2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ...
It was a late summer evening in 1993. My dad and I were sitting on the porch admiring the stub from my first paycheck out of college. I was FINALLY off his payroll. And my dad was happy!
As he sat rejoicing... I sat recoiling...
"What in the world had happened between the 'gross' and the 'net?'" I asked. "What happened to my money?!"
My Dad then said something I'll never forget. And he said it in a way that only a career insurance professional, like himself, could say:
"Honey, there's only two things certain in life: taxes and death. Get used to it!"
Twenty years later, he could not have been more correct. TAXES have certainly become a way of life - (Won't go there today.) And one day, death is also a certainty for each of us. (Unless of course, Jesus returns to get us first. Another post for another day.)
And when we do, we will each stand before Christ.
Please note, CNN is not reporting this. Nor is FOX news. And sadly, many of our our churches are not either.
I'm not trying to scare you - but seriously - we can't be in denial to something as certain as the taxes many of us pay. We will all give an account of ourselves to God - believers and unbelievers alike.
Today, I'm addressing those who are believers - those who have intentionally placed their faith in Jesus...
If today were your day, as my sweet friend Lisa's was on Monday... Would you be ready? Or would there be regret or remorse? Did you engage the life God had planned for you - using your gifts, talents and abilities for His purposes?
Or are you living according to your own standards?
Take some time and think about it today...
Because just as taxes are a certainty - so is the fact that we WILL face the God of the Universe one day... Face to face.
New Believer? Not sure where to start? OR you're not even sure what I mean by the term, "Believer?"This is a GREAT place to start
Wanting more out of life? Want to live each day to the full and stand unashamed when this certainty happens? Then this is a GREAT place to start

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