Thursday, May 30, 2013

Taxes and Death

2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ...

It was a late summer evening in 1993.  My dad and I were sitting on the porch admiring the stub from my first paycheck out of college.  I was FINALLY off his payroll.  And my dad was happy! 

As he sat rejoicing... I sat recoiling...

"What in the world had happened between the 'gross' and the 'net?'" I asked.  "What happened to my money?!"  

My Dad then said something I'll never forget.  And he said it in a way that only a career insurance professional, like himself, could say: 

"Honey, there's only two things certain in life: taxes and death. Get used to it!"

Twenty years later, he could not have been more correct.  TAXES have certainly become a way of life - (Won't go there today.)  And one day, death is also a certainty for each of us.  (Unless of course, Jesus returns to get us first. Another post for another day.) 

And when we do, we will each stand before Christ. 

Please note, CNN is not reporting this.  Nor is FOX news.  And sadly, many of our our churches are not either.

I'm not trying to scare you - but seriously - we can't be in denial to something as certain as the taxes many of us pay.  We will all give an account of ourselves to God - believers and unbelievers alike. 

Today, I'm addressing those who are believers - those who have intentionally placed their faith in Jesus...

If today were your day, as my sweet friend Lisa's was on Monday...  Would you be ready?  Or would there be regret or remorse?  Did you engage the life God had planned for you - using your gifts, talents and abilities for His purposes?  

Or are you living according to your own standards? 

Take some time and think about it today... 

Because just as taxes are a certainty - so is the fact that we WILL face the God of the Universe one day... Face to face.

New Believer?  Not sure where to start?  OR you're not even sure what I mean by the term, "Believer?"This is a GREAT place to start 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Life is Short

Psalm 90:12
Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

A dear friend, Lisa Evans, went home to be with Jesus Monday morning.  Her tenure on earth was 52 years, 23 days.

I rejoice for her as she is dancing in heaven today.  Cancer free.  Pain free.  Her body whole and glorious.  Lisa battled multiple myloma for the last few years. Yet her faith and resolve in Jesus never wavered.

Yet, my heart aches for the family she left behind.  Her son, Luke and my Will are the same age and good friends. They played Middle School golf this spring.  I praise God that Lisa got to attend one of the matches this spring.  Her husband, Brad attended most all of them.  Tim and I got to know him -Brad is a great guy.  His perseverance and care for Lisa is a testimony in and of itself.

I had lunch with Lisa a few weeks ago.  I was very aware that it was quite possibly the last time we'd lunch together.   Yet, she did not want tears... And she did not want people casting doubt upon her faith.

So as we sat down to eat our chicken sandwiches and waffle fries from Chick-fil-A, she asked me to say the blessing.

I couldn't.  I suddenly didn't know how to pray or what to say.  So I said, "No, you pray." 

(You see, 2 weeks prior, I had gotten away with passing the prayer back to her during our lunch together.   And she prayed amazing, faith-filled, heaven-rocking words.  During that lunch, I was the one who left encouraged and uplifted.  And I had come to encourage her!)

But this time, the knot in my throat was getting the best of me.  I couldn't pray.  Yet she persisted, "You pray."

Holding back tears with a quivery voice, "God is great, God is good," was all I could seem to utter.  But our Ever-present Jesus took it from there and gave me faith-filled words and Scriptures to pray over my dear friend. 

It was a sweet time of fellowship that day.  Again, I was the one encouraged!  Lisa was so full of life that it was hard to remember she was even sick.  Yet I knew the prognosis.  And it wasn't good.  I left her home that day knowing it could be the last time I see Lisa this side of heaven.

It was.

Although expected, the news yesterday shook my heart.  I grieve for her daughters, Ashley and Lauren, Dale (Lauren's husband); son, Luke and husband, Brad.

This morning in my quiet time, I happened to be in Ecclesiastes.  Look at what the Lord showed me:

"A good reputation is more valuable than costly perfume.   Lisa certainly had a good reputation with God.
And the day you die is better than the day you are born. 
Better to spend your time at funerals than at parties.
After all, everyone dies -
so the living should take this to heart....
"A wise person thinks a lot about death,
while a fool thinks only about having a good time."  (7:1-2, 4)

Lord, may You teach all who will read this blog (me included) to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.   For life is short.  May we honor You by the way we live; by the decisions we make and by the words that come from our mouth.  May we find and live the purpose You have for each of us... May we intentionally live Your purpose for every season of our lives...
Gaining a good reputation with You.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Oklahoma, Sandy - What Really Matters in Life

Matthew 6:19-20 NLT
"Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal."
Experts say the tornado that hit Oklahoma  - dwarfs the atomic bomb that hit Hiroshima, Japan.  Now that's powerful.  (But don't forget, Hiroshima was not a natural disaster.)

Monday's tornado killed at least  people, destroyed countless homes and reduced one elementary school almost entirely to rubble, killing seven children inside.

Then I think about the "Storm of the Century," Super storm Sandy that hit the northeast last fall.

Then I think about the "freak snow storms" that have hit in the middle of May this year.  Wisconsin, South Dakota, Colorado and other parts of the world that received record levels of snow in a time of year that snow normally does not fall...

This was a common sight throughout Gander, N.L., Sunday, May 19, 2013 at super time. While much of the country was celebrating a spring long weekend, people in Gander were digging out from a snowstorm.

This got me thinking to what is happening around whole world - check out this map:  Natural Disaster Map  In 2013 alone, look at all the parts of the world that have documented natural disasters.
With the exception of Greenland, there is NOT a region on the entire globe that is not experiencing some form of disaster.

Do you think our Creator could be allowing these disasters in order to get our attention?  Could He be trying to redirect our attention away from the things in life that are so temporary -  to the things that really matter in life? 
Such as establishing a relationship with God through Jesus Christ... 
And becoming more than the a pew sitter and growing in that relationship allowing it to impact the way you think; the way you behave and the decisions that you make?

Are you storing treasures in heaven?  Do you even know what that means?  It's okay if you don't.  But allow what's happening in the world to cause you to pause...  to think...

What are you doing with your life?  If you met your Creator today - would you be ready?  Or horribly ashamed and regretful?
In the mean time, what do you think about all these natural disasters? Leave a comment.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Created for Purpose Launch

Created for Purpose Bible Study

John 15:8
"This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit." 
(See note at the bottom about yesterday's post)
From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who came to the Created for Purpose launch at Iron Sharpens Iron last Friday! 
I love these luncheons, but selfishly, I wish there more time to connect with the women who are there.  To me, it's too brief.  It's one of the reasons I'm so grateful for Fuller.  She's a professional photographer who donates her time and gifts to KGM.  She takes some of the best snapshots.  And to me, ISI can be whirlwind - so I love studying each of her pictures.  See a few below!


To see more, click HERE

I must honestly confess, it's much more fun to come to these lunches when you are NOT speaking.  I was so nervous.  Here - you can see from my arms crossed, I was trying to settle the butterflies.
Thus far, when I stand to share the message God has placed on my heart - butterflies dissipate, and the Holy Spirit takes over.  He does it time and time again - And I was praying Friday would be no different.  Often, I'll pray, "Now Lord, if you don't show up - we're in trouble here.  I'm nervous.  Help!"
So until I got my footing, all I could think about was - "Stand behind the podium, Tara.  Your legs are so white!"  (Here I'm sharing that sentiment.)  Lovely.
We sold out of the Created for Purpose Bible Studies!  To God be the glory - I love that many women are in the midst of finding out that their existence on planet earth is not coincidental or accidental.  But that they have been strategically placed in their corner of the world to make a difference.  May they begin making a splash in their sphere of influence - with courage and boldness.
We have more Bible studies available now!  Click HERE to order yours.
Created for Purpose Bible Study
The 5/14/13 Post:  I woke up yesterday to a post on Mentoring that was mysteriously posted. I did not queue it -  Nor did Fuller, the only other person who has access to the account. 
I determined that someone needed it -   So if it was a blessing to your heart - consider it a message straight from heaven personally to you.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Making a Difference for Mother's Day

Do you want to make a difference in your Corner of the World?
Created for Purpose!    
Friday, May 10th 11:30 1:00pm                                                                                                          MacGregor Downs Country Club, Cary                                          
Click HERE to Register                                                                                              
Created for Purpose; Making a Difference in your Corner of the World;                                              7 Week Bible Study Written by: Tara Furman


Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon

Next FRIDAY, May 10, 2013

Don't miss the launching of:


Making a Difference in your Corner of the World

New 7-Week Bible Study!

Click Here to Register

Have you ever thought,  ‘I want to make a difference;  I want my life to have significance.’ 
In this session, Tara will help you to:

  • Recognize your own unique God-ordained purposes for your season of life -
  • Identify obstacles that prevent you from living purposefully -
  • Gain a new perspective of your significance in the corner of the world God has placed you -
  • Equip you with the steps to live with purpose -
Each woman's life season is different - so is our purpose!
Luncheon Logistics
Register Early and Save
General Session: 11:30-1:00pm
$20 for preregistration – Ends May 8th
$25 after May 8th and at the door
MacGregor Downs Country Club, 430 Saint Andrews Lane, Cary NC
Open to ALL Women
Coffee/Fellowship to follow (See below)  1:00-2:20pm
In lieu of workshop this month, we want to create a community of fellowship.  Stay and enjoy friendship without feeling rushed.  Have pictures professional made with your special friends; Mother’s Day shop and enjoy the beautiful gift wrap or eat more food!

Picture Availability with your Favorite Women:
Have a Casual Portrait Created by Photography by Fuller 

Mother’s Day Gift Wrap
Books or CD’s that grow women closer to Jesus are gifts that never fade or diminsh with time. If you are giving a gift to your Mom, sister, Mentor, special friend for Mother’s Day, we will gift wrap.

Hope to see you there:)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Scarlet Letter and Our Purpose

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Do you remember reading The Scarlet Letter?   I read the novel in high school.  The story is about a woman caught in adultery and forced to wear an obnoxious letter (“A” for adultery) on every piece of clothing.  The intent was to bring shame and embarrassment.  All would see and judge.  She was discarded from society, family and friends; forever labeled “damaged goods.”

As God allows me to travel and speak at women’s conferences, one of the recurring themes I encounter is women living with searing loss, personal tragedy or guilt from their pasts.  Unbeknownst to them, emotionally and spiritually, they are wearing their own scarlet letter. 
Perhaps it’s the scarlet letter of:  D = divorce;  A = adultery, addict, abortionist, abused, abandoned, abuser;   F= fornicator, etc... ;  Name it ______________  
  • If we’ve been a victim of abuse or abandoned by a parent or spouse... Or fallen to various addictions, it’s easy to think that God does not have a good plan for us. 
  • If we have a past, as when Paul describes (himself) as “the worst of sinners”– it’s easy to think that God does not have a good plan for our lives, or that He could never use us for anything useful.  And that we're destined to wear our invisible letter forever.
  • If we battle depression or disease or continual financial issues, it’s very tempting to think that we are doomed to a life of misery; that nothing will ever change. 
The natural tendency is to label ourselves “damaged goods.”   And to wear an invisible scarlet letter that we think everyone sees.
For some of us, the fact that God wants us to live a life of great purpose will require a titanic change in belief.   Yet, as long as we have life and breath - it’s never too late for a fresh start. 
Our God is a Redeemer; a Restorer; a Healer; and Forgiver.  God is able to forever remove your Scarlet Letter.  God is able to empower you to live with a whole new perspective.  God is able to give you a life of purpose - even if your life up to this point has been a train wreck. 

I must be honest,  it will require going to Him and doing life His way.  Giving Him permission to redemptively deal with our stuff. 

Yet when we do... we begin to enter the plans He has for us - the plans to give us hope and a future. 

And not more Scarlet Letters.

FRIDAY, May 10th!   Celebrating Women 
Last luncheon till August - Don't miss it
More Tomorrow...