Psalm 15:2-5
Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right,
speaking the truth from sincere hearts.
3 Those who refuse to gossip
or harm their neighbors
or speak evil of their friends.
4 Those who despise flagrant sinners,
and honor the faithful followers of the Lord,
and keep their promises even when it hurts.
5 Those who lend money without charging interest,
and who cannot be bribed to lie about the innocent.
Such people will stand firm forever.
Would you consider yourself to be a woman of integrity? Until my recently, I would have answered yes without question.
In my last post, I shared how my cell phone was stolen this past weekend. (Update below.) It's easy to think I'm a woman of integrity because I don't steal cell phones. But when I study God's Word - I see something a different standard.
In my quiet time, I'm studying David and the years prior to him becoming king. The decisions David made during these lean, hard years, prepared him for the destiny God had for him. David chose to make one good decision after another... after another.
But when I look at the integrity behind the decisions David made, I see how we must be careful of the so called "small areas" of life. In God's eyes, these small areas are character defining.
Below are a few ways we can "tighten up." They may sound harsh. But until we call things WHAT THEY ARE, and see things the way God sees them, we'll continue to be deceived by our own self-righteousness.
- Do you have conviction? When you read the news, do you have God's sense of right and wrong - standing firmly upon it? (It's not always the popular viewpoint.)
- Do you base your moral compass on what everyone else says is right or wrong? Or is your moral compass based upon God's standards?
- Do you tell "white lies" telling yourself it's only a little lie so it really doesn't count?
- Do you do the right thing, all the time, even when no one is looking or when you'll not get any credit?
- Do you ever twist the facts so that it becomes the truth? This way, you can have an appearance of being honest.
- Do you ever emotionally manipulate people to get what you want? (intentionally or unintentionally) Sometimes this is hard to see in ourselves. But if we really want to be women of integrity, don't fight that small voice in your heart that may be revealing that you're a manipulator. I speak from experience.
- Do you keep your word or because of the rushed world we live in, forget and fail to be a woman of your word? Such examples could include:
- Telling someone you'll do something, and then fail to carry it out...
- Telling someone you'll pray, then forgetting...
- Telling someone you want to have lunch or coffee with them, never really intending to do it because of your busy schedule.
- Do you retaliate when someone betrays you unjustly?
- Do you approach your Christian service (or any for that matter) as an effort done at your convenience? They're lucky to have you, right? So you show up late; prepare the morning of or night before.
- Do you gossip about others but become very critical of others who may be gossiping about you?
I've been hearing "tighten up," in my heart. Jesus says in Luke 16:10, "If you are faithful in the little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities..."
If this is a convicting post, be encouraged. An honest self-assessment will ultimately bring freedom... Making you a woman of integrity, not only in the eyes of men, but most importantly, in the eyes of the ONE Who ultimately matters - The Lord God Almighty, Himself!
"Nothing is more pathetic than having a small character in a big assignment. Many of us don't want to give attention to our character; we just want the big assignment from God."
Thank you for your prayers, I got my cell phone back! The 19 year old kid made a small series of good decisions following his disastrous one. I'm praying he's on his way to becoming a man of integrity. Psalm 25:8, "He shows the proper path to those who go astray." Glory to God!