.)  She got over it.
Something about those hot donuts!  

Surprised my Dad at his office on his 65th birthday!

My son's golf matches.

Last week - after ALL the conferences were over, I took my children to visit my sister and her family in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
My brother-in-law Steve, took us to a really nice restaurant our first night there called Rioz's.  It's a Brazilian steak house.  What an experience!  My son, Will has a love language called, "food."  He was clearly excited!

Sunrises with Jesus is MY love language.  My children would sleep late and I got EXTENDED time with the Lord.  Truly, only time with Him can refresh our weary, tired souls.

My other love language, quality time with one of the most important women in my life, my sister, Heather.  The weather became warm enough for us to sit on the beach one day! 

Caroline with my nieces and nephew.  This was taken right before we got in the car to leave.  We were so sad when this was taken - it was all I could do to keep from bursting into tears.  I love and miss them in my everyday life.

I've missed you too!  I'm so happy to get back in my work routine!   Despite the busyness, I've sat for hours at the feet of Jesus these last few weeks.  I'm refreshed and full.  Can't wait to share!  

See you tomorrow.

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