Monday, April 29, 2013

Running from God

Exodus 4:13
But Moses said, "O Lord, please send someone else to do it."

Will, Caroline and I at Wrightsville Beach 2 years ago - when the run began!
This June will be 2 years.  Two years from when I laced up my shoes and starting running from an assignment God was impressing upon my heart to do.
My dear friend, Maggie had opened her ocean front condo to my family at one of our favorite vacation spots:  Wrightsville Beach, NC.  (My husband and I went to school at UNCW - so the area is special to us.)
As is habit, I started my day staring at the ocean -  Marveling at the creation and power of God; Enjoying my early morning coffee with my Bible in lap preparing for the day.
When suddenly, the seed for the next Bible study I was to write, Created for a Purpose,  was conceived in my heart.  God was using not only using the text I was studying - but the words from a Casting Crowns Song, The Voice of Truth to direct my thoughts. (See Lyrics below)
Like Moses, I RAN from the assignment. 
  • I made excuses about how hard it was; and how I am most unqualified. 
  • I delayed for months by using my schedule as a reason.
  • I even told God, "Tell Beth Moore to write this. She would do a much better job.  Plus she's qualified!"

Last fall, in the Outer Banks, while vacationing with my extended family, Caroline brought me a fortune cookie from her lunch.   Listen to what it said, "Are you going to write the book?"  

I had been running for a year and a half.  God speaks primarily through Scripture. But God is God. He can speak however He so chooses. If God can speak through a donkey,(Numbers 22:30) He can certainly use any source He desires.

Finally, at the start of 2013, I realized I had fewer speaking events than I've ever had in the 6 years I've been speaking.  Through my study of Revelation, God seemed to infer the same thing to me as He did to John:  I'm going to help you stop running by clearing your schedule so that you can worship and write.  (Oh the things God will do to get our attention when we are running away from His will.)

"OK God! You have my attention. I'll stop running."

Stop Running

There were many days I'd feel like my feet were in mud with writer's block. I've experienced episodes of dizziness to the point of paralysis and in the bed.  I've had fit-full nights of sleep. I've experienced circumstantial issues that have brought me great distress. The temptation to give up has been overwhelming.  I believe these things are spiritual.  I would not be this far without the fervent prayers of my team. 

I can also share, just as God brought the animals to Noah during the building of the ark - God brought to me the abundance of Scriptures and subject matter.  His Words are the predominate trait of Created for a Purpose.

My personal goal was to finish Created for a Purpose by the beginning of June.  When in early March, Jesus' words seemed to jump off the page and address the finishing of Created for a Purpose:

"My food, is to do the will of Him who sent me and to finish His work.  Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'?  I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for harvest."  John 4:34-35

By God's amazing grace, last Thursday, my manuscript was finished and turned in!!!  It has been through a doctrinal edit; a grammatical edit, and a pilot group currently finishing the study. (More on them in another post!)

Finishing the work, is why I haven't blogged.  I didn't even do an ISI follow-up from last month as I enjoy doing for those who can't make it.  But I can't multitask with excellence anymore.  Excellence in God's eyes is taking care of my core responsibilities -my husband and children first.  And then whatever He's called us to do minus the running shoes.

Fayeson Tilley made my day last week when she emailed asking, "Where are you? Why are you off the grid?"   I've got to be honest, it was good to be missed by her.  I'm praying I haven't lost readers in my absence.

In the meantime, it's so good to be back!

By the way, I had to buy a new pair of shoes this weekend.  My feet were starting to hurt from almost 2 years of running in those old worn out shoes that represented worn out, faithless excuses:)

Have you ever run from an assignment God is placing on your heart? 
Will you share it with me?

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mangia, Bella, mangia!

Iron Sharpens Iron is this Friday, April 12th!
Wednesday is the last day for Pre-Registration Rate

Click Here to Register

Have a decision to make?  

JOIN US:  Friday's theme is "How to Know God's Will" with main speaker, Fayeson Tilley and workshop speaker, Cindy Finley

Then they went out of the city and came to Him.  In the meantime His disciples urged Him, saying, “Rabbi, eat.”  But He said to them, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.”  Therefore the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?”  Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.  
John 4:30-34 New King James Version (NKJV)

"Mangia, Bella, mangia!"
Wow, do I love all things Italian!  The country, food and language of Italy – I love all of it.  Even without knowing the language, most of us know that the above phrase means, “Eat, Beautiful one, eat!” and is a joyful call to celebratory, guilt-free gustatory abandon. (I enjoy picturing the disciples in the above passage saying, “Mangia, Rabbi, mangia!”)

I’m going to use that phrase to allow me to pull back the curtain on the workings behind Knowing God Ministries for a bit, because I have been mulling over what it means to eat – more, what is the purpose of FOOD? – because of how God is leading here at KGM. 

You see, Tara is hard – HARD! – at work to complete faithfully the second Bible study the Lord has given her to write. (INTIMACY WITH GOD, being the first.) It is why you have not seen many posts from her lately:  she’s focused on the finish line of this writing project with near-by deadlines – stay tuned!

I will leave the “unveiling” of the study to her for another time, but instead will focus on HOW she is walking out “intimacy with God” in transparency before those of us on her team:

In praying about the time-line for completing the study, the Lord illuminated to Tara the above passage, highlighting the last verse, John 4:34.  When she quoted it to us at a team meeting (ultimately saying she was clearing her calendar of everything but family life and writing, allowing “doing God’s will” to be her “food”), the word “food” grabbed me and hasn’t let go. 

What, precisely, did Jesus mean when He said “my FOOD is to do the will of Him who sent me”? 

It seems to me that one’s true understanding of FOOD is at the heart of understanding His intent.  What IS food in our lives and in our days?

As I have prayed over this perplexing (at least to me) phrase, I have distilled the following understandings:

First of all, food is simply and obviously OUR SUSTENANCE.
Secondly, food is our FOCUS.  Our days and schedules are, if we are honest with ourselves, planned around our meals. 
Thirdly, food is our SOCIAL HEARTBEAT.  Most of us prefer to eat with other people whenever possible, and will go to great lengths to avoid eating alone.  In other words, we don’t keep it to ourselves.  Eating food is an activity meant to be shared with others, culturally and universally.
Therefore, and finally, food is ENJOYABLE!

So, substituting “doing His will” in place of “food”, Jesus teaches us:
Doing God’s will should be our SUSTENANCE,
Doing God’s will should be our FOCUS,
Doing God’s will should be our SOCIAL HEART BEAT, and
Doing God’s will should be ENJOYABLE! 

Precious sister, may you discover this amazingly powerful truth:  Doing God’s will IS EQUALLY to your life what food is to your life.

Mangia, Bella, Mangia! 

“Taste and see that the Lord is good!”
Psalm 34:8

{P.S. - Will you please join me in using food as a “prayer trigger”?  Devote some of your food-centered prayers to praising God that His Will is being done through Tara, Knowing God Ministries, and this soon-to-be-unveiled Bible study.}

© 2013 K. Fuller Harvey/Knowing God Ministries.  All rights reserved.

Monday, April 8, 2013

April Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon

Iron Sharpens Iron Luncheon

Click Here to Register

Join us this FRIDAY!

April 12, 2013

General Session, 11:30am-1:00pm

"How Do I Know the Will of God for my Life?"

Speaker: Fayeson Tilley

Fayeson has lived in the Raleigh area nearly all her life and is married to her high school sweetheart, Richard, whom she met in kindergarten!  They have three grown children and three-year-old triplet grandchildren.

A nurse by profession, Fayeson’s primary job has been wife and mom.  She served as a Bible Study Fellowship discussion leader under Anne Graham Lotz and as a teaching leader for over 16 years where she taught over 500 women the Bible each week.

Currently, Fayeson and her husband teach a young married Sunday School class, and she works at a local pregnancy health resource center, utilizing both her nursing skills and her faith.  Fayeson also serves on the Board of Knowing God Ministries.

Fayeson loves antiquing, gardening, bird watching and sharing with others about Jesus and how very personal He is!  

Immediately following luncheon. . .

Workshop: 1:25-2:05 p.m.

"How to Hear God Speak in Your Everyday Life"

Cindy Finley

Register Early and Save!!!

General Session: $20 for preregistration – Ends April 1oth

$25 after April 10th and at the door

Workshop: $5/with lunch; $15 workshop only

MacGregor Downs Country Club, 430 Saint Andrews Lane, Cary NC
Open to ALL Women
What is Iron Sharpens Iron?
  • Iron Sharpens Iron is a monthly luncheon hosted by Tara and the Knowing God Ministry Team.
  • It is always hosted on the second Friday of each month at MacGregor Downs Country Club. Mark your calendars now…January through December with the exception of June and July (which we take off).
  • Knowing God Ministries is an interdenominational ministry. We do not host the luncheon at a church in an effort to include all denominations.
  • Our goal is to offer a place where women can come together, gain wisdom and knowledge, minister to each other, and experience transformation in their hearts and lives.
  • We are not a social luncheon of who’s who, an elitist group at a Country Club, or lunch with your girlfriend.
  • Our purpose is for you to leave the luncheon differently than when you arrived.

Who is invited to Iron Sharpens Iron?
  • All women who want to grow in their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ are invited to come.
  • Bring your Bible if you have one.
What is the typical schedule for Iron Sharpens Iron?
  • Meetings include a fabulous lunch and fellowship with like-minded women; Corporate prayer around tables, and a speaker. Our goal is to be very respectful of your time – starting on time and ending on time.
  • In addition to the luncheons we are hosting quarterly workshops (see schedule below). They will begin shortly after the conclusion of the luncheon. Some of the reasons we have chosen to go the workshop route are: To offer targeted specific information. To further sharpen each other and to grow spiritually. To become prepared to serve Jesus in our corners of the world – wherever that may be! Connecting women with mentorship possibilities.
  • Some of the workshops topics may be on: Marriage; Parenting; How to Lead a Bible Study in your Neighborhood; Prayer Journaling; Accessorizing Your Closet (we want to be fashionable, but we can’t dress like the hoochie mama!)
If you want to be included on the monthly invitation list please contact us at:
Want to be a fly on the wall? Click here!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What's Your Biggest Fear as a Mom?

. . .He will gently lead the nursing ewes (mothers).
Isaiah 40:11b

As a mom, what’s your biggest fear?

One day in the grocery store, I spied a cute pony-tailed mom toting a baby on a hip and pushing her grocery cart.  In the cart was a tow-headed toddler.   I smiled as she came toward me, and wanted to make eye contact because I SO remember those days.  I wanted to encourage her and tell her what a great job she was doing.

But then, she was distracted by the toddler in the cart and barely bumped me as she passed.  Without batting an eye, she glanced up and said, "I'm so sorry, Sweetie."

Now you could say that we're in the South and all that, but I know that this cute mom is saying "Sweetie" and "Honey" so often to those tow-headed darlings that it just rolls off her tongue to any stranger that crosses her path.

As I walked away, I just smiled and smiled.  I love young moms because I remember the fun, the fatigue, and I remember the fear of those days.

My biggest fear was this:  "I am going to totally screw up my kids."

So, as a young mom, I did what every sane mother does.  I read every single parenting book that promised me a certain outcome if I just followed the expert’s advice.  I needed to know:  if I did this mothering thing according to what the "experts" said was right,  I wouldn't screw up my kids.

But guess what.  Their advice didn't work every time for all my kids.  Actually, it worked rarely for any of my kids.  

And here's why:  kids are unique little people with their own unique personalities, proclivities, and preferences.  Not only that, but I'm a unique mom, and pair me with my husband, and we're unique parents.    

Cute pony-tailed mom of two two-headed darlings continued on her way, but if I had the opportunity treat her to a latte,  I’d tell her four things:

1.  I’d tell her how amazing she is, that God created her perfectly to be the mom for her children.  (Psalm 139:13; Ephesians 2:10) 

2.  I’d tell her that our mothering is about relationship, not rules. (Deuteronomy 6:5-7)

3.  I’d lift her eyes above the diapers, and the laundry, and the need to get meals on the table and teach her how to fix her eyes on Jesus.  (Hebrews 12:1-2)

4.  I’d be sure I had her attention, and I'd tell her that Jesus cares for his children the way that a shepherd tends his flock.  He gathers the little ones in His arms and carries them close to His heart.  And, listen to this ... He gently leads mothers(Isaiah 40:11)

Jesus leads us in this thing called motherhood.  That’s good news. And it is the answer for this fear of screwing up your kids.   

If I see you in the grocery store and you call me "Sweetie," I'll smile knowing what's coming out of your mouth is a beautiful expression of the love you are lavishing on your children.  And then, if I can, I’ll treat you to a latte.  

Cindy Finley is mom to seven fabulous kids. Though she doesn’t regularly stalk young moms in the grocery store, she does has a special place in her heart for them.  If you’d like to connect with Cindy, pop over to  She’d love to come alongside you! 

Copyright 2013, Cindy Finley/Knowing God Ministries. All rights reserved.