Monday, June 30, 2014

Let the Fun Begin!

1 Corinthians 15:58
Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Note:  I know many of you are on vacation.  Happy Vacation!!!  
But I also know how connected we are to these gadgets called smart phones:)  Even if you're soaking on the beach under an umbrella or in the mountains  - enjoy!

The fun is about to begin!  It's time for our Annual Golf Tournament!

This year, it'll be July 28th!  (If you want to play, let me know.  I have a few more slots left. )
Regardless if you play or not, please don't delete this post - We need you!

Luncheon following Golf
Last year following play, we held a luncheon for the players.  At this luncheon, I shared the gospel and way of being right with God.  We had someone share her testimony of how KGM Bible studies have transformed her walk with Jesus - empowering her to be delivered from a prescription drug addiction. IT WAS POWERFUL.  (Such courage for to her share.)

We had men and women - far from God - comment to me or either their team captain that this ministry gave them a desire to take another look at "organized religion."  Others said, "I want to know their God."

So you see, it's not just golf.  It's ministry - reaching an unreached people group right here in our own corner of the world.

Last year, your donations of drinks/sodas, to peanuts to Tee Sponsorships to prizes - helped us tremendously.  We are not supported by tithes and offerings like your local church.  So because of fundraisers like the golf tournament - we were able:

  • to afford the workings of our Women's Conference far before registration ever opened in Dec.  
  • to have quality speakers for our luncheons.  (We pay our speakers.)
  • to continue doing ministry like offering you blog post devotions and new resources.

Will you help us again?  
(Keep in mind all donations: in kind or monetary - are tax deductible!  We are a 501(c) 3 organization.  Players can receive an 80% tax deduction of the cost to play!)

1st:  PRAYER - we need your prayer support.   Pray for the weather AND temperature.  (Did I mention this thing is July 28th?)   Pray that the players who do not know Jesus will sense something different about us and would desire to know Him personally - following up on that desire by accepting Him personally and getting plugged in to a local church.

2nd:  Drinks  Last year, someone generously donated waters, soft drinks and Gatorade's for the players to have during play - which normally lasts 5 hours.

Would you be willing to buy an extra case of water or drinks when out doing your shopping?  Every bit counts.

3.  The Cart Girl fee - the course requires us to use their cart girl to the tune of $150.  (Yeah, whatever.  We just submit and do it.)

4.  Appreciation Bag

All 120 of our golfers will receive an Appreciation Bag…  If you can only help with a small portion of that 120 - WE WELCOME IT!  No amount is too small.

My children and I filled the Appreciation bags last year!  Lots of fun!

·     So what goes in these bags?    Snacks, like Slim Jims or :    

P  Planters Peanuts - This is the perfect size!

·         Granola bars or Energy bars
Nature Valley Sweet & Salty Peanut Granola Bar, 7.4 oz

·         Lance Crackers and or Trail Mix

View a larger, more detailed picture of the Sharpie Mini Marker - Fine Point - 24 hr

Golf Sharpies!  On sale at Walmart for ~$14 for an 8 pack!



·         Food coupons like Taco Bell etc...

·         Any kind of coupons!!!

·         Promotional items for advertising your business.  Last year we had toothbrushes which was very creative and original.  Other ideas:  Kuzi’s, hand sanitizers, cups, coupons...

     Last year, a local dentist, Dr. Coker donated toothbrushes!  (By the way, he's my dentist now!)

Bigger Needs

·         Tee Sponsors - Would you like to sponsor your business or ministry?   $100  (You are welcome to include something about your business in the Appreciation bags).   This is huge!  

 Prizes for our winners –  This was our Prize Board last year.  We have 2 flights based upon skill level.  We give prizes to our 1st and 2nd place winners in BOTH flights.

·        This year, we’d like to give a cash prize to our 1st place team in Flight #1 and Rounds of golf at local courses for our 1st place team in Flight # 2.  Last year, we had rounds of golf at Croasdaile, 12 Oaks, Bentwinds, Wild Wood Green, MacGregor...

S   So the need is this:

  • 10 People to give a donation of $50 -  
  • 4 people Rounds of Golf at area clubs – Would you be willing to ask for a donation of a round of golf with a cart for 4?
Prizes are a big deal to golfers.  It's what keeps them coming back!  Please help us.

Last year giving away the prizes YOU DONATED!  We were so richly supplied.  Thank you!  

Other Prizes?  ANY THING for a man or a woman!
  • Spa Packages
  • Restaurant Gift Cards
  • Gas Gift Cards
  • Tote bags
  • Be Creative

So you may be asking now, "HOW will I get these to you?"

Robin Clow, a KGM Team Member is generously donating her time to help me with the tournament.   She and I will make arrangements to meet you somewhere.
We're so grateful for your help!  
I know many of you are on vacation.  But I also know how connected we are to these gadgets called smart phones:)  Even if you're on the beach or in the mountains, contact me HERE to say, "I'll help when I get home!"
We can't do this without you.  And I'm convinced, God doesn't want us to do it without you.   No matter how big or small - nothing we do for Him or His kingdom is EVER in vain.  Be encouraged!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Call for Prayer

Joel 2:1, 13
Blow the trumpet…sound the alarm…for the day of the Lord is coming.  It is close at hand -- Rend your heart and not your garments.  Return to the Lord your God…                                                       
One of my hero's in the faith is Anne Graham Lotz.   Over 10 years ago, God used her resources to light a spark in my heart.  It was a genuine turning point in my walk with the Lord. Since this period of time, I haven't been the same.

All that to say, I greatly value what this woman has to say.  

Below is a note from Anne.  I realize we're heading into the July 4th holiday week, but is anything more important than prayer?   Her message bears witness with me as the Lord has me studying the churches in the book of Revelation.  I've been convicted over personal sin, and I've been heartbroken for the Church as I study Jesus' words.  And as always, the direction of our nation is a GREAT concern.  If you aren't watching the news and what's happening in our nation and world - turn it on!  Connect the dots to the Bible...

After reading Anne's note - if it bears witness with your inner man - Sign up for her emails during 777 (below) and forward this blog to the people in YOUR CORNER of the world.  

May we, as the Body of Christ - regardless of denomination, nationality or race rend our hearts and cry out to God for His mercy on behalf of our nation - before it’s too late. 

NOTE from Anne:

As you may know, my husband is in declining health.  I am no longer traveling and speaking as much as I have for the last 26 years since I am staying home to care for him. As a result, I have had time to be quiet and listen more to the whispers of the Spirit. He has revealed things to me in the stillness that I’m not sure I would have heard in my former busyness.

One of the things He has impressed on me is that we are living at the end of human history as we know it.  In light of this, He has given me some practical assignments.  One was to be the Honorary Chair for the National Day of Prayer 2014 this past May.  He gave me the message I was to deliver, which was from Joel 1…the Day of the Lord is at hand. It was a message warning that judgment is coming.

Just recently, He has given me another assignment, which is to call His people in our nation to prayer. This assignment came indirectly from a Syrian pastor through a National Day of Prayer attendee.  In obedience, I am blowing the trumpet…sounding the alarm…issuing a national prayer initiative entitled 7 7 7:  An Urgent Call to Prayer.  The Call is for God’s people to pray for each of the first seven days in the seventh month—July 1-7.  

Pray! in the 7th month, July
Pray! on each of the first 7 days of July, July 1-7
Pray! and fast on July 7th for 7 hours (of your choosing)

The Purpose:
  • For God the Father to restrain, protect, and deliver His people from the evil that has come into our world.
  • For God the Son to be exalted, magnified, and glorified in His church, in our nation, and in our lives.
  • For God the Holy Spirit to fall on us in a fresh way, compelling the church to repent of sin and our nation to return to faith in the living God, resulting in a great national spiritual awakening.
Sign up here to receive an email prayer each day during July 1-7 that Anne has written specifically for 777:  An Urgent Call to Prayer, that will help us be united with one voice and one spirit as together we cry out to God.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lazy, Crazy Days of Summer

I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power
through His Spirit in your inner being. . .
Ephesians 3:16

Those lazy, crazy days of summeryou’ll wish that summer will always be here. A catchy little tune sung by Nat King Cole came to mind this week as many families, like my own, relax, sleep in, hang-out at the pool, and go on vacation. But I have found within a few short weeks, being out of routine with long, hot sunny afternoons, can cause me anxiety - eventually wishing the summer days were over.

There’s a healthy tension of being lazy and feeling productive.  When I’m prone to become lazy physically, I tend to let that seep over into other areas of my spiritual life.

God understands when we need rest from the routine. As a matter of fact, God commands that we rest. Scripture addresses our need to work being similar to exercising our muscles, we need to be disciplined and “work out” spiritually. The apostle Paul mentions that physical training is of some value, but spiritual training has great value, holding promise to the present and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8)

Statistics prove if we maintain a healthy routine of when we sleep and wake, exercise and diet, our bodies feel and function better. *  To beat the summertime blues, I am learning to keep my mind and body in the game by staying disciplined.  (I use the word discipline in a positive light.)

I’ve been through the seasons of little sleep when my kids were younger. There is abundant grace when the kiddos are young.

But lately, I’ve been in a mental fog. At my house, my teenagers stay up late and sleep in late. Their routine is crazy! My body can’t function on their schedule.

Once in awhile I sleep in; but I have found, I'm “on top of my game” if I start my day early in my prayer chair while the kids are still sleeping. I grab my cup of coffee, my Bible, journal, and pen, and head out on the porch.

If the summertime crazies have hit your house, remember to stay on "top of your game” by adding this discipline to your summer routine.  You'll approach the lazy days of summer much differently!.

Sarah graduated from Appalachian State University (ASU) with a K-6 degree.  She taught elementary education and served as the Secretary-Treasurer of Youth Ministry, Inc., a small, non-profit foundation established for seminary students.  She has been a member of the middle, high school, and college Moms in Touch International prayer meetings, along with a passion to teach at M.O.M.S – Mothers of Many Seasons, a women’s ministry group.  She is currently a speaker for Christian Women’s Clubs and the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC), and serves on the core team of Knowing God Ministries. Sarah welcomes events from all Christian denominations.  She lives in Apex, NC, with her husband, Eric and their three children, one of whom is continuing the family legacy by attending ASU.  She enjoys scrap booking, knitting. reading in the sun, biking and boating with her family.
To Contact Sarah Bush:
The Invitation-Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace
Grace for the Journey

*The Fear and Anxiety Solution, Friedman Schaub, MD, PhD

Monday, June 23, 2014

Crying out for Help!

1 Kings 18:36-38
... Elijah the prophet walked up to the altar and prayed, "O Lord, answer me... prove today You are God..."  Immediately the fire of the Lord flashed down from heaven...

Four months ago, God made it crystal clear He was calling me to a new ministry.  To be honest, I've resisted and have been freaking about this new ministry called home schooling.

One of the ways I deal with difficulty is by pulling a Scarlet O'Hara and assigning a later time to think about whatever worries or overwhelms me.   So for four months, every time worry tried to rear it's ugly head in my mind, I would tell myself, "NOPE, June is when you will think about this.  June - after vacation..."

Well, it's June.  And I just got back from vacation.

In church last week, home schooling my son was in the fore front of my brain.  The mere thought of it made my heart beat rapidly with overwhelming fear.  So during worship - the words to the music caused my emotions to erupt in the form of tears.  I begin pleading with Jesus, "Why?  How? Where do I even begin?  There's so much information out there.  I'm probably too late for sign ups. Lord, I'm overwhelmed and I feel like I'm drowning.  Help me!"

In response to my call for help, within 4 days, my Jesus sent fire from heaven.
  • HE Brought two experienced home school moms to my living room who helped me chart a course of action.
  • Connected me to a local home school group Director.  By the way, they only had 5 seats left in this particular program.
  • Confirmed in my heart, I was on the right path.  
  • Gave me time with the local Directors to ask tons of questions.
  • Allowed me to buy ALL the books I would need for fall - which by the way - the Director stood beside me saying, "You don't need this; But you'll need this..."  Saving me money and sanity!
Just as God flashed fire from heaven, helping Elijah accomplish what He commanded him to do, I am confirmed anew that He'll continue making resources available to me in order to accomplish His purposes in home schooling.

I've marveled all week and have shared this story with anyone who'll listen:)   And I'm not freaked out anymore.  Actually, I'm excited!  I'm looking forward with great anticipation to what God is going to do in this new ministry!

All this to say, God will DO THE SAME FOR YOU TOO!   He has no favorites.  His eyes are searching the whole earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.

If you're overwhelmed with work; in your parenting this summer; in your single parenting; in your marriage; in your ministry - wherever that may be:
  1. Cry out to the Lord for help!  
  2. Be looking for the ways He'll answer. His answers are often very practical - but will yield results. I call this connecting the dots of circumstances to answers. 
  3. Give thanks and credit to God and Him alone.  Tell anyone who'll listen! 
This is when you will see fire from heaven in YOUR corner of the world.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Trusting in His Word

So then, don't be afraid I will provide for you and your children.
Genesis 50:21

The last day of preschool this year was a bittersweet day. 

As I walked the halls of the sweet church preschool my two young children attend, I was brought to tears numerous times as I gave out thank you hugs and gifts to the wonderful women who have been so kind, nurturing and devoted to my children. 

I found myself thinking back on the first day of school and how my little man clung and cried as I turned him over to his new, large and scary class.  THIS DAY, he walked right in without even turning.

And my precious girl!   (I tear up as I write.)  She is fiercely independent yet VERY self-conscious at the same time.  We had a difficult start to this school year.  She was going through something her four year old self just didn't know how to express. I do not mislead you when I admit there were multiple mornings we both ended in tears trying to get out the door.  Oh, dear!  

I cried to the Lord over and over.  "Help Lord! I'm at a loss as what to do with her.  Please Lord, please help her!"
And smack in the middle of this school-centered angst, we had to decide on a kindergarten for this coming year!  It was all so much for us.  So many choices.  

My husband and I turned to God.  
We prayed over where she needed to be:  where she would be nurtured and taught in ways she needed to be taught.

Through much prayer and guidance in the Word, the Lord showed us where she should be for Kindergarten.  For example, the Lord used Philippians 2:3-4:

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit . . . not looking to your own interests
but each of you to the interests of the others.

We wanted to choose a school that the Lord led us to. . .
- not the school that our friends were sending their kids to . . .
- or the school that the county told us was the "best."
And then He gave us Faith that He would be clear in letting us know where to send her by leading us to 1 Peter 5:7:
 Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.  

We prayed over these (and others) and through our prayers, the Lord spoke while touring a school telling me this was where she should be and to trust Him for provision.  He then reiterated that same day by a situation that happened with my daughter, that that school was where she should be.
As we obeyed, and trusted His leading through the process, a peace came over our household.  My daughter began to calm in her anxieties, and  - THROUGH THE GRACE OF GOD, I know she is ready: ready to move to a bigger school with a full day.  
And, I am, too.
Most importantly, I know God's protection and provision will be with her. 
For I feel Him with me.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Where is Your Mind?

For to be carnally minded is death, 
but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Romans 8:6

One afternoon a few weeks ago I encouraged myself to go shopping to buy some new spring/summer clothes for travel.

OKAY.   I know that I am in the minority regarding shopping:  I really dread it.  (However, I know there are others like me because they have shared their secret dread with me.    But that is a topic for another day.)  

After several hours of trying on clothes, I finally found myself standing in line to purchase my goods, not something or some place I ever want to be on a weekday afternoon.  BUT - 
I believe one of the reasons I was there was that the Lord wanted 
to show me the pain and hurt we can spread in just a few moments.

The man in front of me, around 50 years of age, was standing in line to return several items for his wife in the ladies department.  Everything was going well until the wife stopped her shopping and came over to speak sharply to her husband about not bringing in the correct bag.  He calmly stated  that he brought the bags that were laying in the backseat of the car and he didn’t see anything else.  Whereas she proceeded to tell him that the correct bag was "back there" and he "just couldn’t see it."  It wasn’t so much her words but her tone and demeaning attitude in response to him.  The wife demanded the keys and huffed off back to the car.  Needless to say, the sales clerk and I were very uncomfortable having to witness this grown man's pain.  He tried to make a funny but there was nothing funny about a fit of the flesh and a disrespectful wife.

My heart and soul ached for this lady, too, for I have been that disrespectful wife with my hand on my hip and my eyes rolling in response to my husband.  I might not have shown my behavior in a department store, but I certainly had displayed fleshly attitudes in front of my young children.  I knew this one lesson was going to be hard on her and her entire family.   

The scripture in Romans tells us that to be carnally minded is death.  I didn’t understand that scripture until I experiencing it the hard way.  

Some examples?

  • First speaking your mind and then thinking later.  
  • Believing your point is more important than another's and should be heard.  
  •  Looking on the outside like you have surrendered, but truly on the inside you are just plotting how to have your own way. (Yep:  passive-aggressive behavior.)
  • Controlling and manipulating situations and circumstances so that you never have to take responsibility for your own actions.

The Word states that this type of heartfelt attitude is DEATH. Your marriage will suffer because of the lack of respect you have for your husband.

Now here is the hope from the Word:
“But to be spiritually minded is life and peace."
If you ask most women around the globe what do they really desire in their marriage, many would reply:  peace and balance in their homes.

So, what does spiritually minded mean?

  • Asking the Lord to help you to control your tongue and facial actions. James 3:3
  •  Start esteeming others more than yourself. Phil.2:3
  • Share your frustrations and pains with the Lord and hopefully a trusted older woman in the Lord.
  • Give your husband a gift that he might not deserve – unconditional respect and honor. Ephesians 5:33.  Believe me, he will lay down his life for you if you or your children were in harm's way.
Today, girlfriend, ask the Lord to show you where pride and manipulation have entered into your heart and thought life.   Then, say no to death and yes to a spiritually-minded LIFE!

Monday, June 9, 2014

The Treasure of Weakness (by Guest Blogger Meredith McGhee)

Today's Guest Author:  Meredith McGhee

I’ve always had a crafty/DIY-loving side of me.  For me, this brand of artistry is where creative expression meets frugal invention.  A book I can take or leave, but give me something to do with my hands, and I’m in heaven.

In the last year, this creative urge has found a new outlet: painting and distressing furniture.  A gift of some out-moded furniture with good bones was all I needed to get the creative juices flowing in that direction.  As I have begun to learn this craft, I’ve sought input from others, both friends and online bloggers I’ve never met. 

My current project is a dining table.  Before attempting to work on such a highly used piece of furniture (we have four kids; need I say more?), I did some extra online research.  The words of one blogger I came across have stayed with me, but it wasn’t because of her winsome words or story of success; it was because of her struggle.  Despite having already painted and distressed at least half-a-dozen pieces of furniture, she made a significant gaff on her dining table – she failed to prime it first.  She couldn’t even account for why she had omitted that step, but that table peeled paint like a ripe banana.

So out in the heat of her garage, she stripped every last piece of paint from the surface of the table to begin again.

So why was her story so poignant for me, 
and what in the world does this have to do with parenting?  

In a single word: weakness.  
Imperfection, vulnerability, if you will.   
Knowing she didn’t do it all right all the time and being willing to share that for the benefit of others.  
Success stories are great, 
but share with me your struggle 
and then I can not only relate to you, 
but can learn from your experiences.

“I should know how to do this” was a very strong message I carried into the journey of parenting.
A good student, a high achiever, raised in a Christian home and wife to a pastor, I expected I should do things very well, and that I should know HOW to do "that".  (I may have needed to learn furniture distressing, but parenting – hey, I got "this.")

Yet 6 ½ years, one daughter and three sons later, let me just say:   I was in over my head. 

I came across this saying again today: “God won’t give you anything you can’t handle.”  I’m sorry, but that is just not true!  (See 2 Corinthians 1:8 for Scriptural support on that!)  Of course He gives us things we cannot handle – handle alone, that is.

In 2 Corinthians 12:7-9, the Apostle Paul spoke of a thorn in his flesh.   (Stay with me here – no, I’m not calling my kids thorns in my side; only in some moments, right?)  But the connection here is this: While we’re not told what this ‘thorn’ was, it was clearly a circumstance that, with some regularity, confronted Paul with his own weakness.   And this was the Lord’s good pleasure When Paul pleaded with the Lord for it to be removed, Jesus’ reply was this: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness.” 

My weakness, then, is a good thing?
My not having all of the answers; not knowing how to or being able to do all things well – is good?  Oh yes, in combination with HIS ever-present GRACE, 
HIS inexhaustible STRENGTH, 
my weakness and imperfection – the part I get to bring to the table – 
is the perfect contribution.

I don’t know about you, but I’m game for that.  That I can do.  And that’s all He asks.  In fact, He says that’s the posture in which He receives the most glory – His strength is made perfect there.  Hmm.

Sounds like a pretty great place in which to bring up some children, don’t you think?

Think this would encourage someone else?  


Meredith was a Breakout Session Leader for MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls 2014.  She is married to Gary McGhee, assistant pastor of Fellowship of Christ (EPC), in Cary, NC. They are growing, both individually and together as a couple, while raising three boys and a daughter - "through God's grace and HIS inexhaustible strength."