Thursday, October 31, 2013

Boot Camp Day 12: Why we Don't Hear God Speak

John 8:47
He who belongs to God hears what God says. 
The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.

Have you asked God to speak but it feels like there's cotton in your ears? 

Since this is boot camp, I'll get straight to the point:  If you've never established a personal relationship with God, you will not hear God speaking into your everyday life.

Perhaps you are a "head believer."  A head believer, believes there's a God.  Perhaps she's joined the church and has been baptized or christened.  A head believer may even go to the church each week.

Hoever, the word believe means:  we accept what we hear, but then we act on it. 
So here's the difference between a head believer and a true believer: a true believer has an established relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
When you transition from head knowledge to responding to God with your heart, you are on the road to becoming a true believer.   It starts with a decision:  the decision to ask Christ to come into your heart. 

Have you said "yes" with your heart?   Have you said yes with your mind, will, emotions and intellect?  This is when we act on what we hear.

If not, why don't you pray right now, "Jesus, come into my heart and save me."  It's as simple as praying, "Father, forgive me of my sin and receive me as Your child."

Regardless of your denomination - this is the way to God.  Romans 10:9 says, "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Praying this prayer, my sweet sister, is the first step to being in relationship with Jesus - and HEARING HIM SPEAK, personally to you!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Boot Camp Day 11: 5 Tips to Hearing God AND 2 Unique ISI's

1 Samuel 3:9
"Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening."

Two weeks ago I challenged you to find something that really peaks your interest to study during your quiet time.  What did you find?  Has it captivated your interest?!

Last week, I encouraged you, (though in reality, it may have been a challenge to believe), but God will speak to us.   He will speak to us personally, through His Word into the depths of our heart - addressing our issues; our insecurities and our problems.  We don't have to go through the church or through a priest or a minister.  We can go directly to God through Jesus Christ.  He will speak!

I don't know about you, but this is mind blowing to me!  It is incredible that the God of the Universe will speak directly to little me about my little issues.  But He does!  He'll speak to you too!

We just have to be willing to listen and obey.

Today, I want to share 5 tips to hearing God speak.  If you will apply these tips in your quiet time, you too, will hear God speak...

a.      Always open your quiet time in prayer – 
      Repeat the words of Samuel, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening."  I even add, "Lord, I don't want to just read words.  Speak - you have permission to address anything!  Search my heart."

b.      Expect to hear God speaking into your heart –  (Hebrews 11:6)

c.       Come to your quiet time with your circumstances in mind. 
       Be ready to connect the dots of what you are reading - to your everyday life.

d.      God will speak where you are.  Meaning, if you are reading a devotional, a book in the Bible, a Bible study, etc... - He’ll speak in that place.

e.      If you go days without hearing Him speak, consider changing what you are reading.
      This is why I encourage you to study something that has you engaged and interested.

Next Post:  3 Hindrances to Hearing God Speak

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Boot Camp Day 10: Willing to Hear God Speak?

Exodus 34:14 NLT
God is passionate about His relationship with you.

I'm embarrassed to share this... but it's the truth. 

I used to think people who would say, "God told me..." were just plain weird.   I'd call them religious weirdos.

However, in 2003 when I needed REAL solutions to very REAL problems, this changed.  Suddenly, for the first time, my quiet time came alive.  It would seem the passage in the Bible I was reading, was written with me in mind - giving me specific, practical guidance.

The trigger for an alive quiet time:  When I began connecting the dots of my everyday life issues to what I was reading in my Bible.  This IS the God of the Universe speaking!

God is REAL.  He is PERSONAL.  And He is ATTENTIVE to our everyday lives if we'll allow Him to be.  He desires to speak to you personally and intimately about  the big stuff and the little stuff in your life. 

But we must be willing to listen...  Are you willing to listen to Him?

I realize many of us comprise different denominations.  But please know - regardless of denomination, your Creator desires to have one-on-one contact with you on a daily basis.

Let me hear from you:
  • Do you believe God will speak personally to you?  Are you afraid of what He might say?!
  • What preconceptions have you formerly entertained about God speaking personally?
Resource to help you grow!
Now available at

SAVE THE DATE:  November 8, 2013

General Session: 
Finding Hope When
Financial Chaos Hits Home

Have you or someone you know been impacted by the financial chaos that's hit so many? Millions are still recovering following the 2008 recession.  Despite massive loss - there IS hope!

Don't miss November's luncheon!

You will:
  • Hear a personal story of great loss, yet God's faithfulness in the midst.
  • Learn practical tips for emotional survival as well as day to day living.
Guest Speaker: Kim Powell

More information to come next week when registration opens.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Boot Camp Day 9: Benefits of Becoming Beautiful

Psalm 34:5
"Those who look to Him are radiant."

Yesterday, I issued a challenge:    The amount time you spend becoming beautiful each day - give your inward beauty the same amount of time, attention and thought.

Being VERY aware, we are all at different places in our walk with Jesus. For some of you, 10 minutes is HUGE because it used to be zero minutes.

As your trainer, stay committed to your 10 minutes each day. But next week, I want you to increase to 15 minutes.

During drop-off at school this morning, a BIG truck cut me off in carpool and almost ran over me.  I was FURIOUS!  It was all I could do not to blare the horn.   (We are at a Christian school, I thought. How would that look?) 

So within the privacy of my car, I began calling him a "Jerk;" You're gonna kill somebody;"  I continued, "It's ALL about you, buddy.  ALL ABOUT YOU." 

Then I remembered... Though I had dropped off my son, my daughter was still in the back seat. 

Quality parenting, huh? 

Convicted of my less than godly behavior (just 3 minutes prior, the 3 of us had prayed together), I decided, this ugly outburst was a signal that I needed more of Jesus today. 

Ugly outbursts should be our signal that we need more time with Jesus in our quiet time...   Allowing Him to make us inwardly beautiful.

Ways inward beauty manifests in everyday life. 

Did you notice today's Scripture? 
  • The Bible indicates a physical radiance upon our countenance when we've made time becoming inwardly beautiful!

  • The way inward beauty would have manifested this morning would have come in the form of patience.  So when this big burly truck came swinging into my lane, almost running me over -

Patience and self-control would have won the moment.  Maybe a prayer, "Lord, wake him up before he kills someone."

Remember the quiz from last week???

  • How do you act when you do not get your way?

Inward beauty may get frustrated, but you've learned to trust Jesus with the circumstance. You've learned first hand He has a purpose and plan.  You remain at peace - no manipulating or trying to control.
  • How do you respond when someone offends you?
Inward beauty intentionally chooses to love and give the benefit of the doubt.  Inward beauty even chooses to forgive even though the offender may not have asked for forgiveness.
  • How do you act when pushed to the limit by your children, your spouse or the pressures of everyday life...
Inward beauty manifests in self-control and not allow you to lose your temper!

Inward beauty turns to Jesus - pouring out your feelings, frustrations and thoughts in your chair till the peace comes.  (And I would say, POUR IT OUT ON HIM, not on another.  He can handle our frustrations and pressures.)  And provide REAL solutions.
  • What is your first response when bad news comes either through a phone call, another person or email?
Inward beauty has learned to run to Jesus - by coming to your "chair;" Bible in lap, knowing He will speak to you personally in the midst of your storm.

Becoming beautiful starts in the chair! Not the beauty chair - but the quiet time chair!
When our stomachs growl, we know we're hungry.   When our behavior or emotions flare or act out poorly - this is a signal that we need more chair time with Jesus.

Next Post:  God Speaks Personally

Monday, October 21, 2013

Boot Camp Day 8: Becoming Beautiful - the Challenge

1 Peter 3:3-4

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment...  Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."

Last spring at a women's event, the organizer asked if I would do a Q&A following my talk. 

The question arose of how much time we should spend reading our Bible's each day.  One of the leaders abruptly answered for me, "Ten minutes should be sufficient."

I thought, Sufficient?  Time with God... sufficient?"   This thinking makes it sound as if we owe HIM something. 

It suddenly occurred to me, this thinking would be like my husband telling me, "I have 10 minutes for you.  But after that, the conversation's over. I have a lot to do"

We would not have a good marriage is this was his thinking.

There are some days - all we have is 10-15 minutes.  But in general, if 10 minutes is all we give God each day, the seed planted in our heart will only yield a little amount. 

In the world of beauty - it would be equivalent to only applying concealer and foundation in our make-up regimen.  Never mind the mascara, the blush, the lip stick or any thing else!

Please know, I am VERY aware, we are all at different places in our walk with Jesus. For some of you right now, 10 minutes is HUGE because it used to be zero minutes. 

If this is you, I rejoice with you! As your trainer, stay committed to your 10 minutes each day. But next week, I want you to increase to 15 minutes.

For the rest of us at Boot Camp - here's your challenge
The amount time you spend becoming beautiful each day - give your inward beauty the same amount of time, attention and thought.
  • So if you spend 30 or 45 minutes becoming beautiful:  spend 30-45 minutes with Jesus each day. 
What about exercise? 
  • If you spend an hour getting tone and fit - spend the same amount of time on your inward beauty.
Don't roll your eyes at me!  And don't look at me like I'm nuts.  This is boot camp.  I'm your trainer.  If we want inward beauty, beauty that does not flee despite time and requires no painful surgeries or shots in our face - take the challenge.

Next post:  The BENEFITS of Becoming Beautiful 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Boot Camp Day 7: Time Spent?

Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

Before we go any further in boot camp - let's review our foundational starting points.
  1. Do you have your chair solidified?
  2. Do you have a Bible in your lap?
  3. Have you resolved to NOT use your gadget as your online Bible?
  4. Have you resolved to allow online devotions, etc... (such as this one!) to be a spiritual vitamin only?  Not your main meal of spiritual nourishment?
  5. Have you established your starting point of your quiet time?  Is it a Bible study?  A book out of Scripture?  A book that has Scripture all throughout?
Today, in boot camp - I want to ask you a personal question:  How much time do you spend making yourself outwardly beautiful each day? 

Meaning, from the time you step in:
  • the shower,
  • apply your make-up,
  • fix your hair,
  • find the perfect outfit, 
  • to the time you walk out the door - lipstick applied???
Is it 30 minutes?  45 minutes?  An hour?

What about exercise?  How much time do you spend exercising vs your time with Jesus?  (This too is outward beauty.)

Outward beauty - is fleeting.  Beauty fades with age, so if we are more concerned with our outer appearance, we will be unhappy when the wrinkles come and the number on the scale goes up.  

Time spent in our chair, reading God's Word... Prayerfully discerning how to apply to our everyday life - is inward beauty.   God would rather see us spending more time becoming beautiful on the inside - rather than the outside. 

This is the kind of beauty that will last despite the wrinkles.

Next Post:  How Beautiful do you want to Be?

Monday, October 14, 2013

Boot Camp Day 6: Quiz to Test your Core

Ephesians 6:10
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power."

During boot camp, one of my areas of weakness has been revealed:  my core.


Each Monday morning, the trainer has us doing multiple exercises to strengthen this area of our bodies.  Oh mercy, you cannot imagine how hard these exercises are for me!  However, I must admit, though still weak, I'm stronger than when I first started. 

So this led me to consider my spiritual strength. 

I'm going to be honest with you.  I hope this inspires you to be honest with yourself:  As of last Monday, I had just completed three weekend conferences in a 4 week period.  I was exhausted.  In addition, I was sick with a cold that lingered, which in turn disrupted my normal quiet time.  Often my chair time was cut short.

By last Monday, I was on edge.  I was short with my family and not responding well to things that have happened personally.  These were signs that I desperately needed to strengthen my spiritual core.

Your answer to following questions will give you an indication of your spiritual core ...

1.  How do you respond when you do not get your way?

     a.  Do you pout or get angry?
     b.  Do you manipulate till you get your way? 
     c.  Do you get frustrated, but resolve to trust Jesus knowing His plan for you is good?

2.  When someone offends you, how do you respond?

     a.  Do you entertain negative thoughts toward this person? 
     b.  Do you gossip to others, but share it in the form of a prayer request???
     c.  Do you intentionally choose to love them and give them the benefit of the doubt?

3.  When you are pushed to the limit by your children, your spouse or the pressures of everyday life...

      a.  Do you lose your temper?
      b.  Do you run away by turning to a drink, a drug or other coping mechanisms?
      c.  Do you turn to Jesus - pouring out your feelings, frustrations and thoughts till the peace comes?

4.  When bad news comes, where do you turn first?

     a.  To another person?
     b.  To a dependency
     c.  To Jesus - by coming to your "chair;" Bible in lap?

If the majority of your answers are a or b, most likely, your spiritual core is weak.   (As mine has been.)  Lastly,

5.  How much time are you spending in your chair?

     a.  None
     b.  5-10 minutes in the computer chair - reading online devotions (allowing them to "count" as your quiet time?)
     c.  As long as it takes to be at peace; to "hear" from God; to "hear" direction for your situation?

We want to be strong in the Lord - so that when the day of evil comes - (oh and it will come) - we are able to stand firm!

We'll pick up here next post -

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Boot Camp Day 5: Where do we Start?

Iron Sharpens Iron

Wednesday - Last Day to Pre-Register
Friday, October 11th
Guest Speaker: Debbie Wilson, Lighthouse Ministries

General Session:
Trusting God when Life Stinks

How do we make sense out of situations that seem senseless? Pain tends to color our view of God and reality. Your trial is one piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle. Gain a panoramic view and restore your hope.

Beware of the ANT's - (Automatic Negative Thinking)

Trials usher in ANTs—automatic negative thinking.
“What did I do to deserve this?”
“Things will never get better.”
“God’s uninvolved with my problems.”
Learn how to identify and stop the ANTs!

Register NOW HERE

Monday, October 7, 2013

Boot Camp Day 4: Online Devotions?

Iron Sharpens Iron

Date: October 11th

Guest Speaker: Debbie Wilson, Lighthouse Ministries

General Session:Trusting God when Life Stinks
Workshop:Beware of the ANT's - (Automatic Negative Thinking)

Register NOW HERE

Jeremiah 17:8
He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. 
It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

Online devotions are awesome!  They're very convenient.

However, if you are a reader of online devotions only - I want you to redirect for boot camp. 


Think about it.  Emails come in...  Once we've finished reading an email - delete; delete; delete.  We already have a mindset of "clicking through" to finish...  To get to the next thing.  We'll never grow deep roots this way.  When we develop faith with deep roots - we do not fear when the storms of life approach.

So, for boot camp, continue reading your online devotions.  They will be your vitamins for the day - but not your main meal of nourishment.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Boot Camp Day 3: Gadgets & Quiet Time

Iron Sharpens Iron

 Date: October 11th

Guest Speaker: Debbie Wilson, Lighthouse Ministries

General Session: Trusting God when Life Stinks
Workshop: Beware of the ANT's - (Automatic Negative Thinking)

Register NOW HERE!

Isaiah 8:11,
"The Lord spoke to me..."

One of the reasons I spend time with God each day is to get connected to His voice... directing and guiding my decisions; encouraging me or comforting me.   

Make no mistake, we are created to know and hear from God.  The Bible promises in John 8:47, "He who belongs to God hears what God says."

You CAN hear from God.  But to hear Him, we must get the fuzz out of the way.  Gadgets and quality time with God do not mix very well. 

Whenever I check my email or texts prior to my time with God, I’ve just opened Pandora’s Box to the world.   My ears are now in tune with the world.   And now my mind may begin to gnaw on a frustrating or troubling email, or I may start trying to figure out how to answer a certain email. As hard as I try, I personally have a very difficult time transitioning to being fully in tune with what the Lord may be trying to tell me. 

When we use the apps on our gadgets in lieu of our actual Bible, we must exercise great self-control not to check our email or texts.  It will impact your "hearing."  Don't be in denial.

Do you live and die by your iPhone?  Sleep next to it?  Carry it everywhere you go?  Check it every moment it dings?  (I'm not here to change that habit.)

But I am here to shine light on the reality that gadgets WILL interfere in your hearing.

For boot camp:  Don't grab your gadget - grab your Bible.

Next Post:  "But I get my Devotions On-Line!"