Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Baby in the Manger

CD's from Friday's luncheon available below 
John 1:12
"Yet to all who receive Him, to those who believed in His name, [the Baby in the Manger] He gave the right to become children of God." (bold mine)

I'm still loving my NLT Daily Chronological Bible.  It's been 2+ years and I'm still reading most every morning.  Currently, I'm 20+ days behind.  I'm savoring every word.  It's rich!

My reading this week has given me new appreciation for the Baby in the Manger.

Romans 5:2 NLT, "Christ [the Baby in the Manger] has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand..." 

5:6  "When we were utterly helpless, [the Baby in the Manger] came at just the right time and died for us sinners.  (sinners - that's YOU and ME.)

5:8, "God showed his great love for us by sending [the Baby in the Manger] to die for us while we were still sinners." 

Perhaps you, like me, once thought church people were weird.  Maybe you, like me, made fun of Christians.  Perhaps you, like me, were living to please yourself and your every whim.

While we were like this, God sent  the Baby in the Manger.   God loves us, warts and all,  more than we will ever comprehend.   He sent the Baby in the Manger in order to bring us into a place of undeserved privilege and right standing with Himself. 

We don't deserve His goodness.  This is the significance of the Baby in the Manger.   

We have a responsibility to respond to the Baby in the Manger. 

  1. Have you responded by believing and receiving Him therefore becoming one of God's children?  If this is a new concept to you, click HERE to learn more about right standing with God.  
  2. If you have responded to [the Baby in the Manger] - may you appreciate afresh, as I have, the significance of the Christmas season.

Christmas Tip #2:
Give the Baby in the Manger a Birthday Gift this year...  I'll elaborate more tomorrow.  In the mean time - ask Jesus what HE wants for His birthday!

Today's Christmas Reading:   Luke 1:26-38

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Countdown

Isaiah 7:14
The virgin will be with a child and will give birth to a son and will call Him Immanuel.

The Christmas countdown is on!  We're officially a week before Christmas! 

In lieu of finishing our Boot Camp series  in the midst of such a busy season, I'm going to hold off until after Christmas.   The subject deserves our focus. 

Instead, over the next week, I'm going to share Christmas tips and nuggets to get your heart and mind toward the Reason for the season.

Christmas Tip #1:
Grab a cup of hot coffee and tea...  Grab a warm, cozy blanket...  Grab your Bible and sit down in a comfy chair...  Preferably by your Christmas Tree or fireplace EACH DAY.

Before shopping, decorating and entertaining, pending time in prayer and Bible reading.

Suggested Christmas Reading for the Day:
  • Isaiah 7:14 - The coming Messiah
  • Isaiah 9:6,7 - The coming Messiah
  • Luke 1:5-25 - Elizabeth's pregnancy with John the Baptist  (John was Jesus' cousin.)
Time with Him will supernaturally enable you to:
  • Exhibit kindness to the people closest to you.  Sadly, they can often get the brunt of our bad moods.
  • Love the unlovable people you may be forced to see at parties, celebrations, etc...
  • You'll resist the temptation to race the senior citizen to the only table in the restaurant! (Sadly, I once did this - and won.)
  • You'll exhibit the temperament of Jesus, even while standing in a long line!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

God's Amazing Work at Iron Sharpens Iron

Don't miss all the pictures below and the link to see more from last Friday's lunch! 
Lt. Governor Dan Forest and his wife, Alice.
"No doubt, without Jesus, we would not have a marriage."  Lt. Governor Forest

Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices,
holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,
but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will.

(The Lt. Governor opened with this verse - from memory.)
  • To all of you who attended last week's luncheon...
  • To all of you who persevered and gave up time at work... 
  • To all of you who drove long distances... 
  • To all of you who gave up shopping on a beautiful Friday during this busy season... 
  • To all of you who insisted your husband or friend attend -
THANK YOU!  Thank you for making our first co-ed event a BIG success! 
We pray you were blessed, encouraged and challenged to know and love Jesus more.  Truly, last Friday was a unique opportunity.
As the leader of an organization, I'm very careful who I hand a microphone to - VERY CAREFUL.  Our goal is always to discern God's messenger for each audience and invite her.   (This time - it was a him.)
CLEARLY, if you were in attendance, you can attest:  Lt. Governor Forest was God's messenger for this audience!
I have not spoken to a single person who was not BLOWN AWAY by his transparency; his candor; his courage and his honesty as he shared his story on Friday.
He shared what his quiet time looks like each day -  The Bible; (Boot Camp girls - notice he has a literal Bible not an electronic Bible:); My Utmost for His Highest; Daily Light."
He shared that he used go through the motions of religion, but can distinctly recall when something transforming happened in his wife.   That's when he realized he didn't have what "she had - and wanted it!"  (Do you see the power of 1 woman in 1 family and how she changed a generation by taking the "Jesus thing" seriously???  That's next month's lunch!)
The One Woman, Alice Forest (center)
Without knowing, Lt. Governor Forest validated (from a man's perspective) what every speaker for the last 2 and a half years have said from the ISI podium concerning marriage and relationship with Christ. 
Example:  "It's not about religion - it's about a relationship with Christ.  And it starts by spending time with him everyday."
Another Example:
"Ladies, your man wants respect.  Men, your wife wants you to love her.  In fact, you should date her.  Do you have a regular date night?  If you don't establish it now!"
Oh my word -  I just wanted to jump up and down and shout, "Sing it brother!"
Without knowing, he even validated the impact of books we carry on a regular basis at our book table such as, "The 5 Love Languages" and "Love and Respect."   I didn't tell him ahead of time to promote those books.  Jesus did it through him, as God's chosen messenger for this audience, as he shared how these books changed his thinking and behavior.
If you live in the state of North Carolina, be encouraged!  We have a Lt. Governor that's a family man.  And he's a man who has a greater fear of God than the man or woman sitting across the table from him.  With great boldness, he lives it daily on the stage called the Lt. Governorship by being the hands, face and temperament of Jesus.
Another thing that was VERY impressive about OUR Lt. Governor - He stayed until every person who wanted to talk to him - could talk to him.  He was kind and approachable.
He was asked during the Q&A if he would consider a run for the governorship in a few years. 
(Great question.)
But I later thought, "Governorship?"  I'm thinking - THE PRESIDENCY. 
 It was wonderful having the men with us!  I pray they enjoyed being included this month.

Personally, I was excited that my husband, Tim got to experience ISI.   I was nervous about ALL THE DETAILS - Tim knew it and just stood beside me like an anchor of strength. 

My Dad, got to come too!  So grateful that he too could experience something he hears so much about and wholeheartedly supports.  "Love you Dad!"

It wasn't just a couple event either.  We also had girls come with their girlfriends.  They had fun too!
We carried on like any ISI - corporate prayer and all!  (A side note, do you realize how many people have been helped in their personal prayer life as a result of us taking time to model prayer each month?  I should start counting all the people who share the difference this segment of the lunch makes in their personal prayer life.  Some have even grown bold enough to start Prayer Ministries in their church because they've learned the basic fundamentals of prayer and practiced it in an environment that they don't feel judged.) 
It was really cool to hear the men pray.
Want to see more pictures from Friday?  Click HERE
Shout out to our amazing photographers:  Fuller Harvey and her assistant Heather Garrity.
Contact her at  if you ever need a photographer.   She's awesome!
Again, thank you Lt. Governor Forest and Mrs. Forest for sharing your lives with us - for sharing how Jesus makes a BIG difference in your everyday life.  Thank you for your willingness to put it on display for the encouragement of many!  MANY were blessed and encouraged because of your willingness to tell your story.  Thank you.
Thank you to everyone who came and supports our work at Knowing God Ministries.  We pray that you want MORE of Jesus in your everyday life as a result of last Friday.  (And every ISI Friday for that matter; as well as the blog and any other way we've helped you to know Jesus in a greater depth.)
As you allocate your end-of-year giving, we would be greatly appreciated your remembrance.  Your entire donation is tax deductible and goes to further MORE ministry in Jesus name.   
No amount is too small.  Click HERE to support the work at Knowing God Ministries
Closing Note:
Emma, our intern will come into the office later this week.  (I don't dare touch the recording without her help.  I've erased entire messages trying to export a message.  Praise Jesus for techie people!!!)
If you want a copy of Lt. Governor Forest's message - let me know.  I can arrange to have them available on the website.  Otherwise, they will be available at next month's ISI.
Funny Story
I rarely EVER eat at ISI.  I move food around on my plate.  So afterwards, I'M STARVING.  And I don't want country-club food.  I want Chick-fil-A waffle fries!   Couldn't resist sharing the real us after a luncheon of this magnitude.
Autumn, she gets dragged a lot of places.  What a good sport to hang in with me after many long hours!


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Boot Camp Day 22 - Prayer: A Do Nothing Activity?

1 Timothy 4:8
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things..."
(italics mine)

The last 2 sessions of boot camp were HARD.   Often, I'd find myself looking at the clock praying for 9:00 to quickly come!

As physically difficult as those sessions were, they gave me a sense of accomplishment.  I distinctly recall leaving the last session thinking, "If I can do that, I can do anything!"  I was ready to take on the world!

Girlfriend, PRAYER leaves me with the same feeling.  Many days, I feel lethargic and lazy.  Yet I come out of prayer energized; faith filled; and courageous.
  • Prayer is how I overcame my fear 3 years ago about blogging and courageously, "let my light shine before men so they could praise my Father in Heaven."  (Matthew 5:16)

  • Prayer is where I heard the call to publish my homemade prayer journal in 2006 and out of the earnings plant a vineyard (Proverbs 31:16) that would one day be called Knowing God Ministries.

  • Prayer is where I heard the call to compile all the Lord Himself had taught me about a meaningful quiet time and format it into a Bible study.  It would be called, Intimacy with God.  Initially, feeling very inadequate, the Lord simply encouraged me to bring Him my inadequate 5 loaves and 2 fish, trusting Him to feed the mulitudes with it.  He does to this day.

  • Prayer is where I heard the call to write what the Lord had been teaching me about still having purpose in life despite a VERY DARK period of time I walked through.  It would be called Created for Purpose.  It would give others hope that their life has purpose even in hopeless circumstances.

  • Prayer is where I heard the call and summoned the courage to approach the Lt. Governor of North Carolina and ask him to be our guest speaker on Friday.
Prayer often feels like a do-nothing activity.  Quite the contrary, my friend.  Prayer is powerful! 

What does your prayer time look like? Does it exist?   Do you need help?

More Next Post

Monday, December 9, 2013

Boot Camp Recap - 10 New Habits

1 Timothy 4:8
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things..."
(italics mine)
Two weeks ago, I concluded Boot Camp.  I really enjoyed the experience.  The trainer was challenging.  The women were great.  In fact, I miss them all!

Since Boot Camp, I've formed new habits.  In addition to walking/running my dog, I've incorporated new exercises that strengthen my core.  Exercises that help strengthen the back of my arms -  (so my kids don't call them "jello" anymore!)

This week, we'll conclude our Boot Camp.  Before we finish,let me ask:  Have you formed new habits?  Are you different than when you first started?

The following list is a review.  Check off the areas where you've formed new habits. 

Areas you can't check just yet - write them down on a post-it note.  You may even want to go back and read the post. 

"As a result of Boot Camp, I have a:
  1. Chair or special place I spend time with the Lord.
  2. Bible - I have a literal Bible in my lap in lieu of my computer; ipad etc...
  3. Gadgets - I have stopped receiving my main spiritual meal  from online devotions.  They are yummy vitamins. Not the meal.
  4. Interests or Challenges - My reading each day interests me and is helping me in my problem areas - ie: Marriage; parenting; patience; kindness; forgiveness, faith, etc... 
  5. My doctrine is solid.  I KNOW Jesus is NOT one of the boys.  He, alone, is the Way to God -
  6. My ears, little ol' my ears work!  I know I can HEAR personally from God.  
  7. Known sin hinders my ears from hearing  clearly from God -
  8. Refusing to be obedient to what I HEAR in my quiet time hinders break through -
  9. Thankfulness - I intentionally am choosing to count my everyday blessings as well as 2013's.
  10. A Jesus girlfriend - I intentionally have a her in my life.  If not, I'm praying for God to send a her."
How many new habits have you formed?  Remember - it's not about religion.  It's about a relationship with the God of the Universe who makes the quality of our everyday lives SO much sweeter!

More next post!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Boot Camp Day 20 - Do you have a "HER" in your life?

1 Thessalonians 5:12
Dear sisters, honor those who are leaders in the Lord's work.  They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance.  Show them respect and wholehearted love because of their work. 

I read this passage 2 weeks ago in my quiet time.  It was a completely new thought to me.  Immediately, she came to mind.  My next thought was, "I ought to take her to lunch and thank her for her ministry into my life." 

She is older than me AND older in the Lord than I am.  She has years of experience of walking with the Lord.  She has also walked in places of leadership and great responsibility in Christian service.

This woman prays for me and KGM regularly.  She always asks specific questions about my family.  She also holds my feet to the fire by challenging me to make sure I'm hearing from God clearly.  She offers advice that's always based upon God's Word. 

When I leave her presence, my faith is increased.  My view of God is bigger because her view of God is BIG.  She helps me to see Him in a fresh new way.  Because of my fellowship with her, my prayer time seems to take a deeper dimension.  I love Him more, because I've been with her.

Let's not just offer thanks for the people and things that make our lives easy or successful, but lets also think of people who make spiritual contributions to our life.
  • What or who makes you know God better?
  • What or who makes you more useful in God's service?
Girlfriend, we need people like this in our life. 

If you do not have a her in your life:
  2. When God shows you who she is - connect with her.  Do not procrastinate.
  3. Do not fear rejection.  If she is truly a Jesus girl, she will not say no to you.
Challenge for those who do have a her :
  1. Take the time to thank her over the next week. (You may even want to forward them this post or verse to her.)
  2. Communicate your gratitude to this person and to the Lord.
  3. Ask the Lord how you could honor her. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Boot Camp Day 19 - People of 2013

1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
We always thank God for all of you and pray for you constantly. 
As we pray to our God and Father about you, we think of your faithful work, your loving deeds, and the enduring hope you have because of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  From Thanksgiving week through the end of the year, I intentionally take time to reflect on God's goodness and faithfulness during the year. 

Today, I want you to add another category of thankfulness to the lists we started last week. (By the way, I realize "Thanksgiving Day" has come and gone - but Thanksgiving should be more than just a day.  It should be part of the fabric of our lives!)

Last week's lists:
  • Everyday Blessings -
  • 2013 Blessings -
Today's New List:  Make a list of the people for which you are thankful. 

Begin with family members and friends.  You might even add a phrase as to why you are thankful. 

  1. Take the time to thank them over the next week.  (You may even want to forward them this post.)
  2. Take time to pray for person you've listed.