Thursday, January 30, 2014

What To Do with This Pile of Dust? (by Guest: Fuller Harvey)

Early Bird Ends Friday  
Click HERE to learn more and register -
February 28-March 1, 2014
Conference includes:  
                   3 keynote sessions; 3 Fabulous meals
                   Worship by Ryan Wingo
                   Practical breakout sessions for women and girls

Breakout Session Leader for MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls,
February 28-March 1  (details below)

“He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.” 
Ps. 103: 14 (English Standard Version)
It’s everywhere.  
Across my black bookshelves, my piano bench, my bedside table  . . . Ugh.
It seems so useless, so death-like (go figure:  science tells us indoor dust primarily IS dead skin cells).

Besides a witness to my housekeeping priorities (keeping it real!), 
a pile of dust could just as easily characterize the remains of my life. 

As my bio states:  I am twice divorced. The divorces affected two husbands, five combined children (two with spouses), six parents, a combined ten siblings (all ten with spouses), and over twenty five nieces and nephews (add some spouses).   The collateral damage was nuclear and resulted in a wasteland of pain and broken relationships. Of those 50-plus lives which used to be entwined intimately with mine, over the past three years I have been able to have conversations with only eleven.*

Truly.  Nuclear wasteland.

Before going further, let me state:  this post is NOT about divorce.
I share the above only to state clearly that I am a woman who has found herself standing in a wasteland of dust and destruction.  I am neither proud of, nor promoting of, divorce. 

This post IS about what we do when our life plans lie in ruins, in a pile of dust. 

I don’t believe I’m alone in this.  Do you, too, gaze around at what remains of your life and question:  ”How did I get here?”

Perhaps the devastation in your life was caused by a different nuclear “bomb”:
  • ·      life-changing illness;
  • ·      death of a loved one;
  • ·      financial chaos/bankruptcy;
  • ·      rejection by parents;
  • ·      rejection by children;
  • ·      “downsizing”/“outsourcing” at work;
  • ·      violence committed against you;
  • ·      life choices you’ve regretted;
  • ·      addictive behaviors;
  • ·      and any other personal “ground zero” nuclear blast.

I’m here to stand beside you, hugging you in hope . . . for what I have learned is this: 
  Our God is in the business of making LIFE from dust! 

It’s the job skill He’s been practicing since the very beginning of time
Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” 
Genesis 2:7 (English Standard Version)

If He did it before, HE CAN DO IT AGAIN!

Breathe in that truth, as if breathing in God’s very own breath . . . then allow Him to breathe out His life through the dust of your life.  (For more encouragement, see Isaiah 58:4-12.)

Below, you’ll find a link to the song “Beautiful Things” by a group called Grungor, from YouTube ™.

This song kick-started my own private musings on "dust."  Then, I received an email from my sister-in-law, Amy, in which she quoted this exact song and concluded:  “It truly is a perfect song for your life right now!” 

That confirmed it:  I was to speak out this truth and claim this song as my own.  
Maybe it’s yours, too.  

As the process of turning dust into LIFE unfolds, may every particle of dust in your house remind you:  You are living testimony to what God can do with a pile of dust.

 “Beautiful Things” by Gungor:   CLICK HERE TO LISTEN 

NOTE:  You will be leaving the KGM blog and KGM neither endorses nor is responsible for any content viewed, including advertisements which may have been linked to the above song. It will open in a separate box, which you can simply close when the song finishes.  That said, have fun and enjoy the music! 

*[NOTE:  When this post was originally written a few months ago, the number "eleven" was SEVEN.  God is on the move in my life, doing exactly what this post proclaims:  breathing life 
where there was death.  I pray you will praise God with me and - further - grasp that faith for yourself.  
Please leave a comment asking for prayer, and my prayers will join with yours for God 
to create life from your own pile of dust.]  

Think this would encourage someone else?  


Fuller will be leading a break out session entitled "Lies the Divorced Believe (And the Biblical Truth that SETS THEM FREE!)" at MAKING A DIFFERENCE In my Corner of the World Conference.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Cleaning Out Your Thought Closet" (by Guest Blog Writer Debbie Wilson)


Today's Guest Author:  Debbie Wilson

Breakout Session Leader for MAKING A DIFFERENCE Conference for Women and Girls,
February 28-March 1  (details below)

“Don't become a victim of yourself. 
Forget about the thief waiting in the alley; 
what about the thief in your mind?” 
-Jim Rohn

I went to deposit some checks I’d collected. When I couldn’t find them in my stack of work, I remembered my son, a teenager at the time, had tried to organize my pile the night before. I concluded he’d moved them. The more I thought about it, the angrier I became. Who was he to move my stuff? He would have to call the people whose checks he’d lost.

Later that morning I found the checks—where I had left them. 
I was so glad he had not come home in the middle of my fuming!

Do you see how my untrue thought, "Brant moved my checks!" drove my emotions and actions? 
Thoughts are powerful, whether they’re true or not.

Even simple lies can be destructive and controlling. They affect our health and dispositions. They impact breathing, heart rate, body temperature, and every cell in our bodies.

Dr. Daniel Amen, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, says negative thoughts create cravings for fattening, sugary, and salty foods and rob our sleep. In other words, unhealthy thoughts make you fat, wrinkled, and sick! 

Strongholds are lies on steroids. Even when they are exposed, we defend them because at some level they feel true. They imprison us within fortresses of fear, insecurity, and self-protectiveness.

Dr. Neil Anderson says, “Strongholds are mental habit patterns of thought burned into our minds over time or from the intensity of trauma.” In other words, years of smaller injuries, like constant ridicule or neglect, shape our thought patterns and affect us as much as one major life event, like a rape, divorce, or death. A victim is still trapped under a thousand pounds whether the thousand pounds accumulated like falling sand over many years or fell in an instant like a boulder.

Beliefs shaped during our formative years generate many of our current battles. A false belief system distorts our perception much like wearing a wrong prescription of eyeglasses distorts physical vision. We misinterpret our experiences and overreact. 

Renewing our minds corrects our vision and frees us from our past.

God provides powerful weapons to bulldoze these lies. In the "Changing Your Thought Closet" break out session of MAKING A DIFFERENCE, we’ll learn how to clean out our closets and update our wardrobes with freeing truth. I hope to see you there.
-Debbie Wilson

Think this would encourage someone else?  


About Debbie Wilson:

Drawing from over 35 years of experience in ministry as a Bible teacher, Biblical counselor, and more recently, a life coach, Debbie Wilson helps women discover God’s heart and experience Him in their daily lives. She and her husband Larry founded Lighthouse Ministries in 1991 and live in Raleigh, NC, with their two standard poodles. They have two grown children. Visit her blog at

Lighthouse Ministries serves as a beacon of hope to the Triangle. They provide biblical help through counseling, coaching, small groups, and weekly articlesTheir mission is to help people experience fresh faith in God, find practical tools for successful living, and see themselves and their circumstances from God’s perspective. Learn more at:

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Prayer Boot Camp Day 3 - When Should I Pray? Changes in Post Schedule

Mark 1:35
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place where He prayed.

The Bible says to "pray continually."  (1 Thess. 5:17)

This means throughout the day we can continue to worship, to be thankful, and to send up arrow prayers. We can pray as we fold laundry; as wash the dishes; as we walk the dog; as we drive down the road; as we sit in the restaurant.  Anytime - anywhere, we have 24/7 access to the throne of God.  (Wow - Amazing thought! Why do I not pray more?!)

Yet according to scripture,  I believe God desires for us to have a set apart time each day for prayer.  Read today's Scripture again.  Jesus is our example for purposeful, victorious living.  So if Jesus, the Son of God, Who is the exact representation of God, deemed getting alone with His Father each day a vital NECESSITY of His life, shouldn't we also?

What We Miss
Maybe you think, 'I'm getting along just fine staying in my warm blankets and sleeping to the very last minute.'  Yet, do you realize all you may be missing due to your refusal to not plug into the God of the Universe each day?

  • God is the Source of peace and joy;  
  • God is the Source that brings contentment and satisfaction to our souls despite our hectic life circumstances.
  • God  is All-Wise Who brings perspective in the midst of life's trials.  
  • God is the All-Knowing, Revealer God Who will reveal things you may need to see in family members; friendships; finances; relationships, business, etc...  
  • God is El-Roi, the God Who sees YOU and the depth of your pain, when it may seem no one else does.
We're cutting ourselves short of all God may want to do in our lives; our businesses or in our families when we short-circuit this time with Him.

Boot Camp To-Do:  
  1. Establish a period of time each day that is set apart for prayer.  I believe morning is best.  But you determine what is best for you.
  2. It can come following your Bible reading time as a part of your quiet time.
  3. It doesn't have to be long.  Remember - no rules; no legalism -
So what does this look like in everyday life?   Next week I'll share practical, how-to suggestions of what this looks like in my own life.  You can take the suggestions and make them your own.  God desires each person to have their own individual prayer life.

Future Post Schedule
From now until Women's Conference, February 28-March 1, we've invited our breakout speakers to give you a sneak peak of how you will be helped by their sessions.

Prayer Boot Camp will be at the beginning of the week -
Breakout session sneak peaks will be at the end of the week -

Tomorrow's post:  Cleaning out Your Thought Closet,  Guest Writer:  Debbie Wilson

Early Bird Registration Ends Friday
February 28-March 1, 2014
Women and Girls Conference
Conference includes:  
                   3 keynote sessions; 3 Fabulous meals
                   Worship by Ryan Wingo
                   Practical breakout sessions for women and girls
Conference Schedule:   Friday - 5:00 - 9:30pm;
                                    Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm
Host Church:  Apex Baptist Church, Apex, NC

Early Bird savings - ends February 1
Click HERE to learn more and register - grab your daughter; sister, mother, friend; neighbor!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Prayer Boot Camp Day 2 - Simple Prayer

Early Bird Registration Ends Friday
February 28-March 1, 2014
Women and Girls Conference
Conference includes:  
                   3 keynote sessions; 3 Fabulous meals
                   Worship by Ryan Wingo
                   Practical breakout sessions for women and girls
Conference Schedule:   Friday - 5:00 - 9:30pm;
                                                                                          Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm
Host Church:  Apex Baptist Church, Apex, NC

Early Bird savings - ends February 1
Click HERE to learn more and register - grab your daughter; sister, mother, friend; neighbor!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Prayer Boot Camp Day 1: Prayer's Power and a New Journal

1 Peter 3:12
"For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayer."

A few years ago, someone I deeply respect likened the power of prayer to an atomic bomb - with the exception of  prayer yielding greater power.

Think about that...

Do we have any idea to Whom we pray when we bow down?   Do we realize we are petitioning:
  • Almighty God Who is bigger and more power than I can comprehend?
  • The God Who is ABLE to do immeasurably more than I could ask or imagine?
  • The God Who's resources are unlimited?
  • The God Who owns the cattle on a thousand hills?
  • The God Who's love for us is more vast than all the oceans put together?
  • The LORD Who stands beside us like a Warrior when we are fearful?
  • The God Who has storehouses of snow?
  • The God is wiser than the wisest?
I don't know about you, but I forget.  I so easy fall prey to the cultural indoctrination to be fast-paced, high energy and hands-on that I can tend to treat prayer as a do-nothing reaction.

Yet, nothing can be further from the truth.  Prayer is the work.   I'm not sure anything takes more energy than fervent prayer.

Get a vision today - when you pray today:

  1. We are releasing the power of Almighty God into our circumstances and people's lives.
  2. Who in your life needs the power of God released in their lives?  
  3. Get on your knees and PRAY!
Resources and Opportunities

I'm so excited about this... Do you need help growing past, 'God is great, God is good?'
Intimacy With God
Growing Stronger Roots - is my newly released Prayer Journal!!!  Partners with the ministry and the women at ISI on Friday were the first to see it and get their hands on it.  Now I want to introduce it to YOU!

It's a $13, spiral bound Prayer Journal.  The spiral makes it super easy for writing and recording.
  • It explains the fundamentals of prayer -
  • Helps you to efficiently organize your prayer needs-
  • Teaches you how to hear God’s voice guiding and directing you - plenty of space for recording what you sense Him saying.
  • Enables you to have a greater sense of God's will for your life by use of the 'Listening' and 'Promises' section.
  • Prayer Prompts from Scripture that enables you to pray powerfully for your spouse; marriage; children; the lost and healing.

February 28-March 1, 2014
Women and Girls Conference
Conference includes:  
                   3 keynote sessions; 3 Fabulous meals
                   Worship by Ryan Wingo
                   Practical breakout sessions for women and girls
Conference Schedule:   Friday - 5:00 - 9:30pm;
                                    Saturday 8:00am-3:00pm
Host Church:  Apex Baptist Church, Apex, NC

Early Bird savings - ends February 1
Click HERE to learn more and register - grab your daughter; sister, mother, friend; neighbor!

Corporate Sponsorship for Women's Conference
We welcome your involvement with the 1st Annual Knowing God Ministries, Making a Difference Conference.    At the February 28 – March 1, 2014 event, we anticipate 400-500 women in attendance.  The event will be held on the campus of Apex Baptist Church, Apex, NC.

Presenting Sponsor - $500
·       Acknowledgement on the KGM web page with the sponsor’s logo and link to the sponsor’s home page.
·       Acknowledgement in the event program and on-site signage or from the stage.
·       Tickets for 4 to attend.

Supporting Sponsor - $300
·         Acknowledgement in the event program.
·         Tickets for 2 to attend.

Contact me TODAY!  

Monday, January 20, 2014

ISI Update January - (and More!)

February 28-Mar 1, 2014
Do you own a business?  
Do you want the opportunity to impact a large number of women?  See below-

Early Bird registration - Ends February 1.  
Register by Clicking HERE

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Practical Everyday Life HELP for Women and Girls

Iron Sharpens Iron - Friday, January 17th

Register HERE
For more detail, click HERE - 
Last day for Pre-Registration: Wednesday, January 15th

Monday, January 13, 2014

Women and Girls Conference Preview! Part 1

Iron Sharpens Iron - Friday, January 17th

Register HERE
For more detail, click HERE - 
Last day for Pre-Registration: Wednesday, January 15th

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Life Changing Habits

Matthew 6:21
Where your treasure is, there your heart is also.

At the beginning of every year, resolutions are made.  But for many of us (me especially), they are soon forgotten and I'm back to old habits.

A few years ago - I dumped resolutions and determined to make life changes.  Meaning, when July rolled around, I was still working on my habit change.  (One of my first changes was developing the habit of not only being on time - but being early.)  I still work on this! Yet, I'm so much better than I used to be.  

Between our Making a Difference Women and Girls Conference (much to tell you tomorrow!) and Iron Sharpens Iron (NEXT WEEK!) - we want to empower and encourage you to make meaningful changes and habits to your everyday life.  Habits that will bring eternal results.

With that said, first up:
Iron Sharpens Iron - Friday, January 17th

Register HERE

General Session
One Woman, One Family; One Generation
The Power of One Woman in her Corner of the World

Do you realize the power and influence one woman can make within a family?   When one woman determines to exchange her religion for a relationship (regardless of denomination) -  a family can be changed.  When a family changes, an entire generation can change.  It's Biblical and it's happening now in the 21st century.  

In the General Session, you'll learn:
  • The difference between religion and relationship with Christ -
  • How to establish a vibrant quiet time that makes for impact in your everyday life -
  • Practical tips for life priorities and meaningful life impact within your family - 
  • Modern day testimonies of God changing families and generations because of ONE WOMAN.

Growing Stronger Roots in Prayer,
Tools for Organization and Growth

Do we realize the power of prayer?  Do we realize that even the simplest of prayers release the unlimited power of God into a person's life or situation?

Tara will be releasing her new Prayer Journal, Growing Stronger Roots in Prayer.
She will be teaching:
  • Basic fundamentals of prayer -
  • How to hear God speak in your everyday life and situations -
  • How to hear promises for yourself and family through Scripture.
  • How to begin praying promises over your family or situations.
This workshop is for the seasoned believer or the girl that seeks to grow beyond God is great; God is good.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

General Session - 11:30am - 1:00pm
$21- Now through January 15th 
$25 - At the door

Workshop - 1:15-2:00pm
$5 with lunch
$15 for workshop only

MacGregor Downs Country Club
430 St. Andrews Lane
Cary, NC 27511

You will not want to miss either session.  Hope to see you there!

Second:  Women and Girls Conference - more tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

10 Ways to Honor your Mom and Dad

(I realize some of you may have had a difficult childhood.  See note below) 

Ephesians 6:2-3
"Honor your father and mother" - which is the first commandment with a promise -
that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.

I did not realize this until today.  The commandment to honor your parents is the first commandment TIED TO A PROMISE.  God promises "it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life."  
Clearly, parent honoring is IMPORTANT TO GOD!

What are ways we honor our father and mother?
  1. Be intentional about spending time with them - regardless where they live.  (Not just during Christmas and Thanksgiving.  Be intentional about doing activities they enjoy and talking about their life - not always about YOU!
  2. Be intentional about staying in touch - whether you live across the county or across the country.  Skype and FaceTime are now available.
  3. Be intentional about being good to them - ask the Lord to give you creative ideas.
  4. Be intentional about showing them respect and speaking to them with respect.  (What is your tone of voice?  Being careful NOT embarrassing them in front of others.  It's also disrespectful when we make them feel old, irrelevant or not understanding the times...) 
  5. Be intentional to live in peace.  If your relationship with your parents is strained - be the one to apologize.  "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."  Ephesians 4:2
  6. Be intentional about setting healthy boundaries if your parent is unreasonable or verbally abusive. 
  7. Be intentional about appreciating them.  Tell them on a regular basis how much you love and appreciate them.
  8. Be intentional about honoring your in-laws.  God considers them your parents as well once you marry.
  9. Be intentional to take care of them as best you can with a clear conscience if they are in need of help.
  10. Be intentional about modeling the importance of extended family to YOUR children.  If you make extended family important... Chances are, your children will make YOU important later in life.
My only living grandmother lives in an Assisted Living facility.  My mother and my 2 aunts travel a great distance EACH DAY to check on her; to spend time with her; to take her out for coffee or ice cream.  Many days, they sit on a urine smelling sofa in the TV room, just to be next to her.  Visiting with her...  Sometimes just sitting in silence.

What an amazing example they are to me and the rest of the family.  Teaching us to honor your parent - even when it's not easy or involves great sacrifice. 

For this to be the first commandment tied to a promise, clearly it's IMPORTANT TO GOD.

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year Challenge

Genesis 6:9
Noah was a righteous man...and he walked in close fellowship with God.

I love the start of a new year.  Something about the year flipping feels like a clean start; a new slate; a do-over; a mulligan (for you golfers.)

There have been some years, I desperately needed a fresh start. 

During those tough years, (and since) I've asked the Lord to give me a fresh word for the new year. A word of hope.  A word of encouragement. 

He has graciously answers when we ask with simple faith.  Let me share some example:
  • "But one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."  Phil 3:13-14
Another year it was:
  • "Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress."  Isa. 9:1
My verse this year: 
  • "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here."  Exodus 33:15

You will not know what these verses mean.  But I do.  It is God Almighty Himself, speaking personally to me in a way that only HE and no one else can as I choose to walk with Him each day.  Spending time listening to His quiet, reassuring, loving voice.  

I received a note yesterday from a KGM Team Member.  Let me share her words:

"On New Years Day, I was reading Psalm 90.  This verse struck my vision like a laser!  Psalm 90:12  'Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.'  This MUST be  my verse for 2014.  365 days.  God was speaking loud and clear to me." 
As we start the New Year - I challenge you: 
  1. Ask the Lord for a personal Word for the upcoming year. Do you need hope?  Wisdom?  Direction?  A Purpose?   He'll do it!  It's the fruit of walking in close fellowship.
  2. Then write your verse in a prominent place in your JOURNAL as a reminder.

His Word is a new years resolution that will not fade away nor be forgotten.