Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Boot Camp Day 18 - Overwhelmed with Gratitude

James 1:16-17
Don't be deceived, my dear brothers.  Every good and perfect gift is from above...

I hope you've started your Thanksgiving lists of:
  • Everyday blessings
  • 2013 Blessings
I must admit, as I make my lists, my heart is so overwhelmed with gratitude that I can hardly contain myself.  My eyes are being opened afresh to God's activity in the mundane of everyday and it's SO encouraging. 

I'm seeing:
  • God's hand and resolution in situations that plagued me earlier in the year -
  • The doors of opportunity He's opened since January -
  • Quiet, everyday blessings that I intend on bringing up at dinner to remind my children and husband of God's activity that will encourage them.
  • People who have poured into my life.  (This is a NEW List!  More on this tomorrow.)

  • All I can do is fall on my face and say, "Thank you, Jesus.  Look at all You've done."  I name the items on my list - one by one.  I must warn you, tears will fall at the realization you have nothing apart from His goodness in your life.

    This is a busy week for many of you - especially if you're hosting or cooking or entertaining.  But I beg you dear sister, don't miss the blessing of this exercise.  You'll be robing yourself of great encouragement and hope for 2014.  If you can't do this today - MAKE TIME later in the week. 

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Tuesday, November 26, 2013

    Boot Camp Day 17: 2013 Blessings; Women's Conference Announcement

    2014 Women's Conference
    2 tracks announced! (See Details below)
    Psalm 90:12
    Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

    Life is busy.  Before long, it's been 2 years; 5 years or a decade!  Let's not miss life.  Let's not miss God's blessings from year to year.

    This week - take time in your quiet time to review your 2013 Blessings.  If you have the Intimacy with God, Prayer Journal, I've encouraged you to use 1 page/a month of your Thanksgiving section to record how God has worked in your life. 

    If you don't have the Prayer Journal - go back through your calendar or planner during your quiet time.

    How have you seen God ordering your steps?  How have you seen His blessings in your everyday life such as:
    • opportunities in business or ministry or
    • spending time with the special people in your life or
    • Divine appointments or
    • sweet memories.

    As I review my Journal entries from the beginning of 2013 -  highlights I don't want to forget:
    • A boy's snow/slumber party my husband hosted for my son one weekend in January!
    • The opportunity to share the stage with Lysa Terkeurst  at an event in February!
    • Taking my kids to Krispy Kreme in downtown Raleigh for hot donuts during spring break.
    • Spending a weekend with my aunt, uncle, cousin and parents at their beach house in July!
    Do you see the trend?  These are God's EVERYDAY BLESSINGS in 2013! 

    Today's Challenge:
    • Add these blessings to the list you started yesterday -
    • What about the challenges in 2013...  Did you have challenges in 2013?  How has God answered or resolved them?
    Take time to reflect on God's faithfulness and what He has done in your circumstances.  This helps us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom!

    Monday, November 25, 2013

    Boot Camp Day 16 - Your Everyday Blessings

    Psalm 118:28
    "You are my God, and I will give you thanks."

    Today when I took my dog, Jake for his morning walk at 7:00am  the rush of cold air seemed to feel like a slap in the face.  It was a brutal introduction to the outside!

    As I was walking, I began thanking God for my warm, cozy house I had just stepped out of and desperately wanted to quickly reenter! 

    My warm house led me to start thanking God for other blessings I often take for granted, like:
    • An indoor bathroom... (Can I get an "AMEN!")
    • Warm showers -
    • A pillow to lay my head at night -
    • A comfy bed to sleep in -
    • Food in my pantry -
    • A grocery store down the street in which to buy groceries -
    • Grocery stores that never run out of food to buy!
    • Clean water to drink -
    • No bombs going off in my back yard...  (Women in other countries face this terror each day.)
    • Electricity in the house!
    My father grew up in rural eastern North Carolina.  He did not have running water or electricity until he was 10 years old. (This was in the 1050's!)  This meant going OUTSIDE if you had to go potty in the middle of the night or first thing in the morning!  Can you imagine???

    Today:  Do you realize how blessed you are?  
    1. Start a list of YOUR blessings.  Blessings that are often overlooked or taken for granted during the day. 
    2. Write them down in your journal or on a legal pad.  
    3. Label the list:  My Everyday Blessings -
    We'll be doing something with that list on Thanksgiving -

    Tomorrow's Post: 2013 Blessings -

    Tuesday, November 19, 2013

    Boot Camp Day 15 - Are YOU the Hold Up of your own Break-Through?

    Psalm 32:8,9
    I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go... 
    Do not be like the horse or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by the bit and bridle or they will not come to you.

    As shared last week, I am a reformed "selective listener."   

    My selective listening ended in 2006 when I desperately needed a break-through in my painful and overwhelming circumstances.   I kept asking the Lord for guidance, however only 1 word kept coming to mind during my quiet time. 

    The word was “Apologize.”
    For 11 years, I had been like a 2 year old -  hands over her ears, refusing to listen, because 11 years prior, I had gossiped about a high school classmate to a mutual acquaintance who turned around and shared my slanderous words with that classmate.  Within days of the conversation, I received a call from my former classmate.  (Talk about being busted!) 
    Did I ‘fess up?  Nope.  I lied and denied everything.
    For 11 years following that fateful conversation, God would often impress on my heart that He wanted me to reach out and apologize.  But I would rationalize His voice away, thinking, “The Lord would never tell me to do this.  He would never want to embarrass me like this.” 
    Yet now, I DESPERATELY needed a breakthrough.  I needed a miracle!
    So at 9:00 a.m., following my quiet time that day, I looked up the phone number and called her.
    No answer. 
    Relieved, I left a message.  
    After several days without a response from her, I sensed the Lord telling me to write her a note.  
    Haven’t I done enough?  I asked the Lord.   After all, I have not seen this girl in 11 years...”  

    “Write a note of repentance and apology,”  I kept hearing as I was walking my dog on a sweltering, hot Friday evening. 
    As soon as I got home, I didn’t even get a glass of water.  I wrote the note.  I confessed everything that I had said and lied about, telling her that I had a relationship with God now and that He had impressed upon my heart to apologize.  I asked for her forgiveness, signed my name, and put it in the mailbox.
    Suddenly, it was as if bricks came off of my shoulders.   Oh girl, there was a refreshing in my spirit that I still cannot describe.  It was almost tangible.  Inner joy and peace sprung into existence right there at the end of my driveway.  I may have skipped back to the door – I don’t know!  It just felt so good to have a clear conscience in every area of my life.
    Within a month, major breakthrough came!
    Do you have selective listening?  Ask the Lord to reveal any area of your life where you may be glossing over the impressions He places on your heart. 
    • Could it be an apology?
    • Could it be choosing to forgive someone who's wronged you?
    • Could it be volunteering in that place of service He's been calling you to?
    • Could it be to have that certain difficult conversation you've been putting off?
    Whatever it is - DO IT!  Don't wait!  Don't procrastinate it.   Think about it:  it would be a shame if you allowed your own stubbornness to hold you back from all God desires to give you!  

    Friday, November 15, 2013

    1st KGM Women's Conference

    Sometimes life doesn't turn out quite as we've planned...  Yet the awesome thing about God:  
    HE still has a great purpose for our lives!

    Making a Difference Women's Conference (Girls 6th grade and up)
    February 28- March 1, 2014

    Host Church:  Apex Baptist Church, Apex, NC

    Registration Opens:  December 1, 2013. 
    Hotel information will be available as well

    Conference to include: 
    • 3 Keynote Sessions
    • Worship by Ryan Wingo
    • 5 Tracts of Breakout Sessions to Choose from
    • 3 Meals

    Keynote Speakers:  Linda and Jen Barrick,  (Mom and Daughter)


    A family caught on the path of a drunk driver and forever changed.

    It doesn't even look like a van!

    A high school cheerleader, a star soccer player, and active in her church with many friends... The life a family once knew suddenly came to a crashing stop.
    Life would now be VERY different than what was being planned...  To see their featured story on the Today show, click HERE
    Make plans to hear their amazing, faith-filled, encouraging and inspiring story!  You'll be in tears one minute than belly laughing the next!
    We may not have been hit by a drunk driver, but many of us have experienced the surprises of life or the shattering of a dream such as: 
    • the way we hoped our marriage would look
    • a prodigal child or grandchild
    • disease
    • joblessness
    • divorce
    • bankruptcy/foreclosure
    You name the shattered dream ___________________. 
    Yet God wastes nothing.  He still has a good plan for our life!
    During 3 breakout sessions, you will have the opportunity to pick workshops from 5 different tracts that are relevant to every woman/girl's life -
    1. Relationship with God Tract
    2. Marriage Tract
    3. Parenting/Grandparenting Tract
    4. Ministry Tract
    5. Girl's Tract
    Breakout Speakers:
    I live in the Raleigh/Cary, NC area.  In my area, we have AWESOME speakers and Bible teachers. Many have spoken at ISI.  In this conference, we are inviting them to do breakout sessions! 
    The speakers currently confirmed:
    Alexis Marley
    Autumn Weikert
    Brigitte Harrison
    Cindy Finley
    Debbie Wilson
    Dina Hester
    Elizabeth George (not the one you may be thinking!!!)
    Ellen Stevens
    Fuller Harvey
    Holly Ladner
    Kim Powell
    Lindsey Wingo
    Melody Merritt
    Sarah Bush
    Suzi McDuffee
    Madeline Gioja
    Tara Furman
    Wendy Schulz
    Yvonne Bibby
    We are adding a few more.  Watch the website for those names to be added!
    We are ALL created to make a difference in our corners of the world...  Despite the surprises that life can bring.
    Save the date!  Make plans now to be encouraged and empowered as how you too, can make a meaningful difference in YOUR corner of the world...  Before the eyes of ONE Who truly counts:  The Author of Life, Jesus!

    Thursday, November 14, 2013

    Boot Camp Day 14 - Do you have Selective Listening?

    Don't miss the announcements following the devotion!
    Isaiah 66:2
    "This is the one I esteem," declares the Lord, 
    "He who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at my Word."

    When you open your Bible - and nothing is making sense to you...
    When you feel like you're merely reading words...

    Don't forget this is Boot Camp - I'm going to be direct:  Are you a selective listener in your quiet time? 

    For many YEARS, I was a selective listener.  I genuinely wanted to hear from God…  BUT… if it required too much of a change in my lifestyle…   No thank you!   
    OR if it required letting go of an area of my lifestyle that I highly valuedNo thank you!  I’d want to turn to another page and read about God’s love!  (Talk about selective listening…)
    So, how do you respond when God impresses something on your heart that you don’t want to hear? 
    Do you tremble at the Word of the Lord?  Are you humble towards what He has to say

    Or do you disregard it, thinking,He can’t be talking about that.  Surely, He’s not telling me to…'  (For far too long, this was my response.)
    I’ve had Him reveal areas of pride and unforgiveness in my life.   I’ve had Him impress upon my heart to apologize, even when it would be humiliatingly embarrassing to do so…

    If you and I want to grow closer to God...
    If we want to hear Him speaking personally to us - (and He will speak!)
    If you need resurrection life in your marriage; parenting and/or business...
    If you want your everyday life to be more joy-filled and peaceful...


    We must approach our quiet time with a humble, contrite spirit.  And when He speaks, our job is to tremble at His Word with a response.

    Exerts from Created for Purpose
    Available on


    KGM 1st Women's Conference!!! 
    Mark your Calendars
    February 28- March 1, 2014  

    If you are reading this post from your "Inbox" than it's Friday morning and you are a subscriber!  (Thank you for subscribing!)

    Today we will be making our first of several BIG announcements concerning our all Women's Conference.  (6th grade girls and up!)

    So if you are a subscriber, you'll get the announcement Saturday in your Inbox.  (Unless you go directly to the blog on Friday afternoon!)  Stay tuned for these exciting announcements!

    Monday, November 11, 2013

    When Financial Chaos Hits - Luncheon Follow up

    Kelly and Amy's amazing centerpieces!
    Matthew 6:19
    Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 
    Our Iron Sharpens Iron luncheon last Friday... WAS SO GOOD!!!   To those of you who were at the luncheon, thank you for spending part of your day with us.  To see pictures from Friday's luncheon click HERE!

    November General Session:
    Finding Peace when Financial Chaos Hits Home

    Our speaker, Kim Powell, shared a very personal testimony of great loss due to the 2008 recession and housing bubble.

    I believe many people hide in the shadows of shame and embarrassment when they go through foreclosure or bankruptcy or any other financial loss.  However, Kim's transparency and hard-learned lessons moved us to tears.  Some of the lessons I gleaned from Kim's general session:
    • The person who goes into the storm is not the same person who comes out of the storm.
    • Storms have a purpose.
    • Storms have a start and a finish.  They do not go on forever.
    • Even when really bad things happen, GOD IS FAITHFUL!
    (If you were at the General Session, what did you glean?)  Leave a comment!

    Kim shared it took a solid 5 days to move from their  9000 sq.ft home lost in foreclosure.  As a result, she became deeply convicted that she had been investing her treasures, unknowingly, in the wrong places. 

    Kim reminded us of the importance of investing in heavenly treasures such as our relationship with Jesus and our relationship with others. 

    It takes guts and courage to share all that Kim shared with us on Friday. 

    I personally, as well as the entire Knowing God Ministries Team and Board wish to thank Kim and her husband, John, for their willingness to share their story.   As a result, many were encouraged. Many were blessed to know that they are not alone

    Kim's transparency in the general session, gave others the courage to share their stories of God's faithfulness in the WORST of storms.

    Special Workshop

    Following our General Session, we opened the floor to anyone who wanted to share their stories of God's goodness and faithfulness in 2013.  Eight women BOLDLY shared their stories.

    Many of the life experiences would be most people's worst nightmare. However, these ladies courageously shared of God's personal faithfulness in the worst of circumstances. The tears in the room flowed as God was described as Faithful, Sufficient, Provider, Helper, Prince of Peace and Friend in midst of:
    • Separation and divorce
    • Estrangement from for years to being reunited!
    • A year of insomnia
    • A husband moving a family to America and abandoning her and their 3 children - leaving them without a car or a job.  Yet unwaveringly testified to God's faithfulness!
    • Cancer that's in remission as a result of a bone-marrow transplant!
    • An HIV diagnosis and living with the shame for more than 10 years - until God recently intervened and has washed away her shame!
    The testimonials were powerful.  We should have workshops like this more often!

    We heard testimonies of break-through:
    • Impatience to a heart of gratitude
    • Despair at work to professional break-through.

    All weekend, I pondered these stories and the unwavering faith of these women.  I was deeply comforted to hear that in the worst of circumstances, God is near; He is still good; He will be faithful; He is practical and how He makes Himself almost tangibly close.

    May this encourage you if YOU are in the storm of your life.

    Boot Camp Returns Next Post

    Monday, November 4, 2013

    Boot Camp Day 13: Is Jesus one of the boys?

    Acts 4:12
    Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”

    My mom and I were recently visiting my Grandmother, who lives in an assisted living home.  One of the faithful workers were being promoted.  (Rightfully so!)  He's a really hard worker.  His joy is contagious as he connects so beautifully with the residents.  Not to mention, he wears a cross around his neck.  Surely, this man knows Jesus, I thought.

    As he sat down to talk to us, I just had to ask, "Tell me when you came to know Jesus!"

    So he shared his story...  God was mentioned MANY times.  Buddha was even mentioned.  

    Not once did I hear him mention, Jesus.  

    After 20 minutes, I felt I had earned the right to ask, "Who is Jesus to you?"   He never really answered.  He just kept telling me his life story.

    Who is Jesus to you?  Like this VERY kind, joyful, hardworking, cross-wearing, devout man -  is Jesus just one of the boys to you?

    One of the boys, like:
    • Buddha?
    • Allah?
    • Confucius?
    You've heard the analogy, "God is at the top of the mountain.  All denominations and religions are merely trying to get to God at the top of the mountain.  As long as you're sincere in your faith, you'll go to God's heaven when you die."

    The Bible is clear: "Salvation is found in no one else.  For there is NO OTHER NAME given to mankind by which we must be saved."   JESUS!  He's not one of the boys! 

    In fact, while other religions insist their followers must climb the mountain of good works to their Deity, OUR GOD, sent salvation: JESUS, DOWN THE MOUNTAIN TO US!

    This is boot camp, girlfriend.  NO CONFUSION.  Jesus is NOT one of the boys.  In the event that you too may be confused - get it straight.  Jesus is only THE only WAY to God.

    Next Post:  Is God Silent in your Life?