1 Samuel 7:12
Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer saying, "Thus far the Lord helped us."
Several weeks ago, Knowing God Ministries celebrated it's 7th birthday! Our team celebrated with balloons, fattening desserts and sweet fellowship!
(The yummy food is hiding)
This was our first Journal. I LOVED this Journal, but it was super expensive to reproduce. The current Journal is very similar to this one. (Just not pink!) In fact, I like Growing Stronger Roots better! I like the organization component.
A month before KGM's birthday, the Lord put on my heart in my quiet time to commemorate the milestone with Ebenezer's stones proclaiming, "Thus far the Lord helped us."
"Well what in the world is THAT supposed to look like, Lord?" I asked. "Am I supposed to go gather stones and paste writing on them?"
No answer...
But leading into the last KGM meeting of the season and the birthday celebration - God impressed upon my heart that a stone could look like this:
So I contacted Kelly Hollis (right) and said, "I need some stones!" Explained what I sensed the Lord saying, and the above is what this creative genus came up with. Such a gift!
So at the KGM birthday celebration, we posted the stones on a big bulletin board!
What a blessing to every woman (especially our new girls) as I shared what each stone represented and how far the Lord has brought us. Because truly, each stone represent HUGE milestones that are only a reality because of God.
Each stone represent months or years of prayer and work before it EVER came to fruition. Some of the stones represent miracles - truly - nothing short of a modern day miracle.
The process of gathering these stones, brought tears, sweet memories of events I'd forgotten, and eye opening thoughts...
For example: Pictured is my team in 2009 at the Intimacy with God launch we hosted at my church. There were MAYBE 40 women attended.
5 years later, God brought 400 to our first Women/Girl's Conference.
For me, the stones have given me greater resolve to keep keepin' on. The stones have brought bigger faith to keep believing God; the stones have brought greater focus to keep my eyes on Jesus, not the giants around me. And more importantly, I've learned that as long as I keep my eyes on Him, the ministry's best days are in front of me.
You can do this too! You can do it with your family; your business; your ministry, etc...
All you have to do is take time this summer to think back and recount the goodness and faithfulness of God in your life. Then commemorate it with stones of remembrance.
If you take time to do this, you too will be encouraged that thus far, the Lord HAS helped us... And if He's helped us in the past, He'll certainly help us as we move into the future!
Hebrews 13:5, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Psalm 118:6, "The Lord is my Helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"
Psalm 121:8, "The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
Thank yous:
To my current Team and Board - everyone of you are the bomb! You've been hand chosen by God to serve in the ministry. I count it a privilege to serve beside you.
To my husband and children - I get my best stories from you and Jake! I couldn't do this if it weren't for you. Great is your reward in heaven. You share in the reward as you allow me to go.
To my Mom and Dad - 2 of my biggest supporters - where would I be without you? Words are not enough. Thank you for pouring into our lives and KGM. So excited it's almost golf tourney time, Dad!
To my sister and my Aunt Connie and Judy, who attend and volunteer at almost all of our functions and advocate greatly for KGM's mission - it's a gift to grow the Kingdom with you!
To our Partners in ministry who believe in what we're doing and help fund us with your offerings - we are grateful. One of our prayers for you is that God will multiply it 100 fold into your lives and families. Only God can repay all you pour in. Thank you.
To past Team members and Board members - you are a part of much of this - share in your Master's happiness!
To our faithful volunteers like Sandie Rogers, Brenda Vath, and Emma Marx - only Jesus sees the hours you spend behind the scenes - may He reward you as only He can.
If I've miss anyone - I'm so sorry!
Thank you for taking this journey with us.
May the Lord Jesus be glorified in all we do!
Congratulations Tara and team! I am so glad that I was able to attend the very first conference...what a blessing! The Ebenezer principle is one I hold dear and just shared in a testimony last night. Two Ebenezers for me are the collage of pictures from my solo Italy trip in 2008 and the scar on my belly from my Ovarian Cancer surgery in 2001 and Uterine Cancer Surgery in 2012. Maybe I'll even get an Ebenezer tatoo one day! It is good to remember how far God has brought us...to to say "what once was a place of defeat has now become a place of victory." Good reminder today. May you have many more years of exponential growth and fruit.
ReplyDeleteTalk about continual reminders... Awesome! Thank you Janice. I receive it. Thanks for reading:)
DeleteCongratulations, Jesus Girls! Tara, what a tremendously God-glorifying milestone. Love to you ALL!
ReplyDeleteThank you for being a part of it, Cindy!