Monday, October 27, 2014

Praying for Your Children (by Guest Blogger Rey Cooke)

Today's Guest Author:  Rey Cooke

Making a Difference:  Praying for your Children
I forgot exactly when I realized that I had the power within me to guide the course of my child’s life by simply praying for them in a way that would elicit supernatural results.

God loves my children more than I do - so why wouldn’t He hear the prayers of a young mother pouring out her heart to Him to save her children and bring blessings on her family?  Learning how to communicate with God has become a life long skill that I’m not sure if I’ll ever master, however it has had a transforming impact on my life and the life of my children.  Personally, I think prayer is the hardest of all spiritual disciplines because it takes time and focus. 
It is:
  • convicting, 
  • refining, 
  • uplifting and 
  • downright hard work!     

After all, you are doing battle/interceding for those that you love!

Most of us know how to pray perfunctory prayers over our food and blessings over our lives, but when I learned how to pray in a way that would bring God’s power into impossible situations  - that has been mind blowing!  God is good and He wants to give us so much more than we settle for, He wants the absolute best for our family!  I think He is sitting on the edge of His chair longing to bless us, waiting for us to make a move, so He can say, “Well alright, I hear you”.

I picture God bending down his ear to me and I have His absolute attention, because I’m His child.  He knows me better than anyone and He knows what I need before I even ask Him.  I can say with 100% confidence that my Father hears and He can make a difference in any situation.

Learning how to talk to Him has been medicine for my soul. 

God is the perfect parent, why wouldn’t I seek His counsel while raising the four daughters that He’s given me?  After all, He is their parent too!  

He knows what they need better than I do!  

Think this would encourage someone else?  


About Rey Cooke:

Rey and her husband Avery were High School sweethearts, and been happily married for 36!  They have four lovely daughters and eight grandchildren.  Rey enjoys spending time with her family, taking long walks, playing at the beach, and fellowshipping with friends. However the real love of her life is Jesus, therefore she dwells deeply into the riches of His word and enjoys the abundant life!
Rey was a Breakout Session Leader for MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls 2014.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Lord will Meet You Where You Are

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace,
that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16
As a mom of two energetic girls my quiet time often gets interrupted and it is a challenge to fit in while juggling our family's schedule. 

The first timeI learned what "quiet time" was and what my "quiet time" could look like was when the Intimacy With God Bible study (written by KGM founder, Tara Furman) came into my life.   I remember discussing "as the seasons of life change so will your quiet time."

I'm here to confirm:   
If your quiet time gets interrupted, especially if you have small children . . .it’s ok! 

But do this:  Ask the Lord to make time later to finish what you were studying for the day. 
The Lord is faithful and He knows our hearts desire.

I was heading home from a busy day with my two daughters in the car and they were arguing with each other. I told my daughters that it was time to play "the quiet game" (which usually lasts about two minutes) so that I could listen to the new praise songs I had downloaded. I was in desperate need of some resting in the Lord. I got through the first song and realized it was really quiet in my car; I glanced back and my daughters were both asleep! 

(Yes, a staged recreation - notice the absence of drool and the fact that they are doing their very best not to laugh!) 

Praise the Lord! 

As I listened to the next song the Lord was speaking to me through the words in the music and before I knew it tears were streaming down my face as the Lord reminded me that He was more than enough for me. I did not want this sweet time with the Lord to end. Then, I realized that I had hit every red light (and there were LOTS!)
Normally red lights are so frustrating, but for me each red light was the Lord smiling at me and answering my prayers. I continued to sing and praise the Lord and found so much peace in that 20 minute car ride. The Lord reminded me that He is for me, He sees me & He loves me. The Lord knew exactly what I needed and provided it:  the ability to rest in Him.

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16

Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5

Think this would encourage someone else?  


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Who is sitting at my table? (Part 3 of 3)


“The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one with her own hands tears it down.”   Proverbs 14:1

There is a contest going on between Elijah, a prophet of God, and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18 to see which god is the true God.  Elijah has challenged the prophets of Baal and the contest is beginning.
The prophets of Baal prepared their altar with a bull. Then they begged all day, but Baal did not respond . . . because he was not real. 
Elijah then called to the people to gather around and he restored the altar of the Lord, he put wood on the altar and cut a bull in pieces and laid it on the wood.  Then he had four jars filled with water and poured over the altar and this was repeated three times until the altar was drenched.  Elijah prayed to the Lord God and asked Him to show the people that He was God. 

Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and the wood and the stones and the dust and licked up the water in the trench. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, 
The Lord, He is God; 
the Lord, He is God.”

Elijah seized all the prophets of Baal and slaughtered all of them.  The people of Israel turned from Baal to God.  The false prophets were not sitting at the table anymore. 

As a believer in Jesus Christ we have a new nature living in us.  In Ephesians 4:22-24 we are told “to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”  But my old nature continues to take a seat at the table along with my new nature.  

Whichever nature I am feeding is the one that is stronger.  
Are you feeding daily on God’s Word?

Proverbs 14:1 tells us that “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one with her own hands tears it down.”  
Be a wise woman and check who is sitting at your table:
Is the internet, 
          your cell phone, 
                or television controlling your table time?  

Don’t feed the old nature. 
Ask yourself these questions: 
  • Who is sitting at my table? 
  • Am I feeding my old nature or my new nature?  
  • How am I influencing the next generation?

And speaking of "Who is Sitting at My Table?"  --
SEE BELOW to discover that you have a VERY SPECIAL SEAT at the TABLE of the KGM Luncheons - -
the next one is ONE WEEK FROM TODAY, Friday, October 17th! 
CLICK HERE for details and to REGISTER!

Come - take your seat at the table with us!

MacGregor Downs Country Club
430 St. Andrews Lane Cary, NC


Doors Open: 11:00am

General Session:  11:30am – 1:00

Optional Workshops:  1:15 – 2:00pm

Who is Sitting at My Table? (Part 2 of 3)

“…How long will you go limping between two different opinions? 
If the Lord is God, follow Him…”
I Kings 18:21
I hope you have been looking at your table this week and thinking about who is sitting there. Besides eating and making memories at my table, it has also become the place I have my quiet time with the Lord and do my Bible Study.  I have spent many hours sitting at this table with a cup of coffee and my Bible open before me. 
There is a story in the Bible in 1 Kings 18 (For passage, click HERE)  that shows how the ones that sat at the queen’s table influenced the people of Israel. Elijah, a prophet of God, lived during the reign of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel in the kingdom of Israel.  Jezebel is remembered as the wickedest woman in the Bible. She fed the false prophets of Baal at her table every day. These prophets influenced the people of Israel to turn away from the one true God.
 Elijah challenged King Ahab and the people of Israel to decide who they would follow, the one true God or Baal. In 1 Kings 18:19-21:

Now therefore send and gather all Israel to me at Mount Carmel,
and the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal, who eat at Jezebel’s table.
So Ahab sent to all the people of Israel and gathered the prophets together at Mount Carmel.
And Elijah came near to all the people and said,
"How long will you go limping between two different opinions?
If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, then follow him."
And the people did not answer him a word.

Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal that had been eating at the queen’s table every day to a contest.  Elijah and the prophets of Baal would each prepare an altar with a bull and whichever god answered by fire then he is the true God.  The contest is ON between Elijah and the prophets of Baal who sat at the Queen’s table!

Tune in next time for the rest of the story!

In the meantime, ponder this:  Is there a seat for Jesus Christ at your table?  Continue examining who is sitting at your table.

And speaking of "Who is Sitting at My Table?"  --
SEE BELOW to discover that you have a VERY SPECIAL SEAT at the TABLE of the KGM Luncheons - -
the next one is Friday, October 17th! 

CLICK HERE for details and to REGISTER!

Come - take your seat at the table with us!

MacGregor Downs Country Club
430 St. Andrews Lane Cary, NC


Doors Open: 11:00am

General Session:  11:30am – 1:00

Optional Workshops:  1:15 – 2:00pm

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Who is Sitting at My Table? (Part 1 of 3)

And speaking of "Who is Sitting at My Table?"  --
SEE BELOW to discover that you have a VERY SPECIAL SEAT at the TABLE of the KGM Luncheons - -
the next one is Friday, October 17th! 
(Learn more following this first installment of Melody's fabulous series.)

“By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established.” 
Proverbs 24:3

The kitchen table is an important piece of furniture in any home. 

We typically do two things at the kitchen table: we feed our appetites and we talk by communicating and exchanging ideas.  Sometimes we sit at our tables alone and sometimes there are others there with us. Our lives are influenced by what happens at our tables. 
 Who is sitting at your table?

I have a lot of memories that revolve around the kitchen table in my home.  This table had been in my parents’ home for about 15 years.  My parents had gotten a new table just before I got married in 1982, so they gave me the old table to take to my new home.
This table still is a 4 ft. round table (yes, that's it in the photo above!) that, at the time, was just right for a newly married couple.  And it had two leaves that could be added to make it large enough for family and friends.  I had memories of many gatherings around this table growing up. We ate our daily meals there, celebrated birthdays, and gathered for my favorite:  Sunday night fellowships. My parents would have other families over after church on Sunday nights for food and fellowship.  I had great plans for this table in my home to make many memories for my family.
As my family grew to include two daughters we ate our meals at this table every day. We ate at least one meal a day together at the family table and shared our days. We homeschooled from the table top, had family nights with games and fun, and fellowshipped with friends. 

Most importantly we talked about God at our table.   We prayed together and read God’s Word at this table.  Jesus Christ had a seat at our table. 

Then our family changed with divorce and single parenting, but you know the table remained a steadfast constant.  My daughters and I had a new frame for our family, but the table remained.

We began to make new memories around the table sharing meals and family time.  It looked different than before, but Jesus was still sitting at our table. 

Who is sitting at your table?  Just people who grab a meal and may not even sit together to eat it? Is there a computer or piles of papers that take up all the space?   Take a look at your table, and see who or what is daily sitting there with your family.  Make room for Jesus; give Him the seat of honor.
Ponder this thought and we'll return to expand upon it over the coming days. See you again, then!

 “But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
Joshua 24:15


The KGM Luncheons truly are NOT JUST LUNCH.  
The KGM team members had their own hearts nourished upon receiving a note from an attendee after the September luncheon (selections, shared below with permission; name not shared to respect privacy):  

"I just wanted to touch base and let you know how blessed I have been by the luncheons in August and September. . .walking into the luncheons has been a breath of fresh air. . ."
 "The entire team has been welcoming. . . they genuinely want to know what is going on in my life." 

"I know that if all the ladies attending feel blessed and welcomed in a way that is even a fraction of this, they leave wanting to return."

"The speakers are always relevant and convicting, but for me, the warmth and love I have felt has meant the most to me during this season of life."

"Thank you for your obedience to God as He called you to this."


So, the invitation is open (and people are already registering!!!) for you to attend 
the next KGM Luncheon, Friday, Oct. 17th.

CLICK HERE for details and to REGISTER!

Come - take your seat at the table with us!

MacGregor Downs Country Club
430 St. Andrews Lane Cary, NC


Doors Open: 11:00am

General Session:  11:30am – 1:00

Optional Workshops:  1:15 – 2:00pm

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Home Builder or Unintentional Home Destroyer?

Save the Date:  October 17th
Luncheon Information Below!

Proverbs 14:1
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

Are you a builder or a destroyer?

Whether we like it or not, God has given women special authority to either build or tear down her home.

Now let me say, I don't know of anyone who would intentionally tear down her home...

However, unbeknownst to us, we can either BUILD or TEAR down by our words, actions and attitudes.

For the last month, my family has been in move mode.  (We just moved into a new house.)  Although the boxes have been long empty, our house has been in disarray.  So, last week, my husband made it clear he was ready for our house to become a home.

So over the weekend, I went into building mode.  The thing is - it doesn't just stop with a one time or one weekend building project.   Building our homes requires ongoing EFFORT.  

Below are 3 key ways we can be home builders - not unintentional home destroyers.

1.  Create our homes to be havens -

Our homes should be havens that are peaceful, restful, clean and tidy.   They should be places where our families are nourished physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Family members should instinctively know it's safe to let down their guard and be themselves.    There should be spots and corners in our home that invite them to relax; unwind; to read a book or play a game.

Our havens should also be filled with yummy food that everyone likes.  Our menus should be made with intentionality.  And yes, feeding IS MINISTRY.

If our houses are a mess - we need to clean them.  At the very least - tidy up.  No one enjoys living in a sty.  (We may tolerate a mess - but not many enjoy living in a mess.)

Do all of these things take effort?  You better believe it does!

2.  Realize much of the harmony in the home depends on us

Our attitudes - happy or joyful impacts everybody else's mood in the house.  If we choose to be joyful, the people in our home will follow our lead.  If we choose grumpiness and a complaining heart - watch and see what happens..

A wise friend once told me, "If your husband is continually grumpy, you need to evaluate the love bank."  In other words, when was the last time you lit the candle?

Yep.  You know where I'm going with this...

Keeping the home fires burning is big way of building strong connection with our husbands. This connection helps build harmony.  This harmony permeates throughout the house.

3.  Women are the heart of the home.

We must understand that the big and small decisions we make can impact our husbands and children. For example, if we overbook our calendars, our families will FEEL it.  A lack of harmony can easily result if we're not careful about what we say yes and no to.

On the flip side, if our children's calendar is overloaded with sports and extracurricular  - this too impacts the harmony in the home.   Everyone is always in a rush without meaningful time together as a family.

A wise home builder finds balance between too much and not enough. 

A wise woman must be intentional.  Building takes effort.  Tearing down takes little to no effort.
Yet, as we spend time with the Lord each day, He'll give us creative ideas that are unique to our families.  He will enable us to be build - not unintentionally tear down by living on autopilot... or the way the modern feminist agenda instructs us to live.

(Sorry - had to throw in that last part!)

Save the Date!!!
October 17th
Knowing God Ministries Luncheon  - GENERAL SESSION:

Speaker: Anne Winters

Trusting God When Life Hurts

Six years ago, Anne learned that her daughter, Kristi, had Stage IV breast cancer following the delivery of Kristi’s third son.   Kristi would live only four more months.
In the years following Kristi’s death, Anne and her husband Mike are now in the season they describe as “the new normal” – life without Kristi which has included their son in law remarrying and moving their grandchildren (Kristi’s children) half way across the country.
Anne has learned how to deal with the unexpected trials of life and how to trust God as never before.  Her testimony before and after the biggest trial of her life has been:
  • God always loves us;
  • He is always in control and
Despite the trial you may be currently going through, come and be encouraged how to continually have hope in God and trust in Him – even when life hurts deeply.