1 Timothy 4:8
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things..."
(italics mine)
Between my new trainer and the 4 other women I'm working out with on Monday mornings, I am
pushed to the limits of my strength and endurance. I'm seeing great benefit from it!
As we approach spiritual training, I'd like to set a few ground rules to help you get the most out of your workout.
- Unlike my trainer, admission is free. (Donations are accepted and are tax deductible!)
- Resources will be suggested - but are optional. The purpose of resources are to help you grow and meet your goals. But if you tend to buy a book and put it on a shelf - don't waste your money.
Other ground rules:
1. Set a goal for yourself.
My goal in physical training is to have a healthier body and mind; more energy; and if I drop a dress size in the process - BONUS!
You will need a goal for Boot Camp. If it's to develop a daily discipline to check off your list... Chances are, you won't stick with it. So let me make some suggestions.
Make a goal:
- To know God in a practical life changing relationship -
- For more peace and joy in your circumstances despite crummy circumstances.
- The benefits I spoke of yesterday.
Whatever your reason, clearly define the goal. No one has time to waste. Setting a goal will help you stick with it on
days you don't feel like it...
2. Resist comparisons -
In the Monday training group, I'm the weakest. The other women are size 2; 4.5 tennis players who are athletes. They are stronger, faster and far more coordinated. Yet, I do not feel intimidated or inferior, because my goal is not to be
I want you to get the most out of your quiet time. Please do not compare yourself to me, your Bible study leader or any other person whom you think is further in their walk. You are created to know the God Who created you.
3. Know that you are accepted.
Despite your past; despite your current circumstances - God loves you.
God knows your voice when you lift it in prayer;
God knows your name;
God knows every hair on your head;
God even counts your tears and places them in a jar.
God is relational. He desires to meet with you and engage you in the things that really matter in life such as a purposeful life; deep satisfaction, godly influence, restoration of relationships and break-through in prayer.
4. Be willing to be pushed and challenged.
But in order to get the goods, we've got to be willing to go the distance. It wouldn't be a workout if you weren't pushed!
On the days that I push you to your limit, do 2 things: Remember your goal and ask yourself, "How badly do I want change?" The answer to these questions should motivate you to endure and persevere.
5. Be willing to form new habits.
Over the next few weeks - I 'm going to push you to think differently; to start new habits; to toss old ones. You may get really frustrated with me. But again, ask yourself this question, "
HOW BADLY DO I WANT CHANGE in my life? OR In my circumstances?"
A. Please comment as we progress. If appropriate, I'll share your comments.
Today: Share with me your goal for Boot Camp? Don't be intimidated!
B. Future posts will be short. With brevity - going one concept at a time may seem slow. But please be patient. I don't want anyone to be overwhelmed and I don't want to assume we're all on the same page. I want the gal who's brand new at spiritual training to catch on and meet her goal.
C. My goal is to post 2-3 times a week. Despite the short time with your trainer, I expect you to practice what you learn at least 5-7 days.
If you're in agreement, let's begin Boot Camp!