Monday, April 28, 2014

Over Activity

2 Corinthians 11:14
"... for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.  It is not surprising then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness."

In many homes a thief is loose...

Gary Smalley and John Trent write in their book, The Blessing, that this thief has a name.

It's name is over activity.  He masquerades as "fulfillment," "accomplishment," or "success."  Smalley and Trent write, "The time for godly training is often crowded out by a busy schedule."

I have fallen victim to the thief of over activity.    And then justify the craziness by telling myself the Christian school or the great children's program or youth group at church will pick up my slack.

Yet, this is not THEIR responsibility nor what God's Word says we are to do.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 - "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."

We as parents and grandparents are commanded to be intentional with our children.

Yet before we can teach our children, notice what the Word says.  "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children. 

A love for God's Word and a reverential fear of His commands... must be upon our own hearts first.
It starts with us!

It's beautiful springtime.  As the days grow longer, quite often the first thing to go is our quiet time. Despite our best intentions, the thief named, "Over activity" will steal your time.  Before long, it's been days, maybe weeks since we've spent quality time with the Lord.

Be intentional girlfriend.  Get to your quiet time area.  Be intentional to fight what the enemy is trying to steal:  the very heart and soul of our children and families.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Creating a Special Memory

Do you long to create special memories with your Daughter or Granddaughter or Niece 7-14 years of age?    Just because you live outside the bounds of Charlotte... Don't skip this post.

May 17, 2014* (see below for specifics) 

The girls of 1 Girl Nation passionately follow Jesus.   They teach girls to:

  • live for Him, even though they are young -   
  • to live without regret -
  • to stay pure -
  • to choose good friends -
  • to be in the Word...
All while being really, really hip - which speaks a girl's language!  (Talk about quality role models! Take that Disney Channel!)

Check out their video HERE.  It's on the front page of their website. You'll easily see it.  Talk about the BOMB GIGGITY!

Your girls will LOVE THEM!  My Caroline can't wait.  She's already talking about inviting a friend of her own to come while her mom (me) works.  She can't wait to meet the band and take pictures with them!

And that's not just a perk because her Mama's the speaker.  ANYONE can have access to the band with a VIP package - which is reasonably priced, I might add.

Based on your package, the Event includes:

  • Backstage passes are available with the VIP package!
  • Concert 
  • Speaker (Me!)
  • Photo Ops with the band -  Your daughter will get to meet them!
  • Makeovers
  • Cupcakes
  • Shopping and More!
The event is a fundraiser for Education = Hope.  All proceeds goes to support this ministry.

VIP Experience:  $35 - (3:00pm - 6:30pm)
General Admission:  $25 (4:00pm - 6:30pm)

Yes, I realize I live near Raleigh, but I've heard from women already making arrangements to go! Some are staying with friends in Charlotte - others are going back home the same day - others are getting hotel rooms with other friends for the event.  Regardless, don't miss this very special opportunity or discount it just because you live a few hours from Charlotte.  Otherwise you may miss creating a very special memory with your daughter, granddaughter or niece.

Get your tickets today HERE  
Search 1 Girl Nation

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lies I Chose to Believe

KGM Team Member:  
Madeline Gioja

Psalm 147:3
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

At the “Making A Difference” conference I was greatly impacted in my relationship with Jesus.  I felt like the Lord spoke directly to me through Linda Barrick when she asked the question,

“What are the lies you are believing about yourself’?” 

I froze for a solid 30 seconds when she said that…and then my first thought was:

I wrote down the question and then quickly retreated to the prayer room as soon as the session ended.

I fell to my knees and the tears started almost immediately. All the lies I was believing, I started to jot them down on a scrap piece of paper.
 “I’m not good enough. . .  or smart enough.. . .  I do not work well on a team.. . . . I’m bad with people. . . . I’m bad a speaking and sharing.”

These were several of the lies I had chosen to believe after I was fired abruptly last year from my job.

None of them were true about me or lined up with God’s Word, but I still believed many of them to my very core. What I realized at this conference is even though I had moved on with a new job, I had not disarmed the lies.

In that quiet prayer room, I was finally honest with the Lord. 

I prayed:

“Jesus, I need You to take away these lies and this bitterness that seems to be in my heart...
God this is not of You and I know you need to be able to use me in the workplace. 
My heart is breaking Lord because I truly believe these horrible things about myself and I wish I didn’t. God I truly believe I don’t fit anywhere…
I know it is not fair to judge myself so harshly,  
but I must truly trust that You have created me 
and that I have strength, peace, and joy in You. 
God, I need Your deliverance. 
I know I fit in You.”

I would like to encourage you to take a moment right now and truly ask yourself (and ask God if you’re not sure) -

“What are the lies I am believing about myself?” 

The Lord wants to deliver you from unforgiveness and bitterness and heal the broken places of your heart.  (Check out:   Isaiah 46:4, and Psalm 147:3).

Praying that God hugs your heart the way He hugged mine!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Not So Good Friday

Psalm 22:1
My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?  Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?
:14  I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint.  My heart has turned to wax; it has melted away within me.

Psalm 22 gives us an eerie insight into how Jesus felt as He hung on the Cross that Friday. David pens a prophetic description of Jesus' agony.

Isaiah 52:14 says, "His appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man and His form marred beyond human likeness."
The death of Jesus on the Cross was an actual event.  It's not a story from childhood or a story of myths with a happy ending.  It happened.  It was an actual event in history.  My One Year Chronological Bible gives the date of:  Friday, April 7th, AD30 or Friday, April 3, AD33.

The original "Good Friday" was not good.  It was beyond describable.  It was an absolute atrocity.

The events of that not so good Friday...
Midnight - ~4:00am - Jesus is agonizing in Gethsemane
4:00am - 5:00am - Jesus is betrayed; bound and carried off by soldiers.
5:00am - 9:00am:  The trials begin with the high priest to Pilate - Herod - back to Pilate.  Flogged, slapped, spit upon, a crown of thorns placed upon His head.  He is forced to carry His Cross outside the city.  A passerby named Simon and the soldiers force him to carry Jesus' cross as Jesus can no longer carry it on His flogged back.

9:00am - Jesus is nailed to the Cross
9:00am - Noon - Jesus is forgiving the soldiers who are nailing His hands; taking care of His mother and forgiving the thief on the Cross beside Him. He's naked. He's mocked, taunted and insulted. People stare in disgust. 
Noon - 3pm: Darkness falls on the land - a supernatural event. For the first time ever, God turns His back on His Son because Jesus becomes sin for you and for me. 
3:00pm:  Jesus gives up His Spirit.  An earthquake takes place; rocks split apart; and tombs open.  The curtain in the Temple is torn in two, from top to bottom.  The Roman officer is convicted to the core and realizes that truly this was the Son of God.  (Matthew 27:54)

A closer look at what Jesus endured...
1.      Jesus was flogged?  Do you know what flogging means? 

It was a whip of leather thongs… tipped with metal bits…  The whip would have ripped the flesh off of His back.  Jesus’ internal organs would have been exposed.   A flogging normally consisted of 39 lashes. It was beyond horrible. History records that victims would either go insane, go into unconsciousness or die.  (John 19:1)

The miracle is not that Jesus survived it - but that He submitted to it. 

He had you and I on His mind…

2.      Nails in the hands and feet? 

The wrists were considered part of the hand in the language of that day.   According to Lee Strobal, in The Case for Easter, "The Romans used spikes that were 5-7 inches long and tapered to a sharp point.  They were driven through the wrists, about an inch or so below the palm. This was a solid position that would lock the hand.  If the nails had driven through the hands, His weight would have caused the skin to tear and He would have fallen off the cross. The nails went through the wrists. The pain would have been absolutely unbearable."

Yet, He had you and I on His mind…

3.      Death on a Cross – was it immediate?
Crucifixion is an agonizingly slow death by asphyxiation.
In order to breathe, Jesus would have to push up on His feet and then release. Push up, breathe, release…  Push up, breathe, release…    Jesus did this for 6 long hours.
Why?  Because He had you and me on His mind...

Good Friday for you and for me.  A bad Friday ~ a really bad Friday for Jesus.

Have you ever thanked Him for what He endured for you?  If not, take time today to thank Him and reflect on what it cost our Lord in physical, emotional and spiritual agony to offer forgiveness of sins for everyone who receive and believe in His name.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Easter - Just Another Weekend?

Hebrews 11:22
 "...without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness."

Outside of Christmas, Easter is the greatest event in the history of mankind.  Yet, for the world at large - it's just a long weekend.  It's bunnies; it's eating ham; it's egg hunts.  The true purpose is ignored.

But as believers may it not be just another weekend.  May we grasp the significance of what took place for you and me and our families and our children...

In order for Easter to happen, Jesus was so distressed, He sweat drops of blood.
In the Garden of Gethsemane prior to His 9 hour journey marked with betrayal, unfair trials, false accusations, beatings, flogging, to death on the cross... Dr. Luke describes Jesus' condition, " His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground." (22:44)

This very uncommon medical condition is called hermatidrosis. Lee Strobal explains in The Case for Easter, that this is associated with a high degree of psychological stress.

"What happens is that severe anxiety causes the release of chemicals that break down the capillaries in the sweat glands. As a result, there's a small amount of bleeding into these glands and the sweat comes out tinged with blood." 
The other effect this has on the human body is that it "sets up the skin to be extremely fragile so that when Jesus is flogged by the Roman soldier the next day, His skin would be very, very sensitive."

Jesus knew that He was born for such a time as this.  It wasn't just another weekend for Him. He was sweating drops of blood because He knew:
  1. He would become sin for you and me.  1 Peter 2:24, 
  2. That He would experience God's wrath, so you and I don't have to.   Romans 5:9
  3. He would experience separation from God, (the first time ever) so you and I would never have to be separated from God unless we choose to be.   Mark 15:34
In His infinite wisdom when God created the world, He knew sin would enter and that it would require atonement in order for people to be made right with Him.

God is holy.  He is robed in majesty, splendor, and righteousness.  He cannot be in the presence of sin. Yet, God loves us so much.  He desperately wants to be in fellowship and relationship with us, that He allowed His only Son to step out of eternity, into time, into a world that would reject and despise Him - to redeem those who would believe and receive Him.  (John 1:1-12)

Blood must be shed so you and I can be made right with our Creator.

Easter Weekend, we celebrate a Savior taking our sin so that we can have a wonderful life and right standing with the God of the Universe.

Is Easter just another long weekend filled with fun activities and a day off from work for you?  The events that Jesus endured during the weekend we call Easter should change the way we approach Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday.  

Don't let it be just another weekend.

  • Be intentional in remembering the time frame of the 9 hour journey. (In case you're not sure, I'll share it Friday) 
  • Spend time reading the account in your Bible.  It's in the 4 gospels.
  • Be thankful. 
  • Share the significance of the weekend with anyone willing to listen...  Starting with your children or grandchildren (if you have them!)
Your comments on how Jesus gave us a 'Wonderful Life'
We are a royal priesthood - 1 Peter 2:5, 9
We are made holy in His Presence - Ephesians 5:25-27
Presented before the throne of the Father without fault and with great joy - Jude 24
A position of authority - Ephesians 2:6

Tween Extravaganza!
Mothers and Daughters (Age 7-14) -
Saturday, May 17, 2014  
4:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Event benefits a ministry called Education Equals Hope

Join us for this super special MOTHER/DAUGHTER event! 
Myers Park Presbyterian Church- Oxford Hall

2501 Oxford Place Charlotte, NC 28207

Come dance and sing with the girls from 1 Girl Nation.  These girls are passionate about teaching young girls to live for Jesus while they're young.  How awesome is this for our girls to see such awesome examples???

I will also be speaking at this event.   Get your tickets TODAY!
Back stage passes available!  

Monday, April 14, 2014

How Easter Gives us A Wonderful Life

Hebrews 12:2
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning it's shame."

Easter is possibly the greatest event in the history of mankind.   Yet, I'm gonna be honest:  Easter is difficult for me.  I'd much rather celebrate Christmas.

Why?  To remember:
  • My Jesus being spit upon; slapped and betrayed... breaks my heart. 
  • His friends sleeping instead of comforting Him - is reminiscent of something I might do. 
  • His friends betraying and disowning Him - depresses me.
  • The pressure being so intense, He sweat drops of blood... is almost more than I can take.
Yet this year, I've had a shift in my thinking.  Easter is the reason I have a wonderful life.

You see, things are not perfect in my life, but I have a wonderful life.  And if you are a child of Godyou too have a great life.

Why do we have a wonderful life???
  • Our eternal destiny is secure.  John 3:16
  • We have the Holy Spirit of God living within us - giving us guidance and direction for life.  John 16:13
  • We are given the privilege of hearing the voice of God!  John 10:3
  • We are free!  We don't have to live with bondage's in our life.  Galatians 5:1
  • We don't have to live in fear:  Fear of the past; fear of the future; fear of man.  2 Tim 1:7
  • We have hope despite living in a deprave, unjust world.   Romans 15:13
  • We have the promise that all things will work for good in our lives, even our circumstances stink.   Romans 8:28
  • We have no condemnation over our confessed sin.  We are forgiven! 1 John 1:9 and Romans 8:1
  • We have no guilt over confessed sin.   Psalm 32:6
  • We are not called sinners anymore but are called saints!  (Notice the heading of Paul's letters.  He addresses the people as "saints" not "sinners."  Even the church at Corinth)
  • Our life has a specific God ordained purpose.  Hebrews 12:2-3

It cost Jesus EVERYTHING to give us a wonderful life.  Do we have a wonderful life or what?!!

This week, I will be intentional about studying the Easter account.  My prayer is that I'll have a fresh appreciation of all Jesus went through to give me.  Join me in this prayer and let's study together!

Question:  The list above could go on and on.  Share with me HERE some of the things Christ died to give us that I didn't name?

Homework:  Read Matthew 26:30-45; Luke 22:39-46

Tween Extravaganza!
Mothers and Daughters (Age 7-14) -
Saturday, May 17, 2014  
4:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Event benefits a ministry called Education Equals Hope

Join us for this super special MOTHER/DAUGHTER event! 
Myers Park Presbyterian Church- Oxford Hall

2501 Oxford Place Charlotte, NC 28207

Come dance and sing with the girls from 1 Girl Nation.  These girls are passionate about teaching young girls to live for Jesus while they're young.  How awesome is this for our girls to see such awesome examples???

I will also be speaking at this event.   Get your tickets TODAY!
Back stage passes available!  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What Happens When You are Stoned?

Mother/Daughter Extravaganza - 
(See below)

“But Jews came from Antioch and Iconium, and having won over the multitudes, 
they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing him to be dead. 

But while the disciples stood around him, he arose and entered the city.  
And the next day he went away with Barnabas to Derbe. “  
Acts 14:19-20

I know. . . the title had your head spinning!   But I hope the verses above clarify the “stoned” to which I am referring.   Both could be considered a mind-trip, I guess, but when I say “stoned” I mean:

What happens to you when life beats you down

  • When the pummeling comes and comes and you feel left for dead?  
  • When the sticks and stones that break our bones ARE words, that truly DO “hurt me” – and you?  
  • When words from a parent or grandparent STILL echo across the decades and knock you down in the here and now?
  • When all the other really big “BAM!” and “POW!”s of life come hard and fast?


According to the scripture above, Paul was able to rise to stand and to continue with the Lord’s call on his life because the disciples stood around him.  BEFORE THE STONING he had been wise enough to stop being a Lone Ranger, and come into a tight and amazing circle . .  . the most amazing circle of friends the world has ever seen.  THIS circle of friends changed the world, in Jesus’ Name.

According to The Blue Letter Bible (, the Greek work used here for “stood around” is also the same word used in Hebrews 11:30,
By faith the walls of Jericho fell down
after they had been encircled for seven days.”

Amazing!  The meaning of that word which means “stood around” and “encircled” implies an intense, powerful, game-changing presence . . . to “encompass.”  The way I see it, the same powerful force that brought the walls of Jericho DOWN was the same "intensity of surrounding" that raised Paul UP!

Bottom line:  Your friends matter!  Their degree of FAITH matters!
And having this support system in place PRIOR to the STONING MATTERS!

I’m not going to reinvent the wheel to tell you how to do this, because one of MY amazing sister-friends, Cindy Finley, has already done this for us.  
 [Click HERE to access Cindy’s encouraging steps for what to look for in a Jesus Girl.]

I AM here to say – DO IT! And DO IT NOW! 

When a shout for prayer goes out amongst the KGM Team, via text or email, we SURROUND each other.   We are God’s wall of protection around each other, literally in this photo, and spiritually in all things.

Knowing that kind of “surrounding” is my prayer for YOU in this day.   If it is the cry of your heart, then celebrate:  This is a prayer God delights in answering!

Psalm 68:6a says:
“God sets the lonely in families. . .”

Believe it.  
Be purposeful and wise – but take action steps
to surround yourself with sister-friends who are Family,
and who will be there when you “get stoned.”

Let's become like the disciples, creating circles of friends 
which change the world in Jesus' Name.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Why Should we be Intentional about Quiet Space?

1 Girl Nation/Making A Difference Extravaganza!           Mother and Daughter Event.  Details below

John 16:14
"He will bring glory to Me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you." 
How do you fill YOUR quiet moments?   I'm not talking about your quiet time. This is separate.  What I'm talking about is... While you're standing in line or driving down the road or sitting at a stop light or going about your activities at home...
  • Do you take out your iPhone to check email or to call someone?
  • Do you listen to the radio nonstop while driving around town?
  • Do you keep the TV on as background noise?
Today, the most common way God speaks to His people is through the Holy Spirit.  "He will bring glory to Me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you."    The Holy Spirit will share what Jesus and God are thinking toward the plan He has for our lives.   He will make known to us profound things... but we must be willing to listen.   Not only in our quiet time, but in our everyday life.  

So in lieu of filling my quiet space with radio, TV, or any other unnecessary noise, I'll often be intentional about being quiet.  It's not something that happens all the time, but I can testify to awesome God driven thoughts that are to cool to be my thoughts.  For example, I've received:
  • Profound thoughts and ideas for ministry.  Ideas that turned into a luncheon and a women's conference and prayer journal.
  • Guidance to prayer requests or others issues going on in my life..  
  • Thoughts about other people I'm to pray for or connect with.
  • Deep, deep down peace despite having a hectic schedule.  
Guard your quiet space.  God may have something profound He wants to share with you...